War of the Three Realms

Chapter 841 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 10

Chapter 841 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 10
Li Kuang was a little speechless, and said after a while: "Otherwise, who do you think it is? These trees are special products of the Black Prison. They have the ability to absorb souls and emit toxins. Once they encounter foreign enemies, they will gather their spiritual thoughts to bombard them. Even you Xuan Xian was seriously injured in an instant, is there any enemy they can't deal with? From this we can see its advantages and disadvantages."

Meng Gu asked suspiciously: "We've been here for so long, and we haven't seen them attack us, what's going on?"

Li Kuang naturally knew what was going on, but he didn't want to answer.

"Maybe this is a forbidden area, they dare not approach, so staying here is the safest."

Li Kuang found a better excuse for his stay.

At the same time, he thought evilly in his heart, should he take this opportunity to clean up this confused Menggu?
Now that she was seriously injured, it would not be difficult for him to kill her. It was a good time to vent his anger on mankind!
This idea was so tempting that a murderous intent flashed in Li Kuang's eyes.

"Are you... thinking about how to kill me?"

After all, Menggu's realm is very high, and she immediately sensed Li Kuang's murderous intent, and she couldn't help saying sadly, but the glint of despair flashed in her eyes.

"It's better to die by your hands than by those soul-eating demon trees, Li Kuang, this is your chance to uphold justice for mankind. I have harmed so many of your compatriots. You must hate me to the bone. Now is the time Good opportunity. Otherwise, all your calculations would have been wasted."

Li Kuang trembled all over, and lost his voice: "You know everything?"

Meng Gu nodded, and said: "I'm not stupid, how could I not know? You and I are in a hostile relationship, and it is right to use any means against the enemy. If it were me, I would not hesitate."

Li Kuang was stunned: "Why don't you kill me? With your strength, it should be easy to do it?"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm afraid of the dark, and I'm even more afraid of loneliness. If I kill you, I will be left alone in this dark prison without anyone to talk to. It's really scary to think about it."

She paused, but said with a sad smile: "If you escape from danger, you will be the first person I will deal with! Those who offend me will never end well. Now, do you still need to hesitate?"

(End of this chapter)

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