War of the Three Realms

Chapter 844 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 13

Chapter 844 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 13
And the underworld will undoubtedly become a springboard for heaven and the human world.

The formation of any underground force is inseparable from the secret help of official forces. Therefore, if you want to establish influence in the human world, you have to establish a good relationship with the underworld.

At least temporarily paralyze them, so as not to attract the attention of heaven.

But Menggu became puzzled: "Li Kuang, why are you all right when your level is so low? Can you still save me?"

Li Kuang smiled proudly: "Now is not the time to explore these things, the toxin in your brain domain has already begun to spread, if it pollutes your entire soul, even if the Supreme Lord descends to earth and gives you the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, I'm afraid it won't be able to save you you."

Meng Gu thought for a while and said, "Okay! I will trust you just once, how do you think I will cooperate with you?"

"Open the sea of ​​consciousness, let me enter, no matter how I attack, I am not allowed to fight back."

Li Kuang made a ridiculous request.

What is the difference between such a request and opening the door to steal?And any attack cannot be fought back. Isn't this driving yourself to a dead end?
Li Kuang looked at her quietly, neither sad nor happy. If she couldn't choose to trust herself unreservedly like this, even if she wanted to help her, she might be powerless, and maybe even herself would be planted in it.

You know, the spiritual power of the Xuanxian realm is terrifying.

Such a request is indeed excessive, but it is necessary.

Meng Gu was obviously also frightened, and after a while she said quietly: "If I die, will you bury me by the sea and let me watch the sunrise every day?"

"No! I won't. As I said, burying a friend is a very cruel thing. You have to watch the sunrise by yourself."

Meng Gu smiled suddenly, relaxed her whole body, and said: "Okay! I am willing to cooperate with you, anyway, there is no other way now, so let's try! Maybe you boy can really create a miracle. "

The corner of Li Kuang's mouth twitched: "The so-called miracle, it seems that I have been experiencing it all the time."

Coming to Menggu's consciousness space, Li Kuang frowned and sighed secretly.

What is the difference between here and the underworld?
The same barren land, the same barren, dark, gloomy, full of depression and sadness, decadent beyond measure...

What's even more strange is that there is a faint black air floating everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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