War of the Three Realms

Chapter 845 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 14

Chapter 845 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 14
These black qi are just a kind of soul toxin. Although it looks weak, it has unlimited potential. It is like a virus. Once it is infected, it will continue to infect and divide until it turns the entire area into its world.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these viruses are extremely terrifying, but to Li Kuang it is another matter.

The non-attribute allows him to practice any skill and absorb any spiritual power.

And these toxins are the favorite nutrients of Yin Yang Against the Sky Art, and they have an extremely significant effect on the growth of soul power.

"Li Kuang, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, I've left the sea of ​​consciousness to you, call me now!"

Just when Li Kuang was thinking about how to clean up the toxins in this huge space of consciousness, Menggu suddenly said these words that made him horrified.

"No! Gu Meng, you can't sleep, don't! Otherwise we're doomed!"

Li Kuang understands that this is the result of various toxins attacking together, the drunken fairy grass, the poison of killing the soul and this mysterious toxin, the three are combined into one, and its power is so great that even Xuanxian can hardly resist it.

"I don't want to, but I can't hold it anymore..."

Meng Gu's voice fell, but she let Li Kuang shout without any response.

Li Kuang's expression changed in shock, and cold sweat dripped down his face. A bad premonition emerged in his heart, which made him extremely uneasy.

"Xiao Kuang, we are really in trouble this time!"

Ying Long's voice rang out, with a trace of fear in his solemn voice. Obviously, the seriousness of the matter even made him a little scared.

"What should we do? A consciousness space that has lost the control of the main consciousness, will we still be allowed to mess around?"

"No! It's not a space of consciousness without an owner!" Ying Long's solemn voice made Li Kuang's heart sink to the bottom of the valley, and it was icy cold.

"Generally speaking, when the main consciousness falls into a deep sleep for some irresistible reason, an instinctive main consciousness will emerge from the conscious space! This main consciousness has all the abilities of the conscious space, and it is a product of subconscious self-protection .”

The corner of Li Kuang's eyes twitched: "Will this main consciousness recognize us?"

"will not!"

"Then, when she sees us, she will regard us as invading enemies, won't she?"

"Xiao Kuang, you are really smart. It is true. Based on the rules of self-protection, she will destroy any existence that threatens her."

(End of this chapter)

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