War of the Three Realms

Chapter 846 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 15

Chapter 846 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 15
Damn, how could this happen?
To be an enemy of a consciousness in the realm of Xuanxian?This is simply hitting a stone with an egg, and looking for a dead end!
Li Kuang was shocked and wanted to quit.

But what broke him down was that Menggu's consciousness space was like a whole, with no way out. Perhaps there was originally, but when the main consciousness fell into a deep sleep, it would automatically close to prevent outside intrusion.

If Li Kuang's realm was a few levels higher, he might forcefully rush out at any cost, but now, the result of forcibly rushing out is flying ash and annihilation.

Can an egg break a stone wall?
The hell-like consciousness space is beginning to change.

"Not good, the main consciousness is forming, we have to find a way quickly, otherwise there is only a dead end."

Ying Long also became anxious.

The dark clouds all over the sky gathered suddenly, just like the clouds formed when crossing the catastrophe, layers of dark clouds condensed to form a strange sky phenomenon like the essence.

However, a palpitating bloody aura seemed to emerge from the earth, and it gathered together, forming a powerful bloody gust in an instant, which made people want to vomit.

Li Kuang quickly stabilized his figure.

The dark clouds in the sky also began to change. It turned out to be getting brighter and redder. Finally, it was as dazzling as a burning cloud, and the whole space suddenly became brighter. But at the same time, the overwhelming bloody smell came surging.

It seems that the whole world is covered with a sea of ​​blood, and the invisible sea of ​​blood is falling from the sky, trying to submerge the whole world, and the boundless killing atmosphere permeates every corner, causing people to collapse.

Li Kuang couldn't help trembling.

It was an instinctive fear from the depths of the soul.

"How did this happen? It's not a false consciousness that only knows automatic defense, but a violent and aggressive consciousness? This Menggu's soul is really strange."

Ying Long was still wondering, but Li Kuang had already started to run away.

Under the sky, in every corner, extremely violent and terrifying bloody aura is constantly gushing out, and these auras are gathering together to form a cloud of blood mist.

The blood mist spread and twisted, and it looked like an Ana's delicate and pretty woman!
It was Menggu's instinctive consciousness fused with the poisonous alternative consciousness, full of tyranny and blood.

Seeing that powerful consciousness is taking shape, where does Li Kuang dare to stay?

I can only find a secret corner and hide her before she is formed and knows everything.

(End of this chapter)

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