War of the Three Realms

Chapter 847 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 18

Chapter 847 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 18
If it wasn't for Li Kuang's non-attribute physique and Shadow Demon's unique skill... no shadow, no trace, perfectly hidden without leaving a trace of breath, she might have discovered it long ago.

Menggu's divine sense was like a blood-stained blade, sharply cutting over and over in the space of consciousness, causing blood and blood every time, constantly searching for Li Kuang's location.

Fortunately, she is obviously not as experienced as Li Kuang when it comes to manipulating the space of consciousness.

If Li Kuang had swapped positions with her, he might have compressed the space of consciousness long ago, and then used his extremely powerful divine sense to directly clear the compressed space in all directions without distinction. catastrophe.

But obviously, Meng Gu would not.

So she can only look at her own incomparably wide consciousness space, and she has a powerful divine sense, but she can't find the enemy's position at all.

But she was in no hurry.

Here, I am the master, there is time, and the consciousness space is closed, unless the other party's consciousness is stronger than myself, it is possible to force a breakthrough, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to escape silently.

"Hehe, what a disobedient kid, do you want to play hide-and-seek with my sister? That's good! You can hide in peace of mind, and don't be discovered by my sister! If you are caught by your sister, you will be punished."

Meng Gu's eyes were cold, but she smiled coquettishly, showing a slutty attitude.

"No, she actually learned to manipulate the space of consciousness so quickly."

In fact, there was no need for Ying Long to exclaim, Li Kuang also noticed something was wrong.

The earth trembled, like an earthquake, a powerful force began to wreak havoc, rocky peaks collapsed, one after another collapsed, and landscapes disappeared one by one, as if the world was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Li Kuang hastened to use the magic tricks and shadow demons to change himself accordingly, so as not to be discovered by Menggu.

Seeing the mountains in the distance sinking suddenly, as if falling into an endless abyss, Li Kuang couldn't help asking in shock, "What exactly is she trying to do?"

"Create a fighting space that belongs to her!"

Ying Long said in surprise: "Her learning ability is really too strong. She has mastered the secret of consciousness space so quickly, and can actually create a new space directly. When a new space is formed, you will have nowhere to hide."

(End of this chapter)

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