War of the Three Realms

Chapter 853 Extreme Temptation, Fragrant and Fierce Fighting 8

Chapter 853 Extreme Temptation, Fragrant and Fierce Fighting 8
"What happened?"

Ying Long also seemed to feel the danger, and asked loudly.

Li Kuang's eyes flashed with anger and madness, and he said angrily: "This blood is also a part of her!"

Ying Long said in shock: "You mean, she is in your stomach now?"

"I'm afraid it is!" Li Kuang accepted this fact helplessly and fearfully.

"Hehehe, boy, you are so smart, I like it! That's right, here, I am a god, an omnipotent god! Everything about you should belong to me, too. Your body is good, has no attributes, and is pure At the extreme, it must be very interesting to use it as an avatar outside the body!"

Meng Gu's voice was so ethereal and unpredictable that it made people feel goosebumps involuntarily, it was so shocking.

"Are there any mistakes? I'm a man and you are a woman. How can I be your avatar?"

"Hee hee, isn't there a place where people like men to dress up as women, looking extremely voluptuous and glamorous, stop being a ladyboy? I like that kind of thing. It's the best choice to have an avatar outside of your body to realize your dream."

"Damn! Pervert!"

Li Kuang couldn't help cursing angrily: "Don't even think about it, I am in charge of my body, and I am also in charge of my soul. If you want to possess it, there is no way."

"Crazy Li, don't be so arrogant. You think your sea of ​​consciousness is full of conspiracies, and you want to lure me there. I won't be fooled by you. If you devour your Nascent Soul here, I can also control your body." Come on, give up resistance, there will be no pain."

Menggu seems to know Li Kuang's situation well, knowing that his consciousness space is full of dangers, and it is the best way to directly destroy his consciousness and Nascent Soul here.

Menggu integrated her consciousness with the sea of ​​blood. Although her strength has dropped a lot, the strength of this consciousness space is almost more perverted than that of Li Kuang. Every drop of blood here contains a trace of her consciousness, which can be perfected by her. manipulation.

Li Kuang accidentally drank a mouthful of blood, and the blood directly entered his body like thousands of dream girls, spread instantly, and began to encroach on the territory wantonly.

Her goal is the Nascent Soul Core!
As long as the inner core is destroyed, even Li Kuang's great ability will be useless, and when the time comes, is it up to him to decide whether to kill or cut?
(End of this chapter)

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