War of the Three Realms

Chapter 854 Extreme Temptation, Fragrant and Fierce Fighting 10

Chapter 854 Extreme Temptation, Fragrant and Fierce Fighting 10
When the consciousness sank into the inner core, even if Li Kuang had been mentally prepared, he couldn't help changing his face and was shocked. Fortunately, Menggu didn't monitor his consciousness activities, otherwise, he would definitely not make the next action.

Surrounded by a world of blood-colored energy, Li Kuang's Nascent Soul almost all belonged to Meng Gu within an hour.

The blood-colored energy in Menggu's sea of ​​blood is very strange. It is not only extremely evil, but also has super parasitic and fusion abilities. If Li Kuang's consciousness is eliminated or directly destroys the core, then this Nascent Soul will no longer stop Li Kuang.

This is the first time in the Three Realms, Menggu created a weird but effective shortcut!

"Menggu, I want to ask you a question, can you answer me honestly?"

Perhaps knowing that he was at the end of the road, Li Kuang was in despair and calmed down instead, but the voice seemed a little strange, it was like a dream, and he didn't know where it came from.

This shocked Menggu's heart, and under the detection of divine sense, her face changed even more, and she said in surprise: "You can hide your consciousness from being searched by me? How is this possible?"

Li Kuang smiled miserably and said, "It's just a little trick, why make a fuss? Let me ask you, who are you now? Are you still the old Menggu who was afraid of the dark?"

Meng Gu suffocated, and sneered for a while, "Does it matter?"

"Of course! This is very important to me. I need to know who killed me!"

Li Kuang said very solemnly, seeming a little nervous.

"Hee hee, I understand! So you fell in love with my silly body! This is so interesting! She is so weak, she dare not face the darkness, how is she qualified to live in this cruel world? Boy , you just accept your fate! The consciousness that belongs to her will never wake up, and I am the only master of this body!"

"It turns out that's the case, I understand! In this way, I don't have any psychological burden."

Li Kuang's voice suddenly became relaxed, as if he had let go of a big stone in his heart.

"You... what do you mean by this? You don't think you still have a chance!"

Li Kuang laughed wildly: "Bitch, even if I only have the core left, what can you do to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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