War of the Three Realms

Chapter 855 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 2

Chapter 855 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 2
The non-attribute Nascent Soul is really terrifying. After devouring so much bloody energy, there is no sign of collapse at all. If it is replaced by a normal Nascent Soul, it will definitely explode because it cannot bear it.

"Boy, enjoy yourself! Let your consciousness become part of the sea of ​​blood!"

Menggu's voice sounded, and the inside of the Nascent Soul suddenly became violent, and all the bloody energy rushed towards the core of the dantian almost at the same time!

"How powerful is the attack that gathers all my consciousness and soul power, boy, your resistance is doomed to be ineffective, farewell!"

Meng Gu laughed triumphantly, the inner core was instantly submerged by the powerful torrent, and the huge impact caused the entire interior to shake violently.

There was a cracking sound, as if something had been smashed into pieces.

But Meng Gu smiled triumphantly: "It's really vulnerable! Let me go all out and wipe you out!"

That crushing sound was shockingly the sound of the core breaking!
Menggu understood everything, and naturally she couldn't be more clear. She immediately manipulated hundreds of millions of consciousnesses, forming a huge torrent, rushing towards the shattered core, vowing to completely wipe out Li Kuang's consciousness hidden in it!

The powerful force like a mountain torrent was like a broken bamboo, and it penetrated into it almost without encountering the slightest resistance.

The strength gap is too big, it is too easy!
Menggu suddenly felt a little bored, but immediately, she shouted in shock: "What is this? It is absorbing my consciousness!! How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's just a small black hole!"

Li Kuang's hateful voice sounded out with a smile, where was the slightest hint of fear?
"Small black hole? You... you pervert, it's really disgusting to have such a ghost in the core! But it's too naive to want to suck me in with this little suction! This princess will come if she wants, If I want to leave, who can stop me?"

Menggu was frightened and angry, and immediately abandoned the consciousness and soul power that were being crazily absorbed by the black hole, just like a gecko cutting off its tail to survive, the main consciousness instantly condensed, and wanted to exit the core along the gap!
She had a good idea, but at the critical moment, a scorching flame suddenly fell from the sky and inserted into the gap, the terrifying pill fire that frightened even the soul spread instantly, enveloping the entire core!
(End of this chapter)

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