War of the Three Realms

Chapter 877 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 9

Chapter 877 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 9
Li Kuang could understand their yearning for freedom, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly. They thought they would bring the gospel, but in fact they had nothing to do!

How to do this?
The two old men led the way tremblingly, their shoulders shrugged under the black robes, and it was unknown if they were crying with joy.

The [-] members of the Black Prison family have been trapped in this bitter cold place for an unknown number of years. As time goes by, the curse intensifies, and fewer and fewer people can move on the ground, and the survival of the Black Prisoners becomes more and more difficult. up.

In the past thousand years, they have even completely lived in seclusion, and no clansmen are active on the ground.

Since Qin Zhen, the genius of the clan, passed the test 300 years ago and saw the sun again, the people in the black prison have been looking forward to it day and night. For a full 300 years, the good news finally ushered in today. Isn't it exciting?
These two old men guarding the forbidden area have been sticking here since Qin Zhen left, until today, 300 years of waiting, 300 years of persistence, this perseverance and expectation, it is surprising to think about it!

Li Kuang couldn't help feeling a little sad!

What the black prisoner wants is actually very simple, that is to live freely in the sun, but they step into the darkness step by step, until they sink into the endless abyss and disappear sadly!
This is the curse of God!
The ultimate fate of the failed race!
The Winged Human Clan will do the same, and the Snake Clan will do the same!
God, even the most benevolent God, will not allow uncontrolled races to reproduce, and compete with them for the spirit of the last days!
Of course, compared to the solvable curse of the Snake Clan, everyone in the Black Prison is even more miserable. Their curse seems to have no cure!
Due to the harsh living environment, the people in the black prison have extremely simple requirements for buildings. All the way they go, they are all in the caves, the light is dim and almost invisible, and the buildings are extremely monotonous.

The most gorgeous building turned out to be the place where the two teleported from.

It was a room decorated with countless dark gems, and its size was several sizes smaller than the smallest teleportation array in Kunlun.

Passing through clusters of strange rocks?
The light here has been so dim that only his own fingers can be faintly seen.

The square is extremely simple, only a few statues are erected on the high platform, and the surrounding area is barren, with no grass growing, and it looks extremely desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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