War of the Three Realms

Chapter 878 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 10

Chapter 878 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 10
The square is big enough to hold ten thousand people, and it can be regarded as one of the most important buildings in the black prison. Even the stone steps up to the high platform are dark in color, with no light at all!
Seeing such a situation, even though Li Kuang had imagined their lives countless times in his mind, he couldn't help but secretly sighed, feeling a sense of compassion.

Apparently, the inmates in the black prison who had been notified had already mobilized collectively. There were figures flashing everywhere, but few people made a sound. Everything seemed busy and orderly, which deeply admired Li Kuang and Menggu.

The information sent back by the Earth's Eye made Li Kuang's heart throb even more.

Hearing that the envoy of Qin Zhen, the only genius patriarch sent to the ground 300 years ago, has arrived, everyone in the black prison is ecstatic!
The patriarch has been away for 300 years, which is really eye-catching. He must have found a solution to the curse when he returned today.

This is indeed great news for them.

Who wants to live in such a dark and desolate place for generations?
Although they were excited, none of them made strange noises. It can be seen that although they have been living underground, they are still organized and disciplined!
This feeling was even stronger when Li Kuang followed the two to the high platform and looked down at the dense crowd below.

They all had excited faces, and some even had tears on their faces, but they all tightly pursed their lips to prevent themselves from making any noise.

Although the light was almost non-existent, Li Kuang was able to observe the fire with great insight, discerning every detail, watching the sky and listening to the unfolding of the formula, and he was clear about the movement and movement in the entire square.

It was also because of this that he subconsciously lowered his head, not daring to meet the thousands of hopeful gazes!
For the first time, he felt such a heavy heart!

Through the eyes of the ground, Li Kuang found that the crowd suddenly parted, a group of people in black robes came quickly, and a few dodges had already arrived on the high platform, like ghosts.

They are the current principals of the Black Prisoners...the Council of Elders!

On the surface, the management of the black prisoner seems a little loose, but in fact it is very strict.

Under normal circumstances, the patriarch has absolute power. Of course, this is on the premise of seeking benefits for the clan. If he wants to rely on his power to do some private affairs, he will be threatened by the elders.

(End of this chapter)

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