War of the Three Realms

Chapter 879 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 11

Chapter 879 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 11
The Council of Elders is like a parliament, which is held by respected elders elected by the people. They do not enjoy real power, but they can impeach the patriarch.

But even the patriarch can't change anything they think is wrong.

This is the power of public opinion!

It's just that if you can't see the light, the patriarch is actually meaningless.

And the task of every patriarch is to find a solution for the tribe, and it is best for everyone to stand under the sun again. This is everyone's ultimate wish.

Qin Zhen, as the last person in the black prison who has a magical talent and can walk in the sun, has such a heavy mission, but what is unexpected is that he was chosen as an experimental subject by Wangqing, and he fell in love and couldn't extricate himself. thus completely degenerate.

If he hadn't met Li Kuang, he might really have become a sinner in the black prison.

Li Kuang sighed secretly, the word love is really harmful!
Such a person is pathetic, but definitely not worthy of pity!
Qin Zhenneng was elected as the patriarch and shouldered such an important mission. He never thought that because of his own selfishness, the clansmen would be exhausted and wait for 300 years without any results. What an idiot!
"Li Kuang benefactor, please accept our worship!"

To Li Kuang's surprise, the seven members of the Presbyterian Church, all of whom were bearded old men, actually came up and knelt down without saying a word.

As soon as they knelt down, everyone below knelt down in unison, shouting: "Benefactor Li Kuang has worked hard!"

Li Kuang was stunned, and Menggu was shocked.

Although these black prisoners are affected by the light, relying on their soul power, they are not much different from living on the ground, and they can see the appearance of Li Kuang and Menggu very clearly.

Their eager eyes made Li Kuang feel so ashamed that he wanted to find a place to drill down. For the first time, he felt that his teleportation this time seemed to be a mistake.

In the face of tens of thousands of poor people who are full of enthusiasm and expectations, can he tell them that the reason why he came here is because he has nothing to do?
"You guys... Please hurry up, I can't bear it!"

Li Kuang said bitterly, but he didn't know what to do in the face of the dark crowd of heads below.

I have to say that the scene of tens of thousands of people kneeling together is shocking and heart-wrenching!

The person in charge in the Presbyterian Church was also a rather old man, his beard was dragging down to his heels, presumably because he lived in darkness and felt that there was no need to clean it up.

(End of this chapter)

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