War of the Three Realms

Chapter 880 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 12

Chapter 880 Order of Hades, Black Prison Lore 12
"Benefactor Li Kuang, you have come all the way to save us regardless of the danger. On behalf of the thirty thousand black prison children, I pay high tribute to you! You deserve this obeisance!"

Li Kuang took a step forward, and said in a low voice: "Elder, wake them up first before talking!"

Seeing Li Kuang's hesitation to speak, the elder's eyes changed. It was obvious that he was keenly aware of something in his old age.

When the elder spoke, everyone stood up obediently, and a pair of enthusiastic eyes fixed on Li Kuang, making him, who has always been bold, cautious and thick-skinned, feel uneasy.

"Li Kuang benefactor, what else do you want?"

The elder said cautiously, as if he was afraid of offending Li Kuang.

Li Kuang couldn't care less, pulled him over, and said in a low voice: "Actually, my coming here this time was just an accident. There is really nothing I can do about the nobleman's curse!"

The elder was shocked all over, and his eyes were overshadowed.

"How did this happen? Could it be that our family is really destroyed by heaven?" The elder's voice was so bitter that it made people feel sad: "Is Qin Zhen okay?"

Li Kuang said sadly: "Senior Qin Zhen is trapped in a strange place, and I'm afraid he can't get out, so he asked me to come and inform you."

Li Kuang lied against his will, feeling panicked in his heart.

"What? Really trapped?"

The elder was shocked, his old face changed in horror, his body shook again and again, indescribably desolate and desperate.

The other elders hurriedly supported him and shouted repeatedly: "Elder Qin, Elder Qin..."

Li Kuang's heart moved: "May I ask what is the relationship between Senior and Qin Zhen?"

"He...he is the old and unfilial son! Unexpectedly, he will be trapped. I am from the black prison lineage. It seems that I really can't be tolerated in the world."

The surrounding elders were of high level, since they had heard the conversation between the two of them clearly, all of them suddenly looked sad.

The ups and downs of that kind of emotion are not something ordinary people can bear.

Despair, endless despair!

Qin Zhen, the last hope of this black prison, the only person who can walk in the sun, unexpectedly... just fell, and at the same time, there were also the hopes of [-] clansmen!

The audience was dead silent, and invisible sadness was spreading.

Menggu held Li Kuang's hand tightly, her eyes were encouraging, and her heart was full of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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