War of the Three Realms

Chapter 891 The Unparalleled Rare Treasure, The Divine Pesticide Cauldron 6

Chapter 891 The Unparalleled Rare Treasure, The Divine Pesticide Cauldron 6
Sensing Li Kuang's determination and momentum, Ying Long laughed loudly and said, "I, Ying Long, have nothing to worry about in this life, and I can just accompany you to subvert the Three Realms, and then drive the Jade Emperor from the throne. That kind of situation must be wonderful."

Li Kuang stroked the Shennong Ding lightly, and said, "Shen Nong Ding, if you are really spiritual, please think about the suffering beings in the Three Realms! They need you!"

Meng Gu looked at Li Kuang amusedly: "Li Kuang, don't you really think that this big cauldron is conscious and can understand your words?"

Li Kuang smiled slightly, and said: "Everything in nature has its spirituality. Even the little man, monk and tree king has a rare benevolent heart. I believe Shennong Ding also has it. Otherwise, it would not be used by senior Shennong." gone."

Just after Li Kuang finished speaking, he suddenly screamed, and his face instantly became weird.

Menggu felt bad instinctively: "Li Kuang, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't come here, help me protect the law, I will come as soon as I go, nothing will happen!!"

Li Kuang's body trembled, as if electrified, he looked extremely awkward, but his face was full of joy and excitement, he slowly closed his eyes, and the Nascent Soul's out-of-body began!

A hazy shadow jumped out from above his head, seemed to take a deep look at Meng Gu, turned into a stream of light, and instantly sank into the alchemy furnace above Shennong Cauldron!

And since his body was not moving, it was frozen in a twisted second!
However, Shennong Ding still exudes a simple and simple atmosphere, as if it has been silent for thousands of years, as if nothing has happened.

Menggu was shocked, but forcibly restrained the urge to rush forward, instead she took out a spoon and concentrated on protecting him.

Li Kuang, you must not have an accident, absolutely not, otherwise, how will Meng Gu face her future life?

Menggu clenched her silver teeth, looking at Li Kuang who was leaning on the Shennong cauldron and was not moving, her eyes shone with a firm and decisive light!

"Yuanying came out of the body, came to the alchemy furnace, came to the alchemy furnace..."

Li Kuang decided to go out of his body to find out after hearing this faint call, which seemed to come from a distant prehistoric desolation!

The seemingly small alchemy furnace seemed to become infinitely large after Li Kuangyue entered it, and it turned out to be all golden in color!
But strands of spiritual energy that was so thick as to be substantial came rushing towards the face, and it was these golden horny-like alchemy walls that emanated.

Li Kuang couldn't help but be astonished, this golden object was actually formed by the condensed breath of the elixir left over from previous alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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