War of the Three Realms

Chapter 892 The Unparalleled Rare Treasure, The Divine Pesticide Cauldron 7

Chapter 892 The Unparalleled Rare Treasure, The Divine Pesticide Cauldron 7
The formation of pills is not all of the elixir, and some fine essences are absorbed by the pill wall. Over time, it becomes this golden inner wall, and I don't know how thick it is.

Li Kuang Yuanying was in this golden world, feeling the strong aura, and couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

He dared to conclude that this Shennong cauldron must have refined a very miraculous pill!Only an alchemist like Li Kuang could smell that strange elixir breath.

If the remaining essence of these inner walls is scraped off with a knife, it may be an amazing wealth.

Li Kuang suppressed this absurd idea, but followed the direction called by the mysterious idea, and quickly dived towards Dandi.

The distance of about one meter outside seems to be endless here.

Li Kuang fell rapidly like a shooting star, and it took a full half an hour to reach the bottom!
not good!

With hundreds of meters away from the ground, Li Kuang saw the ground covered in flames and dense smoke, and immediately cried out in pain.

Where is the ground?It's like a crater!
Roads of lava shot up into the sky, spread out in mid-air, like fireworks, and then splashed down on the ground, sparking sparks, which looked thrilling and incomparably shocking.

Li Kuang swept his eyes, and all he saw was such a scene, and there was nowhere to stand.

And the earth's eye detection, these lavas are not ordinary goods.

With Li Kuang's current Nascent Soul strength, even bathing in real lava must not be a problem.

But the lava at the bottom of the pill furnace gave him an extremely dangerous feeling!
He dared to conclude that if he fell into it, he would have to be melted.

Damn, could it be that the consciousness that summoned me just now wanted to harm me?
Li Kuang was shocked!

Seeing that he was getting closer to the ground, he hurriedly controlled himself to stop.

The Huoyun Sword appeared in the air with a whistling sound, and Li Kuang's strength increased greatly, and the Huoyun Sword was upgraded again. Under Ying Long's control, its aura doubled compared to before.

Standing on the Fire Cloud Sword, Li Kuang touched the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

"Senior, where are you? I'm here to find you!"

Li Kuang yelled loudly.

The earth's eyes did not detect any signs of conscious existence, so Li Kuang could only use the most primitive method to roar.

"You came!"

The voice was kind and thick, giving people a very cordial feeling, as if his grandfather was calling him.

(End of this chapter)

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