Chapter 13 5 ([-])
This valley carries too many memories for me. Lotte and I once walked and chatted here, and the willow tree we often stopped was also submerged by the flood.I thought of the garden at Lotte's house, and all the places we had walked near her house, all washed away by the flood.Thoughts pulled my heart, a beam of sunshine appeared in front of my eyes, and I was like a dying person seeing scenes of beautiful life from the light.Suddenly, instead of being afraid of death, I felt like I had the guts to meet death in the eye.Instead of living a lingering life, it is better to leave this troubled world altogether.

December [-]
I feel things are getting serious, William, and I'm starting to wonder if I have a good conscience for her!You know that I have always loved her purely and thought that no one in this world could bring her happiness except me, and now I have become uncertain about my emotions.Since this period of time, I have dreamed every night. Many people say that the appearance of dreams is controlled by gods and ghosts. Maybe you don’t believe it, but I believe this kind of statement. Maybe you will also find it incredible after knowing my dreams.I dreamed that she was lying in my arms, constantly talking about admiring me, my hands tightly encircling her, kissing her delicate lips over and over again, looking at her dark eyes with infinite love Eyes, deeply immersed in it.I can't help but thank God for giving me a sweet dream.Should I feel guilty about my dreams?Dear Lotte, I have lost my mind because of you, and I have spent the past eight days feeling sleepy and moaning.It's time for my life to end, it's time for me to go, leave here with no regrets.

Werther's endurance had reached its limit, and the hesitation and pain that had accumulated in his heart for a long time finally broke out, and the idea of ​​committing suicide became more and more serious.The reunion with Lotte did not make him happy. He hovered between sadness and optimism, constantly encouraging himself, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, things will change.

These changes in his mood can be seen from the note, which was also found in the manuscript. We guess that he originally wanted to write a letter to William, but he only wrote a beginning and no date.

Was it my mission in life to meet her?I was still unable to be cruel to her, and I was very moved by her concern.

end it!Close the curtain and go backstage!Be brave, the dark background is not as scary as imagined, we have an innate insight into the dark, let's go in decisively!Don't live up to the abilities that God has given us.

Werther has made a decision at this time, and no one or anything can make him change, so he wrote a letter to his friend after making up his mind, secretly pointing out his thoughts to the friend.

December [-]
William, dear friend, thank you for your help. I was so touched by your interpretation of that sentence that I have to admit that you are right: I really should get out of here.But I don't want to go back to reunite with you so early. I also want to visit some places. The weather forecast says that there may be continuous frost, which is good for travel.I will be back in about two weeks, and I will write you another letter at that time, so you can get ready to welcome me, don't come too early.In addition, please tell my mother that her son hopes to get her blessing, and ask her to forget the unhappiness I brought her before.It really bothers me that I can't always bring happiness to others.Well, that's all for now, dear William, my best friend, God bless you!goodbye!

We can't know Lotte's emotional changes, so we don't know what she thinks about Werther and her husband. In our opinion, her thoughts are not difficult to guess, but she is a woman after all, and only women In order to better understand what is going on in another woman's mind.

But we can be sure that she is trying to keep a distance from Werther, so that her decision will not cause too much harm to Werther. She has hesitated to do this. She knows that this decision will definitely affect Werther, and will Forcing Werther to do what he could not otherwise do.But the current situation does not allow her to go back on her word, and she must do something to prove her position; Albert has never mentioned this matter again, and it is not easy for her to bring it up. In this case, actions can show her more than any words How much you care about your relationship with your husband.

The last letter to William was written by Werther on the Sunday before Christmas.That night he went to see Lotte, who was alone in the house.In order to welcome the upcoming festival, Lotte is busy preparing holiday gifts for her younger siblings.Witt said that the happiest thing in the festival is the children. They will jump and jump around the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, happily counting the decorations on the tree, and the surprise appearance when they see the presents.There was a flash of embarrassment on Lotte's face, and then she smiled and said: "You can also receive Christmas presents, as long as you don't make trouble, I can give you a candle or something." Werther asked loudly : "Why do you say I don't want to make trouble? Lotte, please tell me what to do directly?" She said: "Christmas is Thursday, my father, and my siblings are here, you can come too, but Zhou Don't come here before four." Werther never expected Lotte to say that.She said again: "Please listen to my advice! There is still room for maneuver, you should restrain yourself a little, and you can't be like before!" He kept walking back and forth, repeating the same words: "You can't be as It used to be like that!" Lotte also saw that he was very emotional now, and she tried to distract his attention with other things, but failed.He just heard him shout: "You don't know, Lotte, I can never see you again!" She asked hurriedly: "Why do you say that? Werther, we can still see each other, but not too often. You are always right It's not good to put too much emotion into one thing and seem impatient!" At this point, she put her hand on Werther's and said, "You are a highly educated gentleman who knows when to give up what you have The one you love can't be with you, she can't do anything for you except to show mercy to you, let go! Be an open-minded gentleman." Witte didn't make a sound, but He was visibly annoyed, his face darkened, and his teeth clashed against each other.Lotte continued: "Please let go! Think carefully about whether your behavior is right or wrong. You shouldn't fall in love with me, Werther. Knowing that I am someone else's wife, this is an indisputable fact, so you should give up. That's right! The reason why I have a good impression of you has no other meaning, but I know that I can't be with you." He resolutely withdrew his hand from Lotte's, with resentment and anger Looking at her, she shouted excitedly: "As expected of Albert's wife, what a clever rhetoric! I'm almost catching up with the diplomat!" Lotte said: "I didn't deliberately target you, someone else I will also say the same thing. There are many excellent girls. You can definitely find a sweetheart who satisfies you. As long as you are willing to look for it, you will definitely be able to find it. You will only gain boredom and pain here, and let us help you Feeling worried. Traveling will brighten your mood, go, put your worries aside, and sincerely find a girl to spend your life with, and then we can talk to each other again."

He said coldly: "Wonderful remarks, Lotte, you really should record these remarks so that all teachers can learn from you. I know what I am doing, and things will not develop in a direction that cannot be handled "But, Werther, you must promise not to come here before Christmas!" Before he could respond, Albert had already entered the room.Werther greeted him dryly, and the two walked up and down the room, each feeling quite uncomfortable.Werther tried to say some insignificant words to ease the atmosphere, but he didn't know what to say after a few words.Albert was not much better either. After a few dry words, he began to ask Lotte if he had completed the few things he had explained. When he learned that Lotte hadn't finished these things, his tone changed. He had to be serious, although he was just urging Lotte to finish quickly as usual, but Werther still felt that he shouldn't talk to Lotte in this tone.Werther wanted to stay longer, but reason told him that it was time to leave. It was not until eight o’clock, when Lotte’s house was ready for dinner, that Werther put on his hat and decided to leave with his cane. He could hardly contain his anger.Albert invited him to dinner, but Werther felt that his words were not sincere, so he declined his invitation.

After returning to his home, Werther did not let the servants accompany him into the house, but took the servants' candles for lighting, and wept alone in the room, and then vented his dissatisfaction, walking around the room excitedly, When he couldn't walk anymore, he leaned on the bed and didn't care whether he took off his clothes or not. The servant waited until eleven o'clock, and finally got up the courage to ask Werther if he wanted to take off his leather boots.Werther motioned the servant to take off his boots, and then told him not to disturb him in the morning.

On the morning of Monday, December 21st, Witt wrote a letter addressed to Lotte.We found this letter from the desk after his death, sealed, and we entrusted it to Lotte.Here I intend to make the contents of the letter public, and it is obvious that this letter was not written all at once.

Lotte, I have decided to embark on the road of death. I have considered it very clearly. It was not passion that prompted me to make this decision. Today will be the last time I see you.Dear Lotte, when you open this letter, I will probably rest in a cold grave.I had a very bad night, very scared, very lonely, but I am glad that I was able to see you and talk to you before I left.I spent the whole night thinking about my life, and finally I decided to meet Death.The conversation last night made me realize that I can no longer bring you happiness, and all the fantasies about you have been shattered, and my heart seems to be immersed in icy water.When I got home, I immediately knelt on the ground and asked God to give me some comfort.After some painful thinking, I knew that I could only be freed by death.So I fell asleep peacefully, and the first thing I thought of after waking up was still death.Lotte, you might as well just say that this decision is made for you. I know that my departure is the best way to solve the problem. In this case, why should I not do it?Please don't be offended, I once had evil thoughts, kill you all, and then I will kill myself!Finally, think about it, you are living a happy life, and I am alone, so let me bear the death! ——If you can stay at the place where I often stop, look at my tombstone from a distance on the hillside, and pay homage to me, it will be the best memory of me.I am writing this letter to you seriously and rigorously. For some unknown reason, I suddenly had the urge to cry when I wrote this, and my tears flowed down involuntarily.

Near ten o'clock, Werther put on his clothes and was about to go out. He told the servant that he would be away for a few days soon, and asked the servant to tidy up the clothes in advance, and asked him to take back the books he had lent and pay back all the arrears, and then Send two months of relief money to those poor people.Then he finished his meal in his room, and led a horse to the judge's house.When he got there, he realized that the judge was not at home, so he walked in the garden in silence, as if thinking of something.

He doesn't remember how long it was, because the kids kept making noise around him.It will be Christmas in three days, and these children can't wait to get the gifts that Lotte gave them. The children's imagination is endless, and everyone tells each other their fantasies about the gifts. "In three days! It will be Christmas in three days!" Werther kissed these lovely children one by one. When he was about to leave, the youngest boy secretly told him that the older children had written several New Year's cards, which were extremely beautiful. Papa, Lotte and Albert, and Herr Werther all have a copy, which will arrive on New Year's Day morning.The innocence and kindness of the children moved Werther very much. He took out some small things and gave them to each child, asking them to bring their greetings to the judge. Then he left the villa with tears in his eyes.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, he returned to his residence, first asked the maid to add more firewood to the fireplace, and it would be best to keep the fire going through the night.Then he asked the servant to pack up his underwear and books, and put his coat in a protective bag.Then he added something to his letter to Lotte.

You want me not to come to you before Christmas, Lotte, unless I see you today, and when you want to see me again, I'll be lying in the dirt!This letter will be delivered to you just in time for Christmas. I think your dark and bright eyes will burst into crystal clear tears after reading the letter, drop by drop falling on the paper.Forgive me for having to do this!
And Lotte was surrounded by an inexplicable emotion at this time.She knew that her attitude had hurt Werther, and she knew how uncomfortable it was to force herself to keep her distance from him.

She told Albert as calmly as possible that Werther would not be coming again for a few days until Christmas.It happened that Albert needed to discuss something with a colleague not far away, so he will stay at his colleague's house tonight.The house seemed deserted, and the children were not here, and her thoughts began to wander aimlessly in the boredom.She thought of Albert as a husband worth entrusting for life, and her feelings for her were impeccable. At the same time, she loved him deeply and hoped to grow old with him.She knew that Albert would not disappoint her, and he was undoubtedly the best candidate to ensure a happy life for herself and her siblings.But she still misses Werther, there is a tacit understanding between them, and they have very similar views on people and things, all of which make her have a deep feeling for Werther.Werther's departure was a helpless move, and it also made her feel the pain in her heart.God, if only he were my brother!In this way, he can always get along with me, and I can introduce my girlfriend to him, so that Albert will not reject him.

She compared all her good friends with Werther, but she couldn't find anyone who was completely worthy of Werther.

She finally understood what she was thinking in her heart. She hoped that Werther would never leave, but reason told him that he must keep a distance from Werther. Her pure and beautiful heart was worrying about this problem at the moment, and her face was full of sorrow. At 06:30, she heard Werther's voice. He was talking to the maid downstairs, and then the familiar footsteps came closer and closer. Lotte's heart was beating like a girl meeting her sweetheart for the first time.She thought to herself, if she knew it earlier, she would tell the servant that she had gone out.Werther had already entered the room, and she couldn't help crying: "You shouldn't have come." Werther said: "I didn't answer your words." Lotte said: "You really should stop for a while, please do it for yourself , and think about it for me."

She was at a loss, as if she was the one who broke into other people's homes rashly. In order not to make the atmosphere too embarrassing, she ordered the servant to invite her friend to come and sit for a while.And Werther put the books in his hand on the table like a normal person, and then asked Lotte about a few books he was interested in.Lotte was very disturbed, she eagerly waited for the arrival of her friends, but she was somewhat resistant to their arrival in her heart.Not long after, the maid came in to reply, saying that her friends thanked her for the invitation, but happened to be unable to accept the invitation because of something.

She dismissed the idea of ​​having the maid clean up in the next room, sat down at the piano and began to play.Werther paced the room habitually, and the minuet music flowed from Lotte's fingers, but she was still out of state tonight.Seeing Werther routinely sitting on the sofa, she left the piano and walked towards him, tried to pretend to be calm and sat down on the sofa, and asked him, "Did you bring any books?" Werther shook his head.Lotte said: "I always forget to read the poems of Ossian that you translated. I kept them in the desk drawer and never took them out. It just so happens that you are here today. Why don't you read them to me?" Werther He walked towards the desk with a smile, and after taking out the manuscript, he was shocked by the content on it, and tears welled up quickly.He sat on the sofa again, and began to read poems to the manuscript: O beautiful stars!You appeared shining brightly in the western sky and slowly climbed to the top of the mountain.Your eyes look at the vast land, but what are you looking for?The strong wind has stopped roaring, and the rushing sound of the river can be heard from a distance in the valley. The mosquitoes are flying over the fields with the evening wind, and the buzzing sound is endless.What exactly are your bright eyes looking for?The black curtain takes you forward like water, and the cheerful waves wash your body.The good times are gone!Goodbye, the beautiful scenery that I yearn for!

The bright light shines on the unknown road ahead.My friends in heaven appeared before my eyes, and they still walked on the plain of Lola as before.In the distance, a group of returning warriors were supporting Fingol and walking forward.Ullin the old age, Lino the stature, Alpin the melodious voice, Minona the loveliness, you are all the best troubadours, and I still remember the time when we attended the Royal House of Selma The scene of the singing competition held, our voice was like a warm breeze in March, passing over the valley and caressing the grass, dear friends, since that competition, you have changed drastically, I am so happy for you !
Minona appeared gracefully in front of everyone, her eyes gleamed with tears because of excitement, and her flowing long hair swayed in the wind.Her singing reminds people of Salga, who was supposed to come to the competition, but unfortunately he has died in the ground.Come and listen to Colma's singing, sitting alone on the top of the mountain, singing sad and beautiful songs.

(End of this chapter)

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