Chapter 12 4 ([-])
Who doesn't want to be healthy and healthy?If you get sick unfortunately, everyone hopes to recover as soon as possible. If there is a spring in the distance that can cure all diseases, everyone will flock to it. Maybe some people will get worse because of the journey. We should sympathize with them.Similarly, when a person wakes up after doing something wrong and decides to go to a holy place to worship and ask God to forgive him, we should affirm his behavior instead of blindly mocking him with a condescending attitude.Am I wrong?God, please open your eyes to see me, how can such a pious and kind man make misfortune happen to his life again and again?Where is your fraternity?Why not come and take care of the poor thing!We believe deeply in everything you have created, and whenever we are in trouble or pain, we will look for medicine to heal our wounds.You were so kind, why did you become so heartless?Heavenly Father, take me out of this cruel world!Take me to your side!How eagerly I await your arrival.I don't want to continue my life journey, you don't blame me for recklessly ending it all?Everyone in the world is working hard, every labor will reap rich fruits, these are meaningless to me, I just want to stay by your side, even if I have to do the hardest and most demanding work, I Also willing.When a son confides in his father like this, will the father ruthlessly drive away the son?
December [-]st

Dear William, I didn't expect that the mad man I envied before turned out to be Lotte's father's assistant. He secretly liked Lotte, but because of this, he lost his job and became insane soon after returning home.This is what Albert told me. His tone was flat and indifferent. I don’t know if your attitude is the same as his. To me, this is really a completely unexpected story!

December [-]th

My friend, I think I am about to follow in that poor man's footsteps, what shall I do?Her playing will always confuse people's hearts, because her true feelings are contained in the music!I sat quietly beside her with her little sister in her arms, and the child was dressing up her own doll.And me, yes, I started to get tears in my eyes, and they came so hard that I couldn't hold back.My head drooped involuntarily, and for a moment I saw her ring, the wedding ring on her finger.Tears could no longer be held back and dripped down one after another.At this moment, she played the song that made my heart tremble again. Countless beautiful memories filled my brain for a moment. I was both excited and sad, so I got up and walked back and forth in the room, I was going crazy up!Trembling, I said to her, "Please, please stop playing this piece!" She looked at me inexplicably, not knowing why I was reacting like this.She burst into a bright smile, as if to light up my heart. "Werther, you are a little unwell. You used to like this song the most, but now you hate it. Please go back, have a good rest, and go back." I stumbled out the door, very embarrassed.You have seen my sorrow, merciful God, please come and heal the pain in my heart!

December [-]th

When awake, in sleep, her figure is everywhere!Those dark eyes with pearl luster appear in front of my eyes all the time!Like a clear spring, washing my soul; and like a projector, projecting all the thoughts in my mind.

editor to reader

When he was desperate for help, no one extended a helping hand to him; when he was happy or sad, no one came to comfort him out of normal concern, until he was about to leave this sad place in despair, people suddenly stopped Changed, put on serious masks one after another, and watched the poor man coldly.

I asked his friends one by one about his deeds. I hope to collect more stories about him, so that I can smoothly finish the next story.

I went to visit all the people who had close contacts with him and searched for anything about him.The process was effortless, and there was little difference in what everyone said about him; but there was a great difference in what was said about a few people who were close to him.

In order to let everyone understand all the things that happened more accurately and clearly, we will combine the collected information with some of his suicide notes, and we didn’t even let go of any small note; how difficult it is to restore the truth of the incident, every People are unpredictable, and it is not easy to find out information from them.

Werther was completely blinded by anger, unable to see the beauty of the world, and his heart was full of resentment. After these seeds germinated and branched, they finally occupied the whole body.He became irritable and irritable, lost his mind like a mad lion, and drained himself of energy.He tried to change the bad situation, but his cowardice was destined to fail to break free from the abyss of crime, but instead used up his remaining clear consciousness.The poor thing can only struggle in vain in pain.Albert's relatives and friends said that Werther gradually became unreasonable, which indirectly deepened his pain; relatives and friends were all happy for Albert's marriage. In their view, this honest young man had his own They believe that Albert can maintain this relationship well, but they think that the appearance of Werther hinders Albert's life. The helpless person looks for the pillar of life here in Albert.They also said that no matter how the situation changed, Albert did not change his original intention of creating a better life for Lotte. He was still the kind-hearted young man who devoted all his emotions to Lotte.He doesn't want others to misunderstand Lotte. In his heart, Lotte is always the most perfect. Who doesn't want their lover to be praised by everyone?Such a lovely and respectable young man, if he takes some measures to protect his beloved girl, and these actions do not harm others, I believe no one will feel guilty for it.He knew Werther's feelings for Lotte, and in order not to embarrass and restrain Werther, Albert would always leave when the two of them were chatting, to let Werther relax a bit.

In winter, the old judge fell ill and could only rest in bed. He hoped that Lotte could take care of him, so he took Lotte home in a carriage.The heavy snow had just stopped, and there was a vast expanse of white beauty everywhere.

After seeing Lotte leave, Werther followed her the next day. He thought in his heart that he could go back with Lotte this time, provided that Albert did not come to greet her.

Although the sun was shining brightly, Werther could not be happy all the time. A big rock was pressing on his body and he couldn't breathe.Only things related to Lotte attracted his attention.

He is quite critical of everything, whether it is others or himself, he thinks that the relationship between Albert and Lotte has cracked because of his existence, for which he is very guilty, and at the same time feels that Albert should also bear part of it responsibility.

On the way to Judge's Hill, Werther has been thinking about his relationship with Albert.He rambled on: "He looks so gentle, kind, and polite to everyone, but no one is as important as Lotte, she is his wife. He should take good care of her and carefully maintain their relationship. No Wrong, he won, he can live with Lotte till old age, but what about me? I'm a poor loser with nothing, as long as he pinches me lightly, I'll die instantly. As for my relationship with Lotte , he may not face it with a tolerant attitude as others said. He must be thinking in his heart how to make me disappear, because my existence makes him anxious, and he is eager to see my departure. Go, as far away as possible."

In the process of thinking, Werther gradually slowed down his pace, and stopped several times, his mouth opening and closing all the time; then he walked forward quickly, and soon came to the gate of the villa.

He walked into the gate and asked everyone about the old judge's condition, but the judge's family seemed very angry.The eldest of the brothers and sisters said that a farmer in Waalheim had died and had been beaten to death.At first Werther didn't pay much attention to the news. He walked towards the bedroom and happened to see the old judge struggling to stand up. Lotte held him down and refused to allow him to stand up. There was a murder case, and the judge felt that it was necessary to investigate it himself. Fan.The victim was found at the gate in the morning. It is not yet clear who the suspect is, but people obviously have their own ideas. The farmer was employed by a widow who had recently fired the previous helper. , it is said that the helper had shown strong negative emotions when he left.

When Werther heard this, he immediately thought of the farmer he knew.He shouted: "Could it be him? No! I'm going there right away." Ignoring the reaction of the judge and Lotte, he hurriedly ran towards Wahlheim, the young man who had spoken to him countless times. At this time, the farmer has become a suspect in the murder, and he still admires his infatuation.After arriving in Waalheim, Werther hurried to the place where the deceased was parked—the open space in front of the tavern. Seeing the two dense linden trees, Werther's mind resurfaced, how many things happened in this small open space? Funny thing, the kids used to sit and play on the threshold, but now it's covered in the blood of the victims, it's horrible.There is nothing wrong with the saying that love to the extreme is hate.The surrounding scenery has become depressed due to the arrival of winter, the bare branches are covered with snow and frost, and the cemetery beyond the fence is also white, with dark tombstones dotted here and there.

The front of the tavern was already full of people, and before Werther walked in, the crowd burst into roars.People shouted: "The murderer is coming!" He then looked at a pair of teams coming from a distance, and the farmer was slowly approaching surrounded by several policemen. The murderer was undoubtedly him, the young man who loved the mistress so much. farmer.He once felt resentful after leaving his employer's house and confided his feelings to Werther.Werther cried out to him sadly: "Poor man, how could you do such a thing?" Allow her to be with others, she does not belong to anyone but me." After finishing speaking, he was taken into the tavern by the police, and Werther also planned to rush back.

What happened to the farmer made him feel deeply. In a panic, he suddenly had a firm idea: help the poor man intercede with the judge!At this time, Werther forgot his own pain, thinking about how to prevent the farmer's tragic fate.In his opinion, what the farmer did was justifiable. In order to let others feel sympathy for the farmer like himself, he rethought the matter from the perspective of the farmer until he was sure that his words could fully understand the situation. After impressing anyone, he was a little relieved.Countless words had popped up in his mind, and he kept chanting non-stop. When he hurried to the mountain villa, he made another decision: to be the farmer's lawyer.

When he came to the judge's bedroom, Werther saw that Albert was there, and his mood sank.But he didn't show it too much. He talked directly to the judge about the rough fate of the farmer, hoping that the judge would be lenient.However, the judge did not agree with his decision. Even though Werther tried his best, the old man still believed that everything should be based on the law, and he should not make judgments based on personal feelings.The serious and stubborn judge was quite disgusted with Werther's remarks. Before he could finish what he was thinking, the judge interrupted him and strongly condemned his behavior of shielding criminals.The judge's words are not unreasonable. The order of the country and society must be maintained by the law, and a country without the support of the law will surely perish.As a magistrate, his duties made the old man feel that he must act in accordance with the law and punish the murderer severely.

Werther, who was rejected, was still unwilling to give up. He even thought that if someone assisted the murderer in escaping from prison, the judge would not stop him, as if he knew nothing.No doubt this idea was also ruthlessly rejected by the judge.Albert couldn't stand watching anymore, he spoke to dissuade Werther from giving up those absurd ideas, and everything must be done according to legal procedures.Everyone disagreed with Werther's approach, which made him very sad, especially when the judge said to him: "You are hopeless, it's ridiculous!" Finally Werther had to leave dejectedly.

The judge's words made Werther mentally depressed, and he couldn't cheer up for a long time. One of his notes also revealed his desperate thoughts: "You are hopeless, poor man! Everyone is hopeless." ’” This note was among his manuscripts, which we believe to have been written after his return from the judge’s house.

In front of the judge, Albert made a discussion about the murderer. These words were disgusting to Werther: he felt that Albert was secretly mocking himself under the guise of discussing the murderer.After some careful thinking, Werther knew that he was wrong, and that what the judge and Albert said was not unreasonable, but he stubbornly insisted on his own opinion, and he was unwilling to admit his mistakes in front of them. Admitting mistakes would mean showing weakness, and Werther didn’t want to do this.

Another note confirms our theory, and also tells us about the relationship between him and Albert:
"I know he is right. His words, deeds and thoughts are impeccable, but this has nothing to do with me. I have been hit hard. No one wants to believe what I say. I have lost my mind!"

The weather was getting warmer and the snow was melting slowly. Lotte and Albert were planning to go home in the afternoon. They abandoned the carriage and decided to walk back.Lotte seemed preoccupied along the way, looking around from time to time, as if looking for Werther.After Albert saw her expression, he talked to her about Werther. He criticized some of Werther's practices and made fair comments on Werther.Of course, he hoped Lotte would be able to see Werther less. He pleaded: "It's good for us and Werther. For God's sake, don't let him approach you again. You should know whether there is any danger now." Few people are discussing the relationship between the three of us." Lotte has been silent, listening quietly, seeing this situation, Albert stopped discussing, and from this moment on, Albert never took the initiative to say anything Thinking of Werther, and Occasionally Lotte mentioned him, and Albert only used other things to attract her attention.

Werther's full of enthusiasm completely disappeared when the rescue of the farmer failed, and he became a soulless shell, wandering around all day, not knowing what to do.The farmer did not admit the crime he committed during the trial, so the judge hoped that Werther could appear as a witness to accuse the murderer. After hearing the news, the angry Werther turned into a lion with teeth and claws.

Werther thinks about the unfair treatment and setbacks he encountered at work, among other painful memories.He bemoaned his own failure, no matter how hard he tried, he could never achieve anything; he could not treat work or life with enthusiasm and vitality; , entangled with the girl he loves again and again, it can be said that it not only destroyed the happy life of the girl, but also let him fall into the darkness with no exit, and finally caused things to get out of hand.

He also wrote several letters on his deathbed, and we felt that making them public would allow people to better see Werther's inner struggles.

December [-]
William, my friend, I felt pursued by an invisible figure who frightened me like death.During this period of time, I found that my emotions became more and more fluctuating. It was not because of something that excited me, but because of myself. There was a devil living in my body, and it would crawl out from time to time to torture me!You should know how painful I am, I have no choice but to use the cold night air to calm myself down.

The snow melted very fast, and the addition of snow water made the river rush, and floods appeared.I heard from others that the valley in Wahlheim was flooded, and I rushed there non-stop around eleven o'clock last night.When I got there, I saw that the flood had destroyed everything, trees, flowers, and fields. The originally beautiful valley was suffering from the devastation of nature at this time. How frightening is the howling wind!Coming over for a while, the moon showed its face from the dark cloudy sky, and the faint brilliance lit up the water surface with stars, rising and falling with the waves; although I was very scared, there was a strange idea in my heart that I desperately wanted to release .I want to jump into the flood, fall into the ferocious torrent with the gesture of embracing all things in the world, and fall into the darkness that cannot be turned back!But now I don't have the courage to move my feet, even if I take a step forward, someone in the dark is telling me that my life has not come to an end.what!Of course I know this, but if my life can change everything back to how it was before, I will definitely jump off without hesitation!If I had to choose between jumping and being grounded, I would definitely choose the former.

(End of this chapter)

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