Chapter 11 3 ([-])
September [-]

William, my friend, why do the good things in the world always fail to exist for a long time?I was very angry and very sad.You must remember the two walnut trees I mentioned that grew in the amiable old vicar's house.Lotte and I went to visit him together, and sat under the two walnut trees to chat with everyone.They are luxuriant and provide us with a cool resting place in the hot season.The villagers still remember the walnut tree growers - two priests.A teacher said that his grandfather had always admired one of the pastors. The teacher also said that whenever he passed under the walnut tree, he would think of that pastor and express his deep memory for him.But, William, the walnut tree so loved by so many has been felled!The teacher burst into tears when he talked about it.I was also very angry when I heard the news, who could be so cruel!Anyone who has feelings for the walnut tree cannot bear to see this ending.But one thing that comforts me is that after the villagers learned that the walnut tree had been felled, they expressed their anger to the perpetrators.The executioner is the pastor's wife, the old pastor has died, and the new pastor has taken office.If only the new vicar's wife could understand what a foolish thing she had done!She should have expected that the villagers would no longer show her respect, nor would they be able to send her as much food as before.She looks like a sick person, no wonder she is so cold, she tries her best to look like an intellectual, and pretends to make so-called innovations and changes in Christianity, she doesn't like Ravatel passion, so God condemned her to lose her healthy body.I can probably guess why she cut down the walnut tree: the branches blocked her view, there were always leaves on the ground that could not be swept clean, and when the walnuts bore fruit, they would attract a large number of children. The noise would disturb Mrs. Reverend's thoughts. Maybe she was studying the relationship between Semler, Michael Ellis, and Kennecott.Everyone in the village was indignant about this incident, and the old people were even more scolding. I asked them: "Why don't you stop the behavior of the pastor's wife?" Yes." But the pastor's illusions about taking advantage of this to salvage a fortune were shattered, which is a matter of good fortune.Originally, the pastor planned to sell the tree and get half of the money from the village head. Unexpectedly, the Marquis heard the news, so he asked the financial institution under his name to send the tree to his home.The financial institution is the property owner of the vicarage and therefore has the right to dispose of anything in the vicarage.Thank goodness the two walnut trees did not die.If I were the Marquis, I would never easily let go of those who cut down the walnut tree and those who want to make money from it, but if I were the Marquis—why would I care about those two trees!
October [-]th
Her eyes are black and bright, and every time I look at each other, I am filled with joy!But I can see that Albert seems a little sullen, which doesn't seem to match his personality... At least I think so... Is it... I don't know how to say it, I hope you can understand.

October [-]

Homer's poems can no longer attract my attention. Ossian is the poet I have recently pursued. His poems are like a carriage, taking me to gallop around, listening to the high mountains and flowing water, seeing the majestic mountains, and the cold cave seems to be filled with legends. There was the mourning of a lonely soul, and the crying of a young girl. Her lover, the great knight, was buried on a hill covered with grass, and four huge stones were piled up in front of the tomb.Ossiang dragged his old body to walk on the vast grassland, eager to find the road that our ancestors had walked.Under the illumination of Venus, he discovered the resting place of his ancestors, and the scene of ancient warriors fighting bravely appeared in front of his eyes, and the moonlight cast a faint silver light on them.The troubadour knew he was going to die soon, he staggered on the way to the cemetery, the cold wind swept across the barren land, the weeds swayed in the wind, he raised his head and shouted to the world: "The traveler is about to He and I have known each other since our youth, and he sought me all the way, asking everywhere: 'Where is Fingal's son? He is a great poet indeed.' He did not expect that his foot had gone Over the land where I rest." Dear friend, seeing the Marquis struggling in pain, I really want to help him out of that sea of ​​suffering, and use my heart to comfort and comfort him.

October [-]

Emptiness is everywhere, my body, my soul, they are like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled!If I could hold her tightly in my arms, even just for a moment, my heart would overflow with happiness.

October 26
My friend, after going through a lot of things, I am more and more sure of my previous thoughts. Our lives are not as important as we think, at least in the eyes of others.A guest came to Lotte's house today, her girlfriend.They were chatting in the living room, and I was going to read in the next room, but I couldn't calm down, so I decided to write you a letter.Their voices came faintly from the living room, and the content was mostly about household chores and the situation of people around them, such as marriage and illness.I heard the guest say: "She seems to be seriously ill, she can't stop coughing, she is very thin, her cheekbones are very prominent, and she falls into a coma from time to time." Lotte then said: "NN is not much better." Said: "His whole body is swollen." These words constructed a scene in my mind: I saw two patients panting in pain, their eyes full of nostalgia for the world... My friend, Lotte and his girlfriend There was no trace of sadness or regret in the tone of the chat, as if these two people had nothing to do with them.I slowly looked at the arrangement of the room, Lotte's clothes and Albert's documents, the position and shape of furniture and small objects were deeply imprinted in my mind.I asked myself: Now that you are on good terms with your friends, you have given them as much joy as they have given you.But when you leave them, or die, will they always miss you?Will you always be sad about your passing?Or will you gradually forget the joy you brought them after a short period of grief?William, don't blame others for not remembering you, we must always be prepared to be forgotten.

October 27
Why do we treat others with indifference?Who stipulated that people must wear masks to live?I really want to smash this ridiculous rule.If I don't give my emotions, the other party will not take the initiative to show favor to me, but if the other party is a person who is unsmiling by nature, no matter how hard I try, I can't change him.

October 27, dusk

My love for her has reached the point where I can't control it. Apart from her, there is no other person or thing that can attract my attention. If I lose her, I will cease to exist.

October [-]

William, do you know that anxious feeling when you see something you like but can't touch it?How I wish I could hold her in my arms!Just like a child who sees anything and tries to take it for himself, this is human instinct.

November [-]rd

What happened to me?I wish I couldn't sleep at all; whenever I saw the rising sun, my mood suddenly turned bad.The reason for the boredom is not the bad weather, nor the troubles at work. If it is because of these, I can feel better.But I know that everything is due to myself, my own mistakes!Or it can't be called a fault, because it has brought me a lot of joy.At that time, I was young and innocent, and I was full of interest every day, and treated everything with a happy mood, but I can’t get back the feeling of the past. What does this indicate?I'm already old?Yes, my passion is gone, my vitality is gone, my eyes are no longer pure, my thoughts are rotten.I've become an empty shell!The scenery outside the window is beautiful, the sun's rays make the mist gradually disappear; the stream and the meadow are golden, and the shiny stream is rushing towards me.The window is like a picture frame, enclosing the natural scenery and turning it into a beautiful oil painting, but my heart is ashamed, and I can’t feel even a little bit of excitement and happiness. I pray to the sky thousands of times, hoping that he can recover Give me cool tears, so that I will not be thirsty in the desert of the soul.

Think of the happy times in the past, and look at the present, how much happiness we have lost!Now I understand that no matter how much we pray to God, we will not get a single bit of comfort. God has taken back the gift to us.

November [-]

William, I can feel the love hidden in her words.She wants me to restrain myself, such as drinking, I have to drink a whole bottle of wine, this is where I need restraint.She said, "Please! For Lotte's sake!" I said loudly, "For Lotte's sake? Live in my body. I've been with you..." She tried to distract me with other topics.My friend, she has me in control!

November [-]
William, I know you worry about me, I appreciate everything you do for me, now, don't hold me back, let me face all possible storms, my body is not vulnerable yet.I have always had a deep belief in religion. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the spiritual teacher of human beings, but religion cannot be everyone's spiritual teacher.There are many people in the world, and the existence of religion is as transparent as air to them. Even if some of them are true believers, they never even hope that religion can bring them any benefits.I do not doubt that the gods say that we are all children of God, but I still reserve the right to doubt.But I hope you will not be angry because of my words, my feelings for you are still upright and pure.I can reveal my whole body and mind in front of your eyes, so that you can clearly see my true feelings; I will not express my opinions on things I am not sure about, nor will I force myself to agree with things that even the gods think are inappropriate.If I have that ability, I will destroy the whole world, let darkness replace light, let thunder replace sunshine.The child of the gods was crying: "Please don't abandon me!" He seemed to be trapped in the boundless darkness, and he could only struggle in vain.It seems that everything in the world is like this, and when that moment comes, no one can escape.

November 21

She didn't know that she was dragging me into the abyss, falling down with herself; and I was willing to wait to fall into hell.I guess ecstatically, she glanced at my eyes from time to time, saying that it might be better occasionally, what exactly is her eyes telling me?She didn't reject my affection and showed me caring from time to time, can anyone tell me what that means! ?

Yesterday she took my hand as I was leaving and said to me: "Dear Werther, be safe on the road!" Oh my God!She called me "Dear Werther," and I couldn't believe it, and I was so excited.I've been saying it all the time, especially last night when I muttered it in bed for a long time before I fell asleep, and finally said: "Sleep well, dear Werther!" It was so funny that I laughed to myself.

November 22

Can I pray to God: "I want to have her!" Of course not.But I always thought she belonged to me.But the fact is before her eyes that she has become someone else's wife.What a fool I was to keep teasing myself.I also know that I can't indulge my desires, otherwise it will push things to the point where it can't be handled.

November 24

Today, the way she looked at me was like a ray of light, shooting straight into my dark heart. At that time, there was no one around, and she just looked at me so firmly, while I remained silent.She cared for me like a loving mother, with the gentle demeanor of a wounded child.I wanted to hold her in my arms, I wanted to kiss her like crazy, I wanted to tell her all the love, but she ran away like a cat.She sat in front of the piano and began to play the tune, and her crisp and melodious voice flowed with the beautiful tune.oh!Her lips are so delicate, like blooming rose petals, waiting for the rain from the sky.She is so sacred that I dare not offend easily, but I still want to get her impulsively, but a tall wall blocks my way.

November 26

From time to time, I meditate in my heart: you have several times more life experiences than others, you are always suffering, while others are always happy.Until I saw a poem written by a poet, I suddenly felt that it was written just for me.I've been through so much, have my ancestors been as unfortunate as I am?
November [-]
I find that troubles are always with me, and it seems that I encounter some troubles everywhere.For example, today, I was walking by the river. In fact, I haven't eaten yet, and my appetite is not very strong.The wind by the river is a bit cool, the air is humid, and the drizzle is flying all over the sky.I saw a man walking back and forth among the boulders in the distance, so I wondered if he had dropped something. He was wearing green clothes, so he was more conspicuous.I approached him slowly, the sound of footsteps reached his ears, and he turned his head to look at me.I saw a sad face with an upright expression; the black hair was tied into a bun with two hairpins, and the rest of the hair was braided into a braid.I was thinking about whether to express my doubts, but he looked very kind, and he probably wouldn't blame my curiosity, so I asked him, "What are you doing?" The grief on his face increased a little, and he sighed. He said: "Flower, I want to find a kind of flower." I said: "It is winter now, there can be no flowers." He came down from the height and said to me: "No, some flowers will bloom in winter. This is the case with roses and honeysuckle. One was given to me by my father, and its vigorous growth is comparable to that of weeds. There are also many flowers in the wild, as long as you can find any color you can think of. I want to find Cornflower, but I have never found it.” I asked curiously: “Why do you need those flowers at this time?” His expression became unnatural for a moment, and then he returned to his original state, and he made a gesture of hissing , Said to me: "I want to give those flowers to my beloved girl." I smiled and said: "What a good idea!" He said happily: "Yes. Although she does not lack anything." "But she Need your flowers." I said his next sentence.He nodded: "Yes. She is extremely rich, has many gems, and even a crown!" "Can you tell me her name?" He didn't answer me, and said to himself: "If the Federal Republic If you invite me to take the post, I can't be what I am now. You know, I used to be very majestic! But everything is over, it's over..." As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes, and he raised his head high. with.I continued to ask: "You said your past life was very prestigious?" He said: "Of course! It's so good, I'm simply the happiest person in the world." Suddenly a voice came: "Henrich Where are you? Come out and eat!" Then I saw an old lady walking towards us, and I went up to her and asked her, "Is that your son?" She said, "My poor child! I I'm so worried about him." "What's wrong with him?" said the old lady, "He wasn't born like this, before he was a young man who behaved normally, trying to earn money to support his family, and somehow suddenly became Low, and then a high fever completely turned him into this." "How long has he been like this?" I continued. "It's fine now, and he hasn't had an illness for almost half a year. At first we sent him to a mental hospital, and he was really struggling during that time, and he got better a year later. Now he can basically take care of himself, but he keeps talking about the king and Queen. Good sir, you should have heard his story..." I did not let her go on, but asked: "He told me he had a very pleasant time. When was it? The old lady showed a loving smile and said to me: "He was talking about the time when he was locked up in the hospital, he didn't understand anything. You must know that during that time he completely lost his mind, the whole person was unconscious I was shocked by what the old man said. I handed the old man a coin in a hurry, then strode away, saying, "You are very happy! Yes, you were the happiest person during that time!" I kept shouting Said: "That was the happiest time for you!" God allows us to have reason, but stipulates that we can only get real happiness in a state of ignorance and madness.How I wish I could live in chaos like you.You've worked so hard to find flowers for the queen, regardless of the cold weather, whether there are any flowers blooming in the wild, and fantasized about being hired by the Federal Republic, so your life will be happier.You always work towards a goal.Look at me again, my steps are messy, my thoughts are scattered, I don’t know what I am living for.Poor man, you are both happy and unhappy. Worldly concepts stand between you and happiness. No powerful person can break down this wall.

(End of this chapter)

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