Chapter 10 2 ([-])
Like a pious believer who came from afar, I completed the worship of my birthplace with excitement.There was a thick linden tree on the road 15 minutes away from Site S. I asked the driver to stop here and told him that I could walk there, so the car drove away.I started to reminisce about childhood fun.Every time I took a walk when I was a child, I used this bodhi tree as the end point.When I was young, I always wanted to go to the outside world for a while. I was ignorant of everything. I only knew that the world was so big that I would definitely see many interesting and meaningful things. Looking back, I worked much harder than now, full of Passion, work hard.And now, I've been through a lot, I've made a lot of friends, and I'm back.But I didn't come back with a happy and excited mood, but full of disappointment and loneliness.The shape of the mountain in front of me is the same as before, and I want to conquer it many times.Now I am still imagining, sitting here and dreaming that I climbed to the top, looking at the surrounding mountains and forests, everything is so familiar, nothing has changed.It's getting late, I have to go home.I walked slowly towards S, along the road are familiar houses and gardens, some places have been modified and become unfamiliar, which makes me very unhappy.After entering the city, I was greeted with familiar feelings, as if I had returned to my childhood.I'm overwhelmed.While these are wonderful to me, they might be boring to you if written, so I won't go into details.I found a small hotel next door to the old house where I lived.On the way to the hotel, I saw the former school, now turned into a grocery store, and I still remember the teacher who taught us was a kind old grandmother.Children inevitably cry at school, and I am no exception.Everything here makes me very excited, and I don't think a believer who comes to worship in the Holy Land will have more excitement and feelings than me.Walking down the river, there is a family. Boys often play with flat stones by the river. Whoever floats more stones and farther wins.When I was a child, standing by the river, I always thought about many problems in a wild way. I used my brain to let myself run in the vast world.My friends, the ancestors did not have too many demands on their own lives, and they were happy in ordinary days.They write life and the joy in life into simple and pure poems.We all know that Odysseus praised the world with sincere words.What does it matter if children insist that the earth is square instead of round?The needs of human beings are actually very simple. A piece of land is used to cultivate food, and a handful of sand for them to sleep forever is enough.

I have come to the Marquis's villa.The Marquis really lived up to his reputation, he was kind and upright, and everyone could associate with him happily.What puzzled me was the erratic attitude of the others, who did not appear to be cunning or well-bred.Even now I think they can be trusted, but I always remain skeptical.One thing makes me feel very sorry. The Marquis himself’s analysis and views on things are often the result of being influenced by others. Some of them also refer to the analysis in the book. In short, the Marquis does not have any ideas of his own.He treated me very kindly, but he couldn't fully understand what I was thinking in my heart. You must know that the most important thing for a person is the heart, and all thoughts start from here.I need someone to understand what I think and think. Thoughts belong to everyone, and my heart belongs to me alone.

May 25
I had an idea before, and I was going to put it into action. I didn't want to let you know. Now that this idea is impossible to realize, I might as well tell you.A long time ago, I had the idea of ​​being a soldier.And the reason why I chose to follow the Marquis is also because he is a general.I told him once in a walk that he didn't think I was fit to be a soldier, because I didn't really love barracks life, it was just a whim.

June [-]

I'm tired of this place, maybe you're going to blame me again, whatever, I just want to leave now.The Marquis is a good man, but I can't chat with him freely. I have nothing to do all day, and my body is going to be moldy.The way the Marquis handles things is rational, but his rationality has not yet reached a mature stage. To put it bluntly, I would rather read books with him, at least for a little fun.

I decided to leave here in eight days.Before that, I plan to pick up the paintbrush again, which is probably the only thing I can do for fun.

The Marquis's understanding of art is not bad. If he throws away the boring science and studies art, he will definitely be more successful than he is now.What's depressing is that when he talks to me about the mysteries of art and nature, he expresses some uninspired views on art, which makes people laugh and cry.

June [-]

In the world, human beings are not eternal owners, everyone's existence is fleeting, so am I, and so are you.

June [-]th

The departure schedule has been postponed, and I have to wait here for another fourteen days.You ask me where I plan to float to?Let me tell you, I am going somewhere to learn about the development of the mining industry, but my real purpose is to get closer to Lotte.My desire is simple, and my actions involuntarily follow its meaning.

June 29
Well, how nice it would be if she were my wife!God, I don't shy away from saying this, if you let me be her husband, I will be ecstatic, and I will spend my life in gratitude to you!Her beauty and loveliness are unmatched by anyone, how happy I would be if I could embrace her!Forgive my unrealistic thoughts, I really hope to be with her!When Albert's hand gently wrapped around Lotte's waist, my heart and body would twitch in pain.

Wilhelm, I might as well tell the truth, she cannot be very happy with Albert!She and I are a perfect match!We have a tacit understanding and mutual understanding, and whenever we express some ideas, they always coincide with each other.Albert's flaw lies in this. He has no delicate emotions, and he cannot communicate more deeply with Lotte...William, this kind of love is flawed, although they love each other deeply.

As I write this, my thoughts are interrupted by others, which is disgusting.I'm in a bad mood, my friend, bye!

August [-]th
There will always be people in the world who encounter unsatisfactory things. God will not treat everyone fairly, and some people's wishes will always not be realized.I saw the young mother I met under the Bodhi tree again.As I approached, the older child shouted and ran towards me, and the young mother followed the child to me.She looked sad, as if she was a different person, and she opened her mouth to tell me the sad news: "Sir, my little son is dead! Hans! He is dead!" I didn't know how to comfort her.She went on to say: "My husband has come home, but he didn't get a penny to go to Switzerland, thanks to your support, otherwise he would have to walk home like a beggar. Poor man, he dragged his body It’s hard to come back.” I remained silent, forgiving my clumsiness, and didn’t know how to comfort her.I gave her some money, and in return she gave me some apples, and after taking the apples, I left, not wanting to see her sad anymore.

August 21

Things in the world are always unpredictable, and my life brings me some fun now and then, but not for long.I always involuntarily fantasize that one day I will be with Lotte, and Albert will encounter some accidents and pass away... Then I can... So Lotte... I didn't go back until I realized that my thoughts were too terrifying. Reality.

I walked the way out of town, the way I had taken to fetch Lotte at the ball.The scenery along the way has not changed, but the time cannot go back to the past, and the happy time can never be reproduced again!I don't have the passion I had then.The heavy heart made me a lonely soul, wandering in search of my ruined home.

September [-]
It is no exaggeration to say that my heart is full of jealousy and resentment, my love for her is so sincere, who can compare with me?Why did another person appear to snatch her away?I have nothing, so I finally met her, but she doesn't belong to me!

September [-]th
Autumn has arrived, and the surrounding area presents a desolate scene.I am a tree, waiting for autumn to turn my leaves yellow and fall.I told you about a young farmer earlier, you remember?After I came back, I asked around for news about him, and I learned that he had been fired and driven away. Everyone I asked didn't want to hear his name.Fortunately, I ran into him yesterday. On the road in another village, I asked him why he was fired, and he told me the full story.Now I am telling you exactly what I am saying, and I believe you will be touched after listening to it.But I don't want to tell you, why not leave me alone to be bothered by sad things?I don't need to put you in a sad situation, and I don't want you to think that I am a miserable person, but such is fate!
After I asked about him, the young farmer began to tell me what had happened to him.He looked sad and a little embarrassed, and then he became confident again like a balloon inflated.Now I will tell you exactly what he said.I hope you can have a correct and fair judgment on him after listening to it.First he confessed his actions in front of me, and then slowly entered the river of memories.He said that he couldn't suppress his love for the hostess, and even became more infatuated with her day by day. In the end, it was like being possessed by a demon, and he was dizzy and unconscious.He didn't eat, drink, or sleep, as if he had a serious illness.He forgot to do what the hostess told him to do, and he rushed to do what he shouldn't do.In short, he lived a long period of unexamined days. One day, he found the mistress staying in the attic, and he also went upstairs, trying to confide his feelings to the mistress, but the mistress refused to talk to him. He actually wanted to use violence to force the hostess to submit.He himself was terrified at the time, but his love for his mistress was undoubtedly sincere and pure, and he wished he could marry her and live happily ever after until his old age.He stopped for a while when he said this, with a shy expression on his face again, and finally he told me as if he had made a major decision, that the mistress did not reject his love, and did not even object to him hugging and kissing her.In saying this, lest my opinion of his mistress should be spoiled, he repeatedly explained to me that she was a legitimate woman and that his love for her remained unchanged.He said I was the first to know these things, and convinced me that he was not as immoral as other people said.Here, my dear friend, I cannot help singing the old ballad again, I wish you knew the farmer.I have great pity for him, but reason tells me that pity cannot solve the problem. If you have the same thoughts as me, I will be very happy!I care about the feelings of these people who have a rough life, you know why I do this, you know me.

After I finished writing, I realized that I hadn't finished telling the farmer's story, but the result was predictable.The hostess did not agree to marry him; and the hostess' younger brother had long been dissatisfied with him, and just took this opportunity to drive him out, and spread his scandal everywhere.The younger brother is worried that after the elder sister marries, his children will not get the property. The elder sister has no heirs, so the younger brother's children are the only heirs to the property.Now the younger brother has successfully driven the farmer away, and has ruined his reputation so that he cannot come back.But I heard that my sister found another handyman, and the sibling relationship has been deadlocked. People say that my sister will definitely marry this worker, but we know that my brother will never agree.

I didn't exaggerate or minimize the story, every sentence in it is true and believable, the content of the story is not attractive, and my narration is as flat as plain water, but our daily chat is the same, so there is nothing wrong .

Novels are fabricated, and they are far less touching than real stories. Loyal and pure love can only exist in reality.Those whom we consider to be rude and uneducated have pure and sincere feelings.On the contrary, people who have been influenced by knowledge have lost the most innocent feelings.I hope you can read this story seriously.My handwriting is not as scribbled as before, you must have noticed, because my mood is peaceful.Treat him as your friend and read his story seriously, carefully and sincerely.He dared to think and dare to do it, but I was a coward, and my courage was not one-tenth of his.

September [-]
Albert went on a business trip to the country and did not come back, so Lotte wrote on a note: "My dear, I hope you can come home early, I have been looking forward to your arrival." Then a colleague of his came, Inform us that Albert's work has not been completed and he will not be back for the time being.The note stayed there, and at night I read it, laughing involuntarily, bewildered by my reaction.I said to her: "The imagination of human beings is amazing. When I read these words, I suddenly thought they were written for me." After listening to my answer, she didn't show any expression. Was she angry?I also stopped talking.

September [-]
The blue gown that Lotte and I wore when we danced was so worn out that it really spoiled our image.After some internal struggle, I decided to put him on hold and had someone redo the exact same dress, along with a pair of yellow trousers and a yellow waistcoat to match it.

But this new dress makes me feel a little awkward, I can't tell why, maybe it will be fine after wearing it for a while.

September [-]

Lotte had gone out the other day to welcome Albert home.She came back today, I went to chat with her, and when she saw me, she came straight over, and I excitedly held her hand and kissed it.

A bird flew by, a canary.She guided the bird from her shoulders into her palms, and at the same time she said to me, "Look at this new companion, a present for the children. Cute little one! I feed him crumbs, and he doesn't eat at all." Picky eater. That's right! It even kisses me!"

As she said that, she pouted, and the bird put its beak against her delicate lips, probably thinking it was a very wonderful thing.

"Try it too." She stretched out her hand to me, and the bird touched my lips immediately. Its beak seemed to have the unique fragrance of Lotte, and it built a bridge in the air to connect me with her. Together, I'm almost intoxicated.

I said, "Birds are actually looking for food. After all, they are different from humans. You can see that they are busy looking for food after a kiss."

"You never imagined that it could eat in my mouth." After she finished speaking, she pinched a small bit of bread crumbs and put them between her lips, and the bird pecked at her lips, with a childlike smile on her face .

I dare not stare at her for too long.She knows that I love her, how can she be so cruel to make me suffer?Her every frown and smile made me tremble, I really wanted to tell her, don't give me any more hope!

(End of this chapter)

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