Chapter 9 1 ([-])
January [-]

What's wrong with people these days?Sincerity is gone from them, and each one is contrived to climb to the top of society, so that they can sit higher than others at dinner parties, and their status and status are higher than others.People who don't understand watching them fight so desperately for a seat will definitely think that they are doing this out of boredom.On the contrary, their desks are full of papers, but they ignore them, preferring to trap themselves in boring things.When we got together to play sledding last week, some people got into a row, and the fun of the fun was suddenly interrupted.

Foolish people, haven't you found out yet?Higher people are not as holy as you think they are.The king can sit firmly in the first chair because many ministers are assisting him, and the ministers are assisting by their assistants.The truly powerful and supreme person should be a person who combines intelligence and wisdom, holds real power, is good at calculating, and can use others to realize his dreams.

January [-]
Lotte, my dear girl, the blizzard was so severe that I had to stay for a while at a country hotel, where this letter is being written.I can write thousands of words for you here, but in D Town, that chaotic, dirty place with no sense of belonging, there is no quiet time for me to write a few words with clear mind and fluent language.Although the house is so small and strange, and the wind and snow are blowing outside, these do not affect my thoughts of you. In fact, when I first stepped into this small hotel, I saw your beautiful in the haze. Face, I miss you so much, dear Lotte, you are like an angel!I couldn't help but start thanking God.

Dear girl, if you were standing in front of me right now, you would see me haggard, my head is so confused that I am about to lose my mind!I am like a marionette, controlled by others, without my own emotions!All perception is gone from me!There seemed to be a diorama in front of my eyes, the mirror was full of dazzling patterns, and I was horrified to find that everyone was like me, puppets walking and working on the street, accidentally touching the hard hands of the people around them I would jump a long distance like an electric shock.I waited for the dawn at night, but I was too lazy to get out of bed; I waited for the sun to set during the day, intending to go outside the house to watch the moon, but my foot did not take a step out of the door.I was puzzled and thought: Why do people keep wandering between deep sleep and waking?
I obviously lacked passion and hope, and my vitality had already slipped away without knowing when.

I only know Miss von B. here as a woman.I don't shy away from saying that I think she is similar to you in some ways.If you heard me say that, you would think I was trying to please you.I admit that I have become a little glib lately, but not to the point of being obnoxious, and it's part of my daily interactions.A lot of women find it very comfortable to hear my compliments, saying that no one can match me.Hearing this, you probably think that my skin is much thicker than before, right?I want to tell you more about Miss B.She is a person with deep affection, I can see from her clear eyes, her eyes are really beautiful, they are blue.She is bound by her class identity, eager to break free from the cage and fly freely in the vast world, so we sometimes look forward to a free life together; by the way, I mentioned you to her, she really wants to know you, this is her true will.She always begged me to tell more stories about you, and I can see that she likes you very much.

I really miss my old life.I sit in your nicely decorated room with you by my side and the kids play around us and I can tell them stories when they get tired or when you don't want to hear them slapstick.

The wind and snow outside had stopped, the sun was hanging in the sky and was about to set, and I had to set off back to the place that suffocated me.goodbye!Lotte.Is Albert by your side?what!Please forgive my reckless behavior!
February [-]
The weather has been terrible lately, with the sun gone for eight full days.But I enjoy this kind of day very much. In the past, whenever the weather was fine, there were always some people or some things happened to spoil my good mood.But when it rains, snows and winds, no one bothers me, I can go outside or stay at home if I want.A new day, when the sun rises, I will exclaim: What a day, what a day for tug-of-war!Whether it is status, fame, or health and happiness, people can always find something to fight for.The funny thing is they don't think their actions are wrong.If I could, I'd get on my knees before them and stop these crazy people from biting each other.

February [-]

My relationship with the Minister is getting worse and I believe that I will lose my job before long.I didn't mean to target him, it's what he did that made me intolerable.Every one of his orders is so unreasonable that I have the idea of ​​​​killing them all. I deal with affairs completely according to my own decisions, so he often loses his temper with me.A few days ago he reported my bad behavior to the court, so I got a warning from the minister. The minister's words were not harsh, but it was a warning after all, and the impact on me cannot be underestimated.Just as I was thinking about whether I should resign, a letter from the Minister arrived. In the letter, he repeatedly accused me of not being prudent in doing things. At the same time, he affirmed my achievements in work. He agreed that young people should be full of vigor and thinking Be active, but also have a good relationship with colleagues at the upper and lower levels, and hope that I will not show my edge too much in my daily work. It is always right to be reserved and low-key.Treat everything rationally, so that you don't add trouble to yourself.I was deeply moved by the minister's words, and my admiration for him deepened.My friend, it is a pity that good things are always gone so quickly.

February [-]

Life here is always dull. God must have taken away my happiness. I hope he can give it to you.Hope you are all well.

Lotte and Albert were married, I had not been informed beforehand.

Perhaps you were right not to tell me, Albert, but I've been waiting for the day of your wedding to get Lotte's silhouette off the wall.Now that you are husband and wife, I think let it hang on the wall forever!My existence has not affected the relationship between you. You still think of me from time to time. I know that in Lotte's heart, I have always been ranked behind you. I am very satisfied with this position and have no intention of changing it.

However, I dare not imagine what would happen to me if Lotte lost my place in her heart.Farewell, Albert!Lotte, holy angel!Goodbye!

March [-]

Something bad happened to me yesterday, and I think it will be the trigger for others to drive me away.How can I be so unlucky!Bad things always happen to me, even when I don't make any mistakes.Is this what you were expecting to see?If it weren't for your persistence, if I insisted on doing this decent and successful job, the trouble would never come to me.Now, my friend, let me tell you the whole story.

You know that Count von C. loves me, and everyone here knows it too.Yesterday I went to the earl's house, chatted with him and had dinner at his house. At that time, I didn't know that the nobles would hold a banquet at his house, so I didn't leave immediately after eating, but went for a walk with the earl, casually. Chatted with Colonel B for a while, he came to attend the banquet, and then the nobles came one after another, and the banquet began.I haven't heard of the saying that junior staff cannot attend the party before. After the banquet started, I stayed in the Earl's Mansion and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.I watched with disdain for the Von S. couple as they walked in with arrogant expressions, followed by their thin daughter who happened to be wearing tights.They are hereditary aristocrats, and they always feel that they are nobler than others.I was planning to bid farewell to the Count after he had finished talking with the guest, but by chance, Miss B appeared at this moment.After seeing her, I became more happy. After she chose a chair to sit down, I stood behind and chatted with her, but I found that her expression was a little unnatural when chatting, as if she was avoiding something .I couldn't help but wonder, was she influenced by those secular people?Her reaction to me was like a sharp knife piercing my heart. At that time, I really wanted to leave this nasty place immediately, but I didn't give up thinking that she still liked me, and then she would become like before, or Say something to comfort me.The drawing-room was bustling with people, and I saw the Baron F., in all the costumes Franz I wore at the coronation; His wife was also present, but the lady's ears could not hear anything; and Mr. J, whose frock coat was covered with patches, looked very shabby.I stood and chatted with them, and kept an eye on Ms. B's movements from time to time. What made me depressed was that these men were not very enthusiastic about me, and they just put me away with two or three sentences.My attention was always on Miss B, so I didn't notice that the ladies were all whispering in one place, and then the gentlemen gradually gathered and discussed with each other. Over there, Mrs. von S was chatting with the count, and then the count At the end of the conversation, he walked towards me and took me to the window. The earl opened the rear door: "You should have heard that these people are always a little strange. They don't seem to be very friendly to you and think you shouldn't appear at the banquet." But I am not like them..." I said at once: "I should have thought of that earlier, Monsieur Count, and I apologize to you for the inconvenience I have caused you, if an evil angel had not intervened My footsteps, I have already left." After I finished speaking, I smiled at him and left immediately.The earl held me tightly by the hand, delivering words that only he and I could understand.After leaving the Earl's Court, I took a two-wheeled carriage to M, climbed up the hill to watch the magnificent sunset, and chanted Homer's poem, the content of which is that a kind pig butcher gave Odysseus a helping hand .Life should be so comfortable.

Then I went back to dinner, and there were a few people sitting in the dining room, with the tablecloths thrown back, and they were playing dice on the table.Adeline came in, he was a good and honest man, he hung up his hat, came to sit with me, and said to me: "You look a little unhappy?" I froze: "Why so Say?" "The Earl didn't let you attend the banquet." I replied, "It's nothing. Compared with the banquet, I prefer to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air." Happy. You know people are talking about you, I’m really angry when I hear that.” At this moment, I suddenly remembered the disdainful eyes of the nobles, and the people in the restaurant looked at me, and my anger surged up, you damned people!Everyone wants to see my jokes!Now no matter where I appear, people will gloat and say, "Look, what a proud man!"No matter how great he is, there will be no good end. Who told him to belittle others with his own ingenuity, and now he has received retribution, right? ——Listening to these words, I almost want to die.Mouths are on other people, and I can't shut it down, but I'd love to see people fight each other over these taunts.If the rumors are fabricated for no reason, why should I get angry?

March [-]

There are too many troubles recently.During the walk, I had a face-to-face with Miss B, and we were slowly out of sight. Then I asked her why her attitude towards me had changed, and I told her that these changes made me very sad.She smiled and said: "Dear Werther, you know what kind of person I am, but I do have difficulties! After entering the banquet, I have been under pressure from others because of you. Before the banquet, I I knew it would turn out like this, and many times I tried to make it clear to you, but I swallowed the words again. Now let me tell you that neither Mrs. von S. nor Mrs. von T. like you, they said If you had been present, you would not have attended the banquet. The Earl could not change their decision, and he has scruples about them. This matter just keeps getting worse and worse!" I suppressed my panic and asked her: "Please tell me, What happened?" As I spoke, I remembered what Adelin said last night, and my body suddenly became hot.The kind and lovely Ms. B burst into tears at this time, and said aggrievedly: "I don't know how to tell you how much I have been wronged!" Hearing what she said, I really wanted to fall to my knees.I shouted: "Tell it all! Please!" Tears streamed down, and she said as she wiped: "My aunt also attended the banquet yesterday. She knows what happened and doesn't think of you as she used to. That. Dear Werther, I had a bad night last night, and this morning my aunt scolded me again, said I shouldn't be in company with you, and said some demeaning things about you, and I had only a little chance to explain to her."

Her words pierced my heart like a thousand arrows.If she was thinking of me, she shouldn't have told me these things.Then she also said that others wantonly spread all kinds of mocking words, saying that I was lonely, indifferent, ecstatic, and never looked down on others, and now I finally got the punishment I deserved.My friend, although Ms. B didn't mean to laugh at me, these words undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to me. I felt like I was in a sea of ​​fire, and my whole body was going to burn.If those people stand in front of me now, I will definitely be stabbed several times; I can't wait for them to bleed, as if only then will my mood calm down.How many times I wanted to stab my heart with a knife to release the evil spirit in my chest.I heard that there is a kind of horse that will bite itself when it is angry, so that the anger and blood will flow out together.Now I am one of those horses, desperate to free myself.

March 24
I am determined to resign, I am sorry that I did not tell you in advance, I have submitted the resignation report to the court, and I am waiting for the final result.After you know, you will definitely ask me to give up the idea of ​​resigning and be patient. I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I must leave. My mother must be very sad to hear this, but I don’t know how to comfort her. I hope she can understand my difficulties.She thought that I would be able to become a minister or privy adviser without any problems, but who knew that I would cut off this career path.

Maybe you are still trying to persuade me not to resign, but I can't stay here anymore, I'm leaving.I decided to go to the Marquis, a man of integrity and kindness, and when he knew I was going to resign, he urged me to come to him, and I would spend the whole spring at his estate.I thought he could help me, and he said he would not interfere with me, so I decided to go to him.

April [-]

I didn't reply to you in time, and I planned to wait for the court to agree to my resignation before replying to you; now that I have been officially notified, I will leave here soon. stay.Of course, the minister himself also expressed his regret for my imminent departure in the letter. I really want to tell you the content of the letter, but I am afraid that you will be angry.I was very touched by the behavior of the crown prince who gave me 25 ducadens when he learned that I was going to resign.This money is just enough for living expenses, and I don't have to take money from my mother anymore.

May [-]th
The day of departure is set for tomorrow. On the way, I will pass a place where my mother gave birth to me. I plan to revisit the old place and recall the happy life when I was a child.After my father passed away, my mother and I came to the suffocating city and never returned to that beautiful place.William, I will tell you about the scenery along the way.

May [-]
(End of this chapter)

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