Chapter 8 7 ([-])
I have mentioned to you several times that standing under the chestnut tree can enjoy all the surrounding scenery. Two rows of towering beeches stand like guards on both sides of the mountain road. The open space exists like a paradise. When I first came to that place, I felt a shudder in my heart.I realized that my future happiness and sorrow may all happen in this secluded place.

For half an hour I was worried, thinking about getting out of here.I heard their voices from below, and I hurried down to greet them. Restraining my trembling, I took Lotte's hand and kissed it.When we came up together and stood under the chestnut tree, the moon had already shyly revealed part of its face, hiding behind the mountain.We walked casually, chatted, and unknowingly came to the gazebo.Lotte took advantage of the opportunity to find a place to rest in the gazebo, and Albert and I sat down next to her.But I couldn't sit still, there was a fire burning in my heart, I paced back and forth in the pavilion, and sat down again after my mood calmed down a little.I'm out of ideas on what to do next.The moon has completely risen to the sky, and the silvery-white brilliance has covered all the scenery with a beautiful coat. Lotte admires and let us feel the tranquility brought by the moonlight. It is really beautiful, and everything in the world turns silver. The moon is particularly dazzling in it.We looked at the moon quietly and remained silent until Lotte finally spoke up: "I don't know why, I always think of relatives who are no longer alive on moonlit nights, and I am more sensitive to death at this time. I know, Everyone dies! But can dead people meet in another world? Werther, if we were in another world, would we meet? Would we still remember each other? What do you think?"

My eyes suddenly became hot, and tears rolled out. I grabbed her hand and said, "Lotte, no matter where we are, we will meet!" Forgive me, my voice is choked and I can't speak again.William, my friend, she doesn't know that my heart is struggling and I'm getting out of here.

"Do the dead people know that we miss them? Although we live happily, we still miss them. When the night comes, my siblings always like to sit around me, just like they used to sit around their mother, At this time, I always see my mother in the haze, she is smiling. How I long for her to see my hard work: I have followed her last words and took good care of my siblings. I shouted to the sky: 'Mom! My most beloved and dearest mother! I will do my best to raise my younger brothers and sisters to grow up. If they feel that my efforts are far less than yours, I will continue to work hard! Please rest assured that we have always gotten along very well, and I will Create a better family environment where they thrive and teach them love and responsibility. Mom, you must be thanking God for hearing your dying prayers and keeping your children safe and growing.'”

ah!my friend!How beautiful was her language, and how sweet was her voice, no one could have uttered such moving words as hers!She was very emotional, and Albert also said: "Lotte, my dear, calm down your mood, you are always thinking about family matters, but I hope you..." "Albert, You know," Lotte said, "we used to put the children to sleep together on nights when Papa was out, and then you took a book, but you didn't read it, and we sat quietly at the little round table. My mother is a gentle, virtuous, and wise woman, and I always pray to God before going to sleep, hoping that I can become a great woman like my mother."

After listening to it, I knelt down in front of her excitedly, held her hand and said to her: "Dear Lotte! I believe that God will bless you. What a kind girl you are, your mother will also watch in heaven. You, you are not alone!" Lotte put her hand on mine and said softly: "I really hope you can meet my mother, you will not be disappointed." William, I have not accepted it in my life I was almost suffocated with excitement at such a noble compliment.Then she said: "My mother didn't get sick for a long time, and she didn't die in pain. She was so young. The only thing that worried her was the children. At that time, the youngest brother hadn't even arrived for six months. Before she died, she Asked me to call the children to the bedside, and I took them to stand in front of the mother. The younger children hadn’t understood what had happened, and the older children were all at a loss. The mother kissed them one by one and prayed to God for their blessings. Then I was left alone. She took my hand and said, "Thank you, take care of them for me, and be their mother!" I swore to her that I would take good care of my siblings. My mother said, "You Do you know the burden on your shoulders? Becoming a qualified mother is not an easy task. But I know you have the potential to be an excellent mother. You are so considerate and always treat your siblings with a friendly and harmonious attitude. Use your benevolence to care for your siblings, and your sincerity to soothe your father’s pain. You will succeed.’ Then my mother asked me where my father had gone. I said that my father was heartbroken and wept outside.”

"Albert, my mother heard footsteps outside in the room, and she called you in after knowing it was you. We stood side by side in front of her bed, her eyes were very kind and gentle, and she said we were together I will live happily ever after..." At this time, Albert, who was calm and calm, also became excited, hugged his mother and kept kissing, and shouted: "We will be happy!"Always happy!Until old age! 'Looking at his excited appearance, I really feel bad. "

Lotte said to me: "Dear Werther, God is cruel! What a wonderful woman his mother is, he is willing to let her die! The death of the mother is the greatest blow to the children. I still remember them when the mother left. Still brooding long after - the men in black at the funeral carried their mother to a place where they could not be found."

After she finished speaking, she stood up, and I recovered from my sadness, but I kept my sitting position and didn't let go of her hand.She said to me: "It's getting late, it's time to go back." She wanted to take out her hand, but I grabbed it even harder.I said: "Dear friends, no matter where we are, no matter where we change our faces, we will meet again. Now, I am leaving, I really want to leave, I am really reluctant to part with you, and I have to do this again." Lotte, goodbye! Albert, goodbye! Looking forward to our reunion!" Lotte giggled and said, "Tomorrow is the day of reunion." How could she know what I was thinking at this moment?She has no idea.I stood there and watched their backs gradually go away. Lotte wore a white dress and walked lightly through the woods.I couldn't help crying on the ground, and then ran to the chestnut tree, and saw Lotte's figure was only a little white dot, getting closer and closer to the exit of the garden, I opened my arms to hug her again, little white dot It's completely gone.

October [-]

The envoy and I arrived here yesterday. Because the envoy is in poor health, he has to recuperate at home for a while.I think this attack has something to do with his temper. If he is not so severe, his mood will not fluctuate too much.Now I know that God is training me, and I must persevere and complete the difficult problems he has given me.As long as you maintain a good attitude and a happy mood, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome!I really didn't expect that I would also write something like a happy mood. It seems that people will change.Happiness has to be won by yourself, and a good attitude will make happiness come earlier.I have great talents and abilities, but why do other people show off their pitiful talents in front of me.Creator, your power is supreme, please allow me to exchange some of my talents and abilities for some confidence!

Impatience is no big deal, you are right, my friend.Whenever I see working people doing farm work one after another, I feel how beautiful my life is.People always like to compare, compare themselves with others, and comment on the happiness and sorrow of others and themselves. Only people who have nothing to do will do this.Books and human primitive imagination influence our thoughts, and we can't help but have an idea that we are always behind others, inferior to others in every aspect, as if everything in the world is perfect, only The self is broken.We magnify our own defects countless times, magnify the advantages of others countless times, and try to transplant the advantages of others to ourselves, or we fully support a certain person, treat him as a god, and he also Show a reassuring smile.In fact, nothing is perfect. We think he is perfect, but it is just our wishful thinking.In the final analysis, we do not have enough confidence in ourselves and do not believe in our own abilities.Please don't follow others blindly, bravely face the storm, when you come to the end of victory, you will find that those people who you thought were gods have been left far behind by you.

November 26

I am learning to adapt to life here, and I will definitely be a little uncomfortable in the early stage.Fortunately, I can find a lot of things to do here, and there are many people waiting for me to meet.

Earl C is a person I know here. He is not as dull-minded as a person, can always keep up with the social trend, and has ideals in his heart. All these make me admire him.He is an easygoing guy, knowledgeable and warm.He gives enough love and care to everyone.

Once I visited him because of work. During the chat, we both found that the other party shared the same interests as ourselves. As a person of status, he could not show his heart to everyone, but I was an exception. He and I We had a good chat, and soon we became confidants.His candor was something I never expected, and it brought my admiration for him one step closer.It is one of the great blessings of life to have made the acquaintance of such a great man as he is.

December 24

Really fed up with the Minister's mother-in-law, he is an old-fashioned, extremely demanding gossip, and I guessed the result before getting along with him.I don't think there will be another person like him.He is not only strict with himself, but also with others.I don't like to do things in a muddy way, I just do what I want; but he always said to me after reviewing my manuscript: "It is well written, but there are still some small flaws, it should be better after careful revision."—— —It really pissed me off.Omitting a word "and" or a linking word will be rejected by him; he hates inversion sentences extremely, but I sometimes write a few sentences; as for long complex sentences, if they are not written in the prescribed order, He couldn't understand it at all.It is very hard to get along with the minister.

To my relief, Count von C. was not like an envoy to me.Not long ago, he told me sincerely and frankly that he was also very dissatisfied with the envoy's procrastination and shrinking when doing things.He said: "People like him always like to pester one thing endlessly, which annoys themselves and others. However, we have to work hard to adapt to his existence and learn how to live in harmony with him. , as if you are a traveler, there is a mountain in front of you that you can't avoid, you can only climb it. We think that if this mountain does not appear, the road will be much easier, but it has appeared , we have to conquer it!" The envoy found that the count was very friendly to me, and in order to attack the count, he often whispered some words against the count in my ear.It was impossible for me to allow him to insult the count, and I contradicted his words, which also irritated him greatly.What he said yesterday made me furious. He said that the earl has a gorgeous appearance, but he has no real talents.After he finished speaking, there was a mocking smile on his face, as if he was asking silently: "Did my words make you unhappy?" But his aggressive method had no effect on me. I hated his approach from the bottom of my heart. Made me look down on him even more.I answered him with the sharpest words, and told him that the count was a rare talent, and that few people could match him in virtue or wisdom.I said: "So far, I have never met such a great person as Earl. His shrewd mind can not only solve any academic problems, but also arrange daily life meticulously." After I finished speaking, I felt a burst of relief and relief , but I knew that the recalcitrant envoy would not be able to listen to half a sentence, and arguing with him would be a waste of my energy, so I left.

If it weren't for you always asking me to find a decent job, how could I be so angry.Is work that important?The farmers who work in the fields are much freer than me, and their labor is serious work. If I am wrong, I would rather you leave me beside the minister and suffer for another ten years.

There are people everywhere here who disgust me like the Minister. They only know how to dress and dress up, and they never pay attention to their inner self-cultivation.For their own interests and status, everyone is eager to try, and at the same time guarding against the blows of others; the pursuit of desire is no longer sneaky, but with great fanfare, and there are greedy people around.Here I see a woman who always tells others how noble her status is and how big her family property is. She is a lunatic in the eyes of people because she is proud and arrogant. Everyone is muttering: thinking that she has status and money Can you be superior?How stupid!What surprised me even more was that the woman's father was actually a clerk in the next town.Her family is not as rich as she said, did she feel ashamed when she boasted about herself?Dear William, I know that we will never be able to grasp the thoughts of others, nor can we imagine that we can use our thoughts to guide others.The people and things around me will always cause me to fluctuate, and I still have a lot of things to do, that's all, let them toss, just ask them not to bother me.

The behavior of ordinary people makes me sad too.Class stratification is inevitable in every country. To some extent, its emergence has a positive effect on people's lives. Everyone is arranged in a position that suits them, and they pursue their own happiness without being judged by others. The influence of others does not affect others.I recently made the acquaintance of Miss von B. I met on a walk. She is very charming, and the dullness of life has not lost her vitality.We had a great chat, and when we parted I asked her if she would allow me to visit her, which made me so glad she didn't refuse and can't wait to see her again.She is a foreigner, and her aunt's family lives here.I spent most of my time chatting with her aunt. In less than half an hour, I almost got to know all about her family. Then Miss B also told me about her aunt: the poor old man has been living a poor life, Leaving aside the family property left by her ancestors, she can be said to have nothing. Her aunt's greatest hobby is to lie on the upstairs window and watch the endless crowds on the street.When she was young, her aunt was a beautiful lady. Countless young people worshiped her, but none of them could get her love.She lived alone until she was middle-aged and married a docile soldier.Their relationship has always been sweet. When she reached old age, her husband passed away before her, and she had to live alone for a long time. Now, except for this lovely and lively Miss B, the old lady has no one else to rely on.

(End of this chapter)

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