The Sorrows of Young Werther

Chapter 19 A Pair of Bizarre Neighborhood Children

Chapter 19 A Pair of Bizarre Neighborhood Children
This novel is about two childhood sweethearts.They grew up together, but they excluded each other, and their families could not separate them. After many years, the two reunited, only to find that the person they love the most is each other.

There are two aristocratic families, they have a boy and a girl respectively, because they live next to each other, the two children played together since they were young, and the adults all believe that they will be able to get married and become a happy couple when they grow up.As the two children grew up, people suddenly discovered that their personalities might not be suitable for a husband and wife, and both of them were very strong.It may be that their growth environments are not much different, so the similarity in personality is also reasonable.They each have a group of supporters. Of course, these supporters are also children. Whenever the children play together, the two of them become the leaders of their respective factions. Both of them do things very neatly and neither wants to lose to the other; Even when there was nothing to quarrel about, they bickered all the time.It is said that the children's innocence is beautiful, but their relationship is not friendly, and it can even be said to be hateful and evil.

The unfriendliness between them was on full display as early as childhood, and the bad relationship worsened with age.Once, the children were divided into two teams to play a war game. The boy was the leader of one side, and the girl, not to be outdone, volunteered to be the leader of the other side.During the play, the girl was extremely fierce and beat the opposing army to pieces, but the boy was clearly superior to her. He subdued the girl calmly and wittily, but she was still struggling to resist. The boy had no choice but to take the girl's hands Tie it firmly behind the back with a silk scarf to prevent the two from being injured in a conflict.

The failure made the girl heartbroken, and she was so ashamed and angry that she insisted on taking revenge on the boy to vent her anger.For this she often attacked boys secretly.Their parents were the first to notice the hostility between the two children. In desperation, the adults made a decision not to let them stay together, and the good hopes for them before were also dashed.

After changing to a new environment, the already excellent boy became even more outstanding. After finishing his studies with honors, he decided to become a soldier, and his family strongly supported his choice.He does his best to serve people, and his good upbringing and cheerful personality endow him with warm support no matter where he is.The smooth sailing career has brought him a comfortable life. The opponent who used to make things difficult for him was gone, and he felt relieved for no reason.

But the girl's life became dull, and the growth of age made her no longer interested in those noisy games, and she grew into a lady day by day.But at the same time, she lacked the curiosity and vigor she had when she was a child about the things around her. There was no thing she particularly liked or anyone she disliked.

A young man fell in love with this girl. He was a little older than the boy next door when she was young. This young man was rich and powerful, and he was very popular with girls and women.Among the many noble-born, beautiful and elegant girls, he was the only one who took a fancy to this girl and showed great hospitality to her, which is a great honor for any girl.Although the man's love is warm, it does not bring a burden to the girl, and the girl also enjoys the happiness he brings to herself.They always appeared in front of everyone in pairs, and every time he stood by her side like a loyal guard.In people's expectations, the man explained his intentions to the girl's parents. If the girl was not young, people believed that they would get married immediately.The girl is used to his care, although she is still a little ignorant, but the power of the world makes her involuntarily walk in the direction that people expect.So people began to call her his fiancée, and when referring to men, they would also say her fiancé.People felt that they were bound to get married someday, and until they got engaged, they, their families, and those who wished them well felt that something was going to happen.

The relationship between the two has always been developing smoothly, and the engagement was just a ceremony, which did not have any impact on them.They lived happily and happily as before, and practiced how to face the future married life.

Not long after the engagement, the accomplished neighbor returned, for the first time since his absence.He took a few days off during his vacation to go home and have a look.The mischievous children in the past have grown up now, and the two stood facing each other, feeling both familiar and strange to each other.Girls learn how to be good wives and hostesses as soon as they get engaged, and how to get along with everyone.In the eyes of others, she is undoubtedly a happy person, and she herself thinks so.When people who were at odds with each other when they were young stand together again, the previous arrogance has disappeared, and the hatred has long since disappeared.In fact, both of them understand that they have tried their best to compete with each other. In addition to their personal character of not admitting defeat, it is more of an affirmation and appreciation of each other's abilities. It's just that children are not good at expressing, so they use more extreme words. way manifested.The long parting made the two have endless topics to talk about. They had a long talk, especially the naughty and savage childhood, which they took out as happy memories and laughed. I'm a little embarrassed.

The boy's behavior is very decent, and his speech and behavior reveal good cultivation and high social status. He regards the girl as his best friend and gets along with her with pure and sincere friendship.He did not develop unreasonable feelings for the girl, nor did he show jealousy or hatred for her fiancé. On the contrary, the two men became close friends within a short period of time.

But this reunion caused the girl to have different emotions towards the boy.She suddenly understood that her love for the boy had just begun when she was young, and the previous resistance and provocation turned out to be her admiration for him in a different way than usual.She reorganized her memories in detail, and reconfirmed that her feelings for him had never changed, and she liked him.She still remembered that when she was a child, she held a rough toy weapon and looked for his traces aggressively. She smiled sweetly thinking of this.Later, she was caught by the boy and her weapon was taken away, but she was not angry, but felt an inexplicable pleasure.She tried her best to fight against him, quarrel and fight, but she actually wanted to express herself in front of him so that he could see herself at any time.But they separated, and they were separated from each other. The girl couldn't help but blame herself, why didn't she realize her feelings for him earlier?Now that I already have a fiancé, and my life is ordinary, if I hadn't separated back then, wouldn't I be much happier than I am now?Her thoughts are quietly changing, and no one can be sure about the result of this change.

I believe that as long as people put themselves in the girl's shoes and think about it, they will understand and even agree with her inner change.Although the girl's fiancé is also a good-looking talent, compared with the boy, he is obviously at a disadvantage.If there is no one else to compare with, the feeling that the fiancé gives to the girl can be said to be very good, but now there is someone who is more outstanding and has a wonderful relationship with the girl standing beside her, her heart immediately turns to this outstanding boy .She puts all her support and trust on the boy, and if she is in misfortune one day, she doesn't care whether her fiancé comes back to help her, what she longs for is the heroic rescue of the boy.Women have a particularly keen insight into feelings, and they can clearly distinguish their feelings for different people.

The girl's love for the boy was like a blazing flame, suddenly flourishing; her feelings for her fiancé gradually faded, and reason did not require her to take into account her current identity and status.At the same time, no one around her had the patience to enlighten her about her transformation and confusion, and no one told her that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and she could accept the arrangement of fate with peace of mind.So she deepened her love for the boy, but her relationship with her fiancé was well known, and she didn't know how to get rid of the rope that bound her.Besides, it's just her one-sided love now, the boy seems to have no other emotion for her except friendship, and he gets along with her with the loyalty and integrity of a friend.During the chat, she learned that the boy would soon end his vacation, and saw that he was still indifferent to her. In desperation, the girl's violent temper and savage character revived after a long period of hibernation, even more terrifying than when she was a child.She decided to take revenge on the boy's indifference by ending her own life. At this moment, she was full of hatred. If she couldn't marry him in her lifetime, then she would let herself live in his memory forever.If she wants to use death to attract the boy's attention to her, he will definitely have a strong self-blame: if he had discovered her love earlier, the two could live happily together.

After making up her mind, the girl carefully hides her thoughts. Her behavior inevitably looks weird, but people can't know what she's thinking, and naturally no one can guess what she's about to do.

During the period when the boy came back, there were many festivals, and every corner of the town was covered with decorations, and countless tourists came to see it.People also held all kinds of celebration activities, each of which is full of tricks.As a young man with a successful career and visiting relatives for the first time, the boy also held an event and invited many relatives and friends to take a boat trip together, including the girl and her fiancé of course.A magnificent yacht was parked by the river. Although it was not big, there were several rooms and a large living room on board. People stepped onto the boat one after another and started their boat trip.

There was soft music playing on the boat, and it slowly moved forward into the distance.The refraction of the sun made people feel very hot, so everyone went down to the room on the bottom of the hull to play cards or play games.The boy didn't join in the game. He came to the captain and persuaded the old man to take a rest. He started to steer the helm himself, and the old captain fell asleep after a while.It happened that the two sides of this section of the river suddenly extended a lot to the middle, and there was only a small area left in the river, which required the captain to have superb skills to sail through safely.The boy's steering skills were not bad, at first he wanted to wake up the captain, but also wanted to exercise his ability, so he stared at the river intently, turning the rudder flexibly with both hands.While he was concentrating, the girl appeared. She stood on the deck, reached out and took down her beautiful wreath, threw it at the boy, and shouted: "I'll give it to you, take it!" The boy quickly grabbed the oncoming garland, and because he was steering, he shouted to the girl: "I am sailing, don't interfere with me." The girl ran towards the front of the boat while shouting: "I will not interfere You, just this time, goodbye!" She jumped and fell into the river as she spoke.The boy stood there frightened.After hearing the sound of falling into the water, people looked out in a panic and shouted: "Come on! Help her! She jumped into the river!" The captain woke up amidst the sound of exclamation. He could have replaced the boy at the helm. So that he could save people, but the boat was going in a dangerous place. Finally, the boat hit the shore and stopped. The boy quickly took off his coat, rushed out like an arrow from the string, and jumped into the river with a plop. He rushed in the direction of the girl.

For those who are familiar with water, water is not scary.It can take people to any place.After some effort, the boy finally got close to the girl and hugged her tightly. He carried her on his back so that she could breathe air.The boy tried to swim back, but the current was so strong that instead of being able to move forward, it carried them far downstream.The boy didn't start swimming until the river bank widened and the water flow gradually stabilized.He collected himself and turned his head around to observe the surrounding environment. He saw a piece of land in the center of the river that was connected to the shore, so he took the girl to swim there.The dry land gave him a sense of security. He laid the girl flat on the ground, but her chest stopped rising and she was not breathing.The boy almost went mad.In a panic, he saw a small path opening deep in the woods on the bank. He picked up the girl again and walked into the woods along the path. After a while, a small wooden house appeared in front of him.A young couple lived in the house. They ran out of the house and saw the young people who were killed. The kind couple found all the items the boy said, warm blankets, animal skins, and lit a bonfire.The three tried their best to save the girl's life, and their hard work paid off. Their efforts were not in vain. The girl slowly opened her eyes, and the first person she saw was the boy she admired. neck, looking at him affectionately and intently.After a long time, the girl's eyes were filled with tears, and her spirit was completely recovered.She said to the boy: "Thank God, I didn't lose you, do you know my heart?" The boy said excitedly: "Yes, I know, we will be together, forever together!" happiness surrounded him.He said to the girl again: "Don't do stupid things anymore, for me, you have to protect yourself well, it's also for your own good."

The girl looked at herself, such a scene was very embarrassing.But they already loved each other, and the boy was her savior, what could not make them confess to each other?The girl loosened her hands wrapped around the boy's body, his clothes were soaked and had to be changed immediately.

After seeing the girl wake up, the kind master breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the two loving young people, the couple decided to wear the wedding dresses they had treasured.The boy and the girl accepted the kind couple's kindness and let them adorn themselves and it was not long before the two young men stood together in the image of the bride and groom in a church wedding, both looking so young and rich Lively, with a happy smile on his face.They were amazed by the changes in themselves and the other party, as if they were different people. They couldn't help laughing and hugged each other tightly.Angels hovered above their heads, showering love petals, and if there was another dance song, they would dance happily.

In just a few days, they experienced life and death, and their initial friendship turned into love. In addition to this adventurous adventure in the woods, it is difficult for ordinary people to change their thinking so quickly, let alone readily accept this change.Great joy requires an even greater heart to bear.

They love each other for a long time, and when they come to their senses from joy and totality, they realize that they have lost contact with their relatives and friends for a long time. They can't help worrying, how will they face their family and friends?The boy asked: "What should we do? Are we going to leave here? Or hide in a hidden place so that they can't find it?" The girl hugged him and laughed: "No, we will go to see them like this."

The kind husband learned that they were washed down from the river, and there was a boat stranded on the bank, so he ran to the river and waited for the arrival of boats and people.After the boat ran aground, the people pushed the boat back into the river with difficulty, and they went down the river to find the traces of the two young men.The kind-hearted man saw a boat approaching from a distance, so he found a place where the boat could dock, shouted vigorously in the direction of the boat, and waved his hand as a signal. Soon, the people on the boat found him.After the ship docked and stopped, something unexpected happened to the people on board!The parents of the two ran ashore first, and before they could ask, children appeared in the woods not far away, and the girl's fiancé almost fainted from the scene in front of him.How incredible!The mothers shouted: "My God! What is going on?" The fathers also shouted: "This is not a dream! What happened?" Two young people in wedding dresses walked quickly to their parents and knelt down , They said eagerly: "You read that right, it is us, your beloved child, and also a loving couple!" The girl then said: "I know it is sudden, but please agree!" The boy also said : "Please bless us!" Then the two said together: "Please bless us!" People couldn't believe their eyes, but the children's voices sounded again: "Please bless us!" Things have come to a happy ending , who has the heart to destroy it?
(End of this chapter)

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