Chapter 18
People are fast asleep, and the surroundings are quiet. Thinking of what I’m about to do, I don’t even feel panic. Merciful God, it’s you who gave me the courage to face it firmly.

Lotte, the stars are not clear tonight, but you can still see a few stars through the clouds. We will live in this world forever like stars, and God will always take care of us.In those nights before, when I walked back from you, I could always see the Big Dipper hanging above me.I take it as my lucky star because I saw it when I left your house and it reminds me of you.Actually, Lotte, everything reminds me of you!You are everywhere like air!Everything you touch, I always try to have them, which is totally childish!

Your silhouette has been hanging on the wall, you take it home, please keep it safe.In my opinion, it is like the second you, no matter how tired or rushed, I will greet it first when I go out and return, and there are countless kisses on it.

Regarding the disposal of my body, I will write it on a piece of paper and please submit it to the judge.When I die, please bury me under those two linden trees, behind the churchyard, on the other side of the field, I like that place very much.I know the judge is a good man, and I believe he will not refuse my request, but I would trouble you to speak to him again.I wish I could rest in nature, by the side of a road or in a desolate mountain, a churchyard would not accept my kind, in the wilderness my grave would be visited by all, priests, Samaritans and The Levites will pray for me.

Dear Lotte, I am not afraid of death!With you, a lovely angel, to guide me, what else can I not be satisfied with?I have no nostalgia for the world, I have tasted the beauty of life, now, I will welcome the arrival of death, calmly and firmly open the door to death!
All this is for you!Lotte!What an honor to die for you!If my death could bring you joy and happiness again, it would be the greatest good I have ever done.Regrettably, few people are willing to exchange their lives for the happiness of relatives and friends, let alone encourage relatives and friends to live bravely and strongly!

Lotte, I have agreed with the judge that I will be buried in the same clothes I first met you because you touched it.In addition, I have the birthday present you gave me in my pocket, the pink bow, which was also the decoration on your clothes when we first met, please don't let others search my pockets.If your younger siblings ask about me, you might as well tell them my story completely. Those naughty and clever children, how much they like me, pester me to tell stories.You see, we are inextricably linked, from the first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you deeply!The days with you are my happiest moments, I have enjoyed so much, now it's time to end!After hearing the news of my death, please take care of yourself!Remember!The gun is loaded, and it is twelve o'clock at midnight!Bye now!Lotte!goodbye!Bye now!

When the shot went off, a neighbor saw a flash of light outside, followed by a suffocating silence, so he didn't give it much thought.

The next morning, the servant came to Werther's room at six o'clock. In the candlelight, he found that the master was lying on the ground, with a big pool of blood pouring out from under his body, and the pistol was thrown aside.He yelled loudly in fright, pushing Werther's body, but Werther couldn't make a sound, he just made a vague sound.The servant hurriedly called a doctor to rescue the master, and then ran to Lotte's house to report.Lotte was overwhelmed by the sound of the doorbell, did her premonition come true?She dressed in a panic, woke up Albert, and the two went downstairs to see the servant. After listening to the servant's stuttering and incoherent speech, Lotte passed out on the spot.

After the doctor arrived, he examined Werther and sighed that he was about to die. Although his heart was still beating, his hands and feet were already stiff. The bullet was shot from above the right eye and penetrated the entire brain, and the blood mixed with the brain flowed all over the place.The ignorant doctor tried to save him by cutting the blood vessel, but the blood would only flow more and more.Judging from the scene, Werther was sitting on a chair facing the desk. After being shot, he fell backwards. The great pain made him roll over on the ground.Now he was motionless, in his blue tuxedo and yellow vest, and his boots, and he wanted to die with dignity.

People in the city heard the news and were very surprised.The wound on his head was covered with gauze, people carried him to the bed, his face was pale, his voice fluctuated high and low, Albert came, and people were quietly waiting for him to leave.

There was a copy of "Emilia Galotti" open on the table, and he drank only one glass of the bottle.

The grief of Lotte and Albert will not be described here, and everyone can guess how much this event shocked them.

The judge rode up immediately after receiving the news, and looked at poor Werther with tears in his eyes.Lotte’s older brothers also came, and they knelt beside Werther in grief, kissing him while weeping, the eldest one was particularly sad, he almost lay on Werther’s body and wept bitterly, kissing Werther all the time His lips refused to be parted, and when Werther took his last breath, he was pulled away from Werther's body. Obviously, Werther's favorite child could not accept the horrible fact.At twelve o'clock, Werther passed away.The judge used his outstanding leadership skills to get people through Witte's funeral in an orderly manner.At eleven o'clock in the evening, the workers carried Werther's body to the field, followed by the judge and his sons. According to Werther's last wish, the judge buried him under the two linden trees. Devastated and in bed, Albert was with her, so they could not come to the funeral, nor did the priest.Because in the social customs at that time, priests could not arrange funerals for those who committed suicide, and the cemetery would not accept suicides.Werther already knew this, so he asked the judge to bury him under the linden tree.It is conceivable that without the help of a judge, it would be difficult for Werther's funeral to be properly completed. (Finish)
(End of this chapter)

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