Chapter 2 1 ([-])
May [-]
I am so happy that I have left you, my dear friend.It is only now discovered that the human mind is really elusive.I don't feel bad about parting from you, but I'm very happy, knowing that you are my favorite and best friend.Trust me you don't mind me saying this.My heart has been tortured, all because of love, God must not want me to live in a carefree life all the time, so I fell into an emotional vortex.Leonore's sister, whom I am very attached to, is in love with me, and she is doomed to be hurt, how unfortunate she is, but it is not my fault.However, I can't completely shirk the responsibility. At some point, my performance may invisibly make her have a good impression of me. At the same time, our interest in her may also cause her to misunderstand to a certain extent. .When she speaks, she is often greeted by our hearty laughter. This does not mean that her words are full of joy, on the contrary, every word she says comes from the heart and from the bottom of my heart.

——Man, why always express dissatisfaction with yourself!My friend, I solemnly swear here that I will definitely quit this bad habit in the future. I can no longer be the same as before, always worrying about the difficulties and setbacks I encountered in the past; I should take good care of the present, as for the past What is done, let it go with the wind.People should not be too horny, your teaching is correct, dear friend, what we need is to analyze and grasp the current situation, instead of living in the past and relying on memory, we must make ourselves happy.

Please tell my mother that I will notify her as soon as I finish what she has told her, and please rest assured that I will do my best to do it well.In addition, after talking with my aunt, I found that she is actually a gentle, kind, and energetic person. We had misunderstood her before.I have already talked to my aunt about the inheritance. She knew that my mother did not approve of my approach, so she explained to me the reasons and reasons for choosing this approach, as well as her considerations in other aspects. It was all taken out, which greatly exceeded our expectations-I won't say much here, please tell my mother, things will be done properly.I may as well tell you, dear friend, that after this incident I realized how serious the consequences of laziness and misunderstanding are, even more than those of insidiousness and malice, which are not very frequent.

The place where I am staying now can be described as a "fairyland on earth", anyone will feel comfortable here, although no one is with me, but I happen to let my soul rest for a while when I am alone It's sunny season, and I don't have to worry about being swallowed by the cold anymore.The trees are flourishing here, and the flowers are blooming. I think I am an insect wandering in the sea of ​​flowers, enjoying the beauty of nature unscrupulously.

The scenery around the city is very charming, but the city itself is slightly inferior.There are layers of mountains all around, not high, but the scenery is different, no matter how you look at it, it is a beautiful scenery.Earl Feng M. took a fancy to the beautiful scenery here, so he built a garden in it.This garden was not created by professional designers. Its style is very simple. The designer integrated his emotions into the construction of the garden, and his lonely heart became happy because of the appearance of the garden.The garden was everything to the earl, and I was fascinated by the garden, and mourn the earl who has passed away.The servant in the garden has placed great trust in me, and he will undoubtedly be rewarded by me when I become the owner of the garden.

May [-]
At this moment, my soul feels very comfortable, as if I am bathed in the fresh morning light.No one bothered me, this place was built just for me, so that I could fully enjoy the beauty that life has to offer.My friend, you must not know how happy I am now, I have not painted for a long time, and the environment here makes people unburdened of all burdens and responsibilities.If I was a great painter before, I am even greater now that I cannot paint.I often lie in the grass by the stream, where the sage grows, and at this time, the surrounding valley is surrounded by mist, the sun is just above the dense forest, and the bright sunlight passes through the layers of leaves Only some small rays of light are left to shine on the grass, and the waterfall flying down from the mountain turns into a clear stream and winds its way through the grass.I am happy to spend a long time observing all kinds of grasses and insects running and crawling in the grass. They make me feel the wonders of nature, and I can't help but have a sincere admiration for the Creator.Since then, nature has taken root in my heart like a lover, and no one can shake it. Dear friend, I often immerse myself in its beauty, and imagine: if I can bring the magic of nature It is really best to write down all the beautiful things.I would see my whole, pure heart on paper as if I were looking in a mirror.But I can't do this. Nature is beautiful and majestic at the same time. If I violate it, I will definitely lead to my own death.

May [-]

This place is so intoxicating, I don't know if it has the ability to confuse human beings in itself, or if my heart has over-beautified it, making it look like it was built by God, so fascinating.There was a well not far from the garden, and I was no less obsessed with it than Melucie and her companions.There is an arc-shaped door at the bottom of the hill, and after going down about twenty steps, you can see a spring trickling out of a gap in the marble.A circle of fences surrounds the spring water, and the lush trees produce many shades under the sunshine, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.Everything here fascinates me, but there is also a faint sense of unreality that makes people afraid.However, I still set aside an hour every day to be silently in a daze by the spring.All the girls living in the city come here to draw water, and it is said that the former princess must also come here in person.Fetching water should be the most common housework in this place, and every girl has to learn it.When I was in a daze, I seemed to see ancient people chatting by the spring, greeting everyone, they talked about the weather and the country, and by the way, they found a good marriage for their children, and there were kind and gentle angels in the sky fly.These feelings of mine can only be understood by those who have had the same experience as me, who must reach the spring after a long walk in the scorching heat, and stop to enjoy the coolness that this place affords them.

May [-]

In a previous letter, you said you wanted to send me my book.Oh my friend, please don't do this, God help me, I just want to be quiet for a while now.At this moment, I am already very excited, and my heart is surging, which is far stronger than the shock brought to me by books; I want to completely relax my body and mind in a quiet and peaceful environment, so I have been reading "Homer" during this time. epic".When I read them softly, the surge and excitement in my heart gradually began to stabilize, so I'm afraid you haven't seen what my real heart is like?But I will never forget your concern. Every time I change from depressed to full of passion, you silently wait by my side.I long for your care at any time, and act like a child to you, hoping that your attention can be more on me.If others find out about my mischievous and rogue behavior, they will definitely scold me, so please keep it a secret for me.

May [-]

I have become very close to the local people, they are very friendly to me, and the children like me very much.But in the initial contact, their reaction made me feel a little sad.At first, in order to get closer to them, I always took the initiative to talk to them and talk about family affairs, but my behavior caused them to misunderstand, and the people thought that I approached them with a playful and mocking attitude, so I was Many people drove away.I am not discouraged, but these personal experiences remind me of some of the words I have often said in the past: Those who think of their status and status in society will always look at the lower class people with disdain and contempt; They pretend to be kind and hide their noble bodies among the common people to make themselves more noticeable. In fact, the eyes of the masses are sharp, and they can spot people with bad intentions at a glance.The social hierarchy cannot be broken, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it; but people's behavior and thoughts should not be bound by identity and status, and people should not disdain to get along with ordinary people because of their noble status, and those who worry about not being able to defeat the enemy, Those who run away from the enemy should be severely punished.

As I was passing the well the other day, a young maid was drawing water, and her jar, already filled, lay on the last step.She looked around for signs of other maids, for she couldn't lift the pitcher over her head alone.So I walked up to her and said with a smile, "Let me help you?" The maid's face immediately turned red.She declined, "Ah! It's all right, I can do it myself, sir." I continued, "It's all right, I'll help you." She didn't refuse, and put the cushion on her head, and I lifted the pitcher Lift it up and slowly place it on her head.She thanked me and walked away.

May [-]

I've met quite a few people here, but no one has become my confidant.Many people make no secret of their love for me, but I am very confused, I don't know what they like about me, I don't like short time together, even if there is joy, it will only make me more sad.Maybe you are wondering if the people here are different from the people in other places, my answer will disappoint you, they are the same as the people in all other places, as if they were made by machines, exactly the same.Most of the time they are working for a living, and the rest of the time could have rested their tired bodies and minds, but they are not used to a leisurely life, and they are constantly looking for work during the rest time .It seems that people are born to be busy.

They were undoubtedly good people.From time to time, I will get together with them and have fun: we drink and chat together, enjoy all kinds of delicacies at will, and occasionally we will go out together to travel or hold a dance party, which really makes me happy; but at the same time I also Finding my body was deteriorating, my strength sapped with nowhere to go, I had to keep this embarrassing secret to myself.It really embarassed me, I didn't anticipate other people's reactions, everyone is afraid of being misunderstood by other people, that's how people are.

The lover of my youth is long gone, but I will never forget the days when I was with her.A voice in my heart said to me: idiot, she is gone, you will never see her again!I admit that this voice is right, but I can't restrain myself from missing her. Her soul and heart once belonged to me. With her by my side, I will feel that my heart is extremely strong. Anything I want Anything can be done.I make full use of every power in my body, and the same is true for my emotions. I love nature with all my emotions. When I get along with her, I will always be happy and happy. Only wise and intelligent people will give their all Focus on one thing.

However, she left me, is it because she is a few years older than me?After that, I still have her voice and smile in my mind, and she has taken root in my heart.

A few days ago, I met a young man who had just graduated. He was handsome and upright. I called him V.He has a little pride, though, but it's not particularly annoying.I can detect that he has a fanatical pursuit of knowledge, and his knowledge is indeed admirable.The reason he came to visit me was that he heard that I knew painting and was also familiar with Greek characters (painting and Greek are almost unknown in the local area). Both Mann and Depiller were discussed by him one by one, and he also told me that he was studying Sulzer's theory, and he had fully mastered the first part of the theory. Very interested.I just sat there quietly and listened to his boast without speaking.Another person I knew was a judge who had been sent here by the Marquis, and the judge had a very open and easy personality.I was told once that the judge played with little children a lot, and at one point was with nine children, and that he was a nice man; and that he was very fond of his daughter, and you don't hear that from people To half a sentence about his bad.I have been honored to be his invited guest and will visit him soon.It takes about an hour and a half from my residence to his house, which is in a mountain estate of the Marquis.After the judge's wife unfortunately passed away, the Marquis allowed him to move to live in a mountain villa. The previous house would only add to his grief and make him immerse himself in the pain of missing his deceased day and night.

In addition to these two people, I also knew a few other people, but they didn't get along well with me. Their speech and behavior made me unacceptable, but they showed excessive enthusiasm for me like long-time friends.I believe that the content of this letter is exactly what you have been looking forward to. Without my personal emotions, it is a rational description of others.

May 22
Sometimes I feel in a trance that my life is a dream. I believe everyone has this experience.Humans blindly pursue what they cannot get in this world, even if they violate the laws of nature, they are still unscrupulous; trying to live forever and pursuing things that are out of reach, these stupid behaviors are impossible to succeed, just like a prisoner. Can you ask him to paint colorful landscapes on the damp and cold walls?One person's meager strength cannot stop the reckless behavior of a group of people, so he can only choose to remain silent.I put all my energy on myself, but I didn't expect to discover another mysterious world!I stopped showing off my abilities too much and decided to hide my thoughts and desires.In this world, everything is hazy and unreal in my eyes, so I can't feel their existence.Teachers with high self-esteem always think that students are a group of naive and ignorant children who don't know what they want; in fact, adults are just like children, doing nothing, seeming to be busy every day, but no one knows what they are doing. After what, they're a swarm of aimless flies scurrying around, circling around food and money.Cruel facts are always hard to accept. In my opinion, this is the true portrayal of the world.

After reading my thoughts, you must want to tell me that there are still beautiful things in this world, and happiness has not disappeared.I do not deny that what you say is true, children are undoubtedly the happiest people, and people who are as innocent as children and have no desires are also happy.They focus on the things they are interested in, have a great time playing, and never care about other people's eyes and opinions. If they encounter something they like, they will try their best to get it like a child. If it is a piece of bread, they will take advantage of it. People are not prepared to quickly stuff it into their mouths, ignoring the people around them looking at their puffed cheeks with strange eyes, and shouting loudly: "I want more! I want more!" There is another kind of life that can be regarded as happiness Yes, they boldly display their daily chores, even their hobbies, good or bad, in praise, and they thank God for the variety in their lives.Isn't such a person lovely and happy?Although living in a chaotic and filthy world, people still have good expectations for the future in their hearts, and every day they live must be spent wonderfully. As long as you have this firm belief, no matter how many winds and rains, you can't defeat you. Always full of bright sunshine, one day, you will leave this chaotic place and go to the holy place in your heart.

May 26
Dear friend, you are familiar with all my temperaments, so you know that whenever I find a place that suits me in every way, I want to build a house and live there.I recently found another place that gave me that urge.

(End of this chapter)

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