Chapter 3 2 ([-])
Its name is Wahlheim, and it takes about an hour to get there from the city.Standing on the mountain, you can feel its difference. There is a small road leading to the village, and you can see the whole valley while walking on the road.I often visit the tavern of a lady boss, she is a bit old, a warm and kind person, I have tasted every kind of liquor in her house, wine, beer, and coffee; there are two branches in the village The great linden trees, in the sun, can cast their shade over a large area, including houses, barns, and small clearings.Such pleasant places are not easy to find, so I often sit under the linden tree and watch "Homer" while drinking coffee, the tables and chairs are brought out from the tavern by the waiters.One afternoon, when the weather was fine, I walked under the linden tree and found that it was not as lively as usual, and people were working in the fields.I saw a four-year-old child sitting on the ground with his legs spread out, and a half-year-old child sitting in the middle. He acted as a chair, letting the half-year-old child fall asleep sweetly against his chest , His eyes are moving around flexibly, I know he wants to play, but he just sits on the ground, motionless.This scene gave me the urge to paint, so I sat on a plow opposite them, hurriedly took out a pen and paper, and started to paint excitedly.Not long after, the images of the two children appeared on the paper. I drew fences, barn doors, and a few worn-out wheels around them. They were all carefully drawn according to the distance, front and back. This picture is full of life , The compact painting took only one hour to complete. I completely followed the natural shape and arrangement of the painting, and I painted the things as they were, without any unauthorized changes.It is this natural and random painting that made me decide that no matter what I do in the future, I must follow the rules of nature. No matter how powerful human beings are, they cannot compare with the creativity of nature. Only by following its rules can we achieve success.Rules are necessary for the world to work, and everyone praises them so much.Under the guidance of the rules, the painter's works will be vivid and interesting. Similarly, a person who abides by the rules and regulations is unlikely to cause trouble to himself and the people around him, so the neighbors are happy to get along with him, but the rules will also constrain people's thinking. You can't get people to show the truest part of their hearts.Maybe you don't agree with me and think it is too ridiculous, so please allow me to explain it to you.Let's take love as an example. A young man falls in love with a girl. For this reason, he surrounds her all day long and spends all his time and money on her. The young man hopes that the girl he loves can feel it anytime, anywhere own affection for her.At this time, a secular person came over and advised the young man as an elder: "Young man, love is wonderful, but your love can't be too strong. You should spend part of your time working, and then spend time with the girl when you are resting." Together, clean up all your money again, and after leaving the necessary living expenses, you can buy some small gifts for the girl on festivals or birthdays, but don’t give gifts often.” If the young man does as he says to this worldly person In the end, he might become a person with outstanding achievements in the future, and it is not impossible to get promoted and make a fortune; but at the same time, his love with the girl will also come to an end, and after the relationship fails, his career will not last long.The reason those gifted people fail to influence more people with their own power is that the secular people in the society repair their own walls high to prevent themselves from being shocked by the power of smart people.

May 27
Excuse me for going too far, I can't help but talk at length, now let me talk about the two children sitting on the ground.Yesterday's letter has already described my mood when I was painting, so I won't repeat the description here.I sat on the plow until the sun was about to set, and a young woman came from a distance, holding a bamboo basket in her hand, and before she walked in, she called the older boy by name: "Phillips, you are amazing !” Seeing me sitting next to her, she greeted me, so I went up to her and asked her if these two were her children.She said yes, and as she spoke she took out a loaf of bread, broke off half and handed it to her four-year-old son, then held the younger son in her arms and kept kissing him."I let Phillips take care of the little one because I have to go shopping with my older son, casseroles, bread and some sugar," she said, opening the lid to show me the contents of the basket.She went on to say: "The eldest son is very mischievous. Yesterday he accidentally broke the casserole when he and Phillips were fighting for the remaining porridge. Tonight I have to make porridge for the little one." I asked her where the eldest son was, and she He said that he was releasing geese in the pasture not far away. As soon as he finished speaking, the eldest son appeared in our sight. He jumped up and down in front of us, and gave Phillips a hazel branch to play with.In the ensuing chat, I learned that this young woman is the daughter of a teacher. Her husband went to Switzerland not long ago, and his cousin left him a legacy.The young woman said: "The relatives didn't tell us the news of my cousin's death. They planned to embezzle his property, so he decided to go to Switzerland to get back the inheritance. He has been gone for a while, and there is no news until now." Hear here My heart became a little heavy. Before I parted with her, I gave each child a kruse, and the little money went directly to his mother. I hope his mother can buy more bread next time.

My friend, although these villagers live a simple life, their days are much happier than ours. They live a leisurely life and spend every day in a pleasant atmosphere. The falling of leaves only means that winter is coming to them. They don't think about it too much.No matter how bad my mood is, as long as I chat with them a few words, I can immediately become clear again.

So I spend most of my time with them, especially the kids.If I happened to be drinking coffee, I would give them each a sugar, and sometimes the children would eat buttered bread and sour milk with me in the evening.They'd get a Kreutzer on Sunday, and if I couldn't come for prayers, the lady proprietress of the tavern would distribute it for me.

I seem to have become a bosom friend of the children, and they are happy to tell me everything they encounter.The enthusiasm and desirability of the children gave me great satisfaction.

The grown-ups always apologized to me because they were afraid that their children would cause me trouble, and I had to explain it constantly to get rid of their apologies.

May [-]

I have talked about how to create excellent works of art before, and I think this method is also applicable to poetry, but a good poem requires the author to have refined language and appropriate emotional expression.If someone can record what I have seen and heard today, it will be unprecedented poetry with idyllic flavor; nature is simple, and poetry with idyllic flavor must also be unpretentious, who said that poetry must be refined Crafted?

This time the story does not have a meaningful beginning, and the protagonist is just an ordinary young farmer.I think you will feel that I am embellishing things, because my narrative is always messy; the place where things happened is still Waalheim, a place that always seems to have something going on.

A group of people were chatting and drinking coffee under Bodhi. I couldn't talk to them, so I didn't join them.

Then a young farmer came out of the house next to the tavern and started repairing the plow that had appeared in my drawing.I had a good impression of him, so I went up to chat with him, and we got to know each other not long after.I learned that he was working in a widow's house, and the mistress was very kind to him. The young farmer talked a lot about the widow, and I knew from the conversation that he had fallen in love with the mistress.The hostess' ex-husband treated her very badly, and after the divorce she made up her mind not to marry again.But I can still see the farmer's infatuation for her. He hopes that his ability can be appreciated by the hostess, and that his full of affection can be accepted. At that time, he will definitely do his best to make her live happily and forget the shadows of the past .Please don't think I'm being verbose, these are the exact words of the farmer, and I want you to feel his pure, strong feelings.If I want to fully express the farmer's burning emotions, I must have the highest descriptive skills.However, his sincere and strong feelings cannot be expressed in monotonous words; even my narration cannot fully express his feelings, but only give you a glimpse.Best of all, he explained to me that their relationship was not sordid, that he was afraid that his admiration would reflect badly on the widow.The farmer went on to say that she was not as beautiful as before, but he didn't lose even one iota of love for his mistress. During the conversation, he always had a warm smile on his face, which I haven't seen in so many years With such a simple and strong emotion as his, he never even expected to meet such a pure emotion.My heart is boiling because of his love story, beautiful things always have such a powerful influence, I find myself longing for a pure, passionate relationship like his, don't you laugh or blame me why There will be such thoughts.

After hearing the farmer's story, I couldn't wait to meet the charming hostess, but when I thought about it, why bother to meet her?In the eyes of those who admire her, she is so beautiful, that's enough; everyone's aesthetic vision is different, if I feel a little disappointed after seeing her, won't it destroy her beauty in my mind?
June [-]

You wrote to ask why I lost contact?I think you must have the answer in your heart, yes, everything is fine here, and I also met someone, I admit, it was this person who attracted my full attention and made me have no time to take care of other things.

She is an angel, and there is no one else as beautiful as her.I will tell you the whole story carefully, but my excitement and agitation may confuse the contents of this letter a bit.

She really is an angel!Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone will describe their favorite in this way.But you can never imagine how lovable she is, she is so perfect, my body and mind have been deeply fascinated by her.

She is smart and kind, but also very simple, strong yet weak, although she has to do a lot of housework, she never complains.

These words are annoying empty words and nonsense, but you can't see her now, and you can't really see everything about her. Next time, I will definitely describe it carefully for you, ah!No - can't wait until next time, right now, I'm going to tell you all about her, or I'll forget.

To tell you the truth, in writing this letter, I have been suppressing the excitement in my heart. I wanted to ride to see her, so I asked the servant three times to prepare the saddle for me.Just this morning, I told myself that I couldn't go out on horseback, but I still went to the window every now and then to see where the sun rose in the sky, and finally I rode to see her, and now I just got home.Now, allow me to prepare some bread and butter for a supper, and then I will tell you the whole thing slowly.You don't know, when I saw her and her younger siblings, eight lively and lovely children playing together happily, how my heart was surging.

Well, it's time for me to end my muddled narration, or you'll be spinning in the fog forever.Let's get down to business.

I mentioned to you a judge before, I call him Mr. S, he invited me to his house as a guest, maybe it can’t be called his home, it should be a miniature kingdom completely belonging to him.I didn't pay much attention to his invitation at first, but her appearance made me start to change my attitude.

I just went to a dance that was given by the young people here.Although my dancing partner is a very ordinary girl, she can be considered beautiful and kind-hearted.I have agreed with her to hire a carriage to take her and her cousin to the ball, and to pick up a girl named Charlotte S.When the carriage was running through the sparse woods and was about to go to the mountain to pick up Charlotte S, the dance partner said to me: "You will see a beautiful and extraordinary girl later." Her cousin immediately Said: "However, you have to pay attention." I asked her why, she said: "That girl already has a fiancé, she is an excellent young man, and now she is dealing with his father's funeral in other places, and she is looking for a good job by the way." Work." After listening to it, I was noncommittal, and soon forgot about it.

We arrived at the villa before the sun went down.There are large patches of light gray clouds rolling in the sky, and the momentum is turbulent. It seems that there will be thunderstorms tonight. The girls can't help but worry when they look at the sky. Of course I know that a heavy rain is inevitable, but I still comfort them with light words , so as to alleviate their worries.

I got out of the carriage, and a maid stood at the door, telling us that Miss Lotte would be out in a moment.I simply walked into the villa and walked towards the house.When I walked up the steps and was about to enter the house, I saw a scene that I will never forget.In the hall stood a beautiful and handsome girl of medium height who was cutting a piece of black bread. She was surrounded by a group of children, the oldest was 11 years old, and the youngest was only two years old. The girl was wearing a white dress and looked It looks very simple, and the breast and cuffs of the clothes are decorated with pink bows.The girl distributed the bread to each child just enough that they could eat them all, and she kindly handed the bread to the children one by one; and those children raised their hands vigorously before they got the bread. , said "thank you" in their innocent and lovely tone, and then took the bread that was distributed to them, and ran to the side to eat, while some more mature children walked to the gate, eating and looking at the strangers waiting at the gate , and the carriage that was about to take Lotte to the ball.At this time, Lotte said: "I'm really sorry, have you waited for a long time? I was busy doing the rest of the housework before, because I went out, and then prepared the clothes for the dance. I didn't expect to forget to give The younger brothers and sisters distribute bread, they are used to having some snacks in the afternoon, and these children only want the bread I cut, so I wasted a little time." At this moment, all my attention is on her voice and smile, and I only use a few words to speak to her. I replied with a simple sentence, and it wasn't until she went to the room to get the fan and gloves that I suddenly came back to my senses.Some children stood not far away and stared at me. I found that the youngest child was very cute, so I approached him, but he backed away.It happened that Lotte returned to the hall and said to the child: "Louis, be good, reach out and say hello to my cousin." He immediately stretched out his hand and shook it with me. Seeing his cute appearance, I couldn't help but Kissed him, and I wasn't embarrassed by the snot hanging down his nose.Lotte took my hand, and I asked her: "Being your cousin really makes me feel uneasy, I don't know that I can be so honored." She smiled and said, "I have many cousins, I hope you are The most outstanding of all cousins, otherwise I will be sad.” Before going out, she carefully told the eldest child, the younger sister named Sophie, to pay more attention to the safety of her younger siblings, and emphasized not to forget the Papa greeted him when he came back, and in a few minutes it was time for Papa to finish his ride home.Then she asked the other children to stop messing around and treat Sophie as her. After listening to Sophie's sister, the children nodded and said "Got it", but there was a little sister with blond hair who was about six years old. Said: "Lotte, we still like you, she is not you after all." After we walked out the gate, the two oldest boys among the younger brothers had climbed into the carriage, and they hoped to take the carriage to the woods ahead. Play, Lotte disagreed at first, I interceded for the boys, and she agreed to their request, but she told her two brothers not to mess around in the car.

Lotte and I got into the carriage. The three girls greeted each other first, and then chatted. They commented on everyone's clothes. Hats attracted their attention more than clothes, and then chatted. When it comes to the upcoming prom, everyone has different expectations and guesses, and I find that when they talk about the prom, they say it after careful consideration.When the conversation was going on, Lotte asked the driver to stop the carriage. She let the two younger brothers get out of the carriage and asked them to go back and greet her and the other siblings. The two brothers hoped to kiss their sister's hand again, Lotte So he stretched out his hand, the 15-year-old elder brother looked very gentle, while the younger boy seemed a little reckless.

After the carriage moved on, the partner's cousin spoke. She asked Lotte how she was doing with the book, which was sent to her not long ago.Lotte replied: "I don't think it's very good-looking, and I will return it to you in a few days. The previous one was the same, and I was not very interested." I casually asked what the contents of the two books were, but I didn't expect her words to surprise me. I was amazed—her views are very insightful, and she looks at things from a different angle than ordinary people. I also found that her face gradually became vivid with her words, as if shrouded in a faint layer of silver light, she felt Seeing the eyes I was looking at made her look more energetic, and her words became more lively and interesting. She knew that there was something similar in my heart and hers.

(End of this chapter)

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