Chapter 5 4 ([-])
July [-]st

My love for Lotte is growing day by day, which makes me deeply understand how a seriously ill person desperately wants to see Lotte.A lady of good repute falls ill, and Lotte comes to town to take care of her.From the doctor's mouth, she learned that the lady might die soon, so she hoped that Lotte could accompany her in the last period.Last week Lotte and her second sister went to a small village to visit a priest whose name I have forgotten. We traveled an hour and arrived there about four o'clock in the afternoon.When we walked to the door of the pastor's house, we saw him sitting on a chair at the door. There were two walnut trees in the yard behind him, which were very lush.The old pastor stood up excitedly when he saw Lotte, and walked towards us tremblingly, forgetting to take his crutches.Lotte hurriedly trotted a few steps to support him, and sat on the chair with him. Lotte greeted him on behalf of her father, and then hugged the old pastor's grandson in her arms and kissed him a few times, ignoring the little boy's dirt all over his body. .In order for the hard-of-hearing pastor to hear clearly, she tried to raise her volume as much as possible.She is as kind and friendly to the elderly as to children.She and the old man chatted casually, and several young people passed away unfortunately; Carlsbad's hot springs are very famous, and it would be great if you decided to go there next summer to recuperate; and your complexion looks better than last time Much better.While she was chatting with the pastor, I also chatted with the pastor's wife.The four of us talked and laughed leisurely under the shade of the walnut tree.I praised the two trees for growing very well, so the old pastor was very enthusiastic and introduced the origin of the walnut tree to us regardless of difficulties.He said: "The big one was here a long time ago, and everyone has a different story about who planted it. The smaller walnut tree is exactly the same age as my wife, who will be 50 this October. It was planted by the father of the pastor and my wife. It was planted in the morning and the daughter was born in the evening. He loved the tree very much, and so did I. First time here, I just have no money It was 27 years ago when I saw my wife sitting under a tree doing knitting work.” Lotte asked about their daughter, and the old man said that she was talking to the workers in the grass, and Mr. Schmidt accompanied her.Mr. Schmidt is the old man's assistant. After the old man retired, he became the new pastor and was deeply loved by the old pastor's family.As soon as the words were finished, Mr. Schmidt and the pastor's daughter appeared in the garden.The girl looked very smart, well-proportioned, with long brown hair, and she must have been a joy to be around.She greets Lotte cordially, and we also know that Mr. Schmidt is the pastor's daughter's lover, because he then also agrees with this statement.I don't have much affection for Mr. Schmidt. He is a gentle and silent person. Lotte tried to chat with him several times, but he silently refused.I vaguely felt that his silence was not because of his clumsy language, he was irritable and a little authoritarian, and these were the reasons why he chose to be indifferent. What happened next confirmed my guess: the four of us chatted casually and took a walk , Friedrich walked side by side with me and Lotte from time to time. After Mr. Schmidt saw this scene, his cloudy face almost dripped water. Lotte noticed the change in him, so she pulled my hand Sleeves, let me keep a distance from Frederick.This gentleman’s behavior will only make me look down on him. It’s a happy thing for young people to talk freely, but he just wants to turn happiness into depression. A good life loses its luster because of the existence of this kind of person. He still thinks Their actions are reasonable and ridiculous, and if they wake up one day, time and life will not make up for their losses.My mood became bad, and Mr. Schmidt embarrassed the originally pleasant atmosphere.Then at the pastor’s house, everyone sat around drinking milk, so I expressed my feelings when everyone was talking about happiness and sorrow. I said: “People always complain that the pain in life is greater than the joy, but they I don’t want to think that this is entirely caused by my own emotions. If we greet each day with a happy mood, and still keep a sweet smile to overcome it when encountering difficulties, there will be no pain in such days!” Mrs. Pastor said: "But we can't control our emotions at will! For example, a patient will express dissatisfaction with everything around him under the influence of his illness, and the poor man will fall into the whirlpool of pain and cannot extricate himself." I agree with the pastor's wife. So I said to her: "Why don't we treat depression as a disease, and we should find a way to treat this disease." Lotte continued: "I think self-discipline is very helpful for depression. Before I always get angry after being teased, but I walk in the garden and sing nursery rhymes, and I feel better again." I said immediately: "Yes, as long as we work hard, bad mood will not come to you Trouble. People always have a mentality that they feel that their efforts are a drop in the bucket in the face of difficulties. It is better to give in at the beginning. In fact, this is a wrong idea. If you don’t work hard, how will you know whether you can succeed? Maybe victory is waiting ahead. I'm looking at you." During this process, Friedrich listened carefully and intently, while Mr. Schmidt objected to our conversation, saying that it is impossible for human beings to control their emotions.I retorted: "Everyone is unwilling to face a bad mood. How will you know if you have the ability to overcome it if you don't try it? When people are sick, they will do everything possible to find good doctors and medicines. Go on." After I finished speaking, my eyes caught the old pastor, who had been listening to the conversation so that he could speak at some point.So I shifted the subject to the pastor.I said: "The pastor has accused so many sins, but never mentioning that bad mood is also a sin, and we have never heard anyone say that." The old man said: "Everyone in the country is happy, and people in the city It's a heavy burden, so the vicar in the town has to worry about it; in fact, his wife and your honor are the worst tempered." We all laughed, and he laughed himself, as soon as the old man finished speaking. Coughed a few times.We rested for a while, and Mr. Schmidt said: "I think this conclusion is a bit serious. A bad mood is not a sin." I immediately said: "No! It is a sin. It makes people worry about themselves. At the same time, it also affects the emotions of the people around us. Maybe we don’t have the ability to bring happiness to others, but we can’t rudely stifle the happiness in other people’s hearts. Who can guarantee that an emotional person will not affect the mood of others? At least I don’t I have seen it. In my opinion, the reason why a person is in a bad mood is because of his low self-esteem, he thinks that he cannot be as happy and happy as other people, so he feels lost, sad, and then turns into anger, and he decides to make other people happy This is the most stupid and despicable way to ruin a happy life.” During the speech, Friedrich’s eyes flashed with tears, and Lotte also looked at me with a smile. Their encouragement made me I have the motivation to continue talking. "Some people think that they control all of others, so they wantonly destroy other people's happiness. Such behavior is undoubtedly a crime. Nothing can make up for the loss of our own happiness, and this priceless treasure is destroyed by some people. Destroyed by people with low self-esteem and anger."

Speaking of this, my memories began to churn, and the past events emerged one by one, and tears welled up in my eyes.

I said with emotion: "Everyone should keep in mind that it is a great thing to bring joy and happiness to others. While giving happiness to others, you can also feel happiness. Would you rather watch them Hesitating before the door of happiness, and unwilling to give them a hand?"

"A girl spent countless beautiful days with you. Suddenly one day she was seriously ill and was about to die. Standing by the bedside, you felt her life was passing away slowly and mercilessly. No matter how sad you were, You also don’t want the girl you love to leave this world with pain and regret, you will definitely do your best to make her happy, and you don’t want her to leave with regret.”

Speaking of this, I felt a severe pain deep in my heart.I hurriedly left my seat and covered my tears with a handkerchief. My mood became very bad. I didn't calm down until Lotte came over and said it was time to go back.On the way back she expressed concern for me and said I shouldn't get too excited, it's not good for me.Thank God she cares about me.The goddess in my heart, I will live well.

July [-]th
The lady's condition did not improve, and Lotte took care of her meticulously. Seeing Lotte's busy figure, she is really an angel, bringing joy and happiness to people, and soothing sorrow and pain.Last night I learned that she was taking Marcin and Marianna for a walk, so I rushed to meet her.About an hour and a half later, we returned from our walk, and as we passed the well, I remembered that it had been a long time since I had been here.Lotte was sitting on the well platform, and the two little girls and I were standing in front of her.I looked around with a long-lost mood and said, "Shuijing, I can't forget the joy and rest you brought me. After the last farewell, we haven't seen each other for a long time." After I finished speaking, I saw Mal Xin carefully walked up with a glass of water, and I looked at Lotte again, feeling my mad admiration for her again.After Marcin came up, Marianna was going to take the cup, but the little girl said in a childish voice: "Don't move, the first sip is for Sister Lotte." It can be seen how deep her sister's affection for Sister Lotte is. I don't know how to express my joy at being so sensible at such a young age. I hugged Marcin and kissed her, but the little girl was obviously frightened by my actions and burst into tears.Lotte said, "You are so sudden." Then she took the little girl to the spring, and said comfortingly, "Marcin, good boy, just wash in the spring water, hurry up, the spring water here is very Clean." The little girl scooped up the spring water with her hands and scrubbed her face vigorously, thinking that she would grow a black beard like the grown-ups.Lotte said to her: "That's enough! Marcin." But she still didn't stop, she probably felt that if she washed it a little longer, all the dirt would be washed away.William, I have seen many baptisms, but I have never found anyone who was baptized with such sincerity as Marcin.All this was taught by Lotte, and I cannot help admiring the sweet creature.

After I went back, I still thought about this scene, so I talked about it with others as if boasting. I admire this person’s character. I thought he would be as happy as me, but I didn’t expect him to criticize Lotte’s actions. , thinking that such behavior will affect the child's thinking.Then it suddenly occurred to me that this gentleman had just been baptized eight days ago, so I dismissed the idea of ​​arguing with him.But my own thoughts have never changed. We should use tolerance and love to get along with children, just like God shows love to us.

July [-]th
I found myself almost like a child, trying to get attention.As I walked I was thinking of Lotte's charming eyes, like black pearls... oh!I've run out of words, but I'd love for you to look at those eyes.We went to Waalheim again, with some young people.The girls were sitting in the carriage, sticking their heads out to chat with Audraine, W. Zellstadt, and me, and we boys were standing beside the carriage, and they will take the carriage to Waalheim later.I caught Lotte's eyes in the enthusiastic eyes of the girls. She looked here and there, but she didn't look at me.How I wish her eyes could be fixed on me and never leave, but she didn't, until the carriage left, her charming eyes never looked at me once.My heart was so heavy, and my face was full of sadness and loneliness, but my eyes kept following the carriage going away. Suddenly Lotte's hair ornament appeared by the door, and she seemed to be looking back at something.Is she looking at me?Really?Dear Lotte, you must be looking at me!Maybe I'm being selfish, maybe she's really looking at me.Anyway, my mood is much brighter, what a child I am!good night my friend.

July [-]
Whenever people were talking about her, I'd smile like a fool, and if you saw me like that, you'd laugh.If someone asks me if I like Lotte? ——I like it very much!I say for sure.How can someone like Lotte if he doesn't give her his whole heart?I was asked not long ago if I liked the Irish troubadour Osian.

Editor's note:

It is said that the Scottish poet MacPherson announced in 1762 that he had found the poems of Osian. He obtained the two poems "Fingol" and "Temla" by translating the Gaelic ballads of the 3rd century, and claimed that these It was written by Ossian, who then published these poems.However, only a small part of these poems came from Gaelic folk songs, and the rest were written by MacPherson himself. However, "Fingol" and "Timla" spread rapidly soon after they were published in Europe, and had a great impact on the European continent. Some cultures had a huge impact, notably the early Romantic movement.Some researchers persevered in searching for documents, trying to find out the authenticity of Ossiang's works. At the end of the 19th century, the researchers finally came to the unanimous conclusion that the poems translated by McPhail were just his own English works. Err language re-transcription of the product.So scholars classify "Osian Poems" as a forgery, but the "Osian Folk Songs" in the early 16th century is written in Irish Gaelic, and it is full of narrative and lyric poems.There is a big difference between the poems written by MacPherson and the "Collection of Ballads of Ossian". The poems of Ossian that Goethe saw at that time were written by MacPherson.

July [-]

Lotte is still taking care of Mrs. M. The condition of this lady has not improved. Both Lotte and I express our deep condolences for her and pray for her speedy recovery.Today I came to the house of a girlfriend, and Lotte happened to be there, and she told me something about Mrs. M.

Mr. M loves money very much and is very stingy. He always thinks of ways to embarrass his wife in terms of money, but Mrs. M is also very smart. She can find a way to deal with her husband's stinginess.A few days ago the doctor announced that her time was running out, so she called her husband and had a few words with him in Lotte's presence.She said: "I'm leaving soon. I think I should tell you one thing. If I don't make it clear, there may be a lot of misunderstandings in the future. After I marry you, I will take care of all the family affairs. Reason, I have a clear conscience, I have carefully calculated and used every household chore carefully; but you don’t know that I did something secretly, and it started 30 years ago. When you got married, you told me that the daily life at home Expenses cannot exceed the amount you stipulated. Later, our property gradually increased, but you refused to increase the amount of living expenses. I explained to you, but you did not listen; you must remember that when we used money most frequently , the family's weekly expenditure is still seven guldens. You never feel wrong about it, and I have no objection, but you don't know that I use the turnover to subsidize the family every week. Don't worry, I don't use it wantonly , take as much as you need. No one thinks that the hostess will secretly take away some of the turnover. Thinking that after my death, the new hostess of this family will definitely worry about daily expenses. I think you need to know about this, If I don't tell you the truth, you still don't increase your weekly expenses and tell her that's what your last wife did."

Master M is very stingy, and he also knows that seven Gurdons cannot support a week's living expenses, but without his wife's objection, he actually thinks that there is nothing wrong with such a regulation, what a fool.I have met some dandies before, they rely on the wealth of their families to do whatever they want, but they don't think about why their elders can earn this money.

July [-]

Her eyes were burning when she looked at me, and I could no longer suppress my strong love for her with the words "she doesn't love me".Her eyes tell me she loves me!She pays close attention to my every move.God!How happy, how happy I am!
The girl I admire also loves me, and I am the lucky one who is favored by heaven.You can definitely understand how I feel right now, I—I feel great and glamorous!
But now she has a handsome fiance.I don't know what the relationship between Lotte and him is, but every time Lotte mentions him, her tone becomes gentle and her face is intoxicated. At this time, I feel like a man without armor, horses or even Knight with long sword.

July [-]

(End of this chapter)

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