point golden pupil

Chapter 214 The Purpose of Daoist Bai Lian

Chapter 214 The Purpose of Daoist Bai Lian

All the cultivators in the circle know the story about Ryeowook the Great Devil, but Li Qing, a wild person, naturally doesn't know this story.

Therefore, after Daoist Bai Lian explained, the air in the hall seemed to stagnate, and even Li Qing frowned slightly.This demon is so indifferent to human life, no wonder he forces practitioners to live in seclusion for 90 years every [-] years.

No wonder ordinary people in this world have never heard of the existence of cultivators.

No wonder when I met Rhoda before, he said that he has an instrument that can test the spiritual power fluctuations in a person's body. It seems that he is looking for a cultivator for Ryeowook's reincarnation.

In this way, the last time was really dangerous, almost being snapped by the dragon-binding ring organization.

However, when it comes to this, Li Qing wants to understand a little bit.

I remember that Rhoda once told Lisa that the godfather was his father. Could it be that Rhoda used it as a reincarnation furnace for Ryeowook?According to this, Luo Da's life is not long.

"...Little ancestor? What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Li Qing didn't speak after listening, Daoist Bai Lian asked aloud.

Suddenly, Li Qing shook his head and smiled: "No. I just thought that Rye Wook is so powerful that he has nowhere to hide for the cultivators. Then, every hundred years, do the cultivators have to hide for 90 years? These 90 years Here, don’t they never show up? How come they look like a group of cowards, shrinking back and forth.”

These words were a bit harsh, and Daoist Bai Lian's face turned red.No, no matter how powerful Ryeowook is, he is only one person.Even if there are no masters with great abilities among the cultivators, there must be a few who are similar.Even people in the Lingyun period, who have summoned tens of thousands, do not believe that Ryeowook is immortal.

In the final analysis, there is still a problem in this cultivation world.

Bai Lian said a long word to his lips, endured it many times, and finally couldn't bear to lose face in front of Li Qing, he said: "Actually, there are indeed one or two Jindan stage elders in the cultivation world. It's just that they don't know Nowhere did they appear. And the [-]th-level cultivators of the Soul Touching Stage and Spirit Cloud Stage, those who have a little bit of ability, all go back to the mundane world to spend money and spend money, create a family, and seek social enjoyment. So... alas, cultivation is difficult, Who wants to live in an extreme environment for the sake of thin spiritual energy. It's better to be happy in the world."

Listening to Daoist Bai Lian's words, does this mean that it is very difficult to cultivate on earth?
However, Li Qing can find aura from emerald orchid grass, as well as various human emotions, which she has plundered and even used for cultivation.I didn't feel that my spiritual power was thin.Could it be that these people are too stupid?
However, Li Qing felt that she was not a smart person. If she could practice, others could too.

"Is it really so difficult to practice?"

Li Qing's question made Daoist Bai Lian and Zhao Yu smile bitterly.

Zhao Yu said: "It seems that the seniors are talented and not as hardworking as us. The spiritual power between the heaven and the earth is very thin, and only in the deep mountains and old forests, near the treasures of the heaven and the earth, can one detect a trace of spiritual power. Practice, you can Detecting spiritual power is one hurdle, and being able to use spiritual power for personal use is another hurdle. Moreover, everyone improves their cultivation through comprehension, and the so-called exercises are nothing more than a technique of breathing. The cultivation methods are different, and they are cherished and only passed on to family members. As a result, some good cultivation methods gradually disappear, and the general cultivation of practitioners is getting worse and worse."

Then, Zhao Yu smiled wryly again, and said: "Like my generation, being able to enter the spirit touch stage before the age of 50 is considered an excellent talent."

Li Qing was a little puzzled by what they said, and continued to ask: "Then, doesn't it mean that cultivators are very powerful in making alchemy and medicine? If you eat it, your cultivation base will gradually increase?"

Daoist Bai Lian laughed loudly: "Little ancestor, you have been misled by watching those novels and movies. How can alchemy be so easy to master? I have lived to be almost two hundred years old, and I have just found the way. I can even make some pills for healing and cultivating gods. This is because I have lived in the mountains for a long time, and there are many spiritual herbs. Otherwise, for modern practitioners, pills have become ethereal. Ninth-level cultivators who enter the spirit cloud stage can hire a cultivator to protect them for at least 50 years. The lifetime of a cultivator is only one or two hundred years, which shows how important this pill is."

"... so precious?"

As soon as Li Qing said this, Zhao Yu suddenly plopped and knelt in front of Daoist Bai Lian: "I don't know that senior is an alchemy immortal. Please forgive me for any offense. However, I still have the courage to ask for advice, and I hope senior can give me some advice." One or two. If you can buy Jieyun Pill, Zhao Yu is willing to give up."


This is too exaggerated, Daoist Bai Lian just said that he can make pills, but he hasn't said what kind of pills he will make, so Zhao Yu knelt down and begged for pills?
Daoist Bai Lian stepped back again and again, and said: "Get up, little friend, don't talk about this matter again. It's not that I'm stingy with Jieyun Pill, it's that I can't find one of the prescriptions of Jieyun Pill, otherwise , so what if I give you a pill."

Li Qing became curious after hearing this.Although the spiritual power in her body is no longer a spiritual cloud, but has turned into a spiritual spring, gurgling in the spiritual sea.But Li Qing was still quite curious about what kind of elixir they were talking about that could form clouds.

"I don't know which prescription you are missing?"

Li Qing was just curious. It has been said that alchemy and immortality have been passed down for a long time.It is also very fun to witness the scene of alchemy!
"It is the essence of aged ginseng. Just a little bit is enough, but the ginseng used must be more than a thousand years old. There may be quite a lot of ginsengs that are centuries old, but you can't find ginseng that is more than a thousand years old. It is called spiritual ginseng here. According to legend, it can turn into a human child and can run away. Therefore, it is more difficult to find."

After hearing this, Zhao Yu could only sigh.


When this happens, there is really no way.Because even if someone owns the Millennium Spiritual Ginseng, they have to hide it privately. Once life is in danger, but it is used to store Qi and suspend one's life, who would give it to others to make alchemy.

Compared with Jieyun Pill, this millennium ginseng is even rarer than that elixir.

At this time, Daoist Bai Lian saw Li Qing's unfinished feeling, and suddenly enjoyed it very much.Since meeting this girl, his three views have been ruined, and her self-esteem has been deeply trampled under his feet.After a little thought, he can guess that an old man who has cultivated for 200 years is not as good as a little girl who has just turned 20, which makes him feel ashamed.

Now I finally have something to show off, and that is the knowledge and knowledge of more than 100 years.Therefore, once Daoist Bai Lian opened his chatter box, he couldn't close it.

"Not only spiritual ginseng, but all medicinal materials that have been aged for thousands of years will be called spiritual grass. After thousands of years of wind and rain, the spiritual power contained in these herbs is unprecedentedly strong. Even ordinary plants will have spirituality after a thousand years. It's just It’s just that the talents are different, but the spirituality is different. However, all things have withering and flourishing. Except for a few more trees, other plants are rare. Therefore, among these plants, there are ten thousand years of spiritual cultivation trees. Grass for cultivating spirits, a hundred-year-old cultivator said."

Li Qing nodded when she heard this, it was the first time she had heard of these, so she was very interested.

Daoist Bai Lian said again: "As for the little ancestor, the orchids you raised can be called spiritual orchids. I really don't know where you found this thousand-year-old spiritual grass. You are really very lucky."

"What? Linglan? You said my orchids are thousands of years old?"

Daoist Bai Lian nodded hurriedly: "Yes, otherwise, how could so many spiritual springs be bred. If the spiritual springs are placed in nature, the spiritual power will be consumed slowly. But if there are spiritual grasses nearby, the spiritual springs will circulate Back and forth, it will not dissipate. Therefore, the orchids upstairs must be thousands of years old!"

Daoist Bai Lian felt a little sour. If it wasn't because Li Qing had so many spiritual springs and orchids, how could he be so sure that Li Qing was a senior cultivator?
How can a thousand-year-old spirit grass be so easy to find?
Li Qing was stunned when she heard this. Others don't know how her orchids got here, but she knows it herself!
She just chose some orchids of better varieties and cultivated them after watering them with spiritual water.As for the ones that Daoist Bai Lian saw, they were all branches of the original orchid, at most one year old.

If it's not about the orchid species, then it's about Li Qing's spiritual water.

The spiritual water that Li Qing condensed was indeed very useful. It could actually speed up the growth of plants to a thousand years... In this way, the ginseng essence has really become a essence after drinking so much of his own spiritual water?

Daoist Bai Lian said that he could use the essence of thousand-year-old ginseng to make Jieyun Pill, but she originally thought that she could give him a drop of ginseng baby's tears.

But after hearing what he said, Li Qing felt a little impulsive to cultivate some ginseng.

If the thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng could be poured out with spiritual water, wouldn't she be able to make a small fortune?Even if it is given to parents as a radish to eat, it is still useful.

Thinking of this, Li Qing was a little moved.

When she is free, she will turn the third floor into a spiritual herb garden, and specially cultivate some spiritual grasses. At that time, she will ask Daoist Bai Lian to refine some pills, and get dozens of masters of the spirit cloud stage to give them to her. It's really cool to take care of the nursing home by yourself.

When the time comes, Ryeowook and the dragon ring will be tied, let them die.

Oh, no, Rhoda still had to save his life.Who made this guy Rhoda do everything possible to rescue himself from the dragon-binding ring organization.

It's an acceptance of favor.

Li Qing thought a lot, but he ignored a very important point, that is, how could Rye Wook be able to deal with dozens of cultivators in the Lingyun stage?
Daoist Bai Lian obviously had something to say, so Li Qing followed his taste and asked, "Then, before Mr. Ding was so respectful to you, is it because Mr. Ding's family is your mortal strength?"

Li Qing could see that these cultivators were almost assimilated with ordinary people.Daoist Bai Lian has always appeared in Ding's hometown, and after going down the mountain, he has always chosen Ding's hometown as a place to settle down. Apart from the fact that he said it was the family that took care of the apprentice, there must be something else hidden.

Listening to Daoist Bai Lian's tone, he hated cultivators being too entangled with the world, so he must have another purpose in going down the mountain.

When Li Qing asked this question, Daoist Bai Lian's face darkened.Moreover, she actually saw a blush on the top of Daoist Bai Lian's head, which was just anger.

Daoist Bai Lian is angry?

I have only seen Mr. Ding, but not Daoist Bai Lian's big disciple. Could it be...that big disciple has become a traitor?

Li Qing's guess was far from the reality. Daoist Bai Lian glanced at Zhao Yu, then suddenly blocked the voice, and only kept the volume that Li Qing could hear, saying: "My apprentice was killed People were killed. I went down the mountain to seek revenge."

Li Qing suddenly realized.No wonder, listening to Daoist Bai Lian's words and Zhao Yu's expression of admiration when he looked at Daoist Bai Lian, it is completely believed that Daoist Bai Lian also belongs to the hermit level among the cultivators.

Therefore, if there is no important matter, he will definitely not appear.

Since he appeared, it must have hurt his foundation.

Daoist Bai Lian continued: "Hey, that disciple of mine didn't stop me from dissuading him. He went down the mountain and opened a family just as soon as he entered the ninth floor of the spiritual touch stage. Unexpectedly, ten years later, the family was established, but it was rejected by the enemy. I have been plotting against him, but I can’t find him until now, and I’m very anxious if I don’t see anyone alive or dead. If I can find him, I’ll definitely give him a good beating.”

Although Daoist Bai Lian verbally shouted to kill and beat, Li Qing was still a little teary looking at the tears welling up in his eye sockets.It turned out that Daoist Bai Lian really came here for revenge.It seems that their master-student relationship is also very good.

It's just that it's difficult to have both in the world. When you go down the mountain, you have to be prepared to have enemies and entanglement with others. It is always impossible to have both if you want to be prosperous and rich, and if you don't want to practice pure and ascetic.

Looking at Daoist Bai Lian's wrinkled face, he must have never had any heirs in his 100-year career. This big disciple must be his lifeblood.

Otherwise, how could he go against his will and come down the mountain to take revenge.

"I don't know who is Daoist Bai Lian's enemy?"

Li Qing knew very little about the cultivators on Earth, and these were all very new to her, so it was also gaining insight to hear a lot.Second, she can barely be considered a fake cultivator now, and sooner or later she will have to contact cultivators, knowing herself and the enemy, and winning every battle, this is common sense.

Daoist Bai Lian thought for a while, and finally said: "It's not a Chinese. It's some monks from abroad. My apprentice set up an underground boxing field in China, and I was able to suppress the boxing field by relying on my own strength. However, it was Some monks from outside created a miasma, and my apprentice finally failed in the boxing ring, and his whereabouts were unknown. In order to find my apprentice, and also to help him keep this mess, I hid in the underground boxing ring, trying to find the enemy But...hehe, I haven't found it yet.

I don't have much time, and if there is no result for another ten years, I'm afraid I won't feel at ease even if I die. "

Daoist Bai Lian smiled wryly, no one could do anything about this kind of thing.He is now a person who has one foot into the coffin, and unless he can break through the third layer of the Lingyun stage for the rest of his life, he can delay aging.

However, how could a breakthrough be so simple.There are very few cultivators in this world who can reach the spiritual cloud stage, and he is considered lucky if he can live an extra 100 years.

For these 100 years, he was sober and ascetic, and he only earned it by practicing alone on the mountain.

Cultivation, is it so easy?
Although Li Qing was also moved by Daoist Bai Lian's words, she still didn't interfere too much.

Everyone's life trajectory is different, and some things cannot be avoided.

Besides, Li Qing didn't know what Bai Lian could not solve, so she could handle it.

Therefore, if Daoist Bai Lian really needs her in the future, she will definitely do her best to help him.However, Li Qing would still only care about himself when encountering life-threatening matters.

It is said that everyone in the world is selfish, and no one wants to let other people's sorrows involve themselves.In this world, only Jesus will suffer on behalf of his people. Li Qing is neither God nor Jesus. He is obliged to help if he can, and he will not step forward if he can't.

After all, the relationship between Daoist Bai Lian and her has not reached the point of life and death.

After all, these are long-distance talk, and what is near here is the matter of alchemy that Li Qing wants to ask.

Li Qing just wanted to speak, but the psychic gu butterfly slowly flew over, stood on her shoulder and said, "Why are you so interested in these mortal alchemy methods? You only need to light up the fourth-grade green star in the psychic cauldron." Refining a simple elixir is absolutely incomparable to mortal elixirs. Why are you still wasting time here?"

"What? The Tong Ling Ding can also make alchemy?"

The psychic gu butterfly flew in front of her innocently, and the ghost woman's face became a little cute and mischievous now.

"You don't even know? Oh my god, do you know that Tong Ling Ding itself is used for alchemy?"

Li Qing shook his head dully, this, this psychic cauldron, isn't it just for psychics?How can you still practice alchemy?
"Oh my god, why are you so stupid. The cauldrons naturally exist for alchemy! Besides, am I the spirit body refined in the cauldron? Don't Mrs. Shen and the others also practice body refinement in the body? Blood puppets and spirit bodies Can be refined, mere pills, naturally not under the words of the Tong Lingding cauldron!"

"You seem to know a lot?"

After the psychic Gu butterfly transformed, it seemed to be less noisy, and it became a little cute after turning into a miniature winged villain.It's just that this mouth is not forgiving enough!
Although the psychic gu butterfly is not the original spirit body in the psychic cauldron, it has been refined for hundreds of years and is closely connected with the psychic gu behind the psychic cauldron.

When the previous master refined her, she already knew many secrets of the psychic cauldron.But for the sake of her own life, she did not tell all these things to the former owner.Because once the former owner knew about it, he would definitely remove the psychic cauldron, and it would naturally no longer exist.

Unexpectedly, after these years, her spiritual body became more and more intense, and her connection with the psychic cauldron became more and more intimate, and then she became a spirit body recognized by the psychic cauldron, and it was only then that Li Qing generously let Li Qing use the psychic gu The restriction was lifted, and the psychic cauldron was revealed in broad daylight.

Of course, Li Qing only knew about the tricks in it today.

It seems that this little butterfly got carried away today and missed a lot of little secrets.

Li Qing looked at her with a smile, pinched her shoulders, and said with a sinister smile: "What else do you know? Tell me quickly? If you don't tell me, I will throw you into the psychic cauldron and refine it into the original look!"

The psychic gu butterfly cried loudly, and now that it has transformed into a human form, the cry has a bit of human charm.

In the meantime, she said coquettishly: "Isn't it okay if the slave family says it's okay, let's let the slave family's wings go!"

"Say it first, don't say it, don't let it go."

"Okay, okay, actually, I don't know a lot, I just know a little bit in advance. But the memory is not complete, only when something is mentioned like today, I will search the memory of Tong Lingding. I found some useful things. In fact, as long as you ask the psychic cauldron, the psychic cauldron will answer."

"Is that so..."

Li Qing let go of the psychic gu butterfly, and his thoughts soared.

So, when will Tonglingcauld remember the matter of the spiritual orifice?
Thinking of the spiritual orifice mentioned by Daoist Bai Lian, Li Qing really wanted to go there.She really wanted to see what kind of terrifying cave was hidden in the mysterious spirit aperture.

Another world that can be connected through the cave is so exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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