point golden pupil

Chapter 215 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 215
The land of spiritual orifices mentioned by Daoist Bai Lian made Li Qing yearn for it quite a lot.But before that, she still has a big problem to solve, that is, the group of bastards with the dragon binding ring are still catching her.

After listening to Daoist Bai Lian's description of Li Xu and the ten-year period of this cultivator, Li Qing was relieved.Although this time he must have stepped on the iron plate, but now Ryeowook is in the dormant period, and he definitely has no time to talk to himself, and give himself a chance to breathe.

The ten-year period has really come, so in this ten years, will there be many cultivators making trouble?
Li Qing threw the question to Daoist Bai Lian, and Daoist Bai Lian nodded.

"If it wasn't for the arrival of the ten-year period, I wouldn't need to come here to guard a large stall of my disciples. To be honest, when I am old, I don't have the mood to care about those juniors. In the past hundred years, I don't know if there is any With the appearance of a genius in the realm of comprehension, I am afraid that in ten years from now, society will not be peaceful."

Speaking of these, Li Qing suddenly realized, no wonder some legendary figures would appear every once in a while, and then log in on the headlines of major newspapers. It turns out that there is such an unspoken rule in the world of cultivation.

In this way, she may also meet other cultivators during these ten years.Zhao Yu is an example.

"In this case……"

Li Qing secretly thought of countermeasures.Her place is obviously not safe enough. First of all, she has to make adequate preparations for Ryeowook to wake up ten years later.She is not from the realm of comprehension, there is no fairy cave to live in, and there is no such safe way to sneak away.Plus, she doesn't want to leave modern society at all.

I remember that the newspaper reported a news about a hermit in Zhongnan Mountain a few days ago. Those so-called hermits were all unkempt, and their hair was piled on their heads like a big ball of rags.She doesn't want to be like that...

There are thousands of people in the world of mortals who are unrestrained and unrestrained, but now they have become people with supernatural powers. It is difficult to marry and have children honestly. If you lose your life, let alone be unrestrained.

Therefore, Li Qing felt that he should prepare for the upcoming Ryeowook era in the 90s.Otherwise, she must be the first to die.Rye Wook remembered himself before the "Ascension", how could he let himself go?
In fact, Li Qing was thinking a little too much. Ryeowook likes to make trouble for practitioners and use them as furnaces to practice evil methods, but once he has been dormant for ten years, he will never remember her.

However, the dragon-binding ring organization is different.They will definitely record Li Qing's information carefully, and they will definitely not be able to reduce the surveillance of Li Qing in the past ten years. Once Li Xu has a "need" for cultivation, Li Qing will definitely not escape their grasp.

These two reasons, no matter what the process is, the result is the same, that is, she was targeted.If you don't make complete preparations, there will always be danger ten years later.

But in ten years... which star will her psychic cauldron cultivate to?

Li Qing didn't speak, and the others didn't know what to say, and fell into a very silent and embarrassing situation.After Li Qing broke free from his own thoughts, he realized that other people were watching him.

She coughed twice, and then said, "Daoist Bai Lian, can I ask you for a favor?"

Daoist Bai Lian immediately responded: "Young ancestor can say anything, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help to the end."

"Well, I won't let you work in vain. Then I will exchange the spirit orchid and spirit spring on my third floor, okay?"

Daoist Bai Lian didn't know how much he coveted Li Qing's orchids and spirit springs on the third floor, so he immediately nodded. With Linglan and Lingquan, the time for him to enter the third floor of the Lingyun stage will be greatly shortened. Once his life span is extended, Li Qing is like giving him the grace of rebuilding!

Li Qing thought about it for a while, and then said: "You have been staying in Ding's hometown for ten years, so, can you lend me your cave for a few years to practice? I need a place that is absolutely quiet, and I hope Bai Lian will tell you The elders can agree. Also, I need some seeds or seedlings of the spirit grass you mentioned, such as ginseng and ganoderma. It doesn’t matter if the age is lower, as long as they are alive. Can you get some for me?”

Daoist Bai Lian thought what Li Qing was going to say, but he didn't expect it to be such a simple thing, so he immediately agreed happily.Anyway, in the past ten years, he will definitely not go back. In fact, if his skills cannot be improved in the past ten years, he will not be able to go back.

So what if the cave was given to Li Qing?
What's more, for a Taoist like him, he didn't have any treasures in his cave. When he went down the mountain, he took all he could take away. There were only some alchemy stoves and daily necessities in the mansion, and nothing else.

And those herbal seedlings are even easier to handle, as long as you tell Mr. Ding, you will have all of them.

As for what Li Qing wanted to do, Daoist Bai Lian could guess it. If it was watered with that kind of spiritual spring, although it could not reach the level of psychic psychic, those herbs could also be used for alchemy.

"Okay, once you bring me the herbal seedlings, I'm going to leave here."

Li Qing looked at Mrs. Shen, but Mrs. Shen didn't express anything.In her eyes, she will go wherever Li Qing goes, and the blood puppet's subconscious loyalty has completely transformed her into the most loyal person to Li Qing.

However, Li Qing naturally wouldn't let Mrs. Shen suffer.She wanted to dismiss Mrs. Shen, but the blood puppet needed to train its body every once in a while, and it also needed to inject fresh spiritual power. If Mrs. Shen left her for too long, she would still die.

This is not what Li Qing wants to see.Therefore, she will take Mrs. Shen and Wu Shun away as well.

As for the parents, Li Qing has left enough for them to live.She wanted to go up the mountain, but in fact, a large part of it was to explore the spiritual aperture. She said it would take a few years, but Li Qing might come out of it in a few days.

Because that's what he told Daoist Bai Lian.She didn't want Daoist Bai Lian to know that she had gone into the spiritual aperture. Seeing how frightened Daoist Bai Lian was towards the spiritual aperture, if Li Qing said it, he would definitely not let Li Qing in.

So don't worry about that at all.

After much deliberation, what needs to be dealt with is the house at hand.Li Qing wouldn't take these vulgar things to heart, and just hand them over to Liu Zheng and the others.Since you choose the path of cultivation, being entangled in too many troubles is not good for your cultivation.

At this time, Zhao Yu began to pester Daoist Bai Lian again, hoping to get some news about the cultivation of elixir from him.But Daoist Bai Lian's mouth was tightly shut, how could it be so easy to give out this elixir?Especially in today's society, spiritual power is scarce, and refining elixir consumes even more spiritual power. Even if such a wasteful thing is refined, Daoist Bai Lian will keep it for himself, or keep it for his descendants How could it be given to Zhao Yu in case of emergency.Therefore, even if Zhao Yu spoke out about smallpox, Daoist Bai Lian would not give it.

Seeing them was very annoying, Li Qing found out the location of Daoist Bai Lian's residence, and sent a few people away, Li Qing should go home.

Zhu Ziyao insisted on clamoring to send Li Qing home.Li Qing looked at the gate of his own house, standing in front of the glass in the lobby of Mrs. Shen's house, he could see the door of his own house, so far away, who would send him there.

But Zhu Ziyao insisted that if Li Qing didn't send him off, he would find a media outlet and announce to the whole world that he was married and in love with her.Helpless, Zhu Ziyao's reputation is very big now. If it is really publicized like this, the media will not care whether it is true or not, even if it is false, it will make it true.

Li Qing glanced at him, did not refuse again, but muttered in his mouth: "When announcing your marriage, don't forget that after Wang Feng announces something, let's give him a headline."

Zhu Ziyao didn't care about Li Qing's teasing, and followed her with a smile.He was very busy these days, and Li Qing was also running around, so he naturally cherished the short time he had with Li Qing.

However, God just made it clear that he didn't want any man to launch any kind of long-term love offensive against Li Qing!
Just as Zhu Ziyao wanted to cultivate his relationship, he was screwed up by the man who fell on the ground at the door of Li Qing's house.

The door of Li Qing's house has been set up in an illusion by her, so if someone sneaks in, they will fall into a coma.

But the person in front of him made it difficult for Li Qing to deal with, because this person had been discussed by everyone for a long time just now, and that person was Rye Wook's reincarnation body, Luo Da.

"I killed him!"

Zhu Ziyao also heard these things from Daoist Bai Lian and the others, so when he saw Luo Da now, he naturally felt that it was better to kill him as soon as possible, lest he would become the big devil Li Xu ten years later and endanger the world.

With that said, Zhu Ziyao had already taken out the hidden weapon in his hand, ready to strike.

It's really scary, why is Zhu Ziyao carrying all kinds of dangerous goods with him like Mrs. Shen?
Li Qing hurriedly grabbed Zhu Ziyao, she mainly wanted to see if Luo Da in front of her was still Luo Da.If she was really possessed by Ryeowook, then she would definitely kill Ryeowook to avenge Rhoda.

So, she pasted an entry talisman on the two of them, and together with Zhu Ziyao, she dragged Luo Da into the yard.

If you stood at the gate of the yard and looked inside, you would definitely find that the yard didn't look like someone entering it at all.The inside was empty, as if the three of Li Qing who had just entered had entered another world.

This is the special feature of Li Qing's making of this talisman.

Zhu Ziyao didn't feel any abnormalities in the talisman array, and he was still wondering why Li Qing had to stick a ghostly talisman on his body.

However, he didn't bother to study so much now, because the person in front of him was enough to attract his full attention.Rhoda slowly woke up from the illusion, his eyelids trembling.

With a weapon in his hand, Zhu Ziyao was always ready, and if there was anything wrong with this man, he would go right through his head.

When Luo Da opened his eyes, Li Qing found that he hadn't changed at all, his eyes were clear and bright, and there was no trace of possession.

Zhu Ziyao saw that Luo Da did not move. Although he did not relax his vigilance, he relaxed a lot.

At this time, Luo Da had come to his senses, as if Zhu Ziyao was transparent, he stepped forward and hugged Li Qing.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Zhu Ziyao couldn't bear it when he was beside him, he pulled him away with a displeased face.

Li Qing did not show much, nor did he stop Zhu Ziyao.Because she and Rhoda were enemies, not friends, even though Rhoda had saved her many times, Rhoda was one of the most important figures in the enemy, and she didn't need to have too close contact with Rhoda.

If Rhoda really needed her help, she would definitely go through fire and water.However, if Rhoda turns into Ryeowook after ten years... there are only two results.One is that Li Qing killed him, and the other is that he killed Li Qing.

The probability of the latter seems to be greater.

"I...I have something to say to Qing'er, can you avoid it?"

Rhoda looked haggard, as if he hadn't rested for many days.

Zhu Ziyao refused to move, his feet seemed to be nailed by iron nails, and he refused to move no matter what.

Li Qing didn't want to bother him either, so he directly typed out a talisman, ignited it with spiritual power, and said, "What can I say, I've already used the soundproof talisman, Zhu Ziyao couldn't hear it."

Zhu Ziyao looked annoyed, because he clearly saw Li Qing's lips moving, but he didn't hear the sound.But that's all, he is naturally not the kind who likes to pry into other people's privacy.As long as Luo Da doesn't have any crooked thoughts in front of him and doesn't harm Li Qing, it doesn't matter whether he listens to them or not.

Seeing that it was safe, Luo Da ignored Zhu Ziyao and quickly took out a ticket from his pocket.

Li Qing took a look, and it turned out to be an international ticket. Why did he do that?
Luo Da's complexion was pale and his lips were chapped. He hurriedly said: "Qing'er, you may not understand some things. But you just listen to my advice, okay? Leave the imperial capital quickly, leave here, take my ticket, and fly far away Some. I have already arranged a flight route for you that cannot be touched by the organization, and you are absolutely safe on this route. From now on, find a small country and live incognito..."

Li Qing glanced at him calmly, but her heart was already churning.

What does it mean?Make yourself run away?

"Why should I leave? In a word, do you want me to leave my homeland like a lost dog?"

Li Qing's rhetorical question made Luo Da very anxious, as if he had a thousand words to say.

He said: "There are some things you may not be able to imagine. My time is running out, so I can't stay and accompany you to leave. If possible, I really want to go with you, take you away from these things, and then find a small farm, From now on, we will depend on each other for life..."

When Luo Da said this, her eyes seemed to return to Qing Qing who was walking on the side of the road back then. Li Qing didn't know how many faces he had, nor how mysterious he was, but at this moment, she could deeply understand him. It felt that what Rhoda said was true.

He really wants to go with himself, and wants to open a small farm with himself and live a happy life.

But he can't go, can he?

Li Qing grabbed the wrist with the Dragon Binding Ring engraved on it, and said with a wry smile: "Is this what I can't imagine?"

Just as Luo Da was about to speak, Li Qing continued: "Are you chosen to be Ryeowook's next successor? After ten years, you will become Ryeowook, that demon, and you will never come back again, right? Even, will you be my enemy?"

Luo Da looked at Li Qing in astonishment. He never thought that Li Qing knew so many things.

Of course he knew his mission, since the day he was chosen as the Holy Son, he knew that it would not be that simple.With his cleverness, he found something strange with a little use of his brain.Therefore, he knew that he could not escape this fate at all.

Ten years later, Ryeowook wakes up, then, it will be his death.No, maybe it won't take that long, when the Holy Son ceremony is over, he won't be him anymore...

"Qing'er, since you know everything, I won't say more. You are right, I have indeed been recognized as the Holy Son. Moreover, tomorrow is my coronation ceremony. I have investigated a lot of information, Being called the Son is not as wonderful as the father said... I am afraid that if I become the Son, I will not be me, I am afraid that I will not remember you, I am afraid that I will hurt you in the future. So, I think Tell you to leave here as soon as possible, the farther the better... We have captured a large number of practitioners over the years, and I know their final fate.

Your records have been kept in the file, and the organization said that after ten years, they will consider arresting you first.So, the person I am afraid of hurting you is me.

I beg you, can you get out of here?Find a place far away to hide, and you'll be fine after you hide..."

As Rhoda spoke, he even started to cry.Although he said he had a father and a partner since he was a child, he never had anyone he cared about.However, that short journey, that small goal, made him remember deeply.

Their exchanges are rare, and they are all in the midst of fighting each other.

However, the journey of meeting for the first time has become an eternal memory in his heart.He still remembered the sense of accomplishment after inviting Li Qing over from those two men.

It left an impression on him all his life.

Originally thought that when he grew up, he would be with Lisa arranged by his father.However, after getting to know Li Qing, her stubbornness, her mystery, and that unbeautiful but alluring face that people will never forget, all made him fall into it day and night.

Because of Li Qing, he did something he never thought of, that is, disobeyed the godfather's order and secretly let Li Qing go.

Because of Li Qing, he sneaked out to meet her before the Holy Son ceremony.

Because he just wanted to see her for the last time, this weird ceremony might make them farewell forever.

He is the pride of the Godfather organization, and he is the future leader of the Dragon Binding Ring.Therefore, he can be cold-blooded and ruthless, but he can't bear to hurt Li Qing himself.

Maybe this is the legendary love, he fell in love with her.

Therefore, he must protect her!
Looking at the crying and helpless man in front of him, Li Qing's heart was also tossed with dreadful waves.

Rhoda actually cares about me so much?
This is her only impression.

For Rhoda, she didn't have any deep thoughts. She was a person with slow feelings, and the people around her were always around. It seemed that the small flame of love had never ignited her.

But at this moment, she felt that she was moved by Rhoda's words.

If she and Rhoda were not hostile, maybe she could still consider him.

It's just that it's too late now.

Li Qing said slowly: "I know everything, and I know everything. So, please take care of yourself. I have my own way to avoid disasters, and my ability is not as simple as you see. I Not an ordinary cultivator. Also, this is for you."

After finishing speaking, she touched the palm of her hand, and a carefully carved emerald safety buckle necklace appeared in front of him.

This safety buckle was actually carved out by her for herself.

There are no talismans, it is a pure and pure jewelry.

Li Qing pressed Ping An in his palm, and said solemnly:
"Hope, you can be safe. Ten years later, I hope to see you, not Ryeowook. Even if I kill me, I don't want to die in Ryeowook's hands.

Remember, to survive.If you really like me, ten years later, if you are still you, I will give you a chance. "

Li Qing put on an ugly smile with a bitter face.

The demon of reincarnation, Ryeowook, is so powerful, how could he let Rhoda survive?
Seeing this, I am afraid it will be goodbye forever!
(End of this chapter)

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