Chapter 202 Taking the Elite Route

After the establishment of the Elizabeth Foundation, their work in the UK came to an end, and then they arranged for the consignment of the sports car, and then returned to California by special plane.It was already the beginning of July, the sun was shining brightly overhead, and the sky was clear, which meant ushered in a typical sunny beach day in California.

An Feng and Joanna returned to the winery for vacation.

Blown by the sea breeze from the Pacific Ocean, Paso Robles has a very pleasant climate. Even in summer, the average temperature remains in the comfortable range.

An Feng likes the huge swimming pool in the backyard the most. On a sunny afternoon, he can enjoy the swimming pool all by himself, with an unobstructed view and a panoramic view of the surrounding vineyards. .Choose another good spot and hide in the shade for a drink.

Looking at the vigorously growing vineyards below, An Feng happened to think of the small batch of genetically modified grapes he planted in the past. The planting area was about ten acres. It has been almost two years, and it should be grown by now, right?Thinking about it, I greeted Joanna who was doing beauty treatment, started the off-road motorcycle parked at the door, and then rushed down the mountain—stopping in front of a large green grass, the bad habits of the past are bad.

These green grasses have been planted at a high price. If they continue to rush to the slopes in a hurry as before, it is estimated that before the old John, the manager of the winery, turns green, his property will be lost first. Zhuang's face project is bumpy, what does it look like?

So he drove down the winery mountain road in a very regular manner.Walking along the dirt road through the vineyard, I came to the super grape planting area that I specially divided and kept clear from the surrounding grapes. I happened to meet Cathy, who was inspecting the work, and stopped to say hello: "Hi!"

"Hi, BOSS!" She looked up.

"How is the growth of this batch of grapes?" An Feng asked. The growth of the genetically modified grapes has exceeded the general standard. At the age of two, it is already similar to the Cabernet Sauvignon in the surrounding [-] years. If it is not dense enough, it may be true. It is difficult to judge from the surface.

"Very good. This is the fastest-growing grape I have ever seen. It has strong vitality and excellent disease resistance. Basically, it can continue to grow with sufficient water, but it is not yet ripe. Judge the quality of its fruit."

An Feng observed his masterpiece with satisfaction, and said proudly: "In a few months, the wine it produces must be top-notch."

"So confident?" Cathy asked with a smile.

"Of course!" An Feng nodded, "Please believe in the power of science. The only thing that is uncertain now is the market's attitude towards genetically modified grapes."

There are indeed uncertainties in this. As far as he knows, California is quite acceptable. Not only is he doing this kind of experiment, but other vineyards also have it, but it cannot be guaranteed in other areas. Europe, especially France, I am more resistant to these technologies that violate the laws of nature.

"Good luck to him!" Cathy said.

An Feng added: "Take me to visit the vineyard and introduce its recent development."

"Welcome!" Cathy said with a smile, "You care about the vineyard once, and the cycle is still calculated according to half a year. I have to call John who has the most opinions first."

Later, I visited the vineyard with Old John and Cathy.

Due to the excessively high output last year, this year it has been appropriately reduced, demanding quality rather than quantity, and the winery is taking the boutique route—in layman's terms, it is going high-end and rejecting low-end mass production.An Feng likes it. As a super rich man, he likes the noble and glamorous most, and rejects the mediocre model.

But An Feng asked, "What about those vines that have been removed?"

Old John thought for a while and said, "Grapes that are more than 95 years old are very easy to sell, and they can produce [-]-point red wine!"

An Feng originally wanted to donate it to Frank, but his garden was full and the quality of the grapes was excellent. The same Cabernet Sauvignon did not affect much, but it was his research and development that played a key role. Those biological fertilizers... Thinking of this, he asked John: "How much fertilizer is there in stock?"

Old John replied: "Probably two more years."

In fact, there is not much fertilizer for two years. The fertilizer developed by Anfeng is high-end, that is, a small amount but long-term. One application of fertilizer can last for several months without worry.So in calculation, the two-year period is really not much. Last time, he thought about buying another fertilizer factory and supplying it exclusively for himself.

Due to a lot of things going on recently, I forgot about those who came and went.

In order to develop for a long time and give yourself a good face, after visiting the vineyard and knowing that everything is going well, I called Angela and her assistant John when I got home, and asked them to find a fertilizer company that is not too big. Produce special fertilizer for grapes by ourselves.

Going back in the evening, opened a bottle of ordinary red wine, and after having dinner, Joanna talked to him about the private horse farm. Build one, but his original idea wasn't too complicated.

But Joanna said that since she wanted to do it, she didn't want the best, but she had to be worthy of herself and the money in her pocket... What she said really learned the essence of spending money by herself.An Feng didn't know much about it, so I left it to Joanna to do it. She has been looking for information on the Internet these days.

At this moment, I pulled him to the sofa, and there was already a plan on the computer screen in front of me.

Joanna introduced to him: "Referring to the specifications of other racecourses, my idea is that the area is about 80 to 120 acres. The standard oval track can be set up as a polo field and obstacle course, or it can be used Come the horses, then the track, there are four..."

After An Feng heard this, it is estimated that there is no need to hire a designer, isn't this one in front of you?

According to Joanna's idea, the racecourse is a standard ellipse, and the space inside the circle is fully utilized. The polo field or training ground are all planned, and the four tracks are the inner circle practice track, the second circle of sandy track, and the third circle of grass. The runway, the fourth lap ambulance runway, is very standardized.

In addition to the outdoor racecourse, there are also indoor racecourses, training grounds, etc. In addition, a luxurious stable is built to realize large-scale automation and mechanization. There is also a luxurious rainproof stand that can accommodate 5 to 10 spectators, and is equipped with boxes , public area and so on different types, complete styles of the area.

Since it is a racetrack, standardized electronic equipment, electronic scoreboards, tracking camera devices, scanning devices, and the determination of capturing the exciting end point, large-area color screen images and digital displays, etc. are indispensable, as well as the intelligence required for horse betting. betting system.

After An Feng finished listening, he asked: "The commercialization is too strong, is there any consideration for private use?"

His original plan was just a luxurious private horse farm, where he could play with friends in his spare time, but according to Joanna, he was a little inclined towards business operations.

Joanna said: "It mainly depends on how you define it. If you want to develop horse betting and become a banker, you will naturally have competitions every day. If not, you will only undertake some large-scale events, and you will have a lot of free time in a year. You can refer to other A private horse farm in the region, in the form of a private club."

"Oh, so I understand." An Feng nodded. His idea is that whether he makes money or not is the second priority. Anyway, he has the most profitable way, and his own fun is the most important thing. If he plays on the field, the surrounding A crowd of spectators was so noisy that they couldn't concentrate at all.

Joanna has a lot of ideas: "If you focus on personalization, then change it and develop it into a high-end route that only recruits members, focusing on equestrian and polo training. The social level of members will be high, and some professional coaches will be hired. It would be a good way to be responsible for the training of high-end members."

An Feng likes this: "This idea is very good. Occasionally hold some influential events. When not in use, it will be used as an equestrian club to receive members and take a high-end route... I will invite some friends when I go back, and they will definitely be happy to join of."

Joanna smiled: "Yes, you have such a big face, there will be many people responding!"

"I'm smart!" An Feng hugged her and smiled.

In fact, the racetrack that is open to the public around the clock is a bit too noisy. Of course, the rich like to be quiet and exclusive. In the future, I will invite some friends who share the same hobby. It doesn’t matter if the membership fee is more or less, just like those high-end clubs, many people crowded Brainstorming to get in.

The reason is that it's fun inside?I'm afraid it's more because there are members with the same status and status. It's an excellent place to make friends and find great business opportunities.In other words, it is a high-end elite club, and being able to enter means formal contact with this circle, and it is worth the huge cost.

Joanna thought about it for a while, and liked it: "It's really good to take the high-end route. Anyway, you have a lot of friends, so you have to develop towards luxury."

An Feng nodded. Anyway, he didn't have any objections. He was only responsible for paying the money, so he asked, "How much do you think the cost will be?"

An Feng knows that professional racecourses are not cheap, just like the one in Dubai, which cost 30 billion US dollars, but they didn’t even play horse racing, and it was completely funded by the government. The bold idea of ​​a tall building, but it is really famous.

Joanna said: "If you take the luxury route, it will be about 2 to 3 million US dollars."

An Feng knew it was awkward to say that, but he still said, "So few?"

Joanna is used to it: "Then how much do you think it is?"

"I thought it was at least seven or eight billion, or more than a billion." He said honestly.

"It is very commercialized. The cost of most racecourses is not that high. There are 6000 to 2 million, and [-] to [-] million are already very good, but we take care of so many things and go to the elite. The route may also only need more than [-] million points in the final calculation."

An Feng nodded: "No problem, and you don't want to think so much by yourself. As my wife, please follow my style - go to a professional design team. Just tell them your ideas, and my idea is to try my best It should be more high-end, and things like money are negotiable!"

(End of this chapter)

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