Chapter 203 Friendly Match

Joanna is very interested in the racetrack, and she has many ideas that An Feng could never have imagined. Seeing that she is so passionate about it, An Feng completely entrusts her with the decision-making power. Do whatever you want, and he will pay the bill in the end. .But her brain is very useful, unlike someone else.

Including the layout of the racetrack, creativity, which level of design team to hire, and what kind of racehorses to buy later, the quantity, etc., are all up to her to decide-in fact, it is a position of shopkeeper who specializes in giving orders, which is very easy. An Feng used to Do it often.

He wandered around when he had nothing to do, and flew to San Jose by helicopter to finish the robot company's affairs first.According to what Gu Li said, the idea of ​​building a building is very good, because there are many directions in which robot companies or industrial companies can develop in the future, and the future is still far away.

So he sent John over to look for land, construction contractors... It is initially estimated that the building should not be too high, but it should not be too short-because his helicopter needs to be docked, so about [-] to [-] floors is very suitable.More importantly, it takes less time to build.

If it is dozens of floors or hundreds of floors, I am afraid that it will not be completed until the flowers are all withered.An Feng told John his thoughts, and let him and his assistant team torture their brains.The land in this area of ​​Silicon Valley is not cheap, considering the cost, it can be properly far away from the urban area.

Then there is the research and development issue of robotics companies.

Ever since the theft happened, An Feng stopped the research and development of the exoskeleton.At present, Hoffman has nothing to do all day long. According to the small reports from other departments, he has continuously damaged the bionic machine modules of the robot group, tore down a wall and refitted the wiring, and now he is targeting the company's computers.

This guy doesn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp.In the end, An Feng had no choice but to call Hoffman and give him a difficult task: "Starting today, the company will arrange for you to go to the UK, and you can bring your two assistants with you, and you will have full board and lodging there. Generous subsidy..."

I don't know if Hoffman understood, he just asked, "What are you doing?"

"Develop a booster system that saves energy or is simpler. After you get things done, you can go back to making a mass-produced version of the exoskeleton."

Hoffman did not hesitate: "Agreed!"

If he had known it was so easy, An Feng would have said it bluntly. It is a waste of emotion to give away so many benefits. This guy has an annual salary of 10,000+, and he probably doesn’t know how to spend it. I heard that he does takeout every day. The consumption is very simple. And living in the company, the rent is estimated to be saved.

An Feng dismissed this super nerd scientist. After the UK can win the patent of the power assist system, he can develop whatever he wants when he comes back. Anyway, apart from the power assist system, the robot company does not take other patents. Maybe the Americans need to pay for patents when they manufacture these. fee!

Two days later, An Feng's sports car arrived.

It costs a lot to airlift it from the UK, but for a legendary sports car worth more than 400 million, it is worthy of this pomp.At the SLO airport, I saw a ferocious beast locked in an iron cage, and An Feng admired it carefully. After paying the payment, he drove the F1 out, being careful all the way.

He has to be careful, as long as the car crashes a little bit, he will cry. McLaren has not provided repairs for a long time, let alone no spare parts, right?As long as he crashes, other collectors will definitely pop champagne to celebrate.So he drove this untamable beast very carefully.

It is also well-founded to say that it is difficult to tame, because there is no electronic assistance on the McLaren F1, not even hydraulic assistance for the brakes!Driving it is a test of skill. It can be said that the moment you step on the accelerator, it may lose control on the road and hit the guardrail or something.

Fortunately, I have driven a Ferrari before and used the ESC-OFF mode. In this mode, any electronic assistance is turned off, and safety auxiliary equipment such as the vehicle stability system and traction control system enter a dormant state. When only the ABS is still working, the most Raw and manic state.

Non-professional drivers driving super sports cars are actually assisted by various electronic assistance systems. From the start of the vehicle, the stability system works-if there is no such thing, the car will shake its head and tail with a heavy foot, and the driver will be petrified.When accelerating, the traction must also distribute the fuel supply evenly, and the tire speed is poor, otherwise ordinary drivers will not be able to control it... This is why some sports cars have a comfort mode.

If you don’t choose the comfort mode, most drivers can’t play well. Not only Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche and other supercars are the same, you can control it freely-in fact, they are all fake!It's all assist systems helping you, and they're trying really hard to pretend you did it yourself.

The McLaren F1 is even more extreme. Not only does it have nothing, in order to save weight, it is not even equipped with ABS... To deal with this beast, it cannot be used on the road, but it has to be driven on the track... It takes two days to figure it out After seeing his character, An Feng drove it to Monterrey, ready to compete in the "Laguna-Seca" circuit (Laguna-Seca).

According to the needs of safety management, any driver on the track needs to be equipped with a safety helmet and, if necessary, a professional fireproof racing suit.But this time it was avoided, An Feng put on his helmet, passed the inspection of the staff, and got into the car in good condition.

I'm pretty sure he's drilling rather than sitting - I can only blame it for being a three-seater sports car with the driver's seat in the middle, no matter whether you drive from the left or the right, you have to step over a passenger seat, so the posture is very weird.An Feng came to the conclusion that this car can be very cool - the premise is that you don't get in and out of the car.

Anfeng has run this track in Monterey several times before. It is not easy, there are height differences, uphill and downhill, and there are very challenging "spiral" curves - that is, S-shaped curves. With height difference.It brings the environment of reduced altitude, no buffer zone on the roadside, and sandy terrain at any time.

So the challenge of the spiral bend is super big.

An Feng sat firmly in the driver's seat and gained a central view.When starting this primitive beast, the sound of the engine is not enthusiastic. Compared with the few Ferraris speeding past, it is very low-key, like an old man with little strength, but when you really step on the accelerator... the beast is activated.

The track is not long, with a total length of 3.6 kilometers, and there are many long and compound turns on the road.But the longer the curve, the more the high-speed racing car is disturbed by centrifugal force, and the more difficult it is to pass. If you don't want to slow down, consider hard skills.It just so happened that An Feng was the one who refused to admit defeat. The front of the car was still a little bit floating and rushed through the spiral bend with a high-low drop. There were sandy ground and anti-collision tires next to it. If there was one negligence, the car worth more than 400 million yuan would have to be scrapped!
After passing, An Feng's back was also sweating. When he turned from high to low at high speed, there was a section of the road ahead that was invisible!A blind area of ​​vision occurs at a critical moment. If the driving track cannot be discerned, the acceleration will often turn into a tragedy of rushing off the track.

After running a few laps, due to excessive investment, a lot of water is consumed.What tests the performance of a sports car is not pure data. Even if it can accelerate from 2 kilometers in 400 seconds, a car with a top speed of [-] can't conquer the track, and it will always be a speed toy rather than a performance killer. Wouldn't it be better to install a rocket propulsion?

Finally, it stopped at the maintenance station, and some car friends who came to play were resting and discussing. When they saw this extremely rare McLaren stop, they all paid attention to it. When An Feng opened the door and got out, a guy came. It was a tall, brown-haired white guy, and he said hello, "Hi buddy!"

"Hi!" An Feng said as he took off his helmet.

"The car is very nice!" said the brown-haired white man, and stretched out his hand to him: "My name is Duke, and I came here to play today. I saw your lap time, it's pretty fast!"

"Bruce." An Feng shook his hand, "But you guessed wrong, this guy is on this track for the first time today, and he was still in England a few days ago."

"Oh? Then you are really talented!" Duke said in surprise.

An Feng looked at them: "You are also here to play with cars? Tell me about the model?"

Duke turned to look at the orange sports car, and said, "This is the Saleen S7 (Saleen) I brought, and I'm going to let it move."

"Wow!" An Feng exclaimed, "What a nice sports car, a beast of speed! Is it turbocharged or naturally aspirated?"

Duke laughs: "Naturally aspirated V8 engine."

"It's really rare!" An Feng stepped forward to take a look around. Not many people know about this car, but to be honest, it is very well-tuned. Except for the naturally aspirated model, the twin-turbocharged S7 can only accelerate from 2.8 kilometers to 400 kilometers. It takes [-] seconds and the top speed breaks through [-] kilometers. It used to be a powerful and muscular beast.

Duke was obviously very happy with others' appreciation, but he also said politely: "Your F1 is more classic, it's rare to see it on the field! Can you take a photo?"

"Please feel free, I plan to take a photo with your car too!" An Feng said with a smile.

"We exchanged pictures!" Duke laughed.

We took a few photos with our mobile phones together, and when another batch of sports cars returned to the maintenance area, Duke said to An Feng, "Bruce, are you interested in running a few laps?"

"Just the two of us?" An Feng said.

"Of course not, there's a friend of mine. Look, he's coming!" Duke looked in the other direction, and a metallic silver sports car was coming.

It is by no means a vulgar thing, a Koenigsegg CCR model.The output is scarce, that is, it and Bugatti broke the world record of McLaren F1 for several years, and now they meet in the same field, plus the Sarin S7, which is also not weak, other drivers who want to go on the track have stopped , leaving space for them to compete.

A middle-aged man with short black hair got off the Koenigsegg, Duke smiled and shook hands with him, and then introduced: "His name is Howard, he used to be a rally driver, drove a RV, and now he has retired and switched to playing cars. Sorry, forgot to mention, I've been to NASCAR a few times as well."

An Fenghan, you guys are obviously bullying people, a crazy rally driver, a professional driver who has played the most popular NASCAR car in the United States, and he is an amateur, what an ass... He put My mood was fully expressed on my face: "Are you sure?"

Duke looked at it and said with a smile: "Don't worry! We haven't played for a long time now, our skills are not as good as they were back then, and this track is not often run. Just now, judging by your lap speed, we may not even be able to run. How about a friendly match to let everyone enjoy themselves?"

An Feng turned his head, and more and more spectators gathered around, encouraging them to fight.

"Okay, but you guys have to let me follow!" An Feng said, the hospitality was hard to turn down, so he had to bite the bullet and fight.

Howard smiled and said, "Maybe we followed you?"

(End of this chapter)

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