Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 204 Strong Showdown [3 more]

Chapter 204 Strong Showdown

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This is a strong showdown.

As far as cars are concerned, McLaren F1, Sarin S7 and Koenigsegg CCR are comparable in performance, accelerating from 3 kilometers in about 360 seconds, and the top speed is above 1 ​​kilometers, which is a testament to the glory of the era.In the actual test, it is also comparable. In the 4/11 mile acceleration race, all three cars completed in about [-] seconds.

In terms of people, the first two have played professionally, no matter what track they are, they will be stronger than ordinary people, and An Feng just ran a lap of 1 minute and 40 seconds is also very outstanding, at least if they did their best. You may not be able to run with all your strength, and it is the first time that the sports car is on the field.

In such a comparison, in the eyes of the audience, it became a standard sports car and a driver's duel, and even the news of the competition spread to the racing management, who specially sent technicians to provide services for them, check the condition of the vehicle, tires, etc. , fuel and so on.

Before the start of the game, Duke proposed: "How about No. 3, please drink beer?"

Howard agreed: "Of course it has to be a bit of a prize! But change it, the second No.3 must buy a drink, and there can only be one winner!"

"Bruce, what about you?" Duke looked at him.

"I'm fine, it's up to you to decide!" An Feng said, thinking it was just a drink... Obviously facing professional drivers is still very stressful.

Finally, after the inspector confirmed that there were no other sports cars on the track, the three cars lined up neatly in front of the key line, and all parties were ready. According to the requirements, the person who ran 10 laps first won the victory. It takes about 8 minutes to complete, and one tank of gas is enough.

An Feng drank half a bottle of water. Racing is a sport that consumes a lot of body water. The most typical one is F1. The degree of dehydration after a run is enough to shock ordinary people, but the drivers can still talk and laugh. This requires particularly strict exercise , but it just so happens that An Feng is a person with a strong physique.

Putting on the helmet, he got into the driver's seat again, and the staff in uniform closed the door for him. In order to meet the occasion, there was even a female driver who came into the battle coolly, waving black and white flags, adding a lot of highlights to the race.Other riders or spectators have already disappeared—running to occupy the commanding heights.

Although command lights can be used on the track, everyone still thinks the racing girl is more exciting. As the flag fell, the three cars roared at the same time, and white smoke rose from the friction between the tires and the ground. They rushed out at the same time and began to compete for the start. leading position.

According to the acceleration performance of 0 kilometers, the three cars are comparable, but in the acceleration period of 100-161 miles ([-] kilometers), McLaren has the advantage. An Feng stepped on the accelerator and stared at the rearview mirror. The car was pulled away by him and gained a temporary lead.

Then he was greeted by a small bend, which was very simple. He rushed past the inside line, and just appeared on the outside line at the exit of the curve. The test is not the technology, but the performance of the car.

On a straight line again, CCR is full of horsepower in the middle and rear stages, and has already been side by side with him, and has passed a little bit.

CCR took the lead in entering a sharp curve ahead.

Facing the curve, An Feng knew that the challenge had really begun. If he didn’t want to be affected by the centrifugal force and lose control when cornering at high speed, he had to go straight through the corner, that is, pay attention to the “outside-inside-out” racing skills.Enter the curve from the outside before entering the curve, drive on the inside in the middle, and cut back to the outside of the curve after passing the top of the curve.If plotted, the motion of the car is nearly straight.

The leading CCR in front was stumped by this big curve. Although it is fast, its performance on the track is not as good as F1, which is specially designed to adapt to complex and changeable environments. CCR is not dominant on the curve, so it rushes out of the curve After the road, An Feng was already following him, and the speed was even faster.

An Feng gritted his teeth, and the opportunity was fleeting. He slammed the steering wheel, and the sports car with excellent performance moved laterally from right to left behind the CCR. He stepped on the accelerator and put his right hand into gear, and used the high speed to overtake on the left side of the car. Before the arrival of the second corner, the first position was regained again.

An Feng regained some confidence.

Perhaps it is because chasing soldiers behind can make people run faster. For example, when there are vicious dogs chasing and biting behind them, people's explosive power is always very strong.An Feng felt that the machine brain and the biological brain were spinning at the same time, and various data and the images of the previous racing car were superimposed, and the best situation was analyzed.

"Slow down the next corner, downshift..." An Feng's mind automatically recalled his previous experience. He entered the corner too fast, and he was in a hurry to control the direction. Turning too sharply will bear a very large centrifugal force, causing the Braking is frequent and the trajectory is chaotic... so brake first to enter the corner.

This time he entered at a slow speed, stepped on the accelerator halfway, and accelerated out of the corner...perfect pass!An Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and looking behind him, S7 had already surpassed CCR, biting his own ass.As expected of a professional driver, even though he was already in the lead, he was followed in an orderly manner, and the pressure was overwhelming.

If you want to be in a straight line area, the powerful performance of F1 will give you strong confidence. After sprinting for a straight line, you will suddenly come to a sharp turn close to 60 degrees, and it is accompanied by a downhill. There is no buffer zone on the roadside - if this speed is too fast, absolutely It was the tragedy of rushing out and hitting the bumper tire.

Anfeng's mind is full of this difficult corner. Going downhill at high speed is usually a death-seeking-unless your car can ensure that the four wheels are close to the ground, a wheeled armored vehicle or a tank weighing dozens of tons is fine, but this is not the case. It is a sports car known for its light weight. The most effective way is to brake down to second gear, cut into the curve from the inside line, and after reaching the top of the curve, find a good direction and then cut out the outside line...still pass safely.

He glanced in the rearview mirror and was gone!

It didn't take long for the pride to come, the lingering orange-yellow S7 moved sideways neatly, swung the rear of the car twice, bit the back of F1 again, and it cut to the inside line, it looked like it was cornering at high speed just now, and Get faster out of the corner than An Feng - and in doing so you're overtaking!
"Oops!" An Feng stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but the exit speed of S7 is there, and if he accelerates at the same time, it is difficult to grasp the original advantage. S7 passed him quietly, even if An Feng stepped on the accelerator, he was powerless.I can only look at the taillights of the S7 flashing a few times when cornering.

Duke is amazing. He has good control over the accelerator and rarely steps on the brakes.

After another turn, An Feng was already sweating. He turned several times at high speed, bringing a lateral acceleration close to 2G, which meant that the original 10kg object would become 20kg. The suddenly heavy helmet on his head oppressed his neck. A little awkward, but he quickly adjusted.

I glanced at the rearview mirror again, the car in front was not far away, and the car behind was still chasing hard, so it was not easy to be the second child.

After going through several turns with S7, he encountered a spiral turn that caused him a blind spot again. He went uphill first, and he was already mentally prepared to be overtaken. After all, he is an amateur, and he is definitely not as proficient as a professional driver, so he is quite satisfactory. Run along the outside at a slow speed, keeping the body as close to the ground as possible.

Duke, who was driving the S7 in front, may have full confidence in his racing skills. Although he felt that the car body was a little floating before entering the corner, and it would be unstable if he went downhill, he still ran along the center, hoping to go faster in a shorter straight line. Through curves with height differences and blind spots.

With a mentality of admiration, An Feng followed the S7 into the curve, and then... went downhill to increase its speed. He also stepped on the accelerator, but the result was understeer. The tire on one side of the car rushed out of the sand outside the track, and the brake sound It sounded, and An Feng was stunned... But he reacted quickly. When the CCR behind him was about to overtake, he turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The black beast swung the rear of the car, seized the CCR's overtaking lane, and rushed out roaring.

This time, instead of an orange S7 in the rearview mirror, it was replaced by a dusty silver CCR.

An Feng smiled triumphantly. It is estimated that Duke has played too much NASCAR, and he only takes small-angle turns and is not suitable for corners with large ups and downs (the track of NASCAR is a very simple ellipse )... After passing the most difficult corner, he easily crossed the finish line of the first lap.

On the straight track, F1 and CCR once again staged a straight-line acceleration duel, with F1 leading by a small margin, and turning steadily according to the memory and feel in the machine's brain.It's a little cheating, every time he can feel the satisfaction, it's like saving the feeling and playing it over and over again.

In this way, his car feeling will only get better and better.


In the straight sprint on the tenth lap, the black McLaren dominated, buzzing and sweeping across the finish line at super high speed. The speedometer showed that it had reached a speed of 330 kilometers per hour when it crossed the line, leading No.2 crazily S7 with three bodies and No.3 with five bodies, win!
When the three cars returned to the maintenance area, the spectators gathered around, and one of the men in overalls was full of horror: "It's amazing! The owner of the McLaren ran 9 minute and 1 seconds on the ninth lap. If the lap time is faster, it will be able to break the 34 minute and 1 seconds set by the Dodge Viper!"

An Feng was also slightly surprised.

After getting off the car, Duke smiled and asked, "Bruce, aren't you also a professional driver or have received professional training?"

An Feng is modest: "It's just that I usually like to drive fast!"

Everyone doesn't believe it. This kind of technology is obviously not something that ordinary people can get out of. An Feng has not revealed the answer. Two overtakes, and the following can only eat ashes.

But the robot brain made him do one thing ten times, every process, every feeling has experience, what to do, how much to throttle, the angle of steering... are almost the same.In this mode, unless it is a professional driver who is familiar with this track, it is difficult to beat the opener.

So cheating allowed him to win.

Neither Duke nor Howard was entangled in the result. They came over and hugged An Feng. After congratulating, they fulfilled their promise: "We said that the second No. 3 will treat guests to drink beer, and friends here who want to participate can also come. Let's go to a nearby bar and have a good drink!"

In a nearby bar, the three of them and some car friends they just met just now arrived, which also caused this ordinary bar to suddenly stop more than a dozen eye-catching sports cars, such as Ferrari and Lamborghini, which are already clichéd. Karen, Sarin and Koenigsegg are all here.

Everyone chatted happily inside, discussing racing cars and sports cars.

Later, I learned that Duke was originally the son of a NASCAR team sponsor. He likes to play racing cars since he was young, but the accident rate of NASCAR is not low. Crashes are common. Kid takes risks, so his career is limited to a few.

Duke said proudly: "JGR, the Joe Gibbs team, the second most valuable team, is in full swing this year, and hopefully surpasses the number one team!"

NASCAR is very popular in the United States, far more than the indifferent F1. At first, An Feng didn't understand that there is no fun in running in an ellipse without skills. After he actually came to the scene, he realized that only the top The roar of the tuned engine is enough to burn the blood of the audience!

At the end of the chat, when everyone talked about cars, collections, etc., everyone present was able to drive Ferrari and other sports cars, and they also belonged to the wealthy class. Very rare laferrari, simply let the mouth water.

But after An Feng talked about the luxury racing track he was building, it was everyone's turn to drool.

An Feng took the opportunity to promote his racing track, saying that after it was established, he hoped everyone would support it. Everyone is a car fan, and they are not short of money. Will definitely be there, and will drive the most classic cars.

(End of this chapter)

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