Chapter 209 Adding a Boat

Speaking of the overall effort, An Feng went to visit the construction site.

The matter was handled by John, who decided to use the robot company as a material warehouse, and the location of the new company was very close to the warehouse, which was convenient for commuting.The final plan is to build a 12-story building, which is shorter than An Feng expected, but it is rectangular and the total area will be larger.

In addition to the main building, a large two-story parking lot is also set up. The lower floor can be used for parking for employees, and the upper floor is very wide. Therefore, a helipad will be set up, which can accommodate two helicopters at the same time.As for the roof, due to the suggestion of the security consultant, Jeff Clark of Aegis Security, there is no helipad, which is a bit inconsistent with Anfeng's original idea of ​​the tycoon parking on the roof.

But with confidence in Jeff's ability, all his suggestions were adopted.The security consultant team hired this time needs to add security considerations to the architectural drawings to increase the level of confidentiality.In addition, when the building is initially completed, advanced security equipment needs to be installed.

An Feng intends to set up future industrial and robotics companies in the building. Anyway, they are all companies controlled by him. To some extent, they can also control each other to achieve the purpose of confusing sight... When he is satisfied, the security consultant will have no problem After that, the construction officially started.

All he asked for was speed, and money came second.


Back home, Joanna was receiving guests, and An Feng greeted the man and woman.I heard from her that it was about the racetrack. Recently, he didn't intervene much. He just listened to Joanna's narration in his ear every night. She was very happy to have something to do, and the progress was not bad.

An Feng also made some plans in a daze.

There are quite a few things, but they are messy and there is no reasonable plan... It would be great if the machine brain can help him, but until now, unless he is highly focused, he has rarely been able to mobilize it.After getting down slowly, I got used to existence, and looking back now, the progress of restoration is about to reach 50%.

This means that half of the content is about to come out, but in the face of these disorderly and extensive information, he has a feeling that he can't start, and the question that has been repeated more than once reappears: What is the purpose?Why do these things appear in my mind?
He had had the feeling... that there was something very important waiting for him to do.

At the beginning, it was relatively mild, shrouded in heavy fog, and An Feng could only explore by himself, but after he found that he could set up backdoors for chips or other mechanical equipment, these technologies became extremely... aggressive.Somewhere, it seemed that a path had been arranged for him.

The answer to the mystery may be revealed soon.


When he thought about these endless things, he suddenly felt a headache, just like before, when he encountered him, he gave up and started thinking about other things.

There is still a lot of time, and there are things to do.

A year ago, he started a shipping business in Miami, Florida, to buy cruise ships.A dozen employees have been recruited, but they have been doing nothing until now.The world's largest cruise ship will take more than a year to complete. Based on the principle of rational use of resources, An Feng has always wanted the company to operate.

A cruise ship is necessary for operation, and it is obviously unrealistic to order another cruise ship—it is not a lack of money, but a lack of time.His plan is to buy a boat, but this is also quite difficult. A cruise ship is not the same as a yacht. Yachts may often be sold, but as a commercial tool, cruise ships rarely change hands.

From the establishment of Ocean Shipping to the present, he has been waiting and watching for more than half a year. Finally, in the past few days, he received news from the employees there that a shipping company in Florida encountered a financial crisis and planned to sell one or two ships. Cruise ships to ease the crisis and are currently looking for a seller.

A large cruise ship with a capacity of 10,000+ tons is not easy to sell. Its price is too high, and the cost is [-] to [-] million.In addition, those businessmen are very cunning. Although the quality is good, they just don't buy it. It will be cheaper to hold an auction after the company goes bankrupt... An Feng is eyeing the "spot" in their hands.

Due to the poor financial situation, the two cruise ships with a capacity of over [-] tons under that shipping company have been out of service for three months. They are currently placed in the port to be exposed to the wind and rain, and they are listed for sale but no one cares about them. Wait until they are dying and then take advantage of the fire to take advantage of it as much as possible.

Through the relationship inquiry, he may still know the owner of the company... When GP was first established, he met a partner named George Green through Roger's relationship. Later, after the company expanded, he paid a high price for the shares Shot, as a return on venture capital.

And this shipping company belongs to the Green family where George belongs.

An Feng contacted Roger, and then connected with members of the Green family through Roger's relationship.Although it is said to be a family, there is a big gap with Sinclair, Blue Lane and other hundreds of billions of assets. Green is just a small family with billions of assets.But still huge for the average person.

I chatted with George on the phone and agreed to go to Miami next week and talk to him about some business.

After finishing the work, I went to the Internet to read the news from Miami.In the past, I must have stayed here for a few days. After reading some information, An Feng turned to Joanna who was lying in the sun and said, "Honey, are you interested in finding a quiet place to bask in the sun?"

Joanna took off her sunglasses and looked back at him: "What do you mean?"


An Feng's private plane landed in Florida and drove to the local hotel.

On Wednesday, there was a business appointment at a golf course. An Feng had little contact with this kind of sport, and he only played a few shots in California. Later, he felt that it was not as interesting as equestrianism, so he gave up this kind of lofty pursuit and devoted himself to it. On to the more expensive horseback riding and collecting sports cars.

Golf also has clothing requirements. In order to respect the customs, An Feng and Joanna went shopping to find clothes.But there is no means of transportation in the local area, and it is inconvenient to rent a car or take a car. It is very tiring to go around, and An Feng's footsteps behind him stop at the door of the car shop and cannot move.

On Wednesday morning, An Feng was invited to drive to the golf course in Miami Beach.

She was in a car, and Joanna didn't arrive for the time being, but Jim, the assistant who became a full-time employee, followed her from California to Florida with a briefcase.Jim used to be John's assistant. Because of his good performance and An Feng's appreciation, he was able to become a regular and became the third assistant of the big boss.

Apart from playing golf, An Feng's second purpose here is to discuss business.

But for the business talk at noon, An Feng came a little earlier, and planned to have fun first and exchange feelings.He was dressed casually for playing golf, with a collared T-shirt, casual trousers and golf shoes. Considering the problem of sun exposure, the assistant prepared a hat for him, which seemed quite high-end.

George, whom I haven't seen for a long time, greeted him with a smile on his face, and shook hands with him: "Hi, Bruce! How are you doing? Madam?"

An Feng said: "Very good, but she has to be late for some things. How about you? I heard that there are a lot of troubles?"

George sighed, and walked side by side: "There are a lot of troubles. There is something wrong with the family's investment. The funds cannot be recovered at once, and the shipping industry has been affected. A large loan has encountered problems again. I can't find it." Once we find a suitable way out, we can only make a decision to sell it.”

"Don't worry, we will get through this difficult time." An Feng said.

"Thank you for saying that." George and he walked to the field, and there were people preparing all kinds of clubs for them.

"Shall we play first?" said George.

"No problem." An Feng chose the glove, and then the club.The rules are also very simple. Standard 70 holes. The total score of the 100 holes is used to determine the winner. Generally, professionals or coaches can keep around 200. [-] is not bad. For a novice like An Feng , he set himself [-] shots.

It's a pity that his skills are really not good, maybe to cater to An Feng, George's performance is also so-so.The two played golf less often, and spent more time chatting. With a few assistants watching, the two of them reserved the field and swung wildly. However, An Feng's skills are really...

Later he couldn't pretend anymore: "Sorry, I'm really not good at this kind of sport."

George smiled and said, "It's okay, I actually don't like it either, I think drinking beer on a yacht is more interesting!"

"I agree!" An Feng said with a smile. Standing in the sand, he swept a shot vigorously, and with the splash of sand and white ball, he rushed to the hole where it should fall.

Looking at the ball flying out and over the hole, he frowned: "Can't we dig a bigger hole?"

George asked, "How much do you want?"

"About this big?" An Feng clamped the club and compared it with his hands.

George smiled: "Are you planning to plant trees?"

"If you allow!" An Feng said.

George greeted the assistant: "Just at that position, dig a hole as big as Mr. An hopes!"

"Okay, sir!" The assistant immediately ran to find someone to work.

An Feng said in surprise: "I was just joking!"

George smiled: "Don't mind, having fun is the main thing."

"Okay!" An Feng smiled, "After the fight, we will plant a tree!"


While digging the pit, the two left in a battery car, went to a leisure bar in the stadium, ordered two cocktails, and talked about the change of hands of the cruise ship.

When it comes to cruise ships, George complained bitterly: "The current cruise tourism industry is highly competitive. It happens that the family's capital turnover is not working well. Two cruise ships have already ceased operations. If the vicious circle continues, the huge debts will be more difficult to pay off. The only way out is to apply for Bankruptcy protection, the company's assets are auctioned off."

An Feng asked: "How is the maintenance of your two ships?"

George said: "The ships are in good condition. One of them was built in 96 and the other was built in 09. I have some information about them here, you can take a look."

As he said that, George took out a beautifully printed brochure, and he said with a smile: "In order to change hands, I even made some advertisements."

An Feng picked it up and looked through it.It contains the data of the two ships. The displacement of the older cruise ship is about 11.2 tons. Since the construction time is a bit long, the conditions are not very satisfactory to Anfeng. If you need to repair or replace some machines after buying it, although it is cheap, But not worth it.

The other is a cruise ship that has just been launched for less than ten years, with a displacement of 13.5 tons, 1500 guest rooms, and a capacity of accommodating 3500 guests. There are casinos, theaters, nightclubs, gyms, and miniature golf.

An Feng put down the brochure and said, "I prefer this big one, 'Sapphire'? It feels very good. How much did you pay for it?"

"$8.3 million," George said.

"How much money can I sell?"

"$7.3 million," George said.

"I came here with sincerity, buddy!" An Feng said with a smile. He had done his homework beforehand. This ship is indeed good, but if it is resold, 7.3 million is very high. It has been listed for more than three months, and no one has lowered the price. Ask about it.Obviously, everyone is waiting for them to go bankrupt before auctioning them at a low price.

George smiled and said, "Okay, so how much do you think it's worth?"

"6 million US dollars!" An Feng said bluntly.

"Too low!" George frowned.

"But what I give is cash, whether it's a domestic or international account!" An Feng said calmly.

The temptation of cash is great. If they continue to operate in debt, the company will go bankrupt sooner or later. After bankruptcy protection, nothing will belong to them anymore, and they will not get a penny.But now that the boat is sold, if they can get so much cash, even if the company goes bankrupt, the money can be used as profit.

You know, a cruise ship company with an asset of more than [-] billion yuan should have a net profit of about [-] million to [-] million yuan.

George couldn't make up his mind. He apologized and stepped aside to make a phone call.

After a while, people from the Green family came, and after a few pleasantries, they negotiated again on the issue of price.An Feng didn't give much face. After all, he had experienced many times in American business negotiations. No matter how good he was before, when he came to the negotiating table, he had to be as decisive as killing his father and enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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