Chapter 210
An Feng was not unprepared. He had done his homework before going to the meeting and consulted professionals on the situation of the two cruise ships. Taking the Sapphire as an example, it has a displacement of 13.5 tons and has been in use for less than ten years. Focusing on luxury and exquisite decoration, it is normal for George to ask for [-] million.

But today's world is different, businessmen are looking for profit, and the opponents have seen the Green family's financial crisis and urgent need for money. The value of this ship is hard to exceed 7 million anyway.An Feng simply cut off 6.5 million yuan, and the psychological price is [-] million yuan, and the rest depends on how to negotiate.

He believes that his price is still very human compared to other people's downfall.

Assistant Jim knew that this was his first performance after becoming a regular, and it was about his future and salary, so he showed 12 points of professionalism and negotiated with the other party.

An Feng, who had nothing to do, went to swing a few shots with George.

Not to mention, a hole as big as a tree pit, a hole-in-one, is comparable to Tiger Woods... The laughter of the two and the onlookers also spread far away.

After another swing, the phone rang, and An Feng took off his gloves to listen to Joanna's call.

"Honey, I'm at the gate of the stadium, where are you?" Joanna said softly.

An Feng looked around and showed her the way: "I'm right in front of the door, you go straight along the road, and you will see a group of people behind a lake."

Soon, a Lamborghini Aventador with a white body and carbon black wheels could not hide its low profile. It is a convertible model, which is different from the convertible Huracan bought by An Feng in London. Equipped with the iconic "scissor doors".

This car... was actually bought by An Feng, who was carrying a shopping bag and couldn't walk on his legs when he was shopping the day before yesterday.

The lady drove this kind of convertible with huge horsepower, and she was also neat and neat. She parked the car on the side of the road gracefully. While everyone was staring at her, she opened the door and got out of the car. She was dressed in an elegant black dress like a celebrity preparing to attend a reception. , with a smile on his face, he came towards them slowly.

The beauty of Xiangche is very eye-catching, and many men and women have thought of asking for a number.

Joanna stepped forward and kissed An Feng on the cheeks, and let him put his arms around his waist intimately, and appeared in front of everyone.Of course, this is also a direct expression of declaring a woman's right to belong - who made all the men present stare at her chest and exposed white back.

George stepped forward to shake hands with her lightly, and praised: "You are very welcome, beautiful lady! Your arrival makes the style of this place even more elegant!"

"Thank you." Joanna smiled decently, giving An Feng a lot of face no matter in terms of appearance or inner temperament.

Joanna looked at the big pit ahead and asked curiously, "Honey, what are you doing?"

Everyone suddenly laughed, and An Feng said happily, "We... are going to plant trees."

"Plant a tree?" Joanna looked around. A tree is planted in the middle of such an empty golf course?

George also said, "Yes, ma'am, we do plant trees."

Joanna shook her head: "It must not be like this."

Just when everyone wanted to continue teasing the beauty, George's assistant came over: "Mr. Green, everyone suggests going to see the cruise ship."

George looked at An Feng, and he nodded: "No problem, I just want to go and see it too!"

Joanna walked towards the Lamborghini, but An Feng didn't see An Feng taking the initiative to go up. Instead, she opened the car door and got into the driver's seat by herself, while An Feng walked around to the passenger seat and got in.She felt a little shy, started the sports car, turned around and followed a few battery cars.

An Feng jokingly said, "Take your man for a ride, doesn't it feel good?"

"Of course, like a woman in the free age!" Joanna nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, women in the free age..." An Feng smiled and took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag, "Put them on for you, sun protection, and the effect is even cooler!"

"It's so sweet!" She turned her head and kissed him.


Joanna drove to keep up with the convoy, crossing the city to the pier by the sea.

On the pier used by the Green family, an unusually large cruise ship docked quietly. The Sapphire has nothing to do with blue, and the hull is pure white. The name "Sapphire" is printed in blue letters on the bow.

It has been out of service for a long time, there are only a few security guards on board, and it took a while to wait for boarding.It's too big, and it can't be directly stepped on like a small boat. It needs to use a boarding bridge to connect the hull, and then let the guests step into the body of this huge steel monster like a boarding bridge.

While waiting, George introduced them: "This ship is 310 meters long, with a displacement of 135,226 tons and a height of 61 meters above the waterline. It is equivalent to a 20-story residential building. The top floor has a very good view and is equipped with various water entertainment facilities. It is one of the most popular projects for tourists.”

An Feng looked up, the height of the 20-story building, from the outside, each suite has a small balcony, if it is not for its huge body floating on the water, and the number of balconies, I am afraid that it is easy to be mistaken for land. The luxury apartment building... First of all, the appearance is a plus.

He likes the big ones.

The Sapphire was manufactured after the 21st century, and its design tends to be more modern. Whether it is circuit equipment or other configurations, in addition to many ordinary elevators, there are also two indoor sightseeing elevators in the ship, which can view the 15 decks in the cabin. The featured attractions are very convenient.

However, it is impossible to visit more than 1500 rooms within a few days, so I selected some representative ones, which are positioned as luxurious, so there are various types of luxury suites.After looking at the room, there are living and entertainment facilities on the ship. The 12th deck of the bow is opened all the way, and you can see the sky clearly when you look up, surrounded by various restaurants, coffee shops or sales points of various brands. The variety is complete, comparable to land.

Stepping on the red-brown high-end carpet, walking in the resplendent casino, or strolling in the cigar club, there is a strong sense of luxury, and the cruise ship also uses top Swarovski crystals to create welcome stairs. It is said that each step will cost 30 US dollars , Walking on it is like a dream.

After the tour, they sat down in the indoor plant viewing area on the top floor.

An Feng said: "The decoration looks very good, but I still need someone to check the specific operating data of the ship and the operation of the machine."

Old George, that is, George's father, nodded: "That's for sure. Issuing an authoritative report will make both of us feel at ease."

An Feng smiled and said, "Very good, but we still have a little disagreement on the price."

Old George sighed: "Okay, you know our family is in urgent need of money, so let's make concessions, 6.2 million transactions, how about it?"

Jim said beside him: "They insisted on 6.5 million up front."

An Feng put his finger on the table and thought for a while, then nodded: "If the inspection proves that the ship is in good condition, I can accept this price."

The Green family's face was overjoyed, almost smiling. Although it was a bit low, they had planned to sell it at a lower price in exchange for funds. This deal was much better than the worst case, and the negotiation process Zhong kept saying that he was at a loss and it was just pretending.

Although it is possible to lower the price a bit more, Anfeng doesn’t have much time, anyway, the difference is tens of millions. If you waste your vacation on all-day negotiations, I’m sorry for the dollar bills in your pocket... But as far as the market is concerned As far as the market is concerned, the price is very affordable.

There's just one follow-up problem: manpower.You must know that in its heyday, there were 1600 employees on the Sapphire. After the Green family encountered a financial crisis, these people almost disbanded. Now that Ocean Shipping wants to take over, it must spend time recruiting.

George also knew this, and he gave a suggestion: "If you still can't find the crew, I can recommend the original group of navigators to you."

"Including the captain and waiter?" An Feng asked.

George shook his head: "Not so many, only the captain and some of his men, all kinds of waiters and security personnel on the ship need to be re-recruited, if you want to quickly, I can also recommend people, they are relatively skilled, can Quicker adaptation to life on board."

An Feng said: "I hope to use some of the original staff."

The reason is naturally the proficiency. The old employees know the cruise ship like the back of their hands, and some new employees can join in to get familiar with the work faster under the guidance of each other.You must know that even if the cruise ship is not used, it is like burning money for such a big guy to park in the pier. The daily cost is at least [-].

George thought for a while and said, "I'll go back and arrange for someone to contact the original crew members, and try to find those managers, waiter foremen, and the like."

An Feng said: "Thank you, this saves me a lot of work!"

George smiled: "It's okay, you also helped us a lot at a critical moment."


An Feng had a meeting at Ocean Shipping Company.

At present, there are very few employees. In fact, the shipping company does not have many employees on land, and most of them stay on board.He discussed the recruitment with several employees who had nothing to do for many days. As a company, it definitely needs a competent supervisor, and also needs supervisors.

The supervisor was not found, but the supervisor was there, Jim was obvious.

Jim flipped through the information and introduced: "The Sapphire used to take a route around the Eastern Caribbean. It started from the port of Miami, went to St. Martin, St. Thomas, then to Nassau, and finally returned to Miami. It took 15 days. Also once took a 12-day fast journey."

An Feng didn't have any good ideas, so he said, "Let's continue with this route. Besides, isn't St. Thomas very close to St. Kitts and Nevis?"

An employee present said: "St. Thomas is in the U.S. Virgin Islands, about 152 nautical miles from St. Kitts and Nevis, half a day's voyage."

"Not bad!" An Feng nodded.In fact, the Eastern Caribbean is an island country with beautiful natural scenery, and St. Kitts is not bad. He has been here a few times and saw cruise ships docking at the pier, so the tourism industry is very promising. In addition, he hopes to develop the local area. It also means to contribute.

After all, the richest, most philanthropic, and most popular diplomat in the Federation has to make some contributions, open up tourist routes, build resort hotels locally, or ask the parliament to discuss, designate an area to set up some casinos, and let those who land Passengers are also having fun.

(End of this chapter)

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