Chapter 211 Private Beach
The meeting ended in the afternoon, so I went for a drive when I was bored.

Joanna may have had a good time being the protagonist, she drove the whole journey, and An Feng was also happy to play the role of "little boy" to go shopping with the rich woman.After three o'clock in the afternoon, it is said that people are gradually waking up, because in Miami, the night is the most lively, and the carnival crowd usually stays up all night, sleeps in broad daylight, and wakes up at three or four in the afternoon to drink afternoon tea or something , Continue to make noise at night.

Joanna drove onto the bridge, turned her head and said, "Shall we go to the island?"

"It's up to you." An Feng said indifferently.

The various local islands in Miami are well-known at home and abroad, where celebrities and rich people gather, with various styles and luxury, surrounded by dense palm trees, attracting the eyes of countless people.Even Joanna was not exempt. She drove a sports car and turned onto the road leading to Palm Island.

The sports car drove across the bridge and turned onto the road on the island. Various mansions under the cover of big trees began to appear on both sides of the road. As far as she knew, Joanna said: "Visitors who drive in are not allowed to stop, they are only allowed to drive slowly." Driving to ensure that the rich and famous have enough privacy.”

An Feng curled his lips: "Don't believe this, no one will take care of your parking now."

Naturally, ordinary tourists drive in and take pictures with their cameras, which must be listed as a key prevention and control target by the community management, but this kind of beautiful woman who drives a convertible and has an extraordinary temperament comes in with her little boy. Don't dare to open your eyes and talk indiscriminately, maybe it's the new owner?
Joanna smiled: "You are so smart!"

An Feng looked at the villa in front of him, and said, "I've also heard that Will Smith, Ricky Martin, Uncle Long, or rich foreigners all have mansions here. They come here in December every year and live there. For a month or so, the remaining 300 days are all vacant for the housekeeper."

"That's an attitude to life." Joanna said, "And, Mr. An, don't talk about others, what about yourself?"

"I'm not that wasteful, am I?" An Feng always felt that he was quite economical.

"Nonsense." She smiled.

"How about we also be neighbors with celebrities?" An Feng saw a "house for sale" sign in front of a villa, and the price below it was 500 million.

"Look, I just finished talking!" Joanna said, turned a corner ahead, and continued to cross the bridge to the next island that was also lined with mansions.

"Anyway, there's nowhere to spend the money." An Feng said to himself, and turned to look at her: "Then what do you like?"

"What is the image of Miami?" she asked.

"Sunshine, beach, palm trees and beauties in bikinis." An Feng said, this meme is dead long ago, the first three items have always been there, but beauties in bikinis are not necessarily, at least he has only seen a few in so many days. It is barely plausible, but a large group in the legend has not been seen.

Joanna said: "Don't you think there is something missing on these islands, or do they overlap with us?"

An Feng turned his head lazily and understood: "I know! The beach is missing and the yacht dock is repeated, but the beauty in bikini is right in front of you."

After saying this, he stretched out his hand.

"Stop!" Joanna scolded, slapping off his paw, "If you want to buy, the one with a private beach is the best choice."

"No problem." An Feng took her words as agreement, and pointed forward: "Let's go, I'll take you to find the most luxurious private beach villa!"

Joanna turned around: "The sea is ahead."

An Feng: "..."

There is a saying that the more places tourists can't reach, the more expensive the housing prices.

Rich people like to keep a low profile, except for a few who like to show off their wealth, but obviously, most people don't want their quiet life to be disturbed. It is best to book everything from housing, to travel, to shopping... It's a pity There are almost no people who can do this, even if An Feng is so fierce.

The islands in the inner bay of Miami are familiar scenic spots, so some rich people who like to be quiet and enjoy exclusive wealth skip directly and turn to the north of Miami. The top of the twenty-odd kilometers of sunny beaches is golden and soft sandy beaches along the way. , clear and charming sea water.

Most of the coastal areas are public areas, but there are still real estate developers who have obtained a small piece of sandy beach. It is also just right away from the tourist area, and the scenery is not inferior. In addition to having a beach of thousands of square meters, there is also a blue and clear view. The shallow water area at the bottom is in line with the principle of few people and low profile.

Joanna drove north and walked along the spacious road surrounded by palm trees. There were all kinds of mansions on both sides of the road. The houses here are not cheaper than those on the islands just now, and the total area is larger. Looking all the way, There are also many properties for sale, some of which have been listed for more than half a year.

Afterwards, An Feng learned that some villas were offered for too high a price, and no one was interested in them for half a year, and the prices also dropped again and again.

An Feng didn't know the reason why the others didn't make a move. Anyway, the more there were for sale, the wider his choice... The next morning he made an appointment with an agent, and Joanna still drove him to see the house.She didn't drive fast, and chose the most comfortable mode, blowing the wind comfortably.

They were greeted by a lady who was quick and quick to take them on a tour of the mansions for sale.

According to her introduction, the total area of ​​luxury houses in this coastal area is similar, but the difference lies in the building area. Some people want the backyard to be spacious, so they reduce the building area. Between 7000 and 8000 square feet.

Due to the unique location, each house has a different style. An Feng saw two neighbors, one with a Southern European style, and the other with a bit of South American style...The talents of the architects will be sprinkled on the Apart from this, these mansions are also works of art that condense true wisdom.

Artworks are naturally valuable. The initial cost may be 500 million, but now it must be more than 1000 million, and the high one is more than 3000 million.But these are just numbers to An Feng. As long as Joanna is satisfied, she will dare to buy it for 20 million yuan, and then live there for [-] days a year just like the rich.

Joanna commented on a house: "I don't like this style. It's like bringing a group of men and women to party all night. It's messy and full of alcohol and cigarettes."

"Let's go to the next stop." An Feng said to the female agent, he has no objection, because these houses look great, and they are all the painstaking efforts of professional designers.

The female intermediary asked Joanna: "Do you prefer clean and stylish ones?"

As expected of a professional, you can judge your preferences by words and deeds, Joanna nodded: "We plan to use it for vacation, so simple and stylish ones are the best."

The female intermediary smiled: "There are many houses like this, please follow me."

After looking at a few more sets, Joanna took a fancy to a house with an unconventional shape, gray and white tones, made of various graphics, like the geometric world drawn by abstract painters, with a strange beauty, and a large number of glass walls The surface collects sunlight to the maximum extent, making the house appear spacious and bright.

The floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall occupy the height of two floors. Looking up, you can see the inner corridor on the second floor. The crystal chandelier above your head hangs down. When you turn on the switch, it is crystal clear and bright.Outside the window is the grass and the swimming pool. The terrain is one or two meters higher than the beach, so you can overlook the rolling sea.

Joanna ran out to step on the lawn with a smile on her face. An Feng followed her and asked the female intermediary, "The glass is so thick, is it bulletproof?"

It was originally half-joking, but she nodded and said: "Yes, the previous owner of this house asked the designer to take into account the scenery. You can see the blue sky and the sea when you open your eyes, and you need to ensure safety, so you used bulletproof Glass, it's resistant to assault rifle fire."

You can't understand the world of the rich, An Feng shook his head and followed.

The backyard is spacious with a square pool that is covered so it can be turned on and off as an option.There is also a jacuzzi that can accommodate four or five people, and the flowing water is continuously falling from the mouth of the lion sculpture, which is very interesting.The planted plants spread to the beach outside, and the sand is all soft and fine. The female agent said that this was also selected, and all the large stones were picked up so as not to affect the beauty.

Joanna took off her high heels, walked barefoot on the beach for more than ten meters, looked at the vast sea in front of her but could clearly see the sea bottom, a gust of sea breeze blew, and the surging waves chased to the coast, and there were some resident creatures In a panic, he dragged the house and ran away, looking for a safe haven...

"It's so beautiful and quiet." Joanna turned her head and said to An Feng.

The female intermediary also noticed that the lady driving a sports car has a magical power that the husband cannot resist, and he has no objection to almost what she likes, so he strikes while the iron is hot: "Ma'am, there are rich people who come here for vacation at a certain time, so basically It's empty and usually very quiet."

"I like it." She grinned.

An Feng shrugged, if you like the moon, I will think of a way... He turned to look at the female agent.

The agent smiled and said, "For only 2600 million US dollars, this house with a private beach and beautiful sea view can be exclusively enjoyed by my wife! In addition, we also provide professional butler services, which can save you from the worries of managing the house and let you enjoy it every time. The living experience is perfect."

An Feng also nodded: "The housekeeper is good, we don't have time to take care of these details."

After that, what else is there to say? After signing the contract and making the payment, the agency provides free house cleaning services, re-disinfects and cleans the house inside and out, and at the same time provides dozens of housekeepers to choose from. The annual salary is generally around [-], which is not high. But the work is really easy. I can live in a luxury house, but I rarely do anything.

An Feng considered that with the beach, Joanna would occasionally carry out some meaningful activities back to nature, such as nudity on the beach, and the butler was obviously not suitable, so he chose a female housekeeper, which is better than a male housekeeper. There are few, but there are still choices. In the end, he chose a Chinese woman.

It is more convenient for those who can speak Chinese. My parents and relatives will also come to spend a few days of vacation in the future. I will save my brain to figure out the meaning of these English words. I can communicate directly in Chinese. The housekeeper will implement the plan carefully... They will move in two days later. At that time, the butler also arrived at the same time.

It looks like a woman in her 30s, very young for a housekeeper, but she can speak Chinese.She introduced herself to them in English: "Mr. An, Madam, thank you very much for hiring me. My name is Nancy and my surname is Wu. I hope we can get along well in the future."

An Feng asked: "Can you speak Chinese?"

"Yes, Mr. An." Nancy spoke pure Chinese, "I immigrated from China with my parents, and I went to middle school in China."

"The profession of female housekeeper is quite a break from the tradition." An Feng said.

Nancy nodded: "So I hope to challenge the limit of my ability and prove that many jobs are not necessarily the expertise of men."

An Feng shrugged and held out his hand to her: "I think Joanna will approve of your words."

Nancy shook hands with him, then looked at Joanna with a smile, she also extended her hand, and said with style: "Of course, I am in charge of him."

(End of this chapter)

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