Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 214 Be a Good Person [1 More]

Chapter 214 Be a Good Person Once

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Roger stared at him uncomfortably.

An Feng said indifferently: "Don't look at me like that, don't you think she will have more five years for you? Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. Now that she sees it, she will find a more suitable and loving one." For her people, you should give blessings instead of complaining behind!"

"No!" Roger shook his head seriously, "She definitely won't, she loves me the most!"

"Fart! Then why did she leave?" An Feng despised.

Roger said his evidence: "I made a joke with her, she thought I proposed marriage, and she had already agreed, but it was actually a spoof..."

An Feng scolded: "You deserve it! This kind of thing is also used as a joke? You are an incomprehensible piece of shit, and people will step on it on the road!"

Roger's expression was tangled, he wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

An Feng kicked him: "If you really like her, hurry up and do something to remedy it, otherwise wait until she marries a man who is a million times worse than you, and endures his strange temper, alcoholism, domestic violence, drug abuse, eating too much and being lazy." ...You just have the heart to let her live this kind of life in the future?"

"No, no! I won't allow it!" Roger shook his head and got up from the sofa, but he couldn't stand still and fell down. "Mobile phone, where's my phone?"

An Feng successfully provoked the drunk man and took out his mobile phone: "Here it is!"

Luo Jie took the phone and pressed it tremblingly. He couldn't find the number for a long time. An Feng couldn't see it, so he took his phone and looked through the address book. There were a lot of girls' names and sweethearts. Big breasts, buttocks and other nicknames keep coming. I really don't know if this guy is a blessing in his previous life, but there are women who are so willing to guard him... An Feng sighed, and he didn't want to help him.

"Help me, please! She's probably going back to France soon!" Roger looked at him beggingly.

"Okay." An Feng found Miranda with keywords, dialed the number, and handed it to Roger.

The guy held the phone to his ear and said incoherently as soon as the call came through: "Hey, Miranda! No, no, listen to me first, it's my fault! It's all my fault! I love you! I'm Seriously, I'm sure, I can't live without you, I need you!"

After hearing this, An Feng laughed unconscionably.

Roger was talking in a long-winded manner, and the words did not match the words, but he said the truth after drinking. This guy said a lot of truth, some were good, some were speechless, and he seemed to be yelled at in the end , he handed the phone to An Feng and said, "She wants you to answer the phone."

An Feng took the phone: "Hi, Miranda."

"Is he crazy?" Miranda asked a little louder.

"Ah?" An Feng laughed, "No, he just drank too much and was a little drunk. Tell me about you guys, this guy regrets it now."

"I don't know if I should forgive him," Miranda said.

"You love him, right?" An Feng asked.

"Yes, I can also tolerate many things with him, including playing games with women, but he shouldn't make fun of that kind of thing. I feel like a doll that can be thrown away after playing casually! I followed without complaint Is he only worth a joke for so many years?"

An Feng listened to her complaints and acted as a peacemaker: "He was indeed a bit of a jerk, but now he knows he was wrong, and he cried in the car just now."

After a moment of silence over there, she asked, "Is he okay?"

An Feng glanced at Roger who fell asleep on the carpet, and lied: "It's okay, I kept saying your name."

Luo Jie was snoring, An Feng kicked him a few times.

Miranda didn't speak, An Feng asked, "Are you sure you want to leave?"

"I don't know, I've already packed my luggage and bought a plane ticket back to Paris tomorrow," Miranda said.

An Feng pressed the microphone and kicked Roger's ass again: "Get up! If you are not sober, she will leave tomorrow, so just cry!"

"No!" Luo Jie came to his senses, grabbed the phone, slapped himself twice, and said, "It's me! Don't go, I'll go find you tonight, okay?"

Not knowing what the other side said, Roger suddenly cheered and jumped around the room.

Everyone heard the strange sound and came out to watch.

"Is he crazy?" Many people think so.

An Feng shrugged: "Who knows?"

Roger ran over and hugged An Feng: "Thank you, buddy! You helped me a lot!"

Then he rummaged on the table again: "Where are the car keys? Give me a car key, I want to go to New York before dawn!"

"Please, driving now is like killing yourself!" An Feng lifted him up with one hand, and put him back on the sofa under everyone's horrified eyes.

He looked back: "What are you stunned for?"

Wang Le pointed to Roger who was on the sofa, and said, "Did you pick up this thing with one hand just now?"

"Haha." An Feng scratched his head with a smile, "Maybe I usually exercise more. By the way, I will send this guy back to New York later and come back tomorrow."

"Car keys!" Joanna handed him the keys to the Bentley.

"Thank you, dear!" An Feng kissed her on the cheek and stood on the table: "You guys rest tonight! And I——go to save a pair of lovers who are in crisis!"

"You're drunk too!" Joanna pointed out.

"Give me an hour, just take a bath!" An Feng smiled, "Remember not to let this guy get the key, otherwise he will definitely be in the car accident news tomorrow!"

Wang Le and Wu Chao said: "Leave it to us!"

An Feng took a hot bath, and when he was almost recovered and not drunk, he changed his clothes and helped Luo Jie go downstairs.It was after two o'clock in the evening, and the streets of Las Vegas were still lively and colorful. An Feng threw Roger into the passenger seat, got in the car and drove towards New York.

Roger muttered the address all the way.

"I see! Shut up!" An Feng turned on the music in annoyance, covering his voice.

Except for the sound, Roger was very restless. When the wind blew, he felt like throwing up. An Feng had no choice but to grab the steering wheel with one hand and stretch the other hand as far as possible to push his head out of the window. He vomited all over the car door, but it was better than vomiting in the car, otherwise he really couldn't stay here.

After driving for more than two hours, I came to the black New York. Unlike the lively and colorful Atlantic City at night, the silence here at night is a bit scary. There are all kinds of homeless people on the road, and vehicles are speeding past at high speeds. It feels like there are people in the streets and alleys plotting crimes.

Cross Manhattan to Queens, drive to a hotel near JFK Airport, call Miranda: "Come on down, this guy is dying."

Soon, Miranda trotted out wearing a coat. When Roger saw her, he got out of the car and hugged her, followed by a forced kiss. Miranda struggled for more than ten seconds before pushing the thing away, cursing Said: "Stay away from me! Look at your mouth full of alcohol, it's disgusting!"

Roger has sobered up a lot, and pulled her: "I just can't control myself, I'm serious, it was my fault that day, but it's not all a joke."

"Really?" Miranda glared at him.

"Of course!" Roger vowed, "I just... didn't have the courage to try your tone, but I messed up in the end. I still want to say, I love you and can't live without you, just like As you said, we are all in our thirties and are no longer young, so I am willing to—”

"No!" Miranda covered his mouth, "I want to wait until you are most awake!"

"Okay." Roger turned his head, looked at the messy car door, and said to An Feng: "Thank you buddy, if it weren't for you, I would regret it all my life!"

"It doesn't matter, you just pay for the car wash!" An Feng said, "I still owe me the Presidential Suite Comfortable King Bed Package for one night, plus a luxurious breakfast!"

Roger smiled: "No problem, I will treat you this time!"


Sometimes An Feng also feels that he is quite noble.

Early in the morning, he drove two couples who were angry last night and were tired of being together in the morning.In the back seat, they hugged and kissed, and they didn't feel the awkwardness before... An Feng looked at the rearview mirror, coughed a few times, and reminded: "Pay attention to the impact, there is a lot of time, don't worry."

Roger smiled and said, "Bruce, you are my lucky star! Love you!"

"Disgusting!" An Feng vomited, "Remember to owe me a seafood meal that I bought overnight in the presidential suite! Oh! Tomorrow is Saturday, and the people of the whole country welcome the rise in prices!"

"You mean it, man!" said Roger, laughing.

"I saved you." An Feng put on a show.

It was Miranda who said seriously: "Thank you, Bruce, you are a good man!"

"Oh! NO! NO! NO!" An Feng turned the car slightly, "I'm not a good person, I'm married!"

They don't understand what good people have to do with being married.

An Feng explained Chinese customs to them all the way, from New York all the way to Atlantic City, the two guys finally understood the meaning of the good card.

"It's like the breakup line in the movie here, 'You're a good girl,'" Miranda said.

An Feng nodded: "That's what it means."


It was nine o'clock when we arrived at the hotel.

Not long after everyone woke up, they enjoyed a seafood feast in a five-star hotel. A large piece of crab the size of a palm was bought according to the number of people × 5. Other signature dishes were all delicious.Serving each plate, An Feng, who had been starved for a long time, ate heartily, thinking of eating poor Luo Jie.

Roger didn't care either, he served any good food casually, and please Miranda.

After the meal, they walked together on the classic boardwalk in Atlantic City, with various shops on one side and the beach and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. It was built in New York, and here it is authentic.

After walking for a while, I saw a lot of people basking in the sun on the beach, so I bought swimsuits nearby, went down together, brought some fruit juice and coconut milk, applied sunscreen, and lay quietly on the cushion, blowing the sea breeze And listening to the sound of the Atlantic waves can make people stay quietly for an afternoon.

Wang Le, who was beside him, touched An Feng with his elbow: "Isn't the love story wonderful last night?"

Wu Chao also leaned over his gossip head and listened.

An Feng took a sip of the juice and complained, "Stop talking, this bastard was talking crazy all the way, and he almost vomited a car, causing me to drive with one hand the whole time..."

Hearing An Feng's complaints, Wang Le smiled: "Didn't you accept a good person card afterwards!"

"Pfft!" An Feng took a sip of juice, "Hundan! Don't mention this to me!"

Everyone laughed.

An Feng changed the topic: "Let's not talk about that, your kid is getting married tomorrow, what's your plan for the future?"

Wang Le scratched his head: "There are not many plans... and I have taken the green card. I guess I will stay in the United States. We plan to save some money and buy a house by the sea."

"You still need to save money?" An Feng took off his sunglasses and looked at him. Both of them were second-generation, and their families were very good. I heard that just for their marriage, Wang Le's family gave the woman a bride price of 888 million according to the custom. It also provides a lot of assets, as well as their stocks, and there are many funds.

Wang Le smiled: "Isn't this a symbol!"

An Feng said: "Why don't you go to the west with me? We live nearby, so we can take care of you in the future. Besides, you also have shares in the winery."

Wang Le nodded: "I also have this plan, but she is still struggling because there are good houses in the east."

"Show some manliness, you decide this matter!" An Feng patted him on the shoulder, "A man has to be like me, my wife agrees with everything I say!"

"Really?" At least four suspicious voices sounded around.

An Feng wiped off his sweat: "Can't you symbolize it?"

(End of this chapter)

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