Chapter 215 NASCAR
After dinner, everyone packed their equipment and returned.

The bachelor party this time was very good. Without exception, Roger invited a large group of strippers to cheer them up, and even rented out the venue and threw money. Even Joanna, who has always been serious, took the change to have fun... The following things are also very good Congratulations, Roger's sincerity won Miranda's forgiveness.

As always, open the carport and go home with music on.Stopping and stopping on the road, the ladies also asked to stop and take pictures. It was a mess, and Wu Chao, who was walking in front, led the wrong way... It’s just that the highways in the United States are too complicated, and the street signs are hard to understand. Many novices have highways. Syndrome, I am a little afraid of the high speed of the American pen.They went around and found that there was a small town in front of them.

Wu Chao was stunned: "What about New York?"

An Feng smiled: "Wu Chao, you are not a good leader! You should quickly check the GPS!"

Everyone was not in a hurry, booing took up most of the time, and then turned around, Roger said that he would take them on a small road, interspersed all the way, the road conditions in the east were more complicated than in the west, and they went around and around until night before returning to Manhattan, An Feng and Wu Chao and others lived here first, and Wang Le and his wife returned to Long Island.

An Feng was free to play poker with Wu Chao and Luo Jie at night, and the three women who had nothing to do went to talk about what clothes to wear to attend... When the commotion was in full swing, a phone call came in, An Feng looked down at the number, It was Duke, a car friend I met last time at the Monterey Speedway.

"Hey Duke?"

"Bruce, how are you doing recently? Are you free to talk?" the other party said.

"Of course, what's the matter?" An Feng said.

"Recently there is a NASCAR national race held at the most representative Indianapolis racetrack. I wonder if you are interested?"

An Feng remembered that last time he said that he wanted to find a chance to see NASCAR, and it turned out that Duke was really enthusiastic.He asked, "About when?"

"Three mornings later, Indiana," Duke said.

An Feng thought about it for a while, and there was no itinerary, so he agreed: "Okay, I will show up on time."

Putting down the phone, An Feng asked everyone: "Are you interested in watching a race?"

"NASCAR?" Roger asked.

"You understand too?" An Feng was surprised.

He undoubtedly got Roger's strong contempt: "Oh, come on! The most popular car race in the United States, the ratings are second only to football, and every game is broadcast live on TV, what do you think?"

An Feng smiled awkwardly, but Wu Chao was also interested: "I want to go and see it. Last time I saw it on the TV in the hotel. It crashed into several cars. It was very exciting."

An Feng was speechless: "Did you go for the purpose of crashing the car after seeing the racing car?"

Everyone laughed.

An Feng continued: "The competition will be held three days later, and the plane will leave that day, with a luxurious private cabin. If you want to go, hurry up and register with me."


The next morning, the wedding of Wang Le and Lisa was held in the church on Long Island.

The parents and friends of the two new couples were all present, and the process was lively and grand. Since Lisa's parents are also of Chinese descent, the communication was smooth and no translation was needed.I also heard that the families of both parties are very good, and the masters are not short of money, so they are well-matched, which is considered a good thing.

After the solemn swearing-in, there was a cold dinner party for both parties to get to know each other. An Feng didn't do anything, but there were some people who knew him. After spreading the word in the circle, someone came over to say hello and chat about what happened last time. I've seen it somewhere... An Feng smiled, but who remembers it?
An Feng had a lot of entertainment, and they went on and on until night. After all the ceremonies were over, they could finally lie down comfortably in the guest room specially reserved for them by the Li family, and sleep until dawn.During the day, I chatted with Wang Le about some plans. He planned to travel around after marriage, North America or Europe.

An Feng poured some truth into him: "Take it easy, life is long, be careful of kidney deficiency, we will go fishing together when we have time in the future!"

"Hun Dan, do you think I look like you?" Wang Le said contemptuously, touching his biceps, "With these two pieces of meat, it's no problem to catch sharks!"

"Just wait for your words, see you next time!" An Feng fisted and hugged him.


Early the next morning, the plane rushed to Indiana, more than 1000 kilometers away.

After arriving, I waited at the airport for a while. Duke arrived as scheduled. An Feng was in charge of introducing several friends to each other. Duke counted the heads, took out his mobile phone and called an MPV, and took everyone away at once.On the way, he said that he is one of the sponsors of the team, and it is very convenient to get in and out.

The airport is not far from the racetrack, and it takes about ten minutes to arrive.But Duke didn't intend to stop. He drove directly into the arena and parked in a special area, and the sponsors received good treatment.After getting off the car, Duke asked: "There is still some time before the game, shall we visit the museum?"

Everyone agrees that there is no need to worry about not being able to find a seat when there are big people who are familiar with the road anyway - but in the end when they are in the auditorium, they know that they have to find their own seat among 20 people. Even if they know the direction, it is not so easy thing.

On the way, Duke popularized science by the way: "The track in Indianapolis is mixed, and the oval part mainly hosts NASCAR and Indy 500 events; the complex one has hosted many F1 American races before, but F1 is in It is not popular in the United States, and it has been canceled in the last two years."

"In addition to the oval track, this track can also be diverted, adding a large number of curves and straights to make it meet the standards of European racing cars. The total area is about 350 acres. The track can accommodate 25 spectators. If there is a grand For events, it can be expanded to 40."

Comparing An Feng with his own racing track, he found that 2300 acres is a bit too big compared to 350 acres...but it was built according to the standards of European racing tracks, plus a lot of auxiliary facilities, and the F1 track here The total length is 4.2 kilometers. Anfeng's is expected to be more than 5.5. In addition, there are tracks that can conduct quarter-mile, half-mile and one-mile straight-line acceleration races.

If you think about it, it becomes clear, maybe when the next F1 World Grand Prix is ​​held, your own racing track should also apply, and it should be easy to get the right to host it. After all, there are not many racing tracks designed for F1 high-speed racing in the United States. Most are the somewhat silly oval tracks.

Talking and laughing came to the racing museum.

"F1?" Wang Le looked at the front row of racing cars that looked like Formula One.

Duke smiled and said: "No, although they are similar, these cars are all used in IndyCar racing, and they are still different from F1."

An Feng asked: "Is the Indycar race also an oval track?"

Duke shook his head: "It's not quite right, but Indy 500 is like this, and in IndyCar, the oval track only takes up about one-third of the track."

An Feng admired the racing cars displayed in the museum at close range, not only modern cars, but also some old-fashioned ones. The classic cars were also very competitive in those days. The V60 engine in the 12s could easily reach more than 220 kilometers. He even discovered that Buy a rare, 1886 "Mercedes"!
But at that time, the "Mercedes" brand had not yet been established. This should be a carriage designed by Karl Benz and transformed into a three-wheeled vehicle, which is very antique.An Feng stood aside to take a photo with it, leaving behind a vulgar scissorhand... Everyone also took pictures with the fetish.

After the tour, Duke took them in half an hour before the game started.

The auditorium is full of car fans, and there are auditoriums on both sides of the oval track. Looking at the past, they are all colorful and dazzling. Before the race started, nearly 20 spectators, with their terrifying base, showed the most intuitive Announce the grand occasion of this event in a way!

After looking for a seat for a long time, everyone finally sat down.

In this kind of sunny weather, it is obviously best to stay under the awning. Duke chose a very good location. There are both male and female car fans around. Like the ladies in Anfeng’s business, they are the simplest hot pants plus A cool T-shirt, or a more enthusiastic upper body bikini.

Duke grabbed a handful of things and sent them to the ladies one by one: "Be careful to wear earplugs, otherwise you won't be able to bear the sound!"

The men also need earplugs, but before the race starts, they need to listen to the sounds of the cars and feel the sound waves of the cars... There are about forty cars participating in the race, the main model is the Chevrolet Monte Carlo , Toyota Camry, Ford Thunderbird and Pontiac.

But that doesn't matter because all cars look the same and perform the same.

Duke is in charge of science popularization: "The national race is the second largest race under NASCAR. Compared with the highest-level Sprint Cup, its horsepower is a little smaller. It uses a small-displacement 5.8-liter engine with a maximum horsepower of 650-700. About horsepower, and the highest level has more than 860 horsepower."

Duke pointed to a few cars on the field: "Did you see those two cars in front? Joe Gibbs Motorsports! They are all sponsored by my family. Don't look at the few advertising spaces on the car and there are other businesses. But with so many viewers and so many TV broadcasts, it's a very powerful advertisement."

With all the vehicles ready, the roar of the first round of the engine rang out, making everyone without earplugs frown. This sound is not comparable to ordinary street supercars. What is a racing car?It's a bunch of crazy mechanics wrecking the engine for maximum performance.

So don’t even think about what kind of muffler will be installed in its exhaust pipe, don’t think about it at all, the most primitive engine roar comes out, when the car is running at high speed, it will reach about 130 decibels, which is comparable to the loud noise of a cannonball , close listening, enough to deafen the ears!

The start started under the crazy sound waves, and most people had already put on earplugs. All the cars accelerated along the oval track. Compared with other races, because of the simplicity of the track, NASCAR has a very high frequency of overtaking. Maybe that's the way to get the adrenaline pumping in the audience.

When the leading car passed by on the first lap, An Feng and the others who didn't wear earplugs couldn't bear it anymore. The sound was too loud, much worse than his usual shooting without earplugs, and he felt unprotected two or three times. , The ears will be buzzing for the next few hours.

It is much easier to put on the earplugs, although the sound is still very strong, but it is within the acceptable range, watching the cars constantly sprinting and overtaking, although some F1 drivers describe this as: a lap on an oval track Run around stupidly.But it actually looks like fun.

The enthusiasm of the audience alone is enough to prove that there are tens of millions of viewers behind the TV station?

An Feng watched the racing cars and the sponsor advertisements on them keep scanning in front of him, and suddenly came up with an idea: GP Energy might also be able to advertise.Although it is well-known enough, the advertisements for sponsoring racing cars can reflect more high-tech connotations.

GP Energy can completely print its own logo on these racing cars, let the audience watching the race understand, and can prepare for them to develop higher performance batteries in the future - such as racing batteries. Now that the batteries are so strong, the racing cars may not Is it burning oil?

(End of this chapter)

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