Chapter 227 The Lioness Encounter
The herd of gazelles grazing leisurely was apparently unaware of the danger coming.

An Feng observed through the scope of a sniper rifle. The gazelle is a medium-sized animal with a light brown body, but the abdomen is obviously white, and a pair of long sharp horns on the top of the head. It has an aggressive personality.A group of lions surrounded them, and two gazelles were having a good time fighting with their heads on top of each other. They were not vigilant enough.

Darwin's voice sounded: "The lion group is Victor's family. The leading lioness has recently given birth to three cubs and has been looking for food nearby... The hyenas are also approaching. They look hungry and may snatch the lions away." The prey may also act on its own."

An Feng looked at the group of hyenas farther away. He had heard about hyenas for a long time. They have a bad reputation, a symbol of greed and laziness, and they specialize in snatching prey from lions and leopards for nothing.But there are also people who justify their names. Hyenas will also actively hunt and even bring down bison.

"Oh look! The pride is in motion!"

After the sound fell, everyone focused on the lions. Three lionesses rushed out from the grass, chasing the gazelles who were immersed in grazing and fighting.The appearance of the lion immediately shocked the group of creatures, their four legs seemed to be loaded with springs, and they scattered in the blink of an eye.

The three lionesses chased after them, and soon they locked on one of the gazelles!Its body is very flexible, it dodges from left to right, and never walks in a straight line. The first lioness chasing after it is not as flexible as it is, and it misses nothing, but the cooperation of the lions is very tacit. One dodged to avoid the lion's bloody maw, but was knocked down head-on by a lioness chasing from the other direction, biting her neck, and fell silent in a few seconds.

"Wonderful!" Everyone shouted from the radio.

This hunt took a very short time, but the cooperation was tacit, and it was a classic.

After the lion bit off the throat of its prey, it began to share the delicacy. In addition to the gazelles running in panic, the hyenas in the outer circle also slowly arrived.The ugly sound from the hyena's mouth, like a hysterical laugh, was transmitted to the lion group, and they raised their heads vigilantly.

At this point, the pack of hyenas picks up speed, and the lions face a choice: fight or back down.The number of hyenas is at least [-]. Although the lions are mighty, they can only fight hyenas head-on, but three lions can only shrink their heads when facing [-] hyenas.

The lionesses were not reconciled, perhaps because they were starving these days, so they took a few more bites of food, and then roared, trying to scare off the group of hyenas.But after all, hyenas are used to running rampant on this land, and they are born to like to bully others. With prey and few opponents, isn't this an opportunity?
When the hyenas approached, the three lionesses circled around the prey, chasing the hyenas away with noises and dashes. For a moment, the hyenas hesitated, but soon the smell of the food stimulated them. They also gained courage, and the hyenas began to attack the lions together.

Once the group of hyenas cooperated, the lions were indeed invincible. After a while, they flinched and stood aside unwillingly, watching their prey being shared.Another lion was bitten on the leg when driving away the group of hyenas just now, and now it is lying on the ground panting, very angrily.

"Poor lions!" said Joanna.

An Feng can't deny it: "The law of the jungle is the law of nature. When the lions are full, the hyenas will starve to death one after another."

"Yes." She nodded, "but I still sympathize with them."

"That is to say, people who have compassion are normal people." An Feng said with a smile.

Maybe everyone's sympathy is at work, Darwin said: "According to the recent activities of lions, they have been facing food shortages, the hunting team has lost a lioness, and there are too many hyenas. If you can, you It would be nice to intervene in this matter.”

Although it is said that it is best for humans not to intervene to destroy the laws of nature, the poaching of lions has long broken the rules, and the excess of hyenas is evidence. When animal experts also said the same, Bazel’s voice came: " Leave half! Follow my instructions when everyone is ready!"

"No problem." An Feng picked up the sniper rifle, adjusted the magnification of the scope, and mounted the gun on the roof of the car. He observed the group of hyenas vying for the gazelle. There were only one gazelle in such a large number. Not enough to eat... Joanna beside her also set up her gun.

An Feng glanced at her, and said to the communicator: "No. 3 is ready!"

"Received!" Bazel said decisively like an army commander: "All units are ready, and now you can shoot freely!"

The sound fell, and there were gunshots. An Feng pulled the trigger, and a spotted hyena in the scope was knocked over. The blood on his body flew several meters away, and he couldn't get up again.He reacted quickly. After firing a shot, he pulled the trigger to eject the cartridge and reloaded it. With one shot, another hyena that was running in a hurry was rolled over, but it was still able to get up and struggle. An Feng shot through it again. body of.

After the second hyena fell to the ground, An Feng wanted to continue looking for other prey, but they were all gone. Then everyone reported on the radio. An Feng reacted quickly and shot two prey, Joanna and the others. There are only eight people in total, which is a little less than the expected ten.

After the hyenas were driven away, the pride of lions obviously got a chance. Despite the threat of gunshots, hunger drove them forward and bit their prey again. This time they did not eat in place and planned to drag them back.According to Darwin, they still have cubs waiting for food at home.

Everyone put down their guns, put on a telephoto lens, and took pictures of the backs of the lions.

Bazel said to everyone: "It's a good start. Let's continue down, keep up with the lions, and see their families and cubs."

The convoy starts and moves on.

There is no road in the direction of the lions, and there are a lot of rocks. This is an extreme test of the off-road ability of the vehicle. If you change it to some pickup trucks, it is probably either scratching the chassis or getting stuck in the rock pile, while the Wrangler is still easily passing through obstacles. Follow lions dragging food at a distance.

They followed and filmed all the way, with a few vultures circling above their heads.

Joanna looked at the sky: "Does this mean that there are abandoned corpses nearby?"

"Maybe." An Feng took a few glances, and the places where vultures hovered usually had prey ready to fall, or were being shared by hunters.

They followed near a rainwater pond where the Lions lived.

The convoy stopped, and they would be disturbed if they got too close. Everyone picked up the binoculars and observed the lions from a distance.There is also a lazy male lion in the lion group. Its big and thick mane is very conspicuous. When the food is served, it will come up to enjoy it domineeringly, and there are two or three cute little guys around it.

Darwin muttered over the radio: "Strange, where is the other lioness Shirley? Let's get closer and look from the other direction."

The convoy approached slowly, switched to the side of the lions, without the cover of vegetation, and finally saw the scene of the lions enjoying the food clearly. Both the male lion and the lioness were biting the carcass of their prey, chewing heavily, blood splattered everywhere, and the cubs They gathered around, occasionally getting a piece or two of meat, and they had a great time fighting over it.

"I saw it!" Darwin's voice became high-pitched, "Damn it! Shirley was lying down, she was was a trap!"

The convoy was only 400 meters away from the Lions’ family. An Feng set up the binoculars, just as it happened in front of him. An Feng observed the lion that Darwin mentioned. The flesh and blood are very obvious... even ferocious.

Its neck was tightly strangled by the trap, and it was sunk in the flesh. The skin had long since disappeared, and the red flesh on the neck was turned out, and there were even flies crawling on it.The lioness lay powerless, exhausted, her almond-yellow eyes filled with despair, not to mention eating, even breathing was difficult.

"Let's help him!" Catherine and others in the team had this idea.

Darwin said: "There are lions all around, we don't have enough tranquilizer guns, and the lions will attack us!"

"So what?" Joanna asked.

"Look again, let's find a way to drive the lion away!" Darwin said.

"You prepare an anesthesia gun, and shoot them away after they are full!" Bazel said, "Matthew, pay attention to the lion group later, we face two situations, the lion group leaves or the angry male lion attacks us, Don't overestimate the bullet in your hand, the lion will not be afraid!"

An Feng has seen a video of a group of hunters hunting down a lioness, but was chased by a lioness. It was shot several times, but it still rushed into the crowd and threw the hunters down. Unfortunately, it lost its aim, or it would have been slapped or bitten , is enough for the hunter to die.So lazy male lions are the most dangerous.

Waiting patiently, the tragic situation of the lioness Shirley won everyone's sympathy and the anger of poachers. Due to the sharp decline in wild tigers, hunters focused on lions, and the price of their bones doubled by ten in just ten years. Times, also attracted the interests of poachers.

The lions finally had their fill. Bazel asked everyone to fire into the sky, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the lions. During the confrontation, they continued to shoot. Maybe it was because they were too full to run or something else. The male lion let out a few very domineering roars Finally, she left with her lion group, and Xue Li struggled to get up and followed behind.

"good chance!"

The vehicle caught up, and within the effective range of the anesthesia gun, it shot Shirley in the ass. The guy struggled a few times and fainted to the ground.

Everyone stared at the lions that were far away, and after confirming their safety, some people stayed in the car, and the rest got off.

Darwin took a first-aid kit and came to Shirley to observe. When everyone saw its neck at close range, the contracted iron chain had already sunk into the muscle. Darwin couldn't find a way to cut it off, and even the area around the wound was infected. Even if it is cut off, it will not escape death.

Everyone thought of a lot of ways, but in the end they could only face the ending of lack of recovery. The lioness would die from two situations: infection or starvation.It was so badly wounded that it could not eat, even if it could withstand the infection of the wound.Looking at the skinny appearance, it can last for a day or two at most.

"Damn poachers!" said Catherine.

Darwin shook his head and looked up at everyone: "Maybe we can make it easier."

"Shoot?" An Feng asked, and everyone nodded.

An Feng looked at the miserable appearance of the lioness, living is also a kind of torture, it is better to give it a happy life silently.

"That's it." Bazel turned his head and said, "Matthew, bring the camera, record the environment and time, and prepare to report it later."

"I don't want to read it." Catherine turned away.

An Feng stayed where he was and watched, and under the camera and Darwin's narration, everyone ended its life.

After the gunshots, there was a lot of regret, and I returned to the same place relatively silently.An Feng looked up at the sky, and the vultures were still circling. He thought they were aiming at the lioness here, but no, they were in the wrong position.An Feng called Darwin in front: "Do you see where the vultures are going to move?"

Darwin looked at the sky and pointed to a sparse forest in front of him: "That direction!"

Bazel said: "A place with vultures means death. Poachers may have appeared here recently. Let's follow up and see, and maybe we find something else."

(End of this chapter)

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