Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 228 Fierce battle against poachers [3 more]

Chapter 228 Fierce Battle Against Poachers

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The convoy left the shallow lake and drove into a green grassy woodland.

But in East Africa, the concept of woods is also sparse. The few trees that are far apart are close to the water source and the green grass is relatively lush. This is still a flat land with no end in sight.The scorching sun was high and the heat was unbearable. On the way to drive, An Feng sat back and turned on the air conditioner.

Following the guide car, I found many wheel marks on the road, some new and some old. Everyone was communicating on the radio. Darwin said that they hadn't taken this road recently, and the security guards in the reserve hadn't been there. They walked on the other side.In this way, there may be outsiders here, not just once.

Ten minutes later, the convoy stopped, and a rancid smell filled the air.

"It's an elephant!" Darwin, who was sitting in the guide car, realized, "Go and have a look!"

Smelling the pungent stench, everyone pulled up their face towels to cover their noses. When the convoy arrived at the place Darwin mentioned, two huge black creatures fell to the ground, their flesh already rotten. , a group of vultures were happily pecking at the corpse, the scene was disgusting.

"It was poachers!" Darwin concluded.Everyone looked at the elephant's corpse. Half of its face had been cut off. The white ivory had long since disappeared, leaving only two huge corpses rotting and smelling. The ground was covered with blood-stained mud. The scene was bloody.

"There are no wild animals around, everyone can get out of the car!" Bazel said.

Everyone got out of the car and came to the two elephant corpses with their noses covered. Joanna frowned at the scene, and Catherine followed her. Cut off the face, instead of anesthetizing them, just take the ivory?"

Bazel explained to her: "Because of the structure of the elephant's skull, the roots of the ivory are buried deep under the eye sockets. In order to get the most valuable whole ivory, poachers usually use saws and axes to chop off half of the face. As for paralyzing and taking the ivory, that is of little value."

Darwin said to a black security guard in the team: "Report to the Animal Protection Bureau and let them send someone to investigate."

The black security guard returned to the car and began contacting the local protection department.

An Feng asked Darwin: "This is a private park, so poaching is so serious?"

Darwin shook his head: "No, this is the first case this year. In the past, there were security guards patrolling around, and poachers or strangers were not allowed to come in casually, but the ivory business in Africa is very prosperous, including around Kenya and Tanzania, poachers emerge in endlessly , the equipment is no worse than that of the army.”

Bazel walked over to look at the bullet marks on the elephant, and said with experience: "Other regions are under strict management, and they will find other places to attack. Look at this elephant, it's just visible to the naked eye. There are more than a dozen bullet holes, and it is almost certain that they were fired with assault rifles, which is very rampant!"

Matthew came back and said to everyone: "There are wheel marks around, and they are still fresh. It is estimated to be within three days, and there may be more nearby."

"God bless them!" Darwin frowned. "Shall we go and see again? Poachers are smart now and will take advantage of the compassion of elephants."

"How do you say it?" An Feng asked.

Darwin glanced at him and explained: "According to observations, African elephants have some emotions similar to humans. They usually gather around the corpses of their dead companions at night to miss them. Poachers take advantage of this, and sit back and wait for rabbits. Struggles to kill the prey."

"Then let's go and have a look!" An Feng said.

Everyone got in the car and followed along the wheel marks found nearby.There are many clues on the road, and it is clear that the poachers have developed to the point where they have no scruples.

During the dull pursuit, An Feng checked the gun silently. He came out to hunt in a good mood, but he was completely destroyed by the scene created by the poachers. Everyone, including him, lost hunting The mood was replaced by a heavy feeling.

The convoy was driving slowly, and the voice on the radio sounded: "There is the sound of a car starting nearby!"

"Catch up and have a look!" Bazel's voice came.

Everyone regained their spirits, and this anger turned into motivation for pursuit. The car accelerated forward, and after passing through the woods, it came to another freshwater lake. Just a few hundred meters ahead of them, there were two cars, a pickup truck and a SUV.The pickup fell behind and kept cranking, but wouldn't start.

When the other party saw the convoy appear, they looked at each other for a few seconds, and then hurriedly moved things from the trailer of the pickup truck to the off-road vehicle. There were about seven or eight people, wearing grass-green clothes, a bit like military uniforms, and carrying Weapon, Bazel's voice came: "Let the security go ahead!"

After all, this is a poacher. In the unregulated wild land of Africa, if you dare to kill beasts, you will naturally dare to kill.

The security car passed them and drove forward, sticking its head out, shouting through the loudspeaker, speaking in the local language, which I couldn't understand, but with a serious tone, it should be to tell them to stop and check.The three cars behind were at full speed, and An Feng couldn't help touching the gun.

Matthew reminded: "Attention! Stay away!"

As soon as his words fell, when the security car caught up, the exchange of fire happened suddenly.

The crackling gunshots were like firecrackers during the Spring Festival. When the front of the car tilted and stopped immediately, the sound of bullets hitting the window and echoing on the car body was heard. The security guards on the car were shocked and dared not hide in the iron coffin. Li, jumped down quickly, and fired back at the opponent. Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot and bullets flew randomly.

Matthew, who reacted the fastest, shouted on the radio: "Get out of here!"

"Go!" An Feng patted the dazed driver. They were only more than 200 meters away from the poachers, and the bullets had no eyes, which was very dangerous.

The driver was shot by An Feng, so he quickly turned to catch up with the two cars in front. An Feng raised his nervous heart and turned his head to look out the window. Among the two sides of the exchange of fire, the poachers' firepower was obviously stronger. Shooting while scrambling supplies in the back of the pickup truck.The gunshots were not coherent, but regular bursts, proving that these guys are not newbies with guns, but veterans with some experience.

While holding his breath, An Feng heard the swishing sound of piercing the air, accompanied by broken glass and strange noises, the driver grunted, blood splashed on the car window, and he fell on the steering wheel and stopped moving. An Feng blinked his eyes , Another bullet hit the front hood, and dazzling sparks appeared with a "bang".

An Feng's biological brain was already sluggish, but the robotic brain made him instinctively reach out to touch the door on the other side, open it forcefully, and pushed Joanna out, shouting: "Don't look up!" After jumping out, the car window crackled and shattered, and stray bullets seemed to be right above his head.

After the accelerator was released, the car finally stopped in front of them. An Feng glanced at the surrounding area, and saw that it was extremely empty. He quickly pulled Joanna to the side of the car, but the car stopped at a very bad position!It was facing the battlefield sideways, and almost any bullets from the opponent could hit them!
After Joanna fell off the car, she heard the shout just as she was about to get up. She followed An Feng and jumped off, pulling her to the front engine.At this time, don't believe what is shown in the movie, a car door can block the bullets - the bullets of the assault rifle are enough to give a car a clean pass!
The only place that can block bullets is next to the engine.

An Feng pulled her to that position, pressed her to squat down in front of the right front wheel, and looked up at the two cars in front. Although they stopped, they were four to fifty meters away from them. The incoming bullets swept the ground, splashing waves of dust, making it impossible to pass through.

Everyone shouted from the vehicle's radio: "Are you all right?"

"I'll help you cover!" Bazel's voice brought hope.

"Check your weapons! Cover fire!" Matthew was also methodical, "Women get out of the car and go to the car in front! Men stay!"

At this dangerous moment, they did not choose to leave. Both cars stopped. Christina and her daughter Catherine in the rear car ran to the front car in a panic, while Bazel and Charlie in the front car came to support with guns. .As sporadic shots sounded, they began to return fire.

An Feng felt his heart beating faster, his breathing was a little rough, his hands were shaking, and there was even some blood on his face, which seemed to be from the driver just now... He took a deep breath, and kept telling himself, don't be afraid at this time, you It's not just me who is afraid of death, but also your wife!

Joanna shook him: "Are you okay?"

An Feng came back to his senses and supported her: "I'm fine, how about you?"

"It's okay!" But the panic was completely written on her face, and there was fear in her eyes, but she gritted her teeth and told herself to calm down.

An Feng was heartbroken: "It's okay, their target is not us—"

With a "bang", the bullet hit the hood above his head, laughing at An Feng's comfort... Feeling that the target was shot, Joanna couldn't help crying out.

And the trembling scream activated him, and the fear disappeared at that moment, only the voice echoed: "Don't worry! You will be fine! I promise!"

He picked up the gun, pushed the charging handle to push the bullet into the chamber, and pulled it down until the bullet was ready to fire.He was sitting on the right side of the front of the car, holding a gun sideways.

There are two commonly used postures for sitting shooting. One is facing the enemy head-on, with the butt resting on the shoulder. This is very stable, but it will expose most of the body.And An Feng adopted the second method, facing the enemy sideways, with his right arm resting on the butt of the gun, the barrel resting on the joint of his left hand, and turning his head to stare at the scope.

There was a blur in the scope. An Feng patiently readjusted the magnification. According to the simple scale of the scope, he measured that the opponent was about 200 meters away from him. Several looming figures were clearly visible, and the flames and smoke that flickered frequently when the gun was fired exposed their location.

An Feng aimed the reticle at an area where bullets were sprayed behind the bushes, breathed and pulled the trigger steadily, and with a bang, the aiming field of view flicked, and when the reticle returned to its original position, the grass covered the situation and could not see clearly. But the position was quiet, and then he pulled the trigger handle again, and the bullet casing jumped out of the gun chamber with heat, and the tip of his nose was filled with the smell of killing, but he pushed the bullet into the chamber surprisingly calmly.

The gun was pointed at the second gunman who was squatting next to the pickup truck to cover his accomplice. This guy was obviously frightened by the silent bullets, and he never let go of the trigger with his finger. An Feng aimed at his head and shot. , but there was an error, blood sprayed from his shoulder, and he fell backwards.

An Feng ejected the shell, and the second person was enough to calibrate the ballistic for him. He loaded the third bullet and sent the dazed guy holding the corn bag to the bottom of the car with one shot.The world suddenly quieted down, and the other party panicked looking for the direction of the bullet, and fear gradually occupied their bodies and minds.

In the dullness, a guy appeared with his waist down. He dragged his companions on the ground and wanted to retreat. An Feng gritted his teeth. He thanked them for their friendship. The gift was a bullet of burning anger, which opened his skull from behind. And the body missing half of the head took a few steps forward before falling down.

When he was cornered, killing was as simple as breathing... Even during the whole process, he didn't even change his breathing significantly. When the poacher was scared by the sniper, and the bullets swept around but couldn't scare the opponent away, he gave up. The thing behind the pickup turned around and got into the SUV.

An Feng saw the car leaving, with the last bullet in the gun chamber, he leaned on the hood, aimed at the wide wheel of the off-road vehicle, held his breath, and pulled the trigger again, unable to see where the bullet hit , but the off-road vehicle in the scope was crooked and crashed into a tree.

The whole process took no more than 3 minutes, and the situation took a turn for the worse. After the gunfire on the opposite side stopped, the two vehicles of Bazel and Matthew also chased after them, and shot the off-road vehicle opposite to provide them with cover.After An Feng finished the whole shooting mission, he breathed a long sigh of relief, threw away the gun and pulled Joanna up, and looked her up and down: "Are you all right? Do you feel any pain?"

"I'm fine!" Joanna hugged him tremblingly.

An Feng patted her on the back lightly, his mind was blank, he couldn't even recall the scene just now, mixed with fear and anger, and the desire to survive, between retreating and advancing, he gave himself a chance to stage a reversal The shooting of the situation, now thinking about it, I only feel tired.

(End of this chapter)

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