Chapter 229 Follow-up
The encounter came suddenly and ended abruptly.

A few minutes before and after, everyone experienced scenes from calm to chaos, from survival to death. An Feng stepped forward, not only saving himself, but also giving life to the four security guards who were trapped in front by bullets. He couldn't withstand the fierce firepower, and was beaten so hard that he couldn't lift his head.

The off-road vehicle crashed into a tree, and three black poachers jumped out. Faced with guns several times larger than them, and the terrifying sniper just now, the only option was to throw their guns and surrender.Matthew stared at them and called security on the comm channel, while Bazel brought someone over.

Before passing, Bazel shouted towards An Feng: "Attention! We have passed!"

"Understood!" An Feng said loudly while hiding behind the car.

Bazel, his son and a guide rushed forward, surrounded by two companions with guns watching the front, ready to fire at any time for defense.

"Are you all right?" The three of Bazel bent down and ran to their side. Looking at the car window that was sprayed red with blood, they knew that something was wrong.

"We're fine, but the driver may be in danger!" An Feng pointed to the driver inside. He wasn't dead, but he was lying on the steering wheel and breathing weakly.

"It's too bad! We don't have any tools... Go up and help him stop the bleeding and press his wound!" Bazel ordered the guide, and then turned to his son Charlie and said, "You gather the ladies and drive away , we stay to clean up these guys, understand?"

Charlie was still very young, and the fierce exchange of fire just now made him a little dazed.

"Did you hear that?" Bazel asked him aloud.

"Understood!" Charlie reacted with a shock, and repeated: "I will escort the ladies to the car, get out of here, and look for support!"

Bazel looked at him: "Yes, that's it! Look into my eyes, don't be afraid, show your courage! This is just a challenge!"

"Yes, I can do it!" Charlie clenched the shotgun in his hand and said to Joanna: "Please follow me!"

Joanna looked at An Feng, and he nodded: "Follow him, it's not safe here!"

"You must come back!" She pulled him.

"I will! I promise!" An Feng pushed her to Charlie, picked up the gun on the ground, and looked ahead: "Are you sure they really surrendered?"

"Not sure." Bazel didn't relax, put the gun on the hood, and said at the same time: "Charlie, get ready, bend down and rush over, just leave without waiting for us!"

"Okay." Charlie nodded.

"Go!" Bazel ordered, Charlie took Joanna's arm, bent down and ran across the road that had been visited by bullets several times, and safely arrived in front of the second off-road vehicle. At a glance, she was sent to the back seat, followed the car to start, and left soon.

Now only men are left.

Bazel observed the three poachers and said, "I can't guarantee that they still have any weapons on them. Someone needs to control them! Bruce, try to contact Matthew!"

"Okay." An Feng opened the car door, the driver in the driver's seat was already unconscious, the bullet hit his neck, but there was really no way to treat the serious gunshot wound, so he could only hold it down with his hands.An Feng sighed, and used the radio to contact the other party: "Matthew, can you hear me?"

"I'm here, Bruce." Matthew's voice came.

"How are the security guards? Can they act?" An Feng asked.

"Three were wounded, and one was about to lose courage. It was useless." Matthew said, perhaps because of his military service, his tone was very calm for a while.

"How to control poachers?" An Feng asked, he had absolutely no experience in taking captives.

"Two options, shoot them directly; or let them take off their clothes!" Matthew said, "Fortunately, we happen to have someone who is familiar with the local language."

Bazel obviously also heard the plan, he said: "Catch the living!"


After a while, the local language came out from the loudspeaker. The guys in An Feng's scope looked at each other, hesitating, and he had already put his finger on the trigger. Take their lives just as before.

But after Matthew shot into the sky, people began to take off their clothes, followed by his accomplices, and after they were stripped, they came with their hands held high.Everyone did not take it lightly. After all, among the four people who fell down just now, only one was confirmed to be dead, and the other circumstances were unknown.

The three naked black men came, and Matthew asked the guide to take out the spare tow rope of the off-road vehicle, and tied up their hands and feet.At this time, the sound of a helicopter finally came from overhead. An Feng raised his head, and a plane with an unknown model flew over his head, and the airflow blew up smoke and dust on the ground.

"It's a plane from the reserve!" Bazel said happily.

After the helicopter circled several times, two more off-road vehicles filled with government soldiers arrived, and a group of soldiers wearing military uniforms and holding AK-47s came down. After one of the officers talked with Matthew over there, two doctors immediately The guy who looked like came to check the driver who was shot.

Then, a group of heavily armed soldiers stepped forward to check under cover, and soon, they sent a signal: safe.

Bazel put away his gun: "It's safe, do you want to take a look?"

An Feng ghostly nodded: "Okay."

Then he went up with them, it didn't seem so good, An Feng saw two government soldiers vomiting with their backs to the pickup truck, he was in a tense mood just now, his mind was full of thoughts of letting himself and Joanna live, completely There is no extra room for thinking, but the thinking is extremely active now.

Bazel, who was walking in front, took a glance and turned back to ask An Feng not to look, but the sharp-eyed An Feng still saw the guy lying next to the pickup with half of his head missing. The surrounding ground and the car were all red and white Mixed jelly and jet-like blood, accompanied by a strong fishy smell.

An Feng looked at it for two seconds, felt nauseated for a while, and turned around decisively not to look at it again.

Matthew came with a gun in his arms and looked at it with a few bold soldiers. There was nothing unusual about him. He also said a few words about the way of shooting. Among the four people shot by An Feng, one of his skulls was blown off by a bullet. Death, three people were injured, the most serious was hit in the stomach, life and death are uncertain.

The leading officer did not pity them: "Poachers! Damn them!"

The other soldiers also looked like they deserved it, showing no mercy to these poachers.Soon, the soldiers moved out several bags from the trunks of pickup trucks and off-road vehicles, all of which were blood-stained ivory, most of which were intact, and the largest one weighed at least [-] to [-] kilograms.

An Feng shifted his gaze to look at the batch of seized ivory. The number was not very large, there were about a dozen of them. Taking two as an elephant, at least eight elephants died in their hands.According to the officer, the gang were habitual offenders and must have had ivory hidden elsewhere.

When the matter was in the finishing touches, An Feng didn't want to stay longer, so Matthew glanced at him and gave Bazel a wink, and they went back together.An Feng was silent on the way, he tried his best not to think too much, but his mind was full of fuzzy brains and bloody scenes.

Matthew looked at him and said, "Bruce, thank you for saving us. If you didn't take action, we might have more casualties."

An Feng forced a smile.

"Don't blame yourself. If you don't shoot, maybe one of us will fall, Joanna." Matthew continued.

"I know." An Feng said.

"Relax, you are actually a hero." Bazel also patted him on the shoulder.

Back in the car, Matthew dug out a bottle of drink and handed it to An Feng.

He shook his head, and Matthew's tone was undeniable: "Drink it, the sugar will help you calm down!"

An Feng took the drink, unscrewed the lid and took a few sips.Bazel started the car and swayed back. After arriving at the hotel, the sun was almost setting. The women were waiting for them. Seeing their husbands coming back, they all breathed a sigh of relief, hugged or kissed, and thanked God.

They started discussing what happened just now, obviously they all recovered from the shock, after all the ladies didn't witness the bloody process, only heard the gunshot.The more serious one was Joanna, who felt the tension of the bullet hitting her body, the windshield splashed with blood, and the stray bullet flying overhead.

But she was strong, and her face had regained her composure.

An Feng didn't want to discuss what happened just now, he was absent from dinner and couldn't eat, so he went back to his room to stay.

Joanna looked at his back, and Matthew said to him: "Don't worry, he is a good guy, give him some space, and then give him some warmth."

Joanna nodded.

Soon, some military and government representatives came to understand the whole process of the matter with them, and wanted to meet An Feng.

Bazel refused: "I'm afraid it can't be done now, give this kid some space to think, he needs to rest. I think it's ok, come again."

Bazel's tone was calm, but he couldn't deny it.

Neither military officers nor government officials at the scene dared to disobey this rich British businessman with a deep background. They expressed their attitude politely: "We have no other purpose, just want to express our gratitude to him. From a personal standpoint , we have no objection to this behavior."

Bazel nodded, and they left tactfully.


After Joanna had a simple dinner, she also returned to the room. An Feng wondered, "Why so fast?"

"I'm full." She came over and offered to hug her.

An Feng hugged her, Joanna put her arms around his neck, and said softly: "You know everyone thinks you are the hero who saved them."

An Feng said: "Of course, I have always enjoyed the admiration of others."

"No matter what, I will support you!" Joanna said, looking at him: "You must be very tired, go and rest for a while, I will accompany you!"

An Feng wanted to refuse, but he was really tired, so he lay down on the bed.

He didn't know what to say, it was different from the panic and fear portrayed in film and television publications, to some extent, if this kind of thing happened again and threatened Joanna, he would do anything...but it wasn't as easy as a few He just exploded a person's head a few hours ago, and now he can chat and laugh.

I hugged her and slept for a while, and I was hungry, so I got up when I couldn't take it anymore. The temperature was low at night, and I helped her cover a blanket, and went out when I heard the sound outside.It was not too late, the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel was still open, and several tourists were chatting about their travel experiences.

An Feng sat down and asked the waiter to order some food and a glass of whiskey.

The wine was served first, took a sip, and a person sat down opposite, An Feng raised his head, surprised: "Bazel, why are you still up?"

"Just now I went to do some business and chatted with people from the government." Bazel said, calling the waiter over and ordered a glass of wine.

"How's the matter?" An Feng asked.

"The local government is interrogating those who surrendered," Bazel said.

"I want to ask those people specifically." An Feng said.

Bazel sighed: "The driver left on the way to the hospital, and the other three security guards were not seriously injured. The poacher who was shot in the stomach was dead when the doctor arrived, and the one who was shot in the shoulder lost a lot of blood Also died—don’t think too much about it, the ending of the last two is not caused by you.”

"Do I need to make any records?" An Feng asked.

Bazel said: "I'll help you arrange it, but it's not too particular here, and you have merit, even if you don't do anything, everyone won't mind. The matter will spread tomorrow. Just now I heard those security guards and soldiers talk about it." I read some 'yellow death' stories, which are quite interesting, maybe you should listen to them tomorrow, and you will feel that you have suddenly become a lot stronger, and you are full of righteous cells!"

An Feng smiled: "This is finally a good treatment for a hero!"

(End of this chapter)

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