Chapter 232 What a joke!
The communication with the President of Tanzania was very easy, and it may also be to save face for Bazel. They chatted for a long time, from Bazel's investment in the conservation park in Africa, to their acquaintance and the assistance they provided.An Feng only learned about Bazel's glorious deeds through the chat, but he could only blame him for being too low-key.

Bazel is the kind of attitude that if I like it, I will do it, and what others think has nothing to do with me. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, he will not talk about it.

They say goodbye to Hassan and head back to the hotel.

An Feng took the time to dictate the whole incident to the local government, but the reason was not important. The reason they recorded was mostly out of curiosity, not cautious about the case... This country doesn't pay much attention to it, and the reason is simple: poaching It is bad, but killing poachers is good.


African holidays are not all about watching animals and driving out hunting. According to An Feng’s imagination, East Africa is the kind of withered yellow grassland full of animals, scorching sun, and endless, but on the last day of vacation, Bazel took them to A place that changed perceptions: Zanzibar.

Zanzibar is a beautiful island off the coast of Tanzania. It is famous for planting lilacs. There are a lot of lilacs and other bright flowers on the island. There is no shortage of sunny beaches and clear and transparent oceans. Like a paradise.

Everyone was sunbathing on the island, or walking together on the nearby beach. An Feng met local residents—three or four black children.

They are very curious about the tourists, especially when the cameras in the hands of the tourists are aimed at them, as soon as the guys feel it, they twist and dance in the sun for a while.Not to mention, although there is no fixed routine, it has a good appearance, reflecting the style of the African land.

In Zanzibar Island, the original and wild "Samba" was performed by four black bear children. The bear children moved their mouths to the music and enjoyed the attention of the camera. They didn't feel stage fright at all. , A child even picked up a drink bottle on the ground and beat it like a tambourine.They have a strong desire for performance, and black people are naturally sensitive to the rhythm of music, and they infect other people by dancing.

Charlie, Catherine and even Matthew were all making beats for them, and An Feng also followed along with the children's original music. It was nothing special, but it was very fun, and the excitement also attracted the children next to them. They were also not to be outdone. Help foreigners show off their unique skills.

The kids went crazy and beat the beat with their slippers.If it wasn't for the underdeveloped country, we might be able to form a band when we grow up. Everyone let go, as if returning to their silly childhood.Watching the performances of these brats, they are all vivid, like little monkeys.

The joy and mischief of the bear children ignited the excitement on the beach. Before leaving, An Feng went to the local photo studio to print the photos of the performance just now and gave them to them, but he couldn’t think of anything else to give them. There are several large boards of bananas prepared by the small vendor to give away.

The children harvested a lot, holding bananas and saying goodbye to them on the coast.

Everyone went back to pack their luggage and came to the capital Dodoma. According to the previous request, the other party selected some of the largest and most complete ivory for them. After washing with water, each ivory was very beautiful. The largest one was five Ten kilograms and nearly two meters long.

An Feng chose two relatively good ones, about one meter long, and bought them at a high price of 15 US dollars, almost three times higher than the market price.Naturally, most of the money goes to charity, supporting local anti-poaching efforts.Their generosity also allowed the other to issue the most powerful proof.

The international inspection of the whole ivory is very strict. If there is no sufficient proof of the source of the top-quality goods like An Feng, they will face a lot of inspections, but now the president has let it go and the minister has stamped it. Even if you want to pick a bone It is also impossible, at most the customs will pay some tax.

After completing the formalities, I packed my things and got on the business jet that came to pick me up.

On the departing plane, looking at the vast plain under our feet, the legendary experience of these days came to an end. Everyone covered a layer of blankets, unfolded the seats, and slept to refresh their spirits.After returning to the United States, the job that should work, the school that should go to school, the wild land is gradually going away.


Back in San Rafael, they fell on the soft bed and had a good sleep.

Returning to a civilized society, I will no longer experience the exciting excitement in Africa, and the original beauty of being separated from civilization, I miss it occasionally when I think about it.Both the environment and people have become extremely simple, with no scheming, no hypocrisy, only the sincerity of helping hands at critical moments.

Since the day they were hit by bullets and Sinclair didn't leave, he cherished this kind of friendship that can only be tested in critical moments.

"Shall we go on another adventure when we have time?" Joanna turned over and looked at him.

"Okay, as long as you have time." An Feng said, "But next time, you should be well prepared and use stronger sunscreen. Look, I'm already tanned."

"Hey." Joanna pulled up the blanket to cover her sunburnt arm. The situation is not bad, and I heard that there are still tourists who are sunburned and sent to the hospital.

An Feng scratched the little tiger lying lazily on the ground: "I guess Xiaobai will grow up next time. If possible, I would like to take him to Africa."

"Are you sure? It's just a domesticated tiger!" Joanna looked at Xiaobai.

"Don't worry, you will be surprised when the time comes." An Feng said with a smile, domesticated tigers are naturally not good, but what if it is a comprehensive enhanced type?

He is looking forward to the narrow encounter between tigers and other beasts on the African grasslands.

And all this stems from his biotechnology.

A few days after returning, An Feng took Xiaobai to the research center.The preparation of the potion was the most difficult and the most consuming of patience, but his interest kept him going, and the most advanced machine made his journey smooth... After the preparation was successful, An Feng carefully injected it into the little tiger.

The first stage was a bit risky, An Feng had to observe it all the time.

After spending five hours in fear, the tiger did not show any signs of deterioration, which proved that the first step had been taken. From now on, Xiaobai was no longer a simple Bengal tiger, but an evolutionary with a mutated gene, perhaps It can also change the evolution direction of tigers in the future.

An Feng played with Xiaobai for a while, but he didn't see him for a few days. He has grown up a lot, and his size is comparable to some medium and large dogs, but the cuteness still hasn't disappeared. When it is in front of it, it will take the initiative to push people.

Seeing that it was no different from usual, An Feng felt relieved.Genetic engineering is not easy. If the research center hadn't been rich, purchased the most advanced machines, and had the absolutely precise technology in his mind, he wouldn't have dared to do it recklessly.So far, though, the machine brain has been right.

After returning home, An Feng continued to sort out the medicines for the second phase.

But the progress of the machine brain made him uneasy. The recovery rate was already 49%, which felt infinitely close to 50%. Apart from the anticipation of the answer, he also had a little fear of the unknown.Until now, An Feng didn't know why there were these things, and what was the purpose of their appearance.

It's always been a mystery, and the longer it goes on, the weirder it gets.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Joanna's voice came from outside the yard: "Honey, quickly bring me a bottle of diet mineral water."

"Wait a minute." An Feng went to find it... It is actually a bitter mineral water produced in the Czech Republic. It is said to have the effect of beautifying and slimming, because its production is scarce and the price is staggering. It is rare in the market. She is through the VIP channel. Ordered, delivered on a monthly basis, and shipped directly by air.

He picked up the bottle and glass and walked out through the kitchen, still thinking about the strange information, feeling as if very close, he walked through the living room out to the yard, the afternoon sun fell on him, and for a split second, the machine The repair progress of the brain reaches 50%.

At this moment, a feeling of powerlessness came to my heart, and my field of vision dimmed. I only had time to glance at Joanna. When my eyes went dark, my limbs became weak and I fell forward. My body lost consciousness, and my hearing gradually disappeared. The same happened, and slowly, Joanna's voice moved away from him.


I don't know how long I slept this time.

In the past, the biological brain was resting, and the machine brain was still working, but this time it is different. The biological brain and the machine brain shut down at the same time, and after waking up, they lie in a hospital bed. It is quite luxurious, with an exclusive room and a matching bathroom. , I don't know if there is a living room outside, two-bedroom or three-bedroom...

An Feng shook his head, thinking nonsense!The ward is empty now, and it’s already bright outside. I guess he’s been lying down for a while, but he still feels a little weak. Joanna always says he’s as strong as a tiger, but now he’s finally turned into a sick cat...

"Quickly concentrate!" An Feng thought silently, recalling the whole process of the matter, the repair progress of the machine brain has reached 50%, this is a critical point, so... it needs to be restarted once, store the original information, and bring new ones , more expansive and vast content.

The reason for this is...

"I'm going to die?" An Feng felt unbelievable, continued to scroll down, and put his heart back down again.

The thing is this: the future technology will cause the butterfly effect, the world will perish for various reasons, such as nuclear war, conventional war, meteorite hitting the earth, iceberg melting, doomsday virus, Nokia accidentally dropped in hand To the ground and smash through the earth...

"What?" An Feng was speechless for a while. Even without these next-generation technologies, the earth would be destroyed due to one of the above reasons sooner or later, right?

What does that have to do with me?
The answer

But one thing is certain about the machine brain's data: the earth will perish.As for which way, the butterfly effect is at the left and right, and it can only be calculated based on An Feng's behavior. For example, the probability of Nokia smashing through the earth is about one in a hundred billion, and the nuclear war is currently only about 3%. .

It is not to say that Nokia cannot smash through the earth. In the case of the probability of quantum tunneling, it is normal to fall through the earth from a high altitude. If An Feng has this ability, compress its density to within its Schwarzschild radius , the Nokia black hole can destroy the earth...

Long story short... In the final analysis, the machine brain wants to tell An Feng: the earth will be destroyed.

The machine brain also has a solution. For example, An Feng showed his might and turned into a superman to save the earth... He doesn't like red underwear!For example, to inform all human beings, to use the power of the collective... to reserve luxury beds in the mental hospital!For example, building a super spaceship and getting out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible... The difficulty is not ordinary.

In short, the choice rests entirely with An Feng, and the machine brain is only responsible for informing him. As for what he likes to do, even sleeping late, basking in the sun and waiting to die is not bad—it saves the most effort.According to the current analysis, An Feng is lazy and has no ambitions. There is a 15% probability that he will bask in the sun and wait to die.

"Go, what are you kidding!" An Feng was completely speechless, fell on the bed and looked at the ceiling depressedly, "It must be the wrong way for me to open it!"

PS: In fact, Doomsday is a pit... The main purpose is to give the protagonist a direction to do things, otherwise it will appear that the subsequent development is too chaotic and scattered. .

(End of this chapter)

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