Chapter 233

An Feng raised his hand and pinched his face, wanting to confirm if this was a dream... Why did such a funny thing happen to him?If the earth is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Why do the data of the machine brain tend to face disaster because of its appearance?

Forget about war or something, but can "meteorite hit the earth" have something to do with me?

The most hurtful thing is that the answer given by the machine brain is also extremely irresponsible, the kind that puts on your pants and leaves: Do you like to do it first?There are quite a lot of ways to avoid it, but there are natural disasters and man-made disasters in the end, and prevention must start from many aspects.After much deliberation, An Feng felt unreliable.

The door of the ward opened, and Joanna who came in saw An Feng pinching her face in confusion, froze for a moment, and hurried over: "Honey, what are you doing?"

An Feng let go of his hand and turned to look at her: "Hi."

"Are you all right?" Joanna sat on the edge of the bed, holding his hand, with the concern on her face expressive.

An Feng moved his head, Joanna helped him raise the pillow, An Feng looked at her: "It's okay, I feel a little tired, just eat something."

"The lunch is here, and it's all what you like to eat." Joanna looked at him, "The doctor said you were overtired, so I'm really worried about you."

"I'm fine." An Feng smiled, "How long have I been asleep?"

"A day and a half." She sat aside and touched An Feng's face, "Any other bad feelings?"

"No." An Feng shook his head and made a small request: "Lie beside me, okay?"

"No problem." Joanna nodded, An Feng moved a little to the side, she fell asleep lying on her side, An Feng held her hand and put it on her chest.

"I like your smell." An Feng bowed his head and kissed the back of her hand.

Joanna said, "Sweet mouth."

"Who told me to love you." An Feng smiled and sighed again, "You said... If the world is about to be destroyed, what do you want to do first?"

"With you," she said, without hesitation.

An Feng smiled, and she asked, "What about you?"

"I am the same, and you are the one who misses it the most." He said, unable to imagine what would happen to her after he left... hope everything is safe.

Joanna kissed him lightly, satisfied with the answer.

An Feng felt that it was necessary to make some preparations. If he was alone, he wouldn't have so many thoughts. Life is short, so let's enjoy ourselves in time. But thinking about it now, he has a wife, will have children in the future, and a bunch of family and friends .If the information about the machine brain is true, it must be a tragedy.

It seemed absurd, but An Feng did not dare to doubt the machine brain that never made mistakes.

But he also doesn't think he can change the world.He wondered if there was any way to effectively prevent the crisis once and for all, but as the machine brain said, any behavior of his would lead to different results. Since the emergence of next-generation technology, the butterfly effect has appeared.

It's like... the disaster of a meteorite hitting the earth.Humans need powerful weapons to crush meteorites, but powerful weapons may also make human wars destructive; and without powerful weapons, it can avoid destructive wars, but they will die from the impact of meteorites.

This forward or backward, is death... full of uncertainty everywhere.

After An Feng thought about it, how to grasp the balance point is very important.

And the most critical part, I am afraid, is on himself. The technology in his mind can bring about many changes, and with countless unknowns, after thinking about it, it is dangerous to put super technology on anyone—because no one The ability to predict the future is only clear to him.

The larger the scope of diffusion, the more complex the impact will be. If it is only concentrated on one point, the impact will be the smallest.

You have to draw your own conclusions.

He discovered the crux of the matter. He is a lazy guy. He has no ambition to rule all mankind, nor does he have the ideal of benefiting the world, but he is the most suitable for doing this kind of thing, because he is difficult to be influenced by the outside world, and his purpose is simple enough. better implement the plan.

But there are some surprises.

For example, An Feng is now thinking about building a spaceship and bringing his family and friends with him. Whether you are hit by a meteorite or a nuclear war, it has nothing to do with him. Everyone gathers around the porthole and watches the blue earth erupt below. Dazzling rays of light, that is the ultimate destruction...

The plan of escaping is definitely the least impactful, but once on the spaceship, do you just live on it for the rest of your life?The earth is finished, and it is obviously impossible to go back. There is only endless space wandering, or building a base on the moon, living without water, until old age and death?

He went deeper and thought, without the earth, how can we spend money in all directions?Who else can make clothes for his wife?Who are you going to show off your wealth to?Who should design the new sports car?How can I enjoy the sunny beach, hug my sister and lie in the sea breeze for an afternoon...

This is more terrifying than the destruction of the earth!

It is obviously an extremely bad plan, and it can only be used as the last irreversible backup plan. The best thing is to ensure the integrity of the planet, and only in this way can he spend money happily, flying in Europe, America and Africa, a house in the west, A beach enjoyment on the east side.


An Feng treated this matter very calmly.

Even if nothing can be changed in the end, he can still run away, but that is a bad idea. Without a natural livable and enjoyable environment, it is not what he wants.After eating a full meal, he recovered in the afternoon and went home regardless of the doctor's observation advice.

An Feng didn't dare to examine them too much, in case he diagnosed someone with a physique that was different from ordinary people... He went back and tested the blood himself, and there was nothing special, neither Superman nor Hulk tendencies, so relax.Then he began to think about the future, which is too lazy.

It's too fake to say that he is labeled as saving the earth.Most of his starting point is for himself, he is not so noble, but there is a saying that "disasters the fish in the pond", it is like a nuclear war in Europe, even if the Americas are not affected, the final nuclear winter can kill human beings.

Weighing the interests, it's better to keep the status quo - unless he can find a more suitable place.But the probability is much smaller than that of Nokia smashing through the earth.After much deliberation, it is obvious that the differences in human beings are difficult to cooperate with him to complete this plan, and the differences in outlook on life and values ​​are too great.

Even now that An Feng told them that the earth would be destroyed for some reason, most of them were ridiculed and despised, and regarded him as a lunatic.An Feng has no tendency to be abused, so what's the use of talking about it?Noble?He never considered himself noble, so he planned to come quietly.

Obviously, facing countless variables at present, it can be summed up in two ways: natural disasters and man-made disasters.In response to natural disasters, he can let robots withstand them, robot companies can store a large number of powerful robots and weapons, and research centers can develop many antiviral drugs or drugs to improve human physique; and man-made disasters, robots can put an end to wars and release them at critical moments. The people of the world are armed.

The three directions of robotics, industry and biology have the ability to avoid natural disasters and man-made disasters.

But there is also a very obvious problem: money.

If you don’t have money, don’t think about anything. If you don’t have money, let’s talk about things that are high and full of positive energy... Even the Americans who claim to maintain world peace can’t do it.With An Feng's current net worth and an annual salary of 30 billion, if he wants to change the world... 300 billion is difficult, 3000 billion is considered.

The simplest example is a multifunctional robot that costs 100 million yuan. Obviously, to form a torrent of steel that resists aliens and unites earthlings, it needs at least an order of magnitude of 1000, and the budget for this alone exceeds [-] billion.He can't borrow money on the grounds of "maintaining world peace".

Furthermore, building a spaceship may cost hundreds of billions. Even the cost of life-saving cards is so huge. It seems that this little money has encountered inflation, and it is worthless overnight. can not hear.All kinds of technological research and development are obviously the burning of tons of dollar bills.

An Feng was lying on the deck chair basking in the sun, everything was difficult at the beginning.

The way the curve saves the world is obvious. I used to think that I have the most money in the world, but now the retribution has come. If he wants to enjoy such a leisurely life in the future, he must work harder to make money—and then spend more money crazily.This is absolutely true. Although the profits made by high-tech companies are high, the total amount is not much. At present, GP and future anti-cancer drugs make money. There are only two units. How much benefit can it generate?

He has to own at least dozens of the most profitable companies among the world's top [-] companies to be able to provide him with a steady stream of funds.Therefore, the money earned will be spent crazily to occupy more industries, and then use these industries to make more money, then spend it again, and then occupy more industries...

An Feng took a bite of the apple and chewed: "Is it easy for me to save the world?"

Since he is not actively masochistic, part of the money he plans to spend must be personal, otherwise he will lose motivation to save half of the earth. Who is responsible?So when he has 100 billion, he can consider 30 billion for private consumption; The luxury of luxury... Only this kind of work accompanied by rewards can make people persevere.

After thinking for a while, An Feng threw the apple he had bitten into to Xiaobai. After he smelled it, he walked away disgusted... You see, the tiger costs US dollars!

In the end, it has broken away from the height of human existence and risen—no, descended to the level of how individuals have more money to spend.An Feng's mind was turning and turning, there were a lot of ghost ideas, and none of them were too bad plans, and the funding for saving the earth was a highlight.

It’s just that you have to spend a lot of effort to sell your ideas. In the past, you spent money like running water, but now you have to spend money like a flood. You used to be local tyrants, but now you are super local tyrants.He wiped his mouth, turned and went back to the house. After thinking that he could get benefits, he was less resistant to work, and countless money was waiting for him.

Thinking about it, I was a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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