Chapter 239 Anticancer Drugs
Wang Le spent a few days looking for a satisfactory house.According to the straight-line distance, the two families are no more than two kilometers away, so they can be regarded as neighbors, and it is very convenient to visit each other.Lin Hai, another business partner of the winery, also lives nearby, and the three shareholders have become neighbors.

Now it is November, and An Feng's life has gradually stabilized...because of the lack of money.Also because he had to plan for the future.Unlike the aimless life in the past, when you have a goal, you will naturally become more diligent and think further.

There are currently two plans: robots and computers.Robots with armed capabilities are too advanced to appear in public as much as possible, so he needs a secret robot base-sounds crazy, maybe he won't use it in his lifetime, but plan it now, just in case.

The United States must set up bases - to prevent man-made disasters.Throughout decades of wars, Uncle Sam is the most lethal, a typical "world crap stick", in case they want to trigger an "immeasurable" crisis, they will use the slogan of maintaining world peace to disarm them .

In addition, the continents also need bases.In addition to preventing man-made disasters, there are also natural disasters. In case a large meteorite falls from the sky, robots can also defend against it, or there are a bunch of aliens in the meteorite... the possibility is very low.But natural disasters and man-made disasters, the scope of application of robots is very wide.

Second item: computer.An Feng already felt that his brain was not enough, and the calculations involving future probabilities were too complicated for him to think alone, so he needed a powerful computer to calculate the probabilities of various disasters, which ones to focus on, as well as manage bases and control robots.

A smart computer is preferred.Artificial intelligence is naturally the best, but it needs a stronger computer core. At present, Anfeng can't find the conditions, so he can only settle for the next best thing, use graphene to make a supercomputer, and then perform bionics to make it have a certain degree of intelligence .

Manufacturing involves various materials, industrial technologies, and is complex.And after they are completed, how to use them will also involve network communication, satellite communication, etc., which is just as complicated.After much deliberation, the result is a complicated square.All have to be ground honestly from the most basic place.

The most basic is one word: patience.

An Feng happened to lack both, and he was always thinking of any shortcuts he could take.

In addition to thinking about the future in his mind, he also looks the same as usual, eating and playing, and took Joanna to New York yesterday to watch a musical and have a romantic candlelight dinner.Right now he dozed off, and woke up naturally in the afternoon, took out his phone and summoned Wang Le.

"Come out for a run!" An Feng said to him.

An Feng will feel unhappy if he doesn't toss his body. He and Joanna are good young people who pay attention to exercise and love life, so they are in good shape. People in their 29s have to pay attention.

So An Feng dragged him out and went for a run first.

An Feng told him: "If you want to have smooth lines, first remove the layer of fat on your stomach, and outdoor aerobic exercise is the most suitable."

Wang Le wore a vest and a pair of cropped trousers and ran under An Feng's supervision.

5 minute later.

"How far is it?" Wang Le asked out of breath.

An Feng was at the same speed as him, but now he didn't change his face. He raised his hand to look at the digital watch: "Hurry up, sticking to home is victory!"

10 minute later.

"How long?" Wang Le asked.

"Hurry up, stick to it for one minute now, and one more minute in bed later." An Feng encouraged.

"Ah!" Wang Le exploded his potential, "I'm working hard! Day by day, day by day!"

"Pfft!" An Feng sprayed, if you can do it day by day, I should be your apprentice...

After he finished desperately and returned to An Feng's house, An Feng gave him a new task: "Push-ups on the ground, six sets, thirty in one set, start!"

After pressing the phone for a few minutes, An Feng looked up: "Finished? Okay, five sets of bench press, one set of five, come on!"

"Can you stop talking so much at once?" Wang Le fell to the ground and couldn't move.

An Feng kicked him: "Does the world's richest man dislike you for being your fitness trainer? Obediently do what I say, and in three to five months, I will be as standard as I am! Imagine a beautiful summer: sunny beach and beauties in bikinis , but you have a beer belly, what a shame!"

"Ah! For my wife!" Wang Le shouted, "Twice a year, once a year for half a year!"

"Damn!" An Feng blurted out, this guy's goal is getting bigger and bigger.

After Wang Le finished a set of bench presses, he panted and asked, "Do you have any activities at the hunting ground in Texas next month?"

An Feng nodded: "Didn't you participate in the shooting exhibition last year? I told you that it will be more lively this year. I invested a few million just to hear it!"

Wang Le said: "Of course I remember. In fact, I have a few friends in China who are also interested in firearms. They may come over and ask for your opinion."

"No problem. Since they are your friends, they are also my guests. I promise to make their trip worthwhile." An Feng said.

While talking, the phone rang.

It was Matthew who called, and he said, "Bruce, I received a report from the research center that Dr. Keith's anti-cancer drugs have been completed?"

"Really?" An Feng thought for a while, "Oh...they told me a few days ago that it seems to be happening."

"What have you been up to lately, you even forgot such a big event?"

"It's not the beverage company's problem, there are quite a lot of procedures." An Feng said a few words casually, "Since the anti-cancer drug has come out, can you find some time to take a look?"

"No problem, let's discuss the issue of the pharmaceutical factory by the way." Matthew said.


They met at the research center two days later.

At the same time, congratulations to the experts who are still in the laboratory.

In retrospect, the years have passed, and it has been more than two years since Anfeng dug Keith's corner. I have gone a long way on the road of fighting cancer, and I have been through wind and rain. Now I finally hold the cloud and see the moonlight and win the victory. Fruit, the perfect end to what many people regard as a lifetime task.

An Feng did not hesitate to praise: "Congratulations! The world will applaud you! History will remember you! You are all heroes!"

A group of old men with an average age of 60 have been working tirelessly for two years. They are dedicated enough!
Case said with a smile on his face: "We all don't forget you, Bruce! Without your impeccable theory, we would not be able to get to where we are today! Although it was done by us, fundamentally speaking, We can all thank you for your indispensable guidance!"

An Feng congratulated each other for a few minutes.

Then Keith went to the topic: "Anticancer drugs will be divided into many types for different cancers, for skin cancer, liver cancer, bone cancer... Targeted treatment will have a more significant effect, and it is estimated that it will take three to five A course of treatment can completely cure cancer.”

An Feng said: "Very good, almost three months as I expected."

After all, Matthew is a businessman, so he asked, "What about the drug cost?"

Case glanced at him and said, "It's not too high, but I'm not in business. The cost of commercial production has to be considered by you."

From their mouths, they learned that the samples of several common cancer drugs have been released and passed the biological tests, and human experiments are now short.This also requires volunteers. Fortunately, there are living examples of the research center curing cancer, and volunteers are easy to find.

An Feng said to them: "Now you can have a holiday!"

The expressions on their faces are very relaxed. It is already a great success to reach this step. Next, you can take a long vacation for yourself, or join in the writing of group papers, or quietly wait for the Nobel Prize in the coming year.No one has been able to compete with them.

An Feng asked his assistant to bring some champagne and congratulated them in the office.

The experts put down their work and joined the celebration without distractions. During the period, they also talked about the difficulties in the research and development process, everyone's differences, and every time An Feng's magical conclusions, or the experience of scolding them when they got tired of talking... It's dumbfounding.

An Feng is embarrassed, can these old beauties save me some face?This should be spread, how can I mess around with a group of [-]-year-olds if I say dirty words to them?
When the experts were immersed in joy, An Feng did not forget to check the safety work of the research center. Although it is useless to take the medicine away now, after all, the ingredients are too complicated. The experts spent two years under An Feng's guidance. Can a broken human machine handle it?

Finally, An Feng sat with Matthew.

The content of the chat is of course the issue of shareholding ratio. A long time ago, Anfeng's private team calculated that if the pharmaceutical factory was controlled by the Sinclair family, and taking into account long-term development factors, the value of 55% of the shares would be between 350 and 400. Between US$[-] billion, the main way is replacement.

However, the authorization of the research center must be obtained first.

The pharmaceutical factory wants to produce anti-cancer drugs. According to the original agreement, it has to pay 25% of the sales profits of anti-cancer drugs every year.An Feng holds 70% of the shares in the research center, which means he can get 17.5% of the net profit. He actually takes 16%, and the remaining 1.5% is the share of the R&D team within five years.

After all, the experts have paid so much, so they deserve some share.Don't underestimate this 1.5%. When the sales profit is 100 billion, they will have 1.5 million. The global cancer market is more than 800 billion, and the profit is expected to be more than 150 billion, which is still increasing every year.

Here is the authorization, and then there is the share of the pharmaceutical factory.

Since the close cooperation, An Feng read the information of Xin's Energy, and after learning about his family background, he was very interested in the replacement of shares.In terms of value, it is about 2000 billion US dollars. If it goes public, as a high-quality enterprise and the core of a consortium, its market value is only high or not low.

Matthew asked him, "How about the consideration?"

An Feng gave a reply: "Same as the result of the last discussion, I think there must be other people in the consortium who want to take some shares, so I will take 45% and leave the rest to you. Replace Xinshi Energy with 55% of the shares 15% of the shares, you pay me an additional 30 billion in cash."

Matthew said: "I will submit this proposal. As long as the effect of anticancer drugs is as good as expected, there is no problem in cooperation."

In fact, 15% of the shares is already very, very high. According to what he learned, Matthew actually only has 6% of the shares, Bazel is higher, with 8%, Mrs. Sinclair 25%, plus other family members, the company 51% of the shares are in the hands of Sinclair, which is a veritable family business.

Calculated in this way, Anfeng can enjoy 61% of the sales share of anti-cancer drugs, and also took a 15% stake in Xinshi Energy, and 30 billion in cash.Although the other party is responsible for the management, the actual production authorization is still in their own hands, which is very worthwhile.

(End of this chapter)

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