Chapter 240 Appearance

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An Feng prefers to combine his interests with the consortium. He knows that his foundation is weak and his experience is not enough. Only through continuous cooperation with big families can he develop firmly.Therefore, it is worth it in the long run for him to take the shares of Xinshi Energy to realize the bundling of interests.

However, we have to wait a few months for the specific anti-cancer drugs, and it will not be available until February next year at the earliest.An Feng could only wait patiently for the result of their discussion.Matthew, Bazel, and the old lady are all inclined to him. There is a saying that the minority obeys the majority, and it is not a big problem.

With the breakthrough of cancer drugs, the major research projects of the research center have come to an end. An Feng is thinking about other things. In order to prevent natural disasters, he needs to solve all difficult and miscellaneous diseases. probability of this.

It is also considered a merit to make terminal and incurable diseases disappear from the earth.

In addition, he was going to give GP a task: a supercomputer.

Different from the current supercomputer, graphene will be faster. The research and development team will also cooperate with the research center to conduct a bionic research, imitating the way of thinking of the human brain, and create a machine with certain intelligence.But this has to be classified as confidential and not used publicly.

That is, it is only for the company. Anyway, when the big boss speaks, who knows if he is using it for playing games or something else?His casual sentence "for technology research and development" is enough to make everyone shut up.With his professional strength, in the researcher's heart, he was almost deified.

Research and development is very expensive, but not all of it is spent on him. He holds 51% of the shares, so naturally he uses 51% of the money, and the rest of the funds are naturally borne by the shareholders.

An Feng finally tasted the sweetness of the consortium.


on the other hand.

His new company was registered, called "Anshi Industries".

Industry promotes human progress and is an important link in measuring a country's level of development.Today, the concept of "industry" is no longer as monotonous as machine tools and machinery as people imagined.The scope of future industries is broad, including electronics, biology, aerospace, energy, new materials...all of them.

Therefore, Ans Industries removed the overlapping part of the research center and GP company, and was responsible for the research and development of new materials, intelligent machinery, nuclear energy and solar energy, and space technology.Industrial companies want to lay the foundation for other technologies, which is also the next-generation technology needed for the all-round development of Anfeng.

In the past, he didn't care, just wanted to make some composite materials and 3D printers, but now it's different, since he has huge advantages, he simply took them out and developed them secretly - after the supercomputer is built, store the information in his mind in it, reduce risk of exposure.

After all, a person who knows everything and is proficient in everything is too shocking.

An Feng needs to find an agent—virtual.After the "holographic three-dimensional projection" can be formed in a fake and real way, a non-existent character can be simulated by using a supercomputer, and this knowledge can be taught, or you can learn by yourself, but change your image to become a "primary school teacher".

For the many technologies he will develop, agents must exist, otherwise not only will he be busy, but he may also be regarded as a rare animal. The experiment on mice is completely persecuted by delusional people. Geniuses always receive special attention.

He didn't want that.


In November, An Feng and Joanna appeared in London.

Joanna, who was busy at the end of the semester, came here on weekends. This is a foundation event. Since it is the first time, it is of great significance and requires the chairman of the foundation to appear.The reason why they couldn't refuse and invited them from the United States was that the foundation had made achievements in children with autism.

After the Elizabeth Charitable Foundation received 800 million pounds of funds, according to the foundation's management charter, half of it was used for business investment, and the current focus is on machine companies; In the research and development of the treatment of autism, he also sponsored five children with autism free of charge. After two months of treatment with the new method, they achieved good results and attracted attention.

An Feng learned about the process on the plane. The foundation spent 20 pounds to fund a research group on autism and came up with a set of non-drug behavior training methods. Then the foundation donated another [-] pounds for free for five people with autism. Autistic children are offered therapy with very good results.

Joanna is also happy, the development direction of the foundation is very good.

Seeing her happy, An Feng said, "I've heard that doing good deeds is a manifestation of accumulating merit, and giving someone a glass of water will also be rewarded by the kingdom of heaven."

Joanna shook her head: "No, what you are talking about is Catholicism, which excessively pursues fame and fortune, and distorts the essential meaning of doing good deeds, just like their indulgences. Protestant deeds of kindness are spontaneous, a manifestation of rebirth and salvation, not merit, It has no saving power in itself."

"Sorry, I misremembered." To be honest, An Feng couldn't tell the difference between those who also read the Bible and believed in God, the difference between Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or Protestantism, and the subdivisions, such as Protestantism. Where are the differences among denominations such as Luther, Calvin, and the Anglican Church?

"It doesn't matter." Joanna understands her non-religious husband very well. "I don't think the opinions of the outside world are important. Doing good things to make yourself happy is the most important thing."

"Hey, maybe you should start a new sect!" An Feng joked.

"Bold!" she laughed.


When we landed in London, it was much colder in California, and it was still drizzling. This time, the Anfeng sports car did not drive, so we took the pick-up car sent by the foundation, an ordinary Audi A5.In recent years, German cars have been doing well in the UK market, but American cars are well-behaved and there are no bright spots.

After arriving at the company, I took a short rest. Due to the tight schedule, I arrived in the morning, had activities in the afternoon, and had to fly back in the evening, so An Feng became a gentleman with an umbrella to protect her from the rain, watching Joanna and the members of the council During the exchange, An Feng looked serious and did not speak.

The restaurant near the lunch is settled, and the car departs on time in the afternoon.The place is located in a mental illness treatment center in London. When they arrived, the five children and their parents had already arrived, and the autism specialist in charge of treating them was arranging special interactive games for them.

Autism is also known as "autism". It is generally a group of people who are unwilling to speak, have communication barriers, or have other abnormal behavior patterns. There are not many people suffering from the disease in the world, and the UK is relatively high. No wonder they were so indifferent in their childhood.

Joanna communicated with the parents and experts. Regarding the children's various problems, the parents were talking, the experts were explaining, and Joanna was listening.

When the five children faced this strange woman they met for the first time, they still had some stage fright.But Joanna was very patient, and squatted down to communicate with them cordially. Even though she said five sentences, the other party might not answer a sentence, but remember the previous teaching, be patient... Finally, she asked them if they like to stare and turn When the electric fan was still painting, a little girl said weakly: "I like painting."

"Excuse me, can you show me your work?" Joanna smiled, speaking softly and kindly.

The little girl nodded, and everyone applauded her.

The expert explained on the side: "Usually this kind of performance means that she has taken the first step, which will play a very critical role in promoting future healing."

The little girl sat on the side, painting like no one else, and seemed to pour out her inner world on the brush and drawing paper. It took half an hour for a colorful and somewhat impressionistic painting, and she stopped when she was done. After the battle between Fantian and Ren, he looked back at Joanna.

"Can I see it?" Joanna asked, her words and demeanor were tactful and gracious.

The little girl nodded and handed her the paper.

"Please allow me to praise, this is a beautiful, colorful and very layered world!" Joanna said, she was not completely polite, because after she finished speaking, she pointed to one of them and asked: "How many times did you draw?" The line should be a rainbow scattered by sunlight, right?"

The little girl opened her eyes wide. It was obvious that Joanna had hit her heart. She nodded happily and said, "Yes."

"Great!" Joanna smiled, "Can you give it to me?"

"Yes, ma'am!" The little girl looked happier.

Joanna accepted her gift and was about to stand up when the little girl said for the first time, "You are beautiful, madam."

"Thank you, dear." Joanna smiled sincerely.

The little girl's parents were also happy, and they took the initiative to do things and talk in just half an hour, which proved that the treatment was very effective.I am also very grateful to Joanna and the foundation for their kind deeds. Although the whole event was not grand, and even the children were a little quiet, they have taken the initiative before and after. This small step means that they are on the road to overcoming autism. A big step, and one to celebrate.

After the event, Joanna was in a good mood and the council followed her advice to continue funding the research group to help people overcome autism.

After the debut, follow the low-key return journey.

A seemingly inadvertent event, but it has attracted a lot of attention.

The social networking site of the foundation published activity photos, promoting the scientific treatment of autism funded and achieved a lot of achievements, and there is also an activity photo of the foundation chairman Joanna.That day she was wearing a dark coat, a long skirt and short boots, a black round-brimmed hat and gloves, and she showed a very subtle smile in front of the camera, completely looking like a British noble lady in the early twentieth century.

The result was a fire.

The thing is quite coincidental. One is that the UK is also paying attention to autism recently, and is very concerned about the news of the results; the other is naturally that the heroine has temperament.

An Feng read the message, in addition to praising the research results, there are also many people who praise her, most of them are British, some people praise her for embodying a model of nobility and elegance, presumably it is a rich lady or something... An Feng read it Happy.The photos are indeed very elegant, and the temperament is natural.

After watching it a few times, Joanna was very photogenic, but unfortunately she was too low-key and didn't say a few words during the whole process. Those who didn't understand thought she was a bodyguard.But after all, it is a foundation bearing her name, so naturally it wants to make the chairman show off.To put it bluntly, in the future, you will have to rely on these titles to change titles.

(End of this chapter)

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