Chapter 247 Pure Electric Plan

Before Christmas, An Feng brought his wife to the appointment on time.

I made an appointment before coming here, so as soon as I got off the plane, there was a special car to pick me up. This time it was a silver-gray Bentley and two Land Rover. The bodyguards in black opened the doors and the driver helped them with their luggage.The two got into the car, with the Land Rover leading the way, followed by the Bentley and drove out of the airport.

Mrs. Sinclair's standard of receiving guests is very high, maybe it is the rigor of a British butler, who pays attention to details and etiquette everywhere.The convoy drove steadily on the road, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. On both sides of the road were vast farmlands and occasional running horses. The scenery was beautiful and the country atmosphere was strong.

Compared with the barren Midwest of Texas, this area is surrounded by mountains and rivers and is full of greenery. Except for the different climate, it is somewhat similar to the scenery in the UK.

When there were rows of towering trees on the side of the road, An Feng knew that he had arrived at his destination.

The convoy drove on the private road, drove for a few minutes, and stopped in front of the main building after crossing the verdant green lawn and the lake as flat as a mirror.A row of male and female servants stood at the main entrance as usual, while the master stood in front, and on her right hand side were the children and grandchildren, and the reception was grand.

The car stopped and the door was opened by the servant.

An Feng and Joanna got out of the car, and the servant went to get the luggage, while Mrs. Sinclair stepped forward: "Welcome both of you!"

An Feng smiled and shook hands with the old lady: "Thank you for your grand hospitality! The environment here is getting more and more beautiful, full of vitality everywhere."

While An Feng was chatting with the old lady, Joanna also greeted the others with a smile on her face.When the butler, who was watching the words and expressions, felt that it was all right, he led the way and invited everyone into the house.Everyone walked into the hall while chatting, the servants retreated, and the welcome ended.


Every time An Feng comes as a guest, he can feel the strong British feelings.

This kind of heritage cannot be buried even in the funny America in the eyes of the British, or even in a barren place like Texas.Afterwards, it was said that except for the original British butler, the other servants were carefully selected and professionally trained, and some even traveled across the ocean.

After the luggage was settled, it was afternoon. At the invitation of the old lady, we had afternoon tea in the backyard garden and chatted by the way.

The old lady looked very good, and she couldn't think of her sickness a year ago at all.Now people feel full of energy and vitality, and the conversation is also very interesting. For example, when the servant counted the wrong dishes just now, the cold British humor in her mouth came out unconsciously: "I have lived in the United States for so long. They count like this: 'One, two, three, four, another, another, another...'."

An Feng froze, it was so cold.

Joanna said: "Even though the world has promoted the metric system, Americans who insist on imperial units are indeed a little bit deficient in arithmetic."

The old lady nodded in agreement.

Talking about today's Internet, the old lady is also fashionable and proficient in surfing the Internet, so she said again: "I recently tried Wikipedia, and found that besides the "English" option, there is also "simple English". Just weird, doesn't it mean 'Americans please order this'?"

An Feng laughed again, fortunately there were no Americans around, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Cold humor is the nature of the British, and it belongs to this group of depressed and even neurotic people who often use teasing, sarcasm or self-deprecating.After communicating with the old lady, you have to admire her quick thinking.Fortunately for An Feng, Joanna is quite normal.

But there are exceptions... For example, last time she asked herself: "How do you convince the Americans to participate in a war?"

An Feng couldn't answer, so she said, "Tell them the war will end soon."

You see.


As a religious festival, Christmas is very grand in the West. Christmas trees are hung, turkeys are roasted, and the family gathers at the dining table to share a warm dinner.Except for eating, you don't need to do anything else. There are servants standing behind you to ensure that the guests' wine glasses or plates are always full.

After dinner, they went back to their study to chat.

People came together, in addition to Bazel and Matthew's family, the eldest daughter Christine, and Mr. Sinclair's brother were also present.In addition to talking about the family, it also talked about the work after the year.Now that the presidential election is over and the consortium has gained power, it is indeed necessary to seize the opportunity.

Bazel talked about the development of GP and the competition between GP Energy and the traditional oil field. He suggested that GP Energy should prepare for listing after another year of brewing.Even if the company is rich, the fastest way to attract funds is to go public, especially if the GP company has stronger technology.

Bazel analyzed: "The current two subsidiaries are licensed by GP. They are only responsible for production and have no core technology R&D department. To some extent, as long as GP interrupts the authorization or no longer provides technology, Subsidiaries will struggle. Under this premise, the development of subsidiaries can be very fast, and their success or failure will not have a fatal impact on the parent company."

This is what An Feng insisted on at the beginning. After the company is listed, under the condition of absolute control, the giant can buy only 49%, which cannot shake the control.In the event of a price drop or other changes, the subsidiary can be discarded at any time, after all, the technology is with the head office.

In the same way, in the production of anti-cancer drugs, the research center also holds the power of life and death.At present, the pharmaceutical factory is only a cooperation between Sinclair and An Feng, but there is no guarantee that there will be other situations in the future, but the possibility is very small. After all, this is a profitable industry, and no one is stupid.

They concluded that the current major investment of the consortium, and with the funding provided by three super profitable companies, it is necessary to continue to expand the manufacturing field, and even the oil industry can slow down and turn to other promising things, such as investment automobile industry.

Matthew's idea is very favorable to Anfeng. He said: "I suggest that GP should acquire some European car brands when the funds are sufficient. According to the current market, the cost of super batteries is relatively high, so it is suitable for high-end cars. , our strategy is correspondingly high-end cars.”

An Feng agreed: "I think some sports cars are fine. If you are familiar with cars, you will understand the lethality of electric motors on gasoline engines. As long as there is enough power and a reasonable battery layout, its performance will be better than that of gasoline engines." The car is better and stronger."

"But which brands specifically?" Bazel asked.

This is not to say that if you have money, you will sell it, especially if some brands are overvalued in the market. With the current GP company's foundation, although it has a little money, it is not yet rich and powerful-and if you start late, you will miss it. Time to capitalize on the buzz around premium EVs.

There are many problems here, An Feng thought for a while, and said: "Let me give you an alternative, Porsche, Maserati or Aston Martin, choose one. The three produce both luxury cars and sports cars. The first two Both of them are involved in professional events and have high sales in the United States.”

International crude oil prices continue to rise, and pure electric vehicles are definitely the future trend. Today, when GP Energy promotes automobile transformation, if you seize the opportunity to acquire automobile brands and take advantage of GP Energy's own advantages, there is a great chance to form a new profit items.

The most critical part of a pure electric vehicle is the battery.

Batteries are not a problem at all for GP, because there is no problem with the development of pure electric vehicles.

After hearing this, Matthew said, "It's a very good idea, and we will focus on it."

In addition to planning a wider range of money in An Feng's mind, he also wants to satisfy his curiosity. After acquiring a big brand, he can naturally modify it according to his own opinions, such as developing a more powerful motor, holding some novel electric car competitions, etc. Wait.

Bazel also gave his opinion: "According to the popularity of Tesla in the market today, the European and Asian markets cannot be ignored. Regarding the aesthetics of vehicles, perhaps European cars are more popular, so in the case of GP Energy's insufficient funds Now, the family can also contribute.”


In addition to the development of GP, there is also the matter of pharmaceutical factories.The old lady is very optimistic about anti-cancer drugs. After all, she has personally experienced the technology of the research center. An Feng exchanged 55% of the shares of the pharmaceutical factory for 15% of Xin's Energy. She has no objection, which is also a bundle of interests to some extent.

An Feng wanted to tie them together, and Sinclair also wanted to win An Feng over.Therefore, the problem of reciprocal cooperation is not a big problem. As long as the tested drugs have sufficient effects and pass the FDA test, funds and shares can be prepared immediately to achieve the goal of win-win cooperation for both parties.

The pharmaceutical factory Anfeng only holds 45% of the shares, but in fact he holds 70% of the shares in the research center. The authorization of the pharmaceutical factory is on the research center side. According to the agreement, it needs to pay 25% of the profit dividend every year. Fundamentally speaking , An Feng still holds the fate of anticancer drugs in his hands.


In the new year, the consortium gained power again, and there were many things. As a core member of the consortium, An Feng, although he didn't participate in many activities, he had key voting rights on major matters.For example, he has the power to veto the plan for GP to acquire a car brand.

Anderson's advantages after being elected must be fully utilized. The old lady has gradually let go. Now that she is in good health, she has passed the burden of the family to her descendants. It is said that she plans to return to the UK for the New Year and catch up with old friends whom she has not seen for many years.After the hustle and bustle of Christmas, everyone went their separate ways.

An Feng didn't go back to California, but went directly to New York.

First take two sets of dresses, as well as the ladies' watch that was customized last time.On the cruise ship, you have to attend the reception dinner on the ship, and as the hostess, you don't have a bit of style.Then go for a new look, Joanna wants to curl her hair a little more and look better with a new dress... while An Feng just reads magazines.

Some also talked about transportation fashion, such as the trend of electric vehicles.It's like the iPhone in An Feng's hands. If you only watch the time and make a few calls every day, its standby time is more than half a month, but it only takes half an hour to charge.Even if the price is slightly higher than the regular version, it is still fashionable.

Similarly, electric cars are also popular, but the sales of American cars in Europe are not very good, and the aesthetics are different. Tesla is only relying on super batteries to expand sales, and it has to face competition from other brands. European car companies They have sent people to the United States to negotiate business with GP Energy.

Electric vehicles are already an unstoppable future trend, especially as Sinclair predicts that oil prices will continue to rise this year. The battle for the market has already begun, and those who seize the opportunity will make crazy money.An Feng made a super battery, so there is no need to let go of the electric car.

(End of this chapter)

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