Chapter 248 Private Resort

Experienced as a tourist, An Feng is satisfied with the various entertainment items on the cruise ship, and the food is also very good. It is good to focus on luxury. At present, there are about 4000 tourists on board and 1350 crew members, reaching a ratio of 1:3 The numerical ratio is basically on call.

Back to the room after dinner, the talented waiters even folded their sheets into cute images such as elephants, puppies or turtles, which are very pleasing to women.The luxury suites are cleaned three times a day, once in the morning, at noon and at night, so that tourists have no privacy, but they feel comfortable.

Lying on a soft and comfortable bed with the sea breeze blowing that night, An Feng gave a high score to the first day of the journey. He has high requirements for the environment. If he is also satisfied, more than [-]% of the people will be satisfied.A good start and a reflection of the excellent management of Oceanic Lines.

The next morning.

Looking at the sea view, I was too lazy to have breakfast, so I picked up the phone and called room service. Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and the food was brought to them, where they sat on the edge of the bed to eat.When the waiters cleaned up, they recorded their favorite dishes, hoped for any improvement, whether it will be the same tomorrow morning, and so on.

An Feng mentioned several he likes, and then asked: "Miss, do tourists in this area have this kind of treatment, or do all tourists have it?"

The delivery lady said: "Visitors in every area can make requests in this regard, and we will try to make everyone feel comfortable and relaxed."

An Feng said: "The company's requirements are quite strict, right?"

She smiled: "A little bit. But large cruise ships are demanding, especially this kind of cruise ships that require five-star service."

"Thank you, you deserve it." An Feng took out several ten-dollar bills and handed them to her. She accepted them happily and thanked her several times.

After being lazy for another ten minutes, I went to shower after digesting, and it was past eight o'clock when I came out.Everyone got up early, and some of them went out to watch the sunrise. The daily activity schedule and sunrise time were shown on the TV, and they even provided itinerary reminder services thoughtfully.

There are more detailed items in the manual, both on board and after docking, the itinerary of more than ten days will not be monotonous.When he was looking for something to play, Lisa suggested: "Let's go to the top floor to exercise? The food provided by the cruise ship is too rich and complicated, and it is easy to gain weight."

An Feng has also heard that the food on a luxury cruise ship is so good, with many varieties, it can be called a foodie paradise, so it is normal to gain five or six catties after a trip, and proper exercise is necessary.At this time, Joanna also recommended Secret Treasure: "I recommend HG's over-the-counter diet pills to you."

"I've heard people say, does it work?" Lisa took the box.

Joanna advertised: "Very good. Bruce said that there is no harm to the body. You only need to exercise properly. It doesn't matter if you let it go. I use some occasionally. Of course, I usually drink bitter mineral water, especially when exercising. Afterwards, it’s very helpful for plasticity.”

"Really?" Lisa and Joanna walked ahead and chatted.

An Feng shrugged at Wang Le, and accompanied them to the top deck. There were quite a few of them. There were several coaches on the stage teaching everyone to dance a simple fitness dance. The audience was very enthusiastic, allowing tourists from other countries to experience the American attitude The love of sports, at least hundreds of people dance to the music.

They also joined the team, twisting their bodies, burning fat in the mild sunlight.An Feng doesn't have much fat, and Joanna is also very healthy, but Wang Le is having a great time. Now this guy is most afraid that he will become fat, and he won't be good enough for his slender and hot wife.


According to the boat track, it is a long-line trip to the Eastern Caribbean. There are many island countries along the way, all of which are beautiful and can be called a paradise. Just like St. Kitts Island, the natural landscape is outstanding and maintains a certain degree of primitiveness. Most of the islands are black people. First, tourism revenue is an important part of GDP.

Sailing is basically a day on the boat and a day on the shore. It can combine work and rest. Those novel and beautiful islands and beaches have become adventure places that everyone yearns for. a happy thing.

An Feng experienced some activities on the shore. The tile-blue ocean and the golden-white beach are a perfect match. There is also a snorkeling area with a suitable depth. Holding Joanna's hand and exploring underwater together is a must-do for couples. Touch the colorful fish and underwater plants with your own hands.

After floating up, An Feng took off the mask and wiped off the water on his face. Joanna shook her wet hair back like a goddess, facing the sun, every movement was very beautiful, An Feng looked tempted, He stepped forward and hugged her and kissed her, her crisp laughter kept coming.

Taking off the snorkeling equipment, he took her back to the beach. On the way, he said, "The beach is really nice. I have plans to develop a resort in St. Kitts."

"Like Royal Caribbean's private island?" Joanna asked.

"Well, don't you think it's very good? It can be managed in a unified manner and more entertainment projects can be designed. As far as I know, not all the income of cruise ships is on board, and there are various activities and entertainment expeditions to land on islands. It's like just now The snorkeling we play, tourists always pay a lot of money."

Joanna said: "The beaches on the south coast of St. Kitts are very nice, but they are not properly developed."

"So I want to try." An Feng and she came under the umbrella, greeted the black waiter on the shore, gave him the boat card, and asked for two iced cocktails.

Joanna said: "As your diplomat and donor, there should be no problem, and St. Kitts Island is also in the Eastern Caribbean region. You must know that this is the most popular route in the world. Not only us, other cruise ships The company's eyes are on this sea area!"

"After the cruise ship docks, I'll discuss it with Sanqi." An Feng said, taking the colorful cocktails handed over by the black man, and tipping him another five dollars.

"You will make a great contribution." Joanna took a sip and stuck out her tongue, "Oh, I was deceived by its bright appearance, the degree is so high."

"Is there?" An Feng tried it, and it was indeed a little bit, especially the ice cubes paralyzed the taste. If you don't drink well, you will be fainted after a glass.

"I still like fruit wine on St. Kitts Island." She said, "It's also a special item."

"Smart." An Feng smiled, raised his chin and looked ahead, "Look at the two of them, how happy they are!"

On the beach, Wang Le was running with his wife on his back and several other foreigners with foreign horses on their backs, surrounded by spectators, who were constantly shouting and excited.

When the race was over, Wang Le and Lisa came back panting. An Feng asked with a smile, "Did you just play Zhu Bajie's back-wife race?"

"Why did you add the words 'Zhu Bajie'?" Wang Le said sensitively.

"Haha." An Feng smiled.

"It's a beach triathlon: zipline, swimming, and sprinting on a girl's back," Lisa explained, "but he's too dumb to take first place."

"I almost died of exhaustion." Wang Le took a sip of juice, and added: "I almost died from the sun too! No, I have to use SPF50, PA+++ sunscreen."

An Feng was speechless after hearing this: "You might as well wrap yourself up like a mummy!"

"Good idea!" Wang Le unexpectedly picked it up, "There will be a masquerade party tomorrow night, and I'm considering whether to have a special look."

An Feng: "..."


There were many activities on board. An Feng’s companion, Joanna, attended an elegant concert in formal attire. Like other gentlemen and ladies in formal attire, she was immersed in Schubert’s wonderful melody and cultivated her sentiments...or occasionally went to At the bar, have a drink to relax.

Halfway through the journey, the Sapphire stopped at St. Kitts.

St. Kitts Island also often has cruise ships docking, and the deep-water port of Basseterre can accommodate large-tonnage cruise ships.When we disembarked, the attractions brochure stated that this place is a newly opened destination, with authentic Caribbean style and cozy villa resorts, as well as a standard [-]-par golf course.

To be honest, this island is not as good as the nearby St. Thomas, not in terms of natural beauty, but in terms of development.In terms of natural scenery, the islands in the Eastern Caribbean have their own advantages.After getting off the boat, An Feng did not go to the resort on the island with the tourists, but chose to travel by car.

He wanted to explore the southern coast of St. Kitts.

Driving along the flat road, there is a hillside in front of us. According to the driver, it is about 160 meters high, and there is a winding road to go there.When the car reached the top of the mountain, An Feng asked to stop and take a look.Standing on the side of the road overlooking the beach below the mountain.

"This location is very good. You can design a zipline directly to the foot of the mountain. Moreover, the beach is not polluted. It is at least 500 meters long and the surrounding land is flat. It is an excellent choice for a resort." An Feng saw it and had he seen it before? There are so many different regions, I am very satisfied.

The point is that it's not being developed and it gives the designer a chance to be creative.In addition, he is an official of his own country, and he is familiar with the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Defense... All senior officials will give him the convenience of a rich man who donates millions of dollars every year, as can be seen from the last time he bought a tank as a toy.

He currently wants to have a private leisure area just like the Royal Caribbean, which is exclusively open to the company's tourists, as a gimmick to increase attractiveness-the ultimate goal is naturally to increase revenue.Although his advantage in the tourism industry is not great, it is also considered a personal interest.

In addition to building robots, he also likes to plan his own leisure resort.Traveling around the world and enjoying the beautiful scenery is one of his goals, especially in the case that he may not be able to enjoy it in the future... After the driver drove down the mountain and arrived at the beach, he went barefoot to experience it.

"Very good!" An Feng grabbed the sand on the ground, "It's just not fine enough, so try to transport some over here and lay a layer here... In addition to the beach, the sea water here is very good, there are both shallow water and deep water, A resort can be built behind this.”

(End of this chapter)

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