Chapter 250 Search
An Feng knew that its functions were far more than that.

Room temperature superconductivity is currently an "impossible" concept. The latest technology of superconductivity also needs to be realized at ultra-low temperatures of minus [-] to [-] degrees Celsius. Scientists are working hard to find high-temperature superconductivity (relative to low temperatures, high temperatures are also below zero).Room-temperature superconductivity is the ultimate dream.

Superconductors have many functions, such as superconducting power generation, power transmission, and power storage, as well as maglev trains, superconducting computers, or controllable nuclear fusion reactions, magnetic fluids, electromagnetic pulse bombs... Humans have a great demand for superconductors, and its market is growing. Straight-line growth, last year was estimated to be 2000 billion US dollars.

But there is a premise: low temperature environment.

Only by using liquid nitrogen or a stronger catalyst to control the temperature at minus [-] to [-] degrees Celsius can superconductivity be realized, which is too expensive to be popularized at all.If there is a high-temperature superconductor, or even a room-temperature superconductor in the concept, it will definitely trigger a new revolution in technology and affect the whole world.

With the strong magnetism of superconductors, the magnetic field can confine the plasma of nuclear fusion, making controllable nuclear fusion possible.

There are also ultra-high-efficiency generators and cables. Superconductivity means no resistance, which means zero loss in the entire transmission process.We must know that the loss rate of long-distance power supply in the world is about 8%, and energy is wasted. If superconducting power transmission technology can be used, the efficiency will be doubled.

Even for quantum computers, artificial intelligence has gradually surfaced after nuclear fusion has the premise. The key material is a superconductor with a sufficiently high temperature (still below zero). Now directly give him a room temperature superconductor, which is simply a godsend. With one stroke, the problem is solved.


The stone obtained by accident has become the biggest gain in the journey.

The black man couldn't understand its scientific value, but An Feng knew very well that many technologies in his head would use superconductors, strong magnetic fields constrain controllable nuclear fusion, and zero resistance prevent energy from being lost... Strong current applications, weak current applications Or diamagnetic applications are superior.

In terms of influence, superconductors will be even broader than graphene.Room-temperature superconductivity is a far-off concept, but now that there is a room-temperature superconducting metal substance in hand, An Feng only needs to go back to the laboratory to analyze its composition, and maybe there is a way to imitate it.

Joanna was confused when she heard it, and she asked, "Wait, is it because the temperature is too high that it cannot float in the scorching St. Kitts Island?"

An Feng said: "The local temperature is maintained above 32 degrees Celsius all year round. Superconductors need to be in a low-temperature environment, and room-temperature superconductors also follow the law. I estimate that superconductivity will only occur at low temperatures, and the black man said that it is at night, and the temperature may drop. a lot of."

She still didn't understand, and said, "Why don't you go there to mine ore as soon as possible?"

An Feng smiled: "Room-temperature superconductors must be very rare. If they were everywhere, then St. Kitts Island would have been famous all over the world. This may be the only one in the world. Even if there are still, the local transportation is inconvenient and mining is difficult. With great fanfare, it is easy to leak the wind.”

"But you've got to be first," she said.

"That's right." An Feng nodded, "I'll go back in a few days to discuss the development of the local area, and I'm going to find that black man to find out where it came from."


An Feng and Joanna returned to California.

It would be a little troublesome to bring such an unknown piece of metal on the plane privately. Fortunately, An Feng traveled by private jet, which saved the cumbersome security checks.After returning to San Rafael, Joanna continued her senior year as a senior.Basically, it is a pattern of fishing for two days and drying the net for three days.

An Feng left the superconductor behind and set off with his assistant.

The job of the country's prime minister is equivalent to that of the mayor of the United States, and there are many assistants, so the job is very easy. It is said that he has the same hobby as O'Hei, and often plays golf.

An Feng exchanged pleasantries with Sang Qi first, feeling that the Prime Minister has been busy with official duties recently, and he got a lot of tan for playing golf for the people... Then he got to the topic.For the investment in the southern area, Anfeng wants to treat it as a private resort of Ocean Shipping, and the company's brand is exclusive to it.

Sanqi read the plan given by Jim, put it away and said: "There were people who wanted to invest in that area before, but they didn't reach an agreement."

An Feng understood: "Your Excellency, I will definitely give you a suitable price."

"Sir, this time we will definitely give you the greatest convenience." San Qi said with a smile.

An Feng also smiled, is it to give convenience to the dollar?

But it's the easiest way to be straightforward. After the discussion is over, I will go to the local area with Sanqi again.After specific measurement, the beach facing the Atlantic Ocean is 800 meters long, the sand quality is average, but the natural and pollution-free sea water is very clear, the surrounding land is flat, and there are oceans on both sides.

According to the operation mode of luxury resorts, the shops built locally are linked to the company, and some employees can also be stationed here.In addition, the development of alpine ziplines, shallow sea snorkeling, or motorboat swimming, seaside surfing and other entertainment projects can also be very rich.

Except for the Sapphire, future cruises can choose the route here. Don’t worry about repeating it. The Eastern Caribbean is the most popular route. Dozens of cruise ships run here, and no one says they’re tired of it. Except for the distance, they don’t have an advantage. , but can be compensated by speeding up the voyage.

After Jim recorded the plan, An Feng did the second thing.

"Looking for someone?" Sanchi asked.

"Yes, I met him a few times in the resort area. He once sold me some things. Who is going to prepare a birthday present for the child." An Feng said.

"It's simple, I will arrange a guide who is familiar with the local area to help you." Sanqi said.

"Thank you." An Feng said.


It is not difficult to find a person in the small island country. After the local guide went to the resort to inquire, he learned who the guy who mysteriously sold the "God Stone" to tourists was. It only took half a day to find him in the northern city. At the door of the house, the car stopped and the horn sounded.

A black uncle came out of the house.

He looked at An Feng in amazement. Although ten days had passed, he still had a clear impression of the guy who bought the sacred stone, and it was a pity to think about it now.

The guide turned to An Feng and asked, "Is that him? Sir?"

An Feng nodded: "Yes."

The guide smiled and said, "Weber, this gentleman is looking for you. He is the distinguished guest of Prime Minister Sanchi and our country's diplomat in China."

Hearing An Feng's name, Wei Bo asked hesitantly, "What's the matter?"

"Speaking in the house?" An Feng asked.

Weber hurriedly opened the yard fence and invited everyone in.

The house is very simple, just like the houses of other local residents, there is only a ceiling fan in the hall that shakes feebly and makes a creaking sound.Weber asked them to sit down on the wooden chairs, and then An Feng said, "Mr. Weber, I think you know me."

Weber nodded.

An Feng said: "I came to you to find out if you still have the stone from that day?"

Wei Bo looked at An Feng and didn't answer right away.

An Feng explained: "The thing is like this, my wife found it's magic and liked it very much, so I want to prepare some for her as a gift."

After hearing this, Wei Bo heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and shook his head: "I said that the sacred stone is unique, and there is only one piece."

The guide was very disdainful: "Stop bragging, when I asked about it just now, everyone said that you are groping for a stone as a treasure all day long, and it may not be possible to earn much money."

Weber's face turned red. Although his face was very dark, he could still see a little.

An Feng took out a copy of Franklin from his wallet and put it on the table: "Then tell me where I found it."

Weber looked at the hundred dollars on the table, hesitating.

An Feng put another one: "You only need to report an address."

Wei Bo stared at the money, quite moved, but still said: "You give me another two hundred, and I will take you there!"

An Feng looked at him, and Weber's position was also very firm. Finally, An Feng nodded: "Okay, four hundred dollars, take me to the place where I found it."

"Not now." Weber said after receiving the money.

"Why?" An Feng frowned.

"It's getting dark, and the place needs to climb a high mountain, and it takes a few hours to walk." Weber explained.

"Okay." An Feng said, "Well then, I'll come to you tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning, An Feng found Weber by car.

The driver drove north according to Weber's instructions. On the way, he talked about his experience: "I only discovered it by accident. I was working on the mountain that day, and it suddenly rained heavily. Floating in the rain, I took it home..."

After driving for five or six minutes, I came to the place Weber said.

He pointed to a volcano and said, "The stone should have rolled down from it. It will take at least two hours for us to climb up from here."

An Feng looked at it and said, "Lead the way."

Weber led the way, An Feng and the local guide followed.

The weather is very hot, and you will be sweating after walking for a while. Except for the sunny beach, there are no good memories in the tropical area.There is no road at all up the mountain, and they are all stepped out step by step. The speed of travel is very slow, and it takes more than two hours to reach the destination.

"That's it." Weber panted and looked at the two sweaty guys.

An Feng looked around and found that the ideal was too beautiful.The surrounding area is desolate and barren, with a dormant volcano above his head, and a pile of yellow mud and gravel at his feet. He found some at random, and they were all common stones. There was no room-temperature superconductor he wanted at all.Later, Weber was asked to dig a few holes, but he didn't find it.

The guide asked suspiciously, "Sir, do you really need these stones?"

An Feng nodded: "I like it."

The guide suggested: "Perhaps, sir, you can hire workers to look around for ones that meet the requirements, and maybe you won't necessarily find them."

An Feng didn't want to say anything at first, because once there are more people, sooner or later someone will know the origin of these strange stones. Weber discusses hiring.

In the end, an agreement was reached. For stones of the same size as last time, one can be exchanged for 500 US dollars. The larger the size, the more valuable it is. An Feng appointed Weber to buy it, and as long as he does well, he can get additional rewards.For these lucrative businesses, Weber agreed without any hesitation.

An Feng looked around again, and went back down the mountain after finding nothing.

After returning, he chatted with Sang Qi for a while, trying to find out if the local minerals could be developed, and finally the other party gave an affirmative answer.But it is very difficult to mine resources. There are not many digging tools in the local area, at most some excavators and small agricultural trucks.

An Feng regards this plan as an idea. Before confirming whether there is such a superconductor in the local area, he still focuses on small-scale exploration. After the quantity is confirmed, he will contract it and pack these extremely precious resources into in your own pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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