Chapter 251 Represents the Future
Even if he can't find anything, An Feng is not sorry, he is lucky to have a sample, and if the industrial technology is strong enough, it can be imitated.Although there are many shortcomings in the current technological environment, Anshi Industries appeared just to make up for the shortcomings in industrial technology.

After leaving the investment plan, he returned.

San Jose, in robotics.At present, An's Industry is listed here, and there are still very few employees, and it is mainly doing some recruitment plans.It will take half a year for the company building to be completed. The technology is ready, but the construction is lagging behind... An Feng decided to let a group of people learn first.

An Feng called Hoffman over and asked him, "What is the team doing recently?"

"Design drawings, improve machinery." Hoffman answered honestly.

An Feng's main purpose is not these, he asked: "Are you interested in working at the GP headquarters in Texas for a while?"

"Job-hopping?" Hoffman hesitated.

"Did you see that boss who took the initiative to invite employees to change jobs?" An Feng frowned, brother genius, use your brains in the normal world a little bit, okay?
Hoffman said: "No problem, I've wanted to go and see it for a long time."

An Feng was used to his delay, so he said: "Leave the day after tomorrow. I will give you offices and laboratories. Before the company's building is completed, you can learn more about chips and computers. If you have enough time, you can also join to the research and development of holographic projection equipment."

"I love these," Hoffman said.


This time, more than [-] people packed their luggage and set off, so An Feng finally boarded the civil aviation company.

It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced queuing up for security checks, the welcome of first-class flight mothers, and the bustling passengers around… He put on a blindfold and lay down for this journey.The plane landed at Austin Airport, and the company sent super-capacity MPVs and electric vehicles to pick them up.

The model Anfeng is riding on has been launched in North America and Europe, and it is said that the market is very good. I thought the market for products with a price of up to 15 US dollars is not big, but with its battery life of [-] kilometers, it can be quickly charged in half an hour and supercharged in [-] minutes. Feat, and finally won the favor.

On the way to the GP company, An Feng felt more and more that the workmanship of American cars was not as good as the delicate and unique European cars, and the ride experience was not as good.In some respects, high-end cars are the same as the manufacture of luxury goods. The United States can't do well, and Europe has this kind of carefulness.

So this time, in addition to his official business, he also has to cast a key vote for the acquisition of a European car brand.


The GP company building in Austin has been completed, with the highest [-] floors. It is a very large cross-shaped building. It can accommodate [-] employees to go to work. It is surrounded by green grass and green land, and an artificial lake has been dug to create a green mountain and green water. Surrounded by natural beauty.

According to the measurement data, GP's headquarters covers an area of ​​30 acres. Currently, there are two artificial lakes and five buildings - but it will soon become four, because the old buildings affect the beauty and will be demolished to build a parking lot.In fact, the current headquarters building can also be regarded as a monolithic building, because in the bird's-eye view, it is in the shape of a cross, that is, four buildings are put together to form a monolithic building.

Twelve floors are not high, but it is huge enough.The surface of the building is made of black glass curtain wall, and the wall is also equipped with electronic display functions. Both the visual effect and the architectural style are in line with the image of a high-tech company.An Feng is very satisfied with the designer's creativity, which highlights the technological features.

However, due to the consideration of the whole, the main entrance of the company is set up in a low-key position on the side. If it is not for the "GP" logo on the glass wall next to it, it would be a bit difficult to find.After parking the car, Eve opened the door, and An Feng, who was in a suit and leather shoes, got out of the car and strode forward vigorously.

He observed that the color of the gate is gradually changing. From a distance, it is the same black as the whole, but the closer you get, the more transparent it becomes. When you are a few meters in front of the gate, you can see the hall inside through the glass door. , and a few steps forward, the sensor door automatically slides open to both sides.

The hall can best reflect the culture of a company. The first impression An Feng has when he walks in is that it is clean and spacious. The marble floor under his feet is spotless and bright as a mirror.Facing the gate is the company reception desk, with several indoor plants dotted with greenery, and five dignified clerks smiling.

On the white cultural wall behind them, the company's name is written on a carbon black relief material, which echoes the graphene they developed.

Seeing An Feng's satisfied expression, Eve slowed down.

The men who came to visit were eye-opening, with a spacious style, reflecting the financial resources and strength of a large enterprise everywhere.

It feels like a future enterprise in a sci-fi movie, with the maximum application of technology, the sharp-eyed Hoffman discovered that the hall is covered with an internal wireless network, and some of the surrounding touch display devices use the most advanced graphene technology. The same goes for chips.

An Feng said: "Very good, Miss Ludlow, please continue."

Eve smiled: "This way, please. The company has a total of sixteen elevators, one of which is dedicated, and can reach any floor with high authority."

The company's special elevator also caters to the same bright black as the theme, and there are no buttons around it. When Eve stood forward, the outline of her face was scanned, and then fingerprint recognition was performed. After the two items passed, the elevator door opened , everyone walked in in an orderly manner.

The highly intelligent elevator closes the door and runs quietly after all the people come in.

Eve introduced: "The special elevator can choose a multi-purpose mode. At the highest security level, it needs to perform facial contours, passwords, and retinal scans. It can go directly to the first and second floors of the basement, and can also enter the company's confidential research department. It is in line with the Connected by security."

While visiting the company, I listened to Eve's introduction. As the headquarters and key research and development area, GP Company pays great attention to security and confidentiality work. The current security employees are all Aegis Security, including these advanced equipment.In addition, there are some core technologies developed in-house.

They experience every place that exudes high-tech charm, intelligence appears in every corner, and security monitoring is carried out quietly. There is a set of core security software that monitors the building through computers and cameras, and any hidden dangers can be detected with the utmost care. Respond quickly.

In classified departments with more than ten floors, security employees are equipped with guns around the clock. Texas' gun laws are much looser than California's. No wonder those spies couldn't get any benefits here last time.There are both intelligent system monitoring and high-end security maintenance, and the possibility of infiltration is very small.

The offices on both sides of the corridor in the office area are all made of glass walls, so that the dynamics of the employees inside can be seen from the outside.Under the leadership of Eve, he walked into one of the offices to experience it on the spot. It felt spacious and bright, with sufficient central air-conditioning heating and luxurious desks.

Eve took him to a desk and introduced: "Currently, the company's computers are already trialling microprocessors with a new architecture, and it is expected that one or two processor chips for home-use microcomputers will be released in the second half of the year. As for its performance , I recommend you to try it, sir."

"Okay." An Feng sat on a chair, surrounded by a group of onlookers.

When everyone saw the company's "first assistant" warmly receiving a Chinese, they guessed that he was most likely the company's legendary boss, founder and general technical consultant, no matter in terms of financial resources, intelligence or charisma Well, An Feng is the idol of many employees.

An Feng is very proficient in using the built-in software to perform computer floating-point calculations, π value calculations, etc. The result is a hundred times stronger than the best microprocessor on the market, and it is even more handy in various complex multi-tasking processes.The performance of the new architecture microprocessor is very satisfactory.

A female employee stepped forward and whispered, "Sir, can I take a photo with you?"

An Feng raised his head and nodded with a smile: "Okay."

Someone started it, but the enthusiasm behind it couldn't be stopped. There are more female employees in this office. In the end, it turned into a group of OLs taking pictures around the boss. It was about to be out of control. Fortunately, there were enough security guards in the company to maintain it. order, An Feng was able to escape.

This can be regarded as a relaxing time to visit.


After spending more than an hour visiting, An Feng was very satisfied, and so were the fellow employees.From the moment I stepped into the company, I felt in a trance that I had traveled to the future and lived in a sci-fi world.There are virtual robotic female voices everywhere, full touch panels everywhere, and the smooth and fast GP network... If you add a group of robots shuttling among the crowd, there is no doubt that this must be a movie!
Hoffman proposed to An Feng the idea of ​​adding machines.

An Feng said: "As long as you can do it, it's no problem to accept the control of a system after robots and intelligent computers come out."

Hoffman said: "I hope the robotics company will be like this in the future."

"Yes." An Feng said.With the presence of An's Industries, the technological level of the robot company will be even more advanced, and even make visitors doubt the reality.

Hoffman's team lives here temporarily.

His team can use the office and equipment is very sufficient, enough for them to conduct research without any worries.

GP Company has more than 1000 employees, most of whom are researchers. The situation of GP Energy and GP Electronics, which share an office building, is the opposite. There are not many technicians, but a lot of marketing and management.At present, there are more than 4000 employees working in the company, which is very spacious compared with a company that can accommodate 1 people.

An Feng also felt the atmosphere of working here.

I feel that the layout is rigorous and organized, but the actual management is very loose and there are few rules. The first is confidentiality, and the second is tasks.There is no such thing as clocking in at work, as long as you can complete the work tasks, the time is very casual, but most people are very conscious-after all, the pressure of competition is high.

As the world's leading technology company, GP represents the future.Therefore, the salary is high and the environment is good, especially in the development stage, it is easiest to stand out.Anyone who has a pursuit will strictly demand himself.Those who didn't have much pursuit were gradually dismissed, making the company a virtuous cycle.

(End of this chapter)

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