Chapter 253
An Feng has to use part of his money for development, because the situation is different now, and he can't spend it as he used to. He needs to keep at least half of it to invest in business and seek more benefits.But to be honest, investing in business is far from being as beneficial as investing in yourself, at least he can guarantee a steady profit.

He has considered saving more money to buy large companies at one time, such as the luxury goods industry that Joanna likes, but this requires that it be collected within a year, otherwise he will pay huge taxes... After much deliberation, it is currently impossible to Earning so much a year still has to be considered later.

While he was slowly thinking about how to spend his money, his other work, the composition of room temperature superconductors, is currently analyzing its composition. Many unknown compounds have appeared, and the analysis may take a long time... just throw the superconductors at him. on the ground.

Put this thing on the second floor, even if it is superconducting, it will not float.An Feng tried it, maybe the second floor is too far away from the magnetic field of the earth's surface... While waiting for the results of the laboratory, time slowly came to February, and his parents in China called him overseas.

They plan to bring the couple back for a reunion year.

I heard that relatives will arrive together this year, and An Feng happened to have this intention, so he asked Joanna, who is also very curious about traditional culture, and when her schedule is settled, around December 28, she will fly to Back home, the diplomats went unimpeded all the way.

He also sent his father a pair of ivory chess pieces that had not passed the customs inspection. An Feng couldn't think of what to do with the two ivory chess pieces last time, and he bought them on a whim. , and make it into a small chess set.

As soon as she entered the house, Joanna took the credit and took out a gift and gave it to her parents.Mom's are some pearl jewelry and rare foreign jade bracelets that she picked out. She was so happy from ear to ear, she praised this daughter-in-law for being sensible for several days...while Dad looked at the gift box suspiciously.

"Open it." Joanna said expectantly.

The mother hurriedly reminded: "My daughter-in-law asked you to open the present in person!"

Dad let out an oh, opened it with a smile, and saw a yellowish chess set inside, picked it up and pondered: "It's so smooth."

"This is an elephant's tooth." Joanna said, her Chinese was very slow.

"Ivory?" Dad's eyes lit up, and he touched the other chess pieces. "This is a rare item. I heard that a pair can cost tens of thousands of yuan!"

"How to send such a valuable thing?" Mom also said.

"But it looks so beautiful." Joanna clicked a few chess pieces cutely.

The mother laughed and was instantly killed by the cuteness of the daughter-in-law.

The finished ivory chess pieces are not as white as imagined, but a little yellowish in color, bright and smooth, with a very good hand feel and heavy in the hand.Dad talked about expensive and expensive things, but the joy in his heart was completely written on his face.An Feng gave Joanna a thumbs up.

I didn’t live in the city after that, Anfeng Ma Daha, foreign countries and domestic and foreign countries plus flight time are different, today is already 29, and tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, my parents still stay at home in the city to wait for them, waiting for the two After sitting for half an hour and resting enough, I drove home.

The destination is a small town in the countryside.

From the perspective of experiencing traditional culture, there is no New Year flavor in the city, and now only the countryside still maintains the flavor of the New Year. While driving, my father said: "Today just happens to be the fair day, let's go early, and we can add more time." Juveniles are rare in this city now."

"Hurry... what?" Joanna asked.

"Go to the market." An Feng said, he knew that sound was not easy to pronounce. "It's a conventional fair trade... like a farmers' market in Los Angeles."

"Oh, I see, isn't there a lot of fruit?" Joanna asked.

An Feng said: "In addition to food, there are also some handicrafts, as well as fireworks and firecrackers. Anyway, there are many kinds, and you will know when you arrive."

"I'm really looking forward to it!" Joanna's expectations were full, and she lowered her head to look for the camera in her bag.

The car came to the bustling market, it was only one o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still trucks coming from the countryside, transporting various agricultural products.Some cows and horses are pulling carts on the street, and fresh fruits or pork are being transported to the vegetable market in batches, and there is a busy scene everywhere.

Both sides of the road are crowded with old folks, and the cars have to slow down and be careful when passing by. Through the windows, you can hear one after another yelling and shouting. The children are happily holding the firecrackers they just bought, laughing and laughing, and can't wait to stand on the side of the road. Fired in the field.

"Oh! Such an interesting candy!" Joanna stared at the candy painting stand by the roadside, she also liked it last time.

"Here we go!" Dad casually parked the car in front of someone else's store, got out of the car and greeted the owner of the store who was ordering food, getting acquainted.

An Feng also got out of the car... Then he underestimated the lethality of the foreign girl.

Chinese people like to join in the fun, especially when they see a tall blond beauty getting out of the car, their eyes all focus on this side.

Joanna wore a knitted wool thermal hat, but it couldn't hide her hair hanging down her back and shoulders. The blonde hair is almost iconic, and her face is also westernized. With a height of 174 cm and high heels, It is simply outstanding, and the rate of return is full.

She took An Feng's arm for a short stroll to see some rare objects, but unexpectedly they turned into rare objects later on.Everywhere you go, you will be the focus, and taking selfies of yourself will turn into a group photo... An Feng couldn't take it anymore, so he picked some New Year's goods at random, and dragged her away.

"Haha, a lot of people look at us, the treatment of a big star." Joanna smiled.

"Continue three floors in and out, and you will regret being a star." An Feng wiped his sweat, threw his things into the trunk, and let Joanna sit in the car.

Fortunately, my parents also understand the lethality of foreign wives, so they quickly finished shopping and said goodbye to their friends.On the way, Joanna was still flipping through the group photos in the camera, and there were some good ones, such as the tiger-head embroidered shoes hand-sewn by an old lady, in children's sizes.

"It's so cute." Joanna showed it to An Feng and then to her mother.

The mother smiled: "You have children, you can try it, it is very warm in winter."

Joanna said, "I will."

"When do you plan to ask for it?" Mom just followed the clues.

"No rush." ​​An Feng answered for her.

"You will be thirty next year." My mother said, in a tone of impatience.

"I'm so rich, thirty is not in a hurry." An Feng said casually.

"What does having money have to do with when you have children?" Mom said.

"Hmm..." An Feng propped his chin and thought for a while, "It has a lot to do with it. Some American experts say that the gene that can make money will not be inherited until after thirty."

"Is there such a thing?" Mom was dumbfounded.

"Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, he is just teasing you." Dad said.

"Hahaha!" An Feng laughed.It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but at least after all the plans are developing smoothly, there are too many variables now.


On the night of returning home, jet lag knocked them down, and both An Feng and Joanna went to bed early.Joanna didn't get up until the sun was shining on her butt the next day. Joanna changed into a pair of flat boots, pulled up her sleeves and started to "help".

The mother had no choice but to invite out the meddling daughter-in-law and let her go and make trouble with An Feng.

"No! He's setting off firecrackers outside in a competition with others!" Joanna snitched.

"What?" Mom stood up, "I'm so big, my wife doesn't care, so I go to play firecrackers with others? I'll deal with him!"

Mom rolled up her sleeves, pulled An Feng back who was trying to induce two chubby guys to blow up cow dung on the roadside, and then pushed Joanna to him. The meaning was obvious: you take care of your people.The implication is: the daughter-in-law is too curious, let her have something to do, don't add to the chaos.

"What are we doing?" Joanna happily regained control of him.

An Feng wiped his hands, looked up at the gate, and said, "Let's post couplets."

"I like it!" Joanna was eager to try.

"Okay, here you go." An Feng shrugged, found a bench and a couplet, stirred the paste, and put the paste on the back of the couplet together with her. She had to stand on the bench to post, and asked An Feng to support her below, staggering.

"I can't stand steadily." She looked down at An Feng.

"Then you can't blame the stool for being ugly, can you?" An Feng said.

"Carry me up." Her method.

"Okay." An Feng let out a long sigh, knowing it would be like this.He asked Joanna to ride on his neck, pasted the couplet crookedly, and then ran around the yard three times with her on his back as requested by Her Majesty the Queen. As a result, the second uncle who entered the door saw it, and laughed out of the cigarette in his mouth. to the ground.

An Feng put her down in embarrassment, and the second uncle smiled and said, "Go on, go on!"

Joanna also smiled, but fortunately, this is not England, and no one can see if a lady's morals are lost...

"Uncle, are you coming tomorrow night?" An Feng asked, breaking the embarrassment.

"Of course, your dad has already discussed it. Everyone gathers at the table on the first day of junior high school to have fun together. It's been several years since this scene happened."

"Oh." An Feng nodded, "Then I have to prepare a lot of red envelopes."

"Necessary, who told you not to have children!" The second uncle said with a smile, his grandsons are all soy sauce, and only An Feng is almost thirty.

An Feng was not afraid of him laughing: "Just wait, I will bring a football team in the future, and earn back the red envelopes given out over the years in one go!"

"Hey! That's clever!" The second uncle chatted with them for a while, and then went into the house to discuss things with his father.

The evening is naturally a traditional event on New Year's Eve. The family gathers together to have a New Year's Eve dinner, taste the crafts specially learned by the mother, and let the foreign daughter-in-law learn a lot.Then it is to burn charcoal, chat and eat snacks around the sofa, watch the party, and watch the night together.After the last moment of New Year's Eve, everyone ran to set off firecrackers. Amidst the sound of firecrackers one after another, they entered the New Year lively.

(End of this chapter)

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