Chapter 254 Representative Office

The sound of crackling firecrackers rang again in the early morning of the next day. An Feng buried his head in the bed and covered his ears. This traditional year is interesting but boring. What is interesting is that everyone was having fun last night, but now he is sleepy Sometimes, it is annoying to hear these sounds.

I stayed in bed for a while, until there was a knock on the door outside, and my mother told them to get up and eat, and then reluctantly got up.After washing up, according to the habit, An Feng changed into new clothes for the New Year. An Feng's dress was very simple, but Joanna went downstairs satisfied after trying several times.

The hall was full of people, relatives were all present, chatting and laughing happily.When An Feng appeared, everyone's eyes focused on the two of them, and it was warm and cordial New Year greetings. An Feng responded with a smile and wished each other a New Year with everyone.Joanna also followed suit by his side.

This big reunion was planned by my parents a long time ago. After all, they haven’t seen each other for many years. An Feng’s career has flourished and he has helped everyone a lot. They all have to come here because of love and reason, so the topic is also focused on them. , There are a lot of household matters, those who care about, and those who congratulate.

There is also a group of children running up and down, their parents and An Feng's peers are now all around his uncle and yelling, the purpose is very simple - red envelopes.Before coming here, An Feng exchanged cash at the bank, and put them one by one in the red envelopes bought in the gift shop.

After taking it out, the brat's eyes naturally glowed.

An Feng pulled up a chair and sat down, with a basket full of red envelopes in his hand. Joanna stood beside him, smiling: "Children, it sounds nice."

They showed their prowess, some were as smooth as endorsements, some hesitated and couldn't hold back a few words, and some were dedicated to being cute and sympathetic... Their hard work was rewarded, and every red envelope was heavy. Yes, in addition to the hundred, there are also many small denominations.

As a person who has experienced it, An Feng estimates from his experience that there is a high probability that hundreds of them will be kept by parents-often missing.The small denominations, such as 20 yuan and [-] yuan, are relatively easy for children to control, so after they opened them, the cheers were very warm from the bottom of their hearts.

Even after Xiaoyu got the red envelope, she gave Joanna a kiss in a very foreign way. This cute kung fu really made her aunt laugh.

After distributing the red envelopes, it was afternoon, and everyone started to get busy. This time there were a lot of people, and it was estimated that there would be two or three tables, and there were enough ingredients. My mother was too busy alone. Joanna just wanted to show off, but the three aunts and six wives invited her out ...Joanna smiled and avoided the work, and she had to be praised again.

Everyone helped, those who moved the table moved the table, and those who had nothing to do came to the yard to bask in the sun. The spring sun was warm and comfortable.An Feng's cousin also specially sat in front of them and talked about some things about the construction of the school, which is very particular.

An Hui is a few years older than An Feng, and she thinks about things comprehensively. She said: "The current 2000 million yuan is more than enough to spend on the construction of the school, but you haven't thought it through. In the school's annual operation, the expenditure is less than that of the school. You expected it to be bigger, 300 million is not enough."

An Feng said, "What about the 600 million?"

An Hui was speechless, and the rest of her speech was completely ruined by this sentence. She almost forgot that the person in front of her was a rich man whose unit was in US dollars.

Joanna said: "I have learned a little bit that the quality of a school is mainly due to the quality of teachers. In China, compared with private schools, you trust public schools more. I was also very surprised at the time. In the UK, I have always been Those who go to private public schools, except American universities.”

An Hui nodded: "Most of them are like this, but it doesn't mean that private schools in China are necessarily bad, some aristocratic schools in big cities are typical, but we don't do this kind of thing now, but can let children have a better environment Schools, teaching conditions, and the level of teachers all have to be considered.”

"Then 1000 million per year?" An Feng still couldn't understand.

An Hui sighed.Joanna said with a smile: "She wants to say that the teaching method determines the quality of the school, and it is not enough to work hard on the surface."

"Then poach the wall." An Feng said.

"That's it." An Hui said, "I've seen many schools. There are good students and bad students, but the nature of the children is good. It's just that the way of education and management is not good enough. In this regard, Western education is It is relatively advanced, but it is impossible to completely copy it in China.”

An Feng gradually understood: "Isn't it a combination of advantages? Then there are more requirements here, and the quality cannot be judged, but the quantity must be balanced. I think that the number of students in each class in foreign schools is very small, and it may be possible to do the same. Anyway, in the early days of the school’s establishment, there were not many students.”

An Hui nodded: "Yes, only with this small class system of ten or so people, teachers can have more energy to take care of each child. Children's thoughts and behaviors are cultivated from an early age. Schools and families are important places. In other words, when it comes to teaching, it is better to teach how to be a person first.”

"Then there must be enough investment every year." An Feng said.

Anhui continued: "If you can continue to invest, the school's funds do not depend on the education system. You can consider the model in which the principal is responsible for education and management, teachers are elected to form an education evaluation committee, and the council is responsible for the allocation of funds. Of course, teacher exchange training must also be in line with international standards. .”

An Feng felt that An Hui had really put her mind on this, and she still had many, many ideas. Although she couldn't change the current educational situation, she could experiment with An Feng's plan.She considered cultivating quality first, so the school's demand for the number of students would be reduced.

An Feng thought about it and said, "It's too troublesome for me to invest every time, but it's not appropriate to put the funds in the school without circulation."

"Foundation." Joanna tugged at him.

"Yes, it's a good idea." An Feng said to An Hui again: "Joanna has a foundation, maybe it can support the school."

"It's more resource-saving." Joanna said proudly, "My private foundation, in addition to charity, can also use funds for business investment. It is enough to support the operation of the school every year."

The Elizabeth Fund is currently investing in the British Machinery Company. As a next-generation technology company, although it is not eye-catching, it is very competitive. It involves both civilian and military applications. In the future, the annual profit will be tens of millions of pounds.Not a problem, part of the vote is for the school, isn't it enough to operate?

An Hui's eyes lit up: "This is a very good idea. If you can't keep investing money in it, the foundation's profits will be enough."

An Feng said: "So, it is not only for the operation of the school, but it can also support some domestic college students with excellent character and learning. Anyway, the purpose of this foundation is to do charity around the world and earn fame. It is also used in Europe and Asia. It is also a kind act encouraged by the government.”

He thought for a while, and then said to Joanna: "Maybe we can continue to invest some money in the foundation, after all, this part can be used for tax deductions."

"I agree," she said.

An Hui said: "I found out that you haven't seen each other for a few years, kid, but your realm has improved a lot."

"Haha, thank you!" An Feng laughed. "Actually, you should praise Joanna more. She is the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary, with a heart to help the world."

Joanna smiled too.

An Feng then said: "Just like the Elizabeth Fund set up a representative office in the United States, it should also set up a representative office in China. How about the capital?"

Anhui said: "If you want to set up a representative office, the procedures are more troublesome, because the history of domestic foundations is not as deep as that of foreign foundations, and it is just at the beginning. Many laws and policies have been perfected. So far, the establishment of representative offices in mainland China There are only more than 20 foreign foundations.”

"Troublesome?" An Feng asked.

"The registration process is quite tortuous. I happen to have friends who have been in contact with these before. Not to mention foreign countries, even some foundations in China need to go through many channels. Of course, the policies of different places are different, such as city S and city B may provide better services. , but not necessarily in other regions.”

An Feng was not familiar with these procedures, and the representative office in the United States was handled by his assistant and the representative in the United Kingdom. After verifying that it was not for profit, it was successfully set up.But I didn't expect that there is a lack of applicable laws for overseas foundations. Although it is allowed in principle, the management is not perfect.

In the end, Anhui gave a solution: "Maybe you can go to Hong Kong to register, it is more accepting of Western culture, it should be faster."

It is certain that Hong Kong is more open than the mainland, and it is naturally more international. An Feng thought about it, and from a quick perspective, Hong Kong is also good. Donating to the mainland is also an act within China, and it is subject to Hong Kong’s laws and regulations. It's not a bad thing either.

An Feng said: "I will find a time to make a phone call to the British side and ask them to contact the Hong Kong government. If the problem is not serious, I will consider that side first."


Afterwards, I learned from the British side that the Hong Kong government welcomes foreign charitable organizations stationed here, but everyone is celebrating the traditional New Year, and government personnel are not at work, so there may be a delay.After An Feng heard the news, he decided to let the representative office settle in Hong Kong first.

If possible in the future, set up another one in the Mainland.

In this way, there are Elizabeth Foundations on three continents. As a transnational nature, it obviously needs to have strong financial strength.

A few million pounds is not enough, and An Feng is considering donating another [-] million US dollars.

After Joanna learned of the decision, she asked, "Do you really want so much?"

"Think about charity and tax avoidance." An Feng has his own reasons. "Recently, I have too much income. If I hand over the money to the U.S. government, I can't control it. It's better to donate it to a charity fund. I can designate its use. It's not my own money anymore, but the latter is comfortable!"

This year, Anfeng's income is expected to reach 70 billion, and the tax is 20 billion. There is also a limit to the deduction of business investment, and the rest will be handed over to the US government for nothing?An Feng is not very happy, and donating can also be used to offset his taxable income, and it can also give Joanna a good reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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