Chapter 262 Thoroughbred

It is not difficult to play sand flushing with a V12 engine off-road vehicle.After Joanna got familiar with the trick, she moved forward obliquely and backwards with ease. She also hit the waves by the beach and danced with the waves.But the Arabs don't seem to like swimming in the sea, but the unique sand sports.

They didn't return until afternoon.

Originally, Laila had to drive, but Khalid changed a car with them. It was the same model, the only difference was that there were some Arabic letters written on the side of Khalid’s white G65. An Feng was puzzled. Ask: "Let me drive? Are you afraid that the police will come to check the car?"

Khalid is not worried: "Don't worry, the license plate is reserved for the royal family, and there will be no police stopping and checking."

An Feng looked at the license plate, and unexpectedly, he also drove a privileged car... Get in the car and follow Khaled to leave the sand washing area, return to the road, inflate the tires at the auto parts store, and start on the road again.Back in Doha, Khalid recommended them a Lebanese restaurant in Doha Bay.

The location of this restaurant is very good, it is open-air, and it is located by the bay. When night falls, the lights on the high-rise buildings shine on the sea, and the lights are brilliant and bright.Sitting on the beach and enjoying it quietly, you can look at the bustling city, but stay away from the hustle and bustle.

After the four sat down, Khaled introduced: "This is the most exquisite Lebanese restaurant in Arabia, with the most delicious Arabic food."

An Feng picked up the menu booklet, which said "Welcome to the best restaurant in the world" in English, with great confidence.When you open the menu and see those exquisite dishes, it feels a bit like a la carte in a French restaurant, with complex and diverse types.On the recommendation of Khalid, I ordered a few specialties.

Khaled explained: "Lebanon was once ruled by France, and French culture has a great influence on them, and there is always a shadow of French cuisine on the dishes."

Laila from Lebanon also said: "Because of the influence of Western culture, Lebanese food is the most distinctive of Arab food."

As far as I know these days, Lebanon is also a Middle Eastern country. It believes in Islam, but it is the most special among them. Their clothing and music lead Arab fashion. Miss World often has the shadow of Lebanese women, and food is also in Arab countries. the best.

Looking at the women who occasionally followed their husbands around, they were all dressed in black robes with only one face exposed, while Laila was dressed in a fashionable fashion. From the clothes, you can feel the difference between Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries. They are very Open, even regarded as "heterogeneous".

It is this kind of maverick, when the meal is on the table, people in other regions can also experience this delicacy, which is similar to the order of French meals, appetizers, main courses, then desserts and tea.A beautiful and delicious meal that satisfies those who enjoy it.

Khalid also served as a cultural ambassador, explaining the customs and habits of their country to An Feng and Joanna, and enhancing their understanding.Some local people are explaining, and many phenomena can be explained, such as the ban on alcohol in Qatar, but foreign hotels in Doha are allowed to sell alcohol.

"There are no regulations for foreigners to drink alcohol in foreign restaurants, and the price of alcohol is slightly more expensive, but for locals to buy alcohol, it is difficult and requires a license."

"You need a license to buy alcohol?" An Feng asked.

"Yes, we, like other countries in Japan, strictly prohibit alcohol." After Khalid finished speaking, he moved closer, "In fact, under the impact of Western culture, many people's ideas have changed. For example, there are often some The rich secretly take yachts to Bahrain to drink."

"I see." An Feng said.


The next day, Khalid continued to take them around as a tour guide.

It seems that Khaled is determined to be a cultural disseminator and promote his country to foreign friends.It feels good. After experiencing the cultural customs yesterday, today he drove them to the Doha Jockey Club in the suburbs to experience the equestrian culture of Qatar.

The Doha Jockey Club used to hold the Asian Games equestrian competition. The construction of the venue is very luxurious, with modern stables and standard indoor and outdoor training grounds.They raise batches of expensive horses, mostly Arabian horses, which are of great interest to the couple.

Khaled said as he walked: "We raise a lot of purebred Arabian horses here, and there are also descendants of champion horses. They are all super-class thoroughbred horses. There are even a few Egyptian purebred Arabian horses worth more than ten million, but it is a pity , they were taken to private breeding."

"Are you interested in selling it?" An Feng asked.

Khalid did not refuse: "You are my guests, if you like it, I can consider reselling some top-notch Arabian horses to you."

"This is the best news today." An Feng said.

Khaled smiled and said, "It's only early in the morning."

"Joanna and I both like equestrianism, and an equestrian club in the United States is about to be established, and we are currently looking for high-quality horses all over the world." An Feng said.

"Finding the horse that suits my heart is really troublesome," Khaled said.

An Feng said: "I agree. The demand for the club is high, and it is difficult to find the number that can form a polo team. Until now, we have not made up our minds. If you have good horses here, Seriously, I'd pay a premium for a batch."

"That's no problem, let's visit first." Khaled invited them to enter.

Coincidentally, there is an indoor training hall that is training equestrianism. When I visited it up close, the knights are actually a few young children, at most thirteen or fourteen years old. Besides the boy, there are two girls, all of them are the same. British equestrian equipment, wearing heroic looks on the body.

Khalid said proudly: "Our country is also slowly opening up. Equality between men and women is a matter of time. Only by following the trend can we be accepted by the world."

Joanna agreed: "I agree."

Khalid took them to the fence. The two children were performing. Joanna raised her camera to take pictures of them. A woman in a black robe walked beside her, covering her hair and ears like a traditional Arab woman. Only one face was exposed, and it looked very young.

But she did not have the shyness of Arab women in her impression. Instead, she proudly pointed to a boy on the field and said in English: "That is my son. He is 12 years old this year."

Joanna smiled: "Their riding skills are good."

The woman also smiled: "Of course, there are also my two daughters. They are resting and will play later. You can also take pictures of them."

An Feng looked along, and there were two girls who were dressed similarly to ordinary western girls, and they were looking at the camera here, they were cuter than scissorhands.

Khalid told them: "In fact, in this field, boys and girls have equal rights, and this is what we have fought for."

Seeing Khalid's face clearly, the woman nodded in surprise and shyness, and greeted him in Arabic.

Khalid also showed a friendly smile.

After chatting with each other, I learned that the woman is from Lebanon. Although she has never studied abroad, she has learned English and French. Later, she married a rich man in Qatar and lived a happy life.Qatar is relatively open. Although it is also polygamous, not everyone has several wives.

Arab countries can marry up to four wives, but it’s not that women have no power. It requires the husband to treat all women fairly, that is, what to buy for the eldest wife, and the other three must be the same, so not all men Like the habit of polygamy.

But when Joanna also wanted to take a photo with her, she refused with a smile.

After some visits and explanations, I finally came to the stables where the good horses were raised. Khalid translated the situation of each horse introduced by the staff.Here are all three to six-year-old horses, enjoying the most professional care, more than half of them are Arabian purebloods, all of them are valuable and smart.

Khaled said: "The thoroughbred horses here were imported from England and have been registered in the studbook. The "General Register" can be traced back hundreds of years. Their ancestors are all the three famous thoroughbred horses. The genetics are stable. It is extremely explosive and is recognized as the best breed in the world. Especially for horses used in sprint competitions, bloodlines play a very important role because of the genetic stability of their parents."

Joanna took a fancy to the younger ones. One of them was just over three years old. Usually, this age has not yet completed growth and development. Buying is risky, but there are also surprises.There is an element of luck in it, the young ones are cheap, but risky, and the ones that have been proved by the event are risk-free, but the price is high.

"I found the right one," Joanna said back.

"Are you sure?" An Feng asked, he had no knowledge of Joanna.

"They are very good in terms of response and performance." Joanna said, "One is three and a half years old, and the other is four years old. When the club is established, we need to train for one or two years. Add the training period, and they will Be in top shape physically and mentally, won't you?"

"It makes sense." An Feng calculated the addition, and the age of six happened to be the adult period of a horse.

Khalid said at this time: "If you like these two horses, I can contact the management and sell them to you at a reasonable price."

"It's really troublesome for you." An Feng said.

Khalid contacted the management of the club. In fact, this place is state property, so with his help and a certain friendship factor, it is not a big problem to sell these horses that are preparing for training, and the price is not too high. , with an average price of $40 per horse.

After staying in Doha for a few days, Guliedman also sent news.

The result of the negotiation with Saab is that the other party is willing to sell 35% of the shares at a price of 3.1 million US dollars, which is a bit higher than An Feng expected, but considering its annual growth rate and sales, Joanna obviously likes this Design, he agreed and asked to sign the contract as soon as possible.

So the trip in Qatar is also over.

An Feng hugged Khaled farewell at the airport: "Thank you very much for your warm hospitality these days, making us feel comfortable at home. Doha is a beautiful and charming place. If there is a chance, I also welcome it very much You are a guest in California!"

Khaled smiled and said, "It will, my friend!"

An Feng let go of him, and Khalid shook hands with Joanna again, said some polite words, then watched them board the plane, and waved his hands below.

Joanna sat down and said, "Khalid is so enthusiastic."

An Feng nodded: "He is a friend worth dealing with. Congratulations, we have also opened up circles in the Middle East, and Lebanon is next!"

(End of this chapter)

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