Chapter 263 Flying Around the World
After a short flight, the plane landed in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

Due to lack of understanding, in the eyes of outsiders, the Middle East is a place full of war, poverty and terrorism, but this is too one-sided, just like some Americans still think that China has no toilets, and uniform uniforms and speeches are everywhere iron curtain society.

Perhaps just like Dubai, Beirut has subverted people's understanding of the Arab world. It has been dubbed the "Paris of the Middle East". In line.

Driving on the streets of Beirut, you can feel the vicissitudes of history and the prosperity of modern society, and the Arab women here have been liberated to the extent that they can abandon the black robes, show their faces, and freely choose their clothes.Part of the backward religious culture was diluted.

On the way to the destination, Joanna pointed out the window: "Look, there is a mosque next to the Catholic Church!"

An Feng followed her pointing eyes, amazed, probably rare in the world, two religious buildings are built next to each other, and live in harmony.

Such a strange scene, no wonder the Arabs call Lebanon an alternative.

Taking a quick glance inside the car, I already have a preliminary impression of this city. It is not backward and poor. As a little Paris, its bustling business district gathers world-renowned luxury stores, restaurants, and high-end hotels.You can't tell the difference between locals and foreign tourists in the crowd.

The car ended up in the business district, in front of Elie-Saab's flagship store.

The driver opened the car door, An Feng stuffed a few US dollars at random, and two people walked in the store, Sabo and Goodrich, they both smiled and shook hands with An Feng.

"Come in!" Sabo turned sideways gracefully.

Stepping into the flagship store, spacious, luxurious, and full of artistic sense are the first impressions.It is very appropriate for a brand cultural center that combines fashion and luxury.It is not so much a store as a fashion showcase, where every piece of ready-to-wear and dresses is carefully displayed for customers to appreciate.

After a quick glance, he went upstairs and came to the office.

There were lawyers invited by both parties in the office. Goodrich introduced the lawyers he invited. After the two parties shook hands, they sat down and began to talk about the content of the contract and some details that needed to be explained. It took some time. Ann Feng also asked some doubts.

After the confirmation was correct, Joanna signed the agreement as a funder.

That's right, it was a gift from An Feng to her.

After signing the contract, the largest female shareholder shook hands with Saab and opened champagne to wish the beginning of a good cooperation.

Sabo delivered a speech: "To the beautiful lady!"

Joanna clinks glasses with him.

"And Mr. An!" Sabo turned to An Feng, "A person in the world who can love his wife so much is an admirable gentleman!"

An Feng smiled and clinked glasses with him.

After the celebration ceremony, everyone dispersed.Joanna stayed for a visit, and asked Sabo's female assistant to measure her accurate body data. Not only simple measurements, but also shoulder width, neck thickness, arm length, and body length below the navel had to be recorded in detail.

According to the agreement, Sabo had to design a dress specially for Joanna.

Sabo, who obtained the final data, said: "Madam's figure is very good, even if she is a catwalk model, there is no problem. Even if the clothes I design are not deliberately adjusted, Madam will definitely feel natural and appropriate when she wears them. Show it off!"

Joanna smiled when she heard the compliment from the professional designer.

Stay a little longer, visit the storefront, say goodbye to Sabo, and stay in a local hotel.

In the afternoon, they ran into a fashion event held by the hotel, allowing them to experience the lively scene of swimsuit parties and beauties in bikinis celebrating.

It’s true that this is an Arab country, and it’s also true that they are locals.

Therefore, the Arab women who covered their whole body and only showed their eyes basically disappeared here. Miss Lebanon is world-famous, and she is a constant winner on the supermodel stage.Beauty pageants and beauty competitions are particularly popular in the local area. In Beirut, women can naturally express themselves boldly.

The appearance and figure of the big girl in Lebanon are similar to those of the West, to be precise, Turkey.Their enthusiasm and self-confidence are no less than that of Westerners. An Feng also saw them perform a Turkish-style belly button dance... Lebanon and Turkey are definitely two different types in the world.

After watching the performance, An Feng said: "Those sexy and enchanting women in the Arabian palace are definitely the prototypes brought by Turkey."

Joanna discovered the New World: "So you used to watch this kind of movie."

An Feng smiled.


Due to the arrangement of the plane stay, they only stayed for two days before leaving in a hurry.

The last time Anfeng asked to set up a charity fund representative office in Hong Kong, it has now been properly handled.But Joanna needs to go back to London first to deal with the details, and then bring representatives to Hong Kong to attend as chairman and officially announce its establishment.

An Feng also talked about some things with Goodrich by the way.

With regard to Premier League clubs, Goodrich does not need to prepare materials at all. He can casually say a lot of things that fans are familiar with, but as a professional assistant, his judgment cannot bring personal emotions, so he gives a more fair point of view. Good and bad for each team.

In the end, he also recommended Liverpool.

Goodrich said: "After Liverpool changed the boss, there were a few bright spots in the middle, but there was always a feeling of weakness. Because of the team's owner's family background and the conservative venture capital, the club will not have much money to buy players. If it continues, it will deplete the family fortune."

"What about the possibility of acquisition?" An Feng was more concerned about this.

"It is said that Henry plans to sell Liverpool, but firstly, his price is too high, and secondly, there are still differences, and investors are also hesitant."

An Feng asked: "How much do you estimate it will cost?"

Goodrich thought for a while before saying: "About...about 3.5 million to 4.2 million pounds. In terms of efficiency, no matter how high it is, it is unnecessary to buy small teams and use the remaining money to buy more outstanding players. , what Liverpool are worth now is the background and the fan base."

Goodrich and Khaled have similar views and similar valuations. The money in the offshore account can be exchanged for about 8.2 million pounds, which is still very ample.The remaining [-] million can be used to buy players, or build new stadiums, or invest a few more billions, and start the two at the same time.

An Feng prefers the new stadium, which can be named for Bida Company.

After much deliberation, I still have to face the simplest question: "You communicate with the club on my behalf. If you can get a reasonable price, I will make a move."

Goodrich nodded: "I will do these jobs well."

"If it doesn't work, you can give me a plan with low value, but potential, and a team that can use money to buy players and win good results."

"Understood." Goodrich said.


After chartering the route from London to Hong Kong, An Feng's G650 took the members of the foundation and set off.

The journey took ten hours.

After the plane landed at Hong Kong International Airport, it was the morning of the local time. They had been flying frequently these days, and they didn’t feel much tired. They focused on high-end enjoyment throughout the whole process, but jet lag was a problem. Joanna yawned again and again An Feng then canceled the afternoon activities.

Take the welcome car of the hotel and head to Hong Kong Island.

Due to the small size of the land and the large population, the airport was built far away from the city. It occupies a small island to itself. To get to the city, you have to walk for a while, cross the sea, pass through Kowloon, and then pass through the subsea tunnel before reaching the high-rise building. Towering, overcrowded Hong Kong.

I didn't think much of it, and after getting off the car, I stayed in a hotel suite to beat the jet lag.

After a full night's rest, take a stroll around the neighborhood first.Because the location of the hotel is in the bustling central ring, there are shopping malls and hotels around, the city is not big, so walking is no problem.These days I eat a lot and exercise less, so I can just use the time now to walk and digest.

Joanna picked out a coat, wore jeans and sneakers, and went out without makeup and any jewelry.

An Feng looked at her and said, "It feels like you look much younger after removing your makeup."

"I'm very young!" She was confident, "You are older than me, so I have to dress up in a mature style to match you!"

"My fault!" An Feng smiled, and walked hand in hand under the bright lights, "I feel pretty good now, I'm tired of walking on high heels all day long."

"Beauty has a price." Joanna said, pointing to the front, "Go over there! There are many specialty shops in the old street, I have been here before."

"Okay." An Feng took her to a famous nostalgic old street in Hong Kong. There is a first-class stone road at the foot, and both sides are crowded with old shops and vendors, selling clothes, small gifts, jewelry, etc. of.Joanna just likes to rummage here and there for fun.

After walking with her for a certain distance, she looked forward again and said, "There should be the escalator from Central to Mid-Levels. Let's experience it."

There is nothing special about it. It is the escalator to the mountain. It is more than 800 meters long. It is said to be the longest in the world. There are entrances and exits every certain distance. If you have to walk, you will turn back.

Hong Kong is beautiful at night, full of traffic, colorful pedestrians, and skyscrapers on both sides of the road, shining with colorful lights. The first experience will feel spectacular, but for people like them who have traveled all over the world’s metropolises, they are not very interested. Want to feel the local culture.

Passing by a commercial building, she looked at a large group of tourists queuing in front of the Gucci brand store, and was a little surprised: "There are still people so late."

"Going to Paris during the peak tourist season is more spectacular. There are specially equipped shopping guides who can speak Chinese. Some stores will limit the quantity of each person's purchases, and even stipulate the time of stay." An Feng looked at the tourists queuing up, and came from afar to eat or not Playing, just for shopping, is just looking for guilt.

"It's so beautiful." She looked eagerly at the shop window.

"Please!" An Feng looked at her, thinking that you are a person who enjoys all-round customization, and you still look forward to these brand products?
"Life always needs something to look forward to." Joanna's reasoning.

"Don't look, it's not allowed!" An Feng pulled her away, don't pretend to be pitiful, and let others misunderstand that he doesn't even want to buy a bag for his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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